Live Your Passion – Mastin Kipp

Mastin Kipp, a number one best-selling author, speaker, and life interventionist, shares how you can overcome your fears and live your passion.
He’ll assure you that grace will catch you on your way down. All you have to do is just take the leap.

Get over yourself because it’s not about you. It’s about you serving other people.
The focus of your business has to be about, “How can I serve and how can I earn it?”
There’s a generalization that money is not good from a spiritual perspective and that is a misinterpretation of what Jesus Christ said.
There’s no cost spending money on a coaching package or a book. It costs you not to take action.
Most of us tend to value others more than ourselves.
When it comes to life coaches or healers that have an issue charging, it is entirely a self-worth issue.
You’ve got to charge for what you’re worth because otherwise, you’re hiding.
When you’re selling somebody into a personal development package, what you’re doing is you’re inviting them into a higher level of their life.
It’s easy to spend money on a car or clothes because it doesn’t change your life.
When you invest in a program that changes your life, you got to bring a whole new better version of yourself forward.
If you are confident at selling, it means that you believe in your program and that you have a sense of honesty and integrity that it’s going to work.
Your job is not to let the people’s fear and limits talk them out of their transformations.
If you’re going to be a coach, then you have to learn not to let the limits of your potential clients stop you from selling them.
To live your passion is not something that makes you temporarily happy.
Let the emotion pass through. Don’t judge it. Feel it fully.
The beliefs behind our emotions is a pre-programming from our parents or our early childhood.
The entrepreneurial journey is about maturing.
If you want to start a business, it’s like saying you want to sign up to do the hardest thing there is to do as a human being.
Things you could do daily:
- Find time in your day that is an uninterrupted time like deep work.
- Once a day, ask yourself these three questions.
- What did I do yesterday? What got in the way? What am I going to do today?
Take the leap and make a decision you can’t go back from. Go from 98% to 100% today.

Luis Congdon
All right. Welcome. Today, we have Mastin Kipp.
We’re going to be talking about how you can live your passion, sharing that passion with the world, and getting paid what you’re worth. Also, we’re going to talk about taking the big leap in your life, and how do you take that big leap, so you’re living to the fullest and doing the things that scare you but also excite and feed you, and give you the best life possible.

Kamala Chambers
Hey, guys. This is amazing. Today, we have Mastin Kipp on the episode. Mastin is going to talk about how you can live your passion.
He is a number one best-selling author, speaker, and life interventionist for people who are looking for rapid transformation. You’ve probably seen him on SuperSoul Sunday, the Emmy award-winning show, and he’s been recognized as a Thought Leader for the next generation by Oprah Winfrey herself.
This guy is a best-selling author. He’s gotten a ton of recognition and been alongside Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Dr. Brené Brown, all of those and we’re so happy to have him on the show.

Luis Congdon
All right. We’re here with someone that inspires you to live your passion, and I’m excited to have him on the show.
Welcome to Thriving Launch Mastin Kipp.

Mastin Kipp
Hey, you all! What’s up? I’m so excited to be here. I’m so happy that we’re doing this.

Luis Congdon
Yes, such incredible energy, and we always ask our guest, are you ready to launch, Mastin?

Mastin Kipp
I am launching right now! Let’s do this.
Live Your Passion And Love Your Life

Luis Congdon
He’s ready to launch.
One of the first things I want to ask you because this is something you do a lot. It’s inspiring people to go out there, live your passion and live a life you love. Here at Thriving Launch, we talk a lot about doing what you love for a living, and it’s such a big hurdle for so many people.
I’m curious how you can live your passion. What are your insights around that? “How do I do what I love or how do I get out there and just overcome this fear? I want to become a yoga teacher or a mentor or a coach or some intuitive healer.” How do I get out there and start doing that and overcome that fear?

Mastin Kipp
Sure, I would love to talk about how you can live your passion. This is such a great question. I could probably answer that one question. We could talk for the rest of our time together because it’s such a loaded question. I would say a few things.
First of all, I would say that we got to get over this sort of post new age expectations that things should be easy.

