Live The Life You Want – Tim Storey

On this episode, Tim Storey, who has been called the “Voice” of inspiration and hope by Quincy Jones, tells us that we all fail, but when we fail, we just need to fail forward.
Tim also emphasizes the importance of slowing down so we can create a space in which we can discover what our life’s design is.


We have to slow down and create that space to hear what we want in life, so we can go out and create it.
Slow down and be authentic, and you’ll rise to the top.
You could have the right plan, be the right person, but you have to have the right partners.
If someone lived a life you’d like to implement to a degree, look at their life for clues.
According to Eckhart Tolle, if you want to learn something, think of yourself like kindling, and put yourself next to someone else who’s on fire.
Having a hunger for learning is crucial.
If you fail, fail forward.
If you have a setback, sit and settle, but don’t put yourself down.


Luis Congdon
On today’s episode, we’re going to talk about how to find your dreams and passions and to live the life you want. We’re doing that with an exceptional guest who’s been Oprah, and someone I’m delighted to introduce to Thriving Launch.
All right, Thriving launchers, today’s guest has been called the “Voice,” the voice of inspiration and hope that is changing the lives of millions by Quincy Jones.
Tim Storey is our guest today. He was featured on Oprah for a Super Soul Sunday, which is an hour long episode featuring Tim Storey and doing a Q and A with Tim.
Oprah loves him. We love him. It was amazing to have him on the show. He’s making a big impact all over the world. He’s been invited to all sorts of exclusive events in Hollywood and all over the world.
Without further ado, let’s bring on Tim Storey to help us talk about how to live the life you want and into your dreams and creating those turn around moments that are truly alchemy.
All right, Thriving launchers, we’re here with Tim Storey. It’s exciting to have him on the show.
Tim, are you ready to launch?

Tim Storey
I am ready to launch.
Tim, you’ve been all over the place. You’ve been doing some amazing work inspiring people all over the world, and Oprah was inspired. I know she had you on her show as well.
You’re making an impact, and getting the attention of people that noticed impact makers, and make them bigger or help them reach a larger audience.
Reason Why It’s Easy To Forget To Live The Life You Want

Tim Storey
One of the things I know you’re good at is helping people tap into their purpose, helping people tap into their dreams. That is something that can be easy to forget about if you’re working a nine to five or you’re hustling, and you’re hustling.
I’m curious from you Tim, how do we recreate that focus to think about what our dreams are? This is not just first world problem. This is a problem everyone in the world seems to struggle with because it’s easy to lose sight of what your dreams are and to live the life you want.
How do you create that space necessary to start thinking about those dreams again to live the life you want?
I think there are two ways to look at it. Either you can live your life by design, or you can live your life by default.
Live By Design And Live The Life You Want

Tim Storey
I think for every single person, there is something on your inside that you always knew you were supposed to do.
I was recently in Soweto, South Africa. I was asking some young people, “What do you want to do when you get older?” One said, “An architect.” He was only 11, but that was already in his mind. One said, “A musician.”
That is life by design where I believe that God put a blueprint for your life in your soul when you were little.
Where You Get Stuck To Live The Life, You Want

Tim Storey
Life by default is where a lot of people, unfortunately, get stuck that life begins to push them around.
If you don’t do something with life, life will do something with you.
People like us, we need to help others find their design, and then walk out that design.

Kamala Chambers
That’s powerful and such an important point to bring up is how you design that in the way you want it to live the life you want.
I know you are working so much on helping create their dreams and turn them into reality.
What do you think are some of the first steps towards making dreams reality to live the life you want?

Tim Storey
Pace Of Living And Ways On How To Live The Life You Want Has Changed

Tim Storey
I do believe that as a society that the pace of living is so much different than it was in the 30’s, the 40’s, and the 50’s because they didn’t have these cell phones that we all walk around with. I think they were a little more at the moment. Fully present, fully feeling, and fully alive.
I think the first thing to discover what your design is to stop. Stop moving so fast.

Ways To Discover What Your Design Is To Live The Life You Want

Tim Storey
- Stop.
- Look deep inside yourself.
- Listen to the volume of your dream.
Every person I’ve worked with as a life coach, they talk about the volume of their dream. Their dream was talking to them even when they were young.
Stop, look, and listen.

Luis Congdon
One of the things I love that you were saying earlier is living by design to live the life you want.
Design Your Life As If You Would Design A House To Live The Life You Want

Luis Congdon
It made me think of T. Harv Eker and his book, Secrets of The Millionaire Mind, where he talked about designing your life in the same way we would design a house.

