Journaling For Self-Discovery



Journaling for self-discovery is a powerful tool to keep you inspired and motivated to reach your goals.

On this episode, I’m going to talk about how journaling is a crucial piece of self-discovery and how it can help you unearth stuff that you haven’t taken the time to notice.

Living with your goals in mind and working hard towards them is not enough. You also need to spend time reflecting on your goals, figuring out where you’re at and where you’re going. The best way to do that is through journaling.



arrow-iconJournaling is a powerful tool for self-discovery.

arrow-iconMost of us tend to overlook the power of writing and journaling.

arrow-iconSelf-discovery and journaling are two things that go in tandem. They go together.

arrow-iconWhen you start journaling, you’ll unearth things you haven’t taken the time to notice.

arrow-iconWhen you don’t reflect on where you’re at and where you’re going, you don’t move forward as fast.

arrow-iconTake some time each day to write down some of your thoughts and things you’re grateful for.

arrow-iconThere’s nothing like writing to help you discover who you are, where you’re at, and where you want to go.




Luis Congdon

On today’s episode, I want to give you a powerful tool to keep you inspired, motivated, and crushing it with your goals.

As we wrap this week, I want to leave you with one powerful tool for self-discovery, and that is journaling.

Luis Congdon Journaling For Self-Discovery Thriving Launch Podcast

Journaling for self-discovery is something I’ve enjoyed using for almost my whole life.

Anytime I have a goal in my life, something I’m moving towards and working hard towards, I make sure to spend some dedicated time every single day to do journaling for self-discovery

Journaling For Self-Discovery As A Tool

Journaling for self-discovery is something I’ve found to be incredibly powerful. I think most of us tend to overlook the power of writing, and the power of just journaling and writing down what’s going on, the goals we have and just reflecting.

Luis Congdon Journaling For Self-Discovery Thriving Launch Podcast

They go together.

Journaling For Self-Discovery And Unearthing Things

When you start journaling for self-discovery, you’ll find that you’ll unearth things you haven’t taken the time to notice or reflect upon. But through the process of journaling, you start seeing and getting some “Aha” moments.

Most of us are just living with goals in mind. We’re working towards them, but we’re not reflecting.

Journaling For Self-Discovery And Being Enriched By Experiences

If you don’t reflect on where you’re at, where you’re going, and the points where you’re stuck to get to that place, then you don’t have that same kind of discovery. You don’t move forward as fast. Not only that, but you also don’t have the opportunity to be enriched by the experience and the process you’re going through.

I want to leave you this week with just one piece of advice. Start journaling for self-discovery. Start journaling on a regular basis, and take some time each day to write down some of your thoughts, some of the things you’re going through, and some of the things you’re grateful for.

Journaling For Self-Discovery And Creating Gratitude

There’s a lot of research too that talks about how powerful journaling is for creating gratitude. There’s this whole movement of gratitude journaling. I recommend that, but more than anything, I recommend journaling for self-discovery.

Luis Congdon Journaling For Self-Discovery Thriving Launch Podcast

I’m going to leave you with that tool and that tip. Start journaling, start writing.

If you haven’t that for a while or this is going to be a new thing for you, and you find some success with it, write us over at Thriving Launch. Let us know how it’s going. Let us know. I want to know if these tips are helpful and if you’re inspired by them.

How Journaling For Self-Discovery Can Impact You

Recently, we had one of our audience members, Katherine. She’s a regular listener to the podcast, and she wrote us an email telling us how powerful it was to listen to a recent episode we did with David.

She said, “I was going through such a difficult time right now. Some business stuff fell through. Some challenges in my life were coming up, and I just felt like pulling my hair out. And then, I went and listened to your podcast episode, and it cleared things up for me. It created much clarity.”

Receiving that email touched me. Hearing from you is inspiring. I love hearing from you. I love hearing from all the listeners.

If today’s episode touches, inspires, and motivates you somehow, write me and let me know. I want to hear from you, and until next time. Keep thriving.

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