Live Your Passion And Work Smart

Mastin Kipp
You gotta earn it. It’s hard work. It’s not something that you put on a vision board, and your good intentions make it so.
It’s something that has to be earned to live your passion. And it’s something that anyone who is achieving life at that level has been through the hard times. They make lemonade out of old lemons and work their butt off. The way that they do that is they’re not focused on themselves.
They ask these questions. How many people will I talk to? Will they like my offer? Will they like my website? Will they like my Facebook page?

Mastin Kipp
When you make your business and success about you, you stop all momentum because you’re here to serve.
If you’re a yoga teacher, you’re here to help somebody else, not yourself. If you’re a life coach, you’re here to help them. It’s not about your neurosis.
Obviously, we have to work our stuff out in our business. But the core focus of your business as an entrepreneur is not your insecurities. It’s got to be about, “How can I serve and how can I earn it?” first and foremost. You got to go through that mindset to live your passion otherwise; you’ll be dead in the water.
Live Your Passion And Focus On Your Strengths

Luis Congdon
I know a lot of people who are spiritual healers or doing work around that healing area, encounter one of the biggest hurdles, and I’m one of those people.
I started off as a relationship coach and helping people. You have to focus on your strengths and live your passion. Then, I struck gold when people began to notice that I was excellent at the podcasting area and a lot of individuals in business wanted my help getting their message out. I feel like I accidently stumbled into this by following one passion.

Mastin Kipp
Love it. You have to identify your strengths to live your passion.

Luis Congdon
Yeah, I like it too. I feel very fortunate I stumbled into something that allows me to share my gifts and passion but it wasn’t the original intention.
One of the biggest hurdles I had around that and this is something a lot of people like ourselves Mastin, struggle with is charging. Finding that it’s okay to charge and be fine with saying, “That will be $100.” “That will be $5,000.” “That will be $10,000.” Whatever price we have to say, “I’m going to help you heal, and it’s going to cost you.”
What is your opinion on that? How to overcome some of those hurdles to live your passion?
Live Your Passion And Live Your Purpose

Mastin Kipp
I love this question around how to live your passion. I feel part of my purpose, and yours as well is to end that mindset for good.
I come from the music business, and for some reason, if you’re a rock star, movie star, whatever, you’re expected to make millions of dollars. Flaunt it. Be on a boat with a bunch of girls, and it’s okay. If you’re Leo Dicaprio, it’s fine.
Now, in our space, that total behavior will get you blacklisted. You would not be able to have any credibility in the healing space if that’s how you’re behaving.
What’s interesting is whether you’re a sports star, a movie star, an athlete like anyone who’s achieving at the highest level. You’re Bill Gates or Steve Jobs or Travis from Uber, it’s okay to have financial affluence.
However, there’s this idea that if you’re in any way, shape, or form healing people or improving their lives, there’s no value to that and it should be free. This idea comes from such a gross misinterpretation of the words of Jesus Christ when he talks about, “It’s easier for a rich man to go through the eye of a needle than it is the kingdom of heaven.”
What they say is, “Oh, well. Jesus said that and then he was turning over money to the money-lenders turn over the tables.” There’s this generalization that money is not good from a spiritual perspective. It helps you live your passion. I think that is a gross misrepresentation of what the meaning was.
If anybody puts money ahead of your spiritual practice, if you make money more important in your life than your higher power, connecting to others and serving others, you will not be happy.
Nowhere is it said that we couldn’t prosper. Nowhere is it stated that we couldn’t go forth and multiply. Nowhere is it said that we couldn’t have an abundant life.
Live Your Passion And Have A Prosperous Life

Mastin Kipp
In fact, the Proverbs is full of all kinds of biblical references to being the servant of your creator and having a prosperous life as a result. In order to have a prosperous life you need to live your passion.
What happens is there’s this interpretation from a spiritual teacher that’s been misinterpreted. These are the only words of Jesus that have been misinterpreted over the years. So it’s no surprise. And then, this gets embedded into this idea of the culture today that if I’m a Reiki master, a yoga teacher, a life coach, or any of this type of people, a nutrition coach, it should be free.
This is just such a parasitical mindset that’s out there because of a couple of things. First of all, let’s say you spend $5,000 or $10,000 with a life coach or $19 on a book. There’s no cost. What it costs you is not to take action. It costs you something not to improve your life and not to live your passion.
People will go and spend tens of thousands of dollars in a year on wine or cigarettes. They’ll pay $10,000 – $100,000 on a car that depreciates by half its value the second it’s driven off a lot.
You have to look at this type of stuff you’re talking about here is an investment in yourself that will help you live your passion.
When you’re purchasing a life coaching package, a retreat or a book, it’s investment in yourself.
I think one of the reasons why people don’t value that is because most of us tend to want to value others more than ourselves. We probably want to buy it for somebody else than we would for ourselves.
Make A Change And Live Your Passion

