How Your Phone Is Killing Your Success

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how your phone is killing your success

Mobile phones have become one of the most-sought after things in our day to day activities. For some, it has even become a focal point in their lives. It is an incredible tool for it creates ease and comfort however mindfulness and consciousness should always be taken in consideration when using it.
On this episode, we talk about how excessive mobile phone usage affects a person and provide some suggestions to minimize the use of such tools.


How Your Phone Is Killing Your Success – Transcription

Kamala Chambers
Recently, I’ve taken a little fast from social media because I was noticing that every time I picked up my phone and went to Facebook and started scrolling, I felt anxious.
I think this is something that maybe I trained myself that when I started feeling anxiety, I went for my phone and then it helped to dissipate the anxiety and then it started getting to the point where it was the thing causing the anxiety.
Then, Luis and I woke up this morning and I was awake before him. I picked up my phone just to read the news just to see what was happening in the world and wait for him to wake up before I moved around and got noisy.
When he woke up, he started telling me about something he has been thinking about a lot and I want to share that conversation with you guys because it is something that I think we could all benefit from living in this modern age.
Luis, will you share some of that with us?

Luis Congdon
So recently, I watched this video. Well, let me back up for a moment because lately, I’ve been thinking about my addiction to my phone and how often I check my phone.
I recently read a study that people check their phones up to 200 times a day and on average somewhere around 150.
When you think about that or when I do, it’s startling because I started thinking about how much time I probably spend checking my phone to check on things that don’t really matter or to check on things because I’m hoping that something will happen.
Why I am checking my phone so much when I know that if I cut down my social media time to 15, 20, 30 minutes every single day that would be sufficient for me to at least get done what I need to get done; even somebody who operates so much of their business through social media and online.
I know that if I spent just a little bit of time on social, I would be done for the day. That could be very productive and sufficient but that’s not what I do. I check my phone a lot and I check in on things and I check my email constantly because I’m hoping that something’s happened or somebody’s responded to something.
When I started considering how much time I’m checking and looking, I start to worry about what that’s doing to me.
What is that doing to my productivity? What is that doing to my state of peace as Kamala has talked about? What is that doing to my level of efficiency?
Even as we are talking I just saw my phone go off and it lit up and both Kamala and I looked over at it as if like we needed to see something.

Kamala Chambers
I just want to bring up what you had shared that if you are on your phone hoping that something is going to happen to you and maybe you are hoping that a new deal came through or a new client or a new article or a new publication or a new speaking gig.
One thing that you said that was so powerful is if you’re in that state of hoping then you stop being an active participant in your life. You stop even though you are taking action. You stop being a part of a manifestation cycle like and be there.

Luis Congdon
I think what our phone is doing is where checking it constantly. What I’m doing is I’m hoping that something has happened. I am waiting for the world outside to give me some feedback and so I’m checking my phone so much because honestly, I’ve feel like I’ve lost touch with my own ability to be the person that makes something happen to be the catalyst for creativity, to be the catalyst for something to happen in my life.

Luis Congdon
I’m checking my phone like did all the work that I did. Did it pan out? Is something happening? Did somebody need something?
Man, I’m hoping for some sort of surprise, something to cheer me up, and something in the outside world to appease me instead of me being an active participant in what I’m making happen. It’s kind of like going over to a plant that a seed that you set and maybe it’s starting to bud and you’re trying to pull it. I’m going over there and there’s not even a bud. I’m just dinging up the dirt to make sure to see if the seeds are grown at all. I think that’s not healthy for me especially when I start my day that way.
That’s something else that Jim talked about in his video that one of the first things that people seem to do is check their phones, their email, and their social media and that trance us in certain ways. It trances want to be reactive to the world because we get an email, we get a message on social media and we have to react to it. We have to respond to it right away.
We’re not choosing what we want. This outside world is now impacting us and forcing us to do something and two we’re looking at our phone from social media over to email to the news.
First thing in the morning at least what identify is that I’m training myself to have short attention span. I’m training myself to go from email for two to three minutes over to Facebook, over to Twitter, over to LinkedIn, over to the news, over to YouTube and within the first hour and a half of my day, I’ve been completely unfocused.
I switched over modes of reading and entertainment and doing when the first hour and a half and I did not actually create anything productive and said I just react and responded to a bunch of things that are happening and a bunch of things that interests other people and it’s like I’ve lost control and then that’s how I set myself up for the day.

Kamala Chambers
What I want to stress here is that we’re not giving you a solution. We’re not giving you a path code or prescribing anything which is maybe what some people want right now. At this point, we’ve talked about the problem. Now, what’s the solution?
The thing that I’m practicing is just mindfulness. Being more mindful, when I pick up my phone, why I’m picking it up and what is the purpose of it.

Kamala Chambers
Yes, I still use my phone for stress relief. I still use it that way and I’m not saying I’m going to discontinue doing that but at least I can pick it up and know that right now I feel stressed out so I’m going to spend some time zoning out on my phone. At least I’m conscious and aware of doing that not just mindlessly picking it up, checking my email to see what the next best thing is every five minutes or even every hour.
It’s because what that does like what Luis said, it’s been training me to, instead of going out and being an active manifester, I’m now just sitting back and waiting for something to happen.
That’s what I want to take-away from this is how can we be more mindful of this incredible tool that we have. The fact that we have this tool of our phone or even technology at our fingertips, to be able to look up anything we want, getting the answer that we want, to communicate with people all over the globe to run our businesses. It’s such an incredible gift and I want to use it as a gift and I want to use it as a tool and I hope that you do too.

Luis Congdon
I also want to say that I’ll still continue to use my phone for entertainment to check in on things that are happening but I’m definitely going to run an experiment and one of the things in that experiment that I’m going to try is for the first hour maybe even two hours of my day I’m not going to check my phone for what’s happening in the world.
I’d like to set my phone to airplane mode before I go to sleep and when I wake up, instead of checking my phone to see what’s going on the world, I’ll wake up and write or I’ll wake up and go the gym or I’ll write some plans out for the day and I will take that first hour back of my day instead of letting my phone be in control. I’m going to play with that and I’ll check back in with you guys. Hopefully, that works.
Another thing that I’d really like to do is minimize how much time I’m spending checking my email and how much time I’m checking social media and I’ll check back with you guys and let you know how that works out as well too.
My suggestion is to run your own experiment or at least take some time to consider what we’ve talked about today and what is your phone doing to you. Is it helpful? Is it something that you want to continue with? If so, great!
If you have some other kind of response like maybe” I’m checking my phone too much,” or” I’d like to take some of my power back and I resonate with what Kamala and Luis are talking about,” then find your own solutions or use some of the one’s that we kind of suggested around ideas with your phone and until next time we’ll see you on the episode you next week.
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