Tim Storey

Luis Congdon
We create a blueprint for it because, if we try to build a house without a blueprint, it would not be a good structure. It wouldn’t do well, and not only that, but it would also be a ton of more work to try to fix the problems when we could create the blueprint, figure it all out, and then do the action.
You brought us two remarkable steps about slowing down.
Technology And Culture Make It Difficult For You To Slow Down And Live The Life You Want

Luis Congdon
Tim, the other day, I was at a movie theater. The guy next to me had to check his phone like 20 times within the first hour, and I looked over a few times, and he was scrolling through Twitter.
I understand if it’s an important message.

Tim Storey
Oh, yes.

Luis Congdon
But he’s scrolling through Twitter, and then Instagram, and then reading the news. I’m thinking, “Why would you go to a movie?”
What impact do you think that thing has on your life if we can’t stop and slow down, and see what’s in front of us?

Tim Storey
I think two ways we can learn in life:
- Observation.
- Conversation.
How Conversations Can Lead You To Live The Life You Want

Tim Storey
I believe that Tim Storey, my life, the reason life has allowed me to do many things is because of conversations. I’ve been able to sit with the Vidal Sassoon in his 80’s, and have coffee on many occasions because I’m a family friend.
Here I am, telling his story, coming from a tough part of London, deciding he wanted to do something great, sitting with the Quincy Jones, and hearing his story. That’s conversation. If I were too busy, I would have missed the conversation.
Here’s where we get in trouble. We’re moving quickly again where things become a blur that we are not paying attention.
Observation: a quick story.
Importance Of Observation To Being Able To Live The Life You Want

Tim Storey
I get in the car when I’m only 12 years of age. I’d come from a family that did not have very much money. Most of our cars we ever had, in fact, all of them, when you close the door it made a sound because it squeaked. Now, I got in this car at 12, when you close the door that went “pomp-pomp” nice and solid, that was an observation.
At 12 I said, “One of these days, I’m going to get a car that makes that sound.”
Listen And Create Space To Live The Life You Want

Kamala Chambers
One thing I would love to get into a little bit deeper here is the thing you said about slowing down, taking a pause, listening, being still, and collecting what we want is such an important piece.
We have to be able to listen. We have to be able to create that space to hear what we want in life so we can go out and create it, and make it happen. Creating that space is crucial for you to live the life you want.
What some other pieces towards creating our dreams into a reality?

Tim Storey
It’s been said by several authors over the years, that success leaves clues.
Look For Clues To Live The Life You Want

Tim Storey
Most things we think about, either an idea or business, if you study them, somebody did something at least similar. Now, I need to find someone that did it successfully, and I now want to look for the clues that success left those clues.
I say that to a lot of young people who want to be actors. I’ll say, “Well, who do you like?” “I like Pacino. I like De Niro.” “Well, watch the movies. Study their films. Study how they act. Find out who their acting coaches are. Maybe they have ‘acting online’ that you could watch.”
Many said that success leaves clues.
Live The Life You Live And Follow People Whom You Admire

Tim Storey
Look at clues of someone who you think lived a life that you would like to at least implement to a degree.

Luis Congdon
I think that’s a great advice. I’ve heard Anthony Robbins say that many times in his work that success leaves clues. I like that idea of bread crumbs as well.
One of the things I find with a lot of people though is they start looking at the breadcrumbs of the great heroes, intimidated, and they go, “Who am I?” How do you answer that question, Tim? Because I think that’s a common question that we have.
Somebody comes to me and say, “Luis, I want to start a podcast. I’m passionate about this idea, but man, you have this incredible podcast, and all these guys have a podcast. Who am I to do this?
Be Yourself To Live The Life You Want

Tim Storey
I do see how that happens, and people have those thoughts, but one of the things I think is cool nowadays is with the young generation, they’re into being original.
I do a lot of lecturing in college campuses, and young people are okay being themselves. It’s a saying “You’ve been born an original. Don’t die a copy.” So be yourself.
One of the things I love about a Pharrell Williams is he could be timid and nerdy. He talks about this himself. But look what he’s done. He’s in the movie business. He’s writing scores for movies. He is now going to do Broadway plays. He’s in the fashion business by listening to that inner voice that we talked about, listening to that inner blueprint, and having the guts to be an original.
Live The Life You Want And Rise To The Top

Tim Storey
To anybody listening to us right now, just slow down and be yourself. Slow down and be authentic. We want the authentic you. That’s the one that is going to rise to the top.

