How To Sell Online Courses – Transcript

Kamala Chambers:

In this video, we’re going to talk about how to sell online courses.

My name is Kamala Chambers. I’m an Online Course Launch Strategist and the Co-Creator of Thriving Launch.

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How To Sell Online Courses – Build That Buzz

The very first thing on how to sell your online course is you got to build that buzz. You got to build it on social media, on Facebook, to your email lists. Let people know it’s coming. You got to tease them and let them know something amazing is on its way.

How To Sell Online Courses – Give Incentives

The next thing on how to sell online courses  is you have to give some incentive for people to sign up right away.

So you created this entire buzz on social media through your following and your email list. By the time that baby goes live, you want people to be flocking to it. If they come to your offer and there’s no incentive for them to sign up right then and there, they’re probably going to leave, and they’re not going to come back.

Give some incentive that encourages them to add that to their shopping cart the second they see it. It might be an early bird discount. It might be a live coaching session to the five people that sign up first. Whatever it is, find some legitimate reasons to get people to sign up as soon as they see your offer.

How To Sell Online Courses – Adjust Your Offer

You’ve created all this buzz, and you’ve given them an incentive to sign up. If you’re not making sales organically through your list and through creating buzz, then you might need to adjust your offer. It might be the headline on your sales page needs to be adjusted, or maybe the price needs to be adjusted.

Find some ways to look where people are stumbling. At what point in your content or your copy are they stopping and saying “Nope. This isn’t for me.” Make some slight adjustments and see what it’s going to take to push people over the line into customers.

How To Sell Online Courses – Putting Some Money On Ads

Now that you have the perfect offer and know that people are organically buying from you, then you can dump some money into ads.

What I see a lot of people making mistakes with online courses is that the first place that they promote them is through ads and they haven’t tested it. And if it’s not working and they put money into ads, then you’re going to end up spending a lot of money on ads and not making any sales.

So now that you have your offer perfected, you know that people want it and people are buying it, then you can start putting money into ads. I highly recommend doing Facebook ads. That is the top of your ad that I would recommend for you.

How To Sell Online Courses – Encourage Other People Promote Your Offer Through Affiliates

The last tip I want to give you is to encourage other people to promote your offer.

Now that you’ve tested it and you know that it’ll convert, you can create affiliates. What this means is that you pay someone a percentage to promote your offer for you. And people are much more likely to believe someone they trust.

Let’s say, your friend Dan, who’s got a huge following says, “You got to check out Kamala. She knows her stuff. She knows herself about online courses. You got to check it out.”

If I were to say, “Hey you guys. Check out my stuff. I’m amazing,” that is such a different experience than with Dan saying it who already built love and trust with his audience.

How To Sell Online Courses – Find People Who Are Aligned With Your Mission And What You Offer

Find people who are aligned with your mission, with your offer, and your course and ask them to affiliate for you. Now, this is a complex topic, but I just wanted to at least drop that in there because it’s a big important piece when creating and selling online courses.

We covered as much as we could in a short video, and I want to make sure that you have everything you need to get your course out there and sell it. I have a free resource for you to support you to do that. You can head over to There’s also a link below.

Make sure that you get that course because I incorporated a lot of different things in how you can get your course out there and get it selling online. I can’t wait to see what you put out there and watch you making those big sales as we are.

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