Mastin Kipp
Now, when it comes to life coaches or healers that have an issue charging, this is entirely a self-worth issue, and it’s about how they’re making about themselves. “I’m not enough.”
The idea is when you’re just getting started in the business, and you want to be able to charge, you have some pressure. You got the rent or the mortgage or the family. There’s remarkable pressure to get you to move, but there’s this idea that you got to charge for what you’re worth because otherwise, you’re hiding.
I think if you look at any of the greats, whether it’s Bob Proctor, Tony Robbins, they’re all fantastic not just at changing lives but at selling.
When you’re selling somebody into a personal development package, what you’re doing is you’re inviting them into a higher level of their life.
It’s scary as hell because when you go to that next step, you don’t know what’s going to happen. You don’t know if you’re going to be better off or things are going to change. People are terrified of change.
And so, it’s much easier to spend money on a fancy sports car, a bunch of wine, some drugs, clothes, traveling around where you’re not even on vacation. You’re just escaping your emotions. It’s easy to spend money on something like that because it doesn’t change your life. It’s not scary.
However, when you invest in a program that changes your life, you got to bring a whole new better version of yourself forward and live your passion.
The conversation between the coach and the prospective client, what happens is the coach can see how much they believe in themselves. The coach can see how much healing they’ve had, and how much they believe their message, and how confident they are at selling.
Live Your Passion And Be Confident

Mastin Kipp
If you’re selling snake, well then, this doesn’t apply to you. You have to have integrity to live your passion. But, if you believe that your program works, you know how to qualify your clients, then you should be selling them all day long in your program because all selling is saying, “I had this incredible opportunity for you to change your life. I’ve added a tremendous amount of value to you before you got to this place.”
Drucker says 99% of the sales made in the marketing before the sale. So you have 99% of the sale done by all the value I’ve added with the podcast, with the blog, in your videos, or your books, or whatever the content is. When they get on the phone with you, these are people who want what you have.
So your job is not to let people’s fears and limits talk them out of their transformations.
When you hear objections, “I don’t have enough time,” “I don’t have enough money,” “I shouldn’t be charged for stuff like that.” And you agree with them, well then, that’s your limit and your fear letting them win.
If you’re going to be a coach and take people to the next level, then you have to learn not to let the limits of your potential clients stop you from selling them.
You got to have integrity means sell something great, but we don’t back down. I’m passionate about sales because sales is impact.
Live Your Passion And Have Integrity

Kamala Chambers
That’s where we make our impact is being able to offer something that we know can help other people. And if we don’t provide it and people don’t invest in it and put a little skin in the game, they’re probably not going to get any value out of it.

Mastin Kipp
That’s right.

Kamala Chambers
Just absolutely loved that monolog was fantastic.
I’d love to hear a little bit more about what are some of your big pieces to live your passion? What’s something that’s critical to live your passion and your message?

Mastin Kipp

Mastin Kipp
I have two sides of our business. The one hand is I tend to work with people who are stuck, and they want to go to that next level. I help them identify and remove unconscious patterns that are holding them back rapidly. A lot of times that will manifest into deeper issues around traumas like sexual trauma physical trauma, emotional trauma, and battlefield trauma.
I’ve worked with Marines who have been on inactive duty. I’ve worked with many women who have had different types of trauma and abuse. What’s interesting is when you talk about your passion, it’s not just something that makes you temporarily lit up. It’s not a hedonistic approach where you’re like A-D-Ding outgoing, “Squirrel! Squirrel! Squirrel!” like every day I have a different passion. I think to live your passion and your passion is something that has a consistent, thorough line in your life.
One of the things I’ve noticed with our clients is when they go to that trauma or whatever it is that they’ve been through, and they look at it with new eyes. They look at what they deleted.
When you go to any traumatic event, you’ll see that it wasn’t all bad. There’s always a good, and a lesson.
Think Differently And Live Your Passion

