How to Promote Yourself- Overview
In this video, I’m going to teach you how to promote yourself and attract more clients and customers. Here is the FREE guide that goes with this video
One of the first things about promoting yourself is you got to promote yourself. People have to first know that you even do something. Go on social media and start announcing what you do.
The next step is start telling people about your wins and your successes.
The next tip is get to know people in your niche, and one of the ways we can do that is by joining Facebook groups and online forums like Quora. These are some of the ways that we promote ourselves.
Another great way to promote yourself is start teaching. Start adding value. Be the person that knows.
One of the other ways you can promote yourself is be an expert. Proving you’re an expert can be simply done by creating a course.
I have a Profit from Facebook Course that teaches people how to use Facebook to profit. But I also have a free training that teaches and guides you through the process of how to promote yourself, how to establish yourself using Facebook.
Here is the free guide that lays it all out for you:

Transcription for How to Promote Yourself
Hey guys. I want to teach you how to promote yourself and attract more clients and customers. So in this video, I’m going to teach you how to get out there. How to have more clients and customers through the proper promotion.
Hi. My name is Luis Congdon. Not too long ago. I was sleeping on my friend’s couch and trying to figure out how to do this business thing. And, it was very hard at first to figure out how to promote myself, how to let people know what I do. But I figured out a lot of keys and now I co-own Thriving Launch. It runs a 5-times a week podcast and does phenomenal figures for our business. It allows us to have a freedom lifestyle where we could travel the world and wake up and work when we want too.
So one of the first things about promoting yourself is you got to promote yourself. When I first started doing this, I felt very uncomfortable with it. But I realized, when it comes to sales, promotion, and attracting clients, knowing how to promote yourself is important. People have to first know that you even do something.
I had this idea that people that walk through my door because I was awesome at doing something. But that’s not going to be enough. If you want to be really great at promoting yourself, you got to start letting people in the world know what you do.
How to Promote Yourself Tip # 1
Master how to promote yourself because it’s essential. One of the first ways that you can do that is go on social media and just start announcing what you do. If you’re a writer, an author, an editor, a graphic designer, a podcaster like me, or a social media expert like myself. Start letting people know, “Hey guys. I help people crush it with social media and I’d love to help you. Private message me if you’re interested.” That’s one example of how to promote yourself. We could dive deeper into this but I just want you to get started with something simple.
All right. So, this next step might feel a little bit uncomfortable. I know it did for me when I first started. When I walked my clients through this, it’s something that a lot of them feel uncomfortable with. But this is the difference for many of my clients. From being somebody that has zero dollars in their bank to being somebody that’s running a 6-figure business with high profit margins. So what’s that tip? Start telling people about your wins. Start telling people about your successes. This is really important.
If you’re going to be successful online or offline, people need to know that you’re going to be a winner. Maybe you’ve seen the movie, “Wolf of Wall Street.” There’s this one scene with Leonardo DiCaprio. He’s talking with his father. They’re talking about all these different things that he’s purchasing. Like his yachts, expensive dinners, and these crazy amounts of expenses on wardrobe. All these different things that he’s spending money on and the father’s like, “Why are you doing this?” And Leonardo DiCaprio says, “Because people need to see that I’m successful. They need to envy me. They need to want to have my lifestyle.”
How to Promote Yourself Tip # 2
Now, I’m not saying you need to go on brag around and buy the most expensive stuff. In order to know how to promote yourself you don’t need to be a showboat. But if you helped somebody get published in Huffington post, go and share that win. Tell people, “Hey guys. I just helped one of my clients get in Huffington post. If you’re interested in doing the same thing, private message me. Let me know.” But start sharing what the world your wins.
All right, here is another tip to how to promote yourself. So the next tip is you need to start joining communities, forums, different places where other experts are at and not only that, you’re target market. Not only just be seen as a leader in your industry but you also need to be around and get to know people in your area and in your niche, and one of the ways that we can do that is by joining Facebook groups. We can also join online forums. We can go to Quora and answer questions but these are some of the ways that we promote ourselves.
How to Promote Yourself Tip # 3
Another really great way to promote yourself and it’s not going to feel promotional. For some of us, it’s really comfortable and for other of us, it’s really uncomfortable. But this was a tip that totally transformed my business. It allowed me to go from charging $50 to $100 to $400, $500, $700 an hour and up. It is start teaching. Start adding value, this will teach you how to promote yourself. Anywhere and everywhere that you can. Be the person that knows the most in the room about that subject. At first, it won’t feel like you know that more than other people. But what you can do is just start sharing what you know. Start offering value. Start offering advice. Be the person that knows and as you do that, you will be the person that knows more than other people in the room.
Now, you might feel a little bit shy because you’re like, “Oh, I’m going to give away too much.” That’s okay. Give away too much to learn how to promote yourself. Don’t worry about it. At first, you need to establish yourself as the authority and the more that you teach, that more that people realized that’s the go-to person and that is when your value and your promotion goes skyrockets and then your teaching does the work for you.
How to Promote Yourself Tip # 4
So one of the other ways you can promote yourself is be an expert. Now, being an expert and proving you’re an expert can be simply done by creating a course. So one, you’re teaching. You’re out there in communities like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and other forums and channels but you also have your own products. You have a digital product. Like my partner Kamala Chambers, she’s a launch strategist and specialist. She’s known as that because she has a digital product and she teaches people about it. You can check out her videos and you’ll notice she has a wealth of information. This is one of the ways to how to promote yourself.
Very similarly, I’m out here teaching you things and I have a digital course on how to promote yourself. I have a [05:22] Profit from Facebook Course that teaches people how to use Facebook to profit. But I also have a free training that teaches and guides you through the process of how to promote yourself. It also teaches you how to establish your brand. Also how to use Facebook as an engine to become the top expert in your niche and even become a little celebrity within the Facebook world. It can blow up and become a lot bigger but you don’t need a lot of clients at first. Just a handful of clients, you can make a lot of money.
How to Promote Yourself – Take Action
Head on over to [05:51] The link is down below. So you can just click on it. [05:56] I’ve got a free training, a free guide, free videos for you, and I’m going to teach you how to promote yourself and how to be seen as an expert so you can make more money and crush it online.