Kamala Chambers
What do you think are some of the biggest missing pieces people are coming up against?
I know we’ve talked about some. Is there any you haven’t mentioned yet that people are coming up against in modern society?

Tim Storey
People are looking for mentors, so thank goodness for programs like yours and for everything you guys are doing because people need that.
Have The Right Partners To Help You Live The Life You Want

Tim Storey
Partners could take you to a whole other dimension. Wouldn’t you say that’s what you guys have been doing with the podcast and other things you’re doing?

Luis Congdon
One of the reasons why I love podcasting Tim is that because I host a podcast, I get on a phone call with Tim. He lives on the South end of California, an area I’ve never been to.
The idea is I get on calls with people that I’ve never met. I might have some degrees with separation with them, and somehow maybe connected to them, but by having a podcast, I get on a call with them.
Put Yourself Next To Someone Else Who’s On Fire So You Can Live The Life You Want

Luis Congdon
Here’s Tim, loading us up with wisdom. I’m asking him all these questions, but the deeper thing is that when you’re in the relationship with someone else that’s doing something amazing, and you’re having a conversation with them, it’s not just the words they speak. It’s the way they are and the energy they carry around. It’s the way they think, and these are profound things that we can’t always tap into but by being near it.
Eckhart Tolle said this, and it’s something that has impacted me. He said, “If you want to learn something, and you think of yourself like kindling, just try to put yourself next to someone else who’s on fire.”

Tim Storey
I like that.

Luis Congdon
That’s something I try to do, and that’s what we do through the podcast.
Who have been some of your great mentors, Tim?

Tim Storey
I’ve been very fortunate to be mentored by people that others know.
Coaches Help You Live The Life You Want

Tim Storey
In the early days, I talked about Vidal Sassoon. I had met him through his daughters because I was doing a lot of life coaching in Beverly Hills since my 20’s, and I met the Vidal Sassoon, and everything he did in hair care.
I was introduced to Lee Iacocca when I was only 25 years old of age. Iacocca said, “Tim, you help me in certain areas of my life, in my spirituality, and I will teach you about business and leadership.” How many of you think that that is a pretty doggone good trade off?
One reason that I get to sit where I sit is that of the mentors around me. Someone listen and say, “Well, I don’t know people like that. How do I get to them?”
Well, you can listen to a podcast today. You can read books. You can watch things on YouTube. You can watch documentaries.
I watch an interview on Somebody Spectacular at least five days a week. I want to study what other people are doing. If I don’t understand Elon Musk, I want to figure out what he’s doing. If I don’t know what the guys are doing from Google X, I want to understand what they’re doing.
Have A Hunger To Learn And To Live The Life You Want

Kamala Chambers
It sounds like you need your show so you could ask people in person the questions that you have. It’s fantastic.

Tim Storey
Thank you. That’s sweet of you. Thank you.

Kamala Chambers
Before we close out, is there any last tip or message you want to get across to the Thriving Launchers?

Tim Storey
Fail Forward And Rise Again To Live The Life You Want

Tim Storey
We all fail. If you fail, fail forward. We all make mistakes.
I became known as a comeback coach. It’s easy to start with momentum and then have a setback. And then sit, settle, and even cement yourself in the setback but please don’t put yourself down because while you’re feeling the sting of your setback, God is creating your comeback.
Rise one more time because somebody needs to see that you rose up again and that they can make it too.

Luis Congdon
I love that.
Having Breakthroughs From Failures To Live The Life You Want

Luis Congdon
You realize, “Wow, I don’t have that.”

Tim Storey

Luis Congdon
I don’t have what other people have, and sometimes, it can make you feel terrible, but there’s also a great opportunity in that because you go, “Wow, I don’t like this, so what’s the opposite of this?”
Know What You Want And Pursue Your Dream To Live The Life You Want

Luis Congdon
Abraham Hicks and their teachings talk about this too where through contrast, we learn what we want. By seeing what we don’t want, we can see what we want, but you have to pursue your dreams and your goals to live the life you want.
Thriving Launchers, I want going to leave you with that. Go out and pursue your goals to live the life you want.
If you’re failing, fail beautifully. Make it into a dance, and we’ll see you on the next episode.
Thriving Launchers, keep thriving.