Mastin Kipp
Logotherapy brought to us by Viktor Frankl, who was in Auschwitz. This is from his lineage of thinking.
There’s always a good if you live your passion. If you can change the meaning around what you’ve been through and the hurt that you’ve been through, and recognize that because you’ve been through what you’ve been through, you have this unique perspective and ability to serve other people.
It doesn’t change what happened in the past. It doesn’t dissociate or deny what’s happened in your past. However, what it does do is it changes your relationship to the past and it gives the past, what you’ve been through and the hurt a new meaning.
If you can turn pain into serving other people, and helping them alleviate their suffering, then we can bring meaning to it. If we can bring meaning to it, then we can heal it, and you can help heal others too.

Luis Congdon
That’s deep, and I resonate with that.
A lot of you guys listening and some of you who might be listening for the first time may not know my story of being adopted from a third world country when I was eight years old.
I was homeless for several years of my life as a child and lost my mom when I was five years old. Left homeless and adopted to The United States.
When I was 18 years old, I got it in my mind that it was time for me to go back to Colombia and reunite with my biological family. And to even meet my biological father who I’d never met. I went through a process of meeting him and finding the healing.
Live Your Passion And Forgive Others

Luis Congdon
There’s a fantastic book called A Course in Miracles, and there’s this line in it saying, “At some point, you discover that there’s nobody to forgive and that everything happens for you and because of you, and didn’t occur to you.”
That line stuck in my head for a long time. I went through this process of trying to forgive my father and understand why did my mother get killed when I was five years old and then, why did I never meet my dad, and why did I have to meet him when I was 18. This stuff just kept coming out.
Just last year, I went back and reunited with my biological father. This time, I finally got to that place that A Course in Miracles had been talking about.
It took me a long time. I wanted forgiveness to be something that would speed up, and in my conversation with Marianne Williamson, one of the things she reminded me is you can’t speed that process, that healing takes time, and allow that process to work through you.
In spending this last summer with my dad, I got to this place where it’s like, “Wow” because he gave me up even though he didn’t know. I had met him, and there was some level of deception there, but I hadn’t met him.
He put me in an orphanage and because that happened, I came to The United States. I had amazing parents here in The US. I get to host an incredible podcast. I have a partner who sits next to me every day that we co-host the show and run a successful business with.
Live Your Passion, It leads You To Highest Level Of Success

Luis Congdon
One of the things that Marianne said and it took me awhile to get to the place of “Yeah,” she said, “It sounds like your Dad was your angel.” I think that’s what you’re talking about. For a lot of people, getting to that place where that trauma is the saving grace and the thing that leads you to the highest level of success. Because of it, you can have that and live your passion.

Mastin Kipp
What an incredible story. It reminds me of the Wayne Dyer story except for you to get to do it when your father is alive which is amazing and fantastic and something a lot of people don’t get. That’s an incredible grace.
Yeah. It’s not denying what happened and I’m a big believer too in not doing the spiritual bypass where you just pretend everything’s good. There is a grieving process that has to happen, but the thing about negative emotion is when you feel it, it usually takes about 90 seconds for the emotion to pass. Every time we think a thought that triggers a negative emotion, there’s a 90-second window where it can pass.
These negative emotions can be a feeling of powerlessness or abandonment or resentment. If you just sit with your negative emotion, let them pass, accept them, not judge them as right or wrong, feel it and get to what’s below that, you can get down to what’s real. But the goal is not to vent that and just express it at the expense of other people.

Live Your Passion And Love Your Life

Mastin Kipp
If I had to summarize everything any spiritual teacher has ever said, that’s it.
Let the emotion pass through so that you can live your passion. Don’t judge it. Feel it fully. Neutralize it and then turn it into something loving whether it’s a loving business, loving partnership, or whatever it might be.
That’s what you’ve done. Marianne was right. You can’t go straight to love because there’s a grieving process. You can’t speed it up, but you definitely can get to it quicker when you know how the human emotional system works. Sometimes, grief just does take its own time. But, it’s something that can be channel into a force for good, and when you channel it into a force for good, then it brings meaning to that pain.
This where passion realigns up. Because I’m sure that you probably have a passion for making sure that people feel welcome, feel included and transferring that emotional state from you to your clients or you to your podcast guest, or you to your lovely partner. I would assume, probably, what lights you up and to get paid to do that, you worked your butt off to live your passion. So have I.
I think that’s an amazing, incredible story and there’s much resilience in that as well, and something to be respected.
Live Your Passion, It Lights You Up

Luis Congdon
You said something about how a lot of us have these emotional locks that lock us from having that next level of success. And how you do that work with people in helping them bring out some of those traumas, emotions, pains so they can be felt neutralized and then use it as a positive energy.
I remember at one point being in the happiest place I’ve ever been in my life and going to this place where I heard this little voice. It started asking “Why am I so happy?” The question was almost tainted in a way like “It’s not okay for you to be this happy. Why are you this happy?” where I hear this kind of little gremlin.
I remember going, “I need to feel this feeling. Not the question but what is the feeling behind it?” Eventually, the surge of emotion came up. I went nearly fell down on my knees and started crying. The voice, finally, with all that emotion, said: “You can’t be this successful because there are people in the world that are suffering.” Specifically for me, from a third world country, there are family members that don’t have this level of financial abundance.
I remember just going, “Wow.” That has been holding me up because I feel guilt around allowing myself to have that next level of success because maybe it’s not okay.
Find And Live Your Passion

Mastin Kipp
Right. Yeah. To find and live your passion is so important.
It’s very common for emotion that doesn’t come up. And it’s beautiful that you have that level of self-awareness and self-disclosure, which I think is rare and remarkable. It’s an excellent quality. Thank you for sharing that.
For sure, I’ve been through that consistently, all the time. I don’t think those gremlins ever go away. I believe that it’s more about learning how to live your passion and making as much peace within as you can. But, there’s always a belief behind the emotion, and when you get down to that, it’s usually some kind of pre-programming from mom or dad or early childhood.
The question I always like to ask my clients is, “Do you want a three year old running your business?” We need to bring love to that child. We have to make sure that we feel nurtured and protected. My biggest sort of wound is that I’m alone. That’s always been like I feel that in my body a lot when that gets triggered for different reasons. Yeah, the bigger the playing field, the more significant the trigger in many ways.

Live Your Passion And Prosper

Mastin Kipp
I have a little bit more of a higher standard for my entrepreneurial clients because they want to start a business. Coming to change your life or to get away for a little bit or change your mindset, that’s something that we can do. It requires some serious resilience. But if you want to start a business, you’re saying, “I want to sign up to do the hardest thing it is to do as a human being.” That’s basically what you’re saying.
I’m a little harder on my entrepreneurial friends and clients because it’s like, “Do you want it?” And if it is, it’s like “You got to stop festering in an activity, and you got to mature yourself and recognize that your business, your bottom line, your vendors, and your payroll don’t give a crap what happened when you were three years old.”
It’s a now, present moment experience. That stuff is over. What happened when you were young is over just as much as World War Two, and the death and rebirth of Jesus. It’s all over. It’s in the past.
It’s about how fast you can come back to that and recognize that part of us is always going to be there, but it’s not bouncing back faster from it. So that it doesn’t own you because you got a team, payroll, and clients. A lot is going on there, and I think it’s a therapeutic process to start a business.
When you’re the person who says, “I am starting a business,” at that very moment must start maturing yourself to be able to live your passion. Or you will get swallowed by the rate of change and competition out there right now.

Kamala Chambers
The entrepreneurial path is definitely in one of deep, intense personal growth.

Luis Congdon
Live Your Passion And Be Happy

Kamala Chambers
It calls us to those levels of ourselves where we can play with our biggest gifts and invites us to remove the things standing between us and living our passion on a daily basis. It’s what’s so beautiful about being able to live your passion.
That’s what inspires us to do the show Thriving Launch because we get to talk to people not just hardcore business trained but from all walks of life, spirituality, health, and Mastin Kipp.
All of this is because we are holistic beings and on a path of personal growth because we are entrepreneurs.
What do you recommend we could do on a daily basis or a weekly basis? Like a practice that you recommend for people to integrate this deeper.

Mastin Kipp
Sure. Great observation and a great question and thank you.
If I’m the highlight of your show, I apologize for that. Nobody else is available today.

Kamala Chambers
There’s a huge roster, and you’re there with all of them.

Mastin Kipp
Don’t believe my billboard. Don’t believe my billboard ever. It’s not true.
I think a couple of things. I believe it’s not just one thing. It’s probably a few things.
- You have to find time in your day that is an uninterrupted time like deep work.
Great book called Deep Work by Cal Newport. I cannot recommend it enough.
Practice Success Priming And Live Your Passion

Kamala Chambers
We had him on the show. Yeah. We loved his work.

Mastin Kipp
He and I just had this crazy conversation, and that guy is on another level.
You got to focus to be able to live your passion. If you don’t concentrate, then forget about it. Like there would be no webinar, launch, strategy, PLC process, this thing, that thing, copy this. Your product is going to be okay and average. It’s going to be just decimated. You’re not going to be able to make it happen. You got to focus and live your passion.
For me, that’s either early in the morning or late at night. I choose at the beginning of the morning, and I have a whole priming practice I learned from Tony Robbins about how I wake up in the morning. The first 3 – 4 hours of my day is priming myself for the day to get ready for the day. I’m priming my mind, priming my body, priming hydration, priming everything. This helps you to live your passion.
That’s unique for everybody. In my house, I have an elliptical machine, a rebounder, shutting machines, and the desk thing where you walk on the desk, and you can work. I’m just constantly moving and priming my day. Also, I do meditation. I read about two to three books a week just always filling my mind with new and positive information.
Live Your Passion Consistently

Mastin Kipp
I think that’s got to be a solid bedrock practice for anyone who’s going to that next level. It’s consistently priming your body and finding that deep work time where you can focus.
I also believe that if you could just ask yourself once a day, “What did I do yesterday? What got in the way? And, what am I going to do today?” This helps you live your passion consistently.
2, Ask yourself those three questions and do a quick review of what you did yesterday, what got in the way, then work towards removing that.
If you can eliminate one small obstacle per day, the velocity at which you will expand and move forward increases exponentially
One of the other things besides priming by focusing is not necessarily just forward momentum.
You can move forward, but if you have a bunch of stuff holding you back, you spend a lot of energy and not go very far.
I’m real big on myself and my team. I see myself as someone who is responsible for mostly, just removing obstacles so that the team and my productivity velocity can increase ideally and geometrically. That’s the goal.

Kamala Chambers
Absolutely. Love that. Thanks for those tips.
Before we close out today, is there any last treasure you want to leave the Thriving Launchers?

Mastin Kipp
If you’ve been 98% ready to start, knock it off. Take the leap and do this. Make a decision you can’t go back from.
Live Your Passion – Final Thoughts

Mastin Kipp
Give your resignation letter and ensure that you have a plan to replace yourself. You’re going to take care of your employer, but you’re never going to do it unless your nervous system and that fight-or-flight response are involved.
This is what Napoleon Hill was talking about. Burn the boat. You got to burn the boat. You got to do something that will make you go from 98% ready to doing it. It’s not going to come from good intentions, your vision board, or from talking about it.
You got to do something to actively engage your nervous system to go to that next level whether it’s quitting your job and starting a business. If you’re just in your business but you’ve put a threshold, and you’re at that plateau, you got to do something that puts you at that next level.
The decision you can’t go back from, it will scare that crap out of you but it will be the ride of your life, and I promise you, grace will be there to catch you on the way down. I swear to God a thousand angels are waiting to catch you right now and all you gotta do is the leap. Go from 98% to 100% today.

Luis Congdon
That is a wonderful way to wrap up today’s interview about how to live your passion.
I hope you’ve gotten the message today from today’s show with Mastin Kipp, Kamala Chambers, and myself.
Thank you so much for tuning in.
Thank you so much, Mastin.

Mastin Kipp
Thanks, guys! It’s a pleasure to be here today talking about how you can live your passion. Thanks again.