How To Make Passive Income – Part Five

Kamala Chambers
Welcome to How To Make Passive Income. This is Part Five in our series.
Today is going to be all about driving traffic to get sales on your new offer.
Welcome to How To Make Passive Income. This is Part Five.
If you haven’t listened to the last episode, How to Make Passive Income – Part 4, be sure to go back and go through that. I invite to go through this journey of how you can set up your life the way that Luis and I have.
We wake up, and there’s new money in our bank account every day and that we’re able to make money and take months off at a time and travel the world. I want you guys to have the same thing.
So what we’ve talked about so far, in How to Make Passive Income – Part 4, is just a tiny little recap about knowing your audience. You have to know what your audience wants, what they’re willing to buy.
Then, you have to create an offer, and we’ve talked about creating your online course, really establishing yourself as an authority, and creating something that you record once and can sell again and again.
In the last episode, we went into automation and how to automate your systems so that you can put up the work one time and just implement all the work at once and it keeps automating.
So here’s the deal. Here’s the missing element that we haven’t covered. It’s about driving people to those automated systems.
So if you have your sales funnel website set-up, you still need to drive people to that site. There is a lot of different ways to do this.
How To Make Passive Income With A Warm Audience

Kamala Chambers
In this episode, we’re going to talk about driving traffic.
The first thing you want to know about how to make passive income is to drive traffic to make passive income is you want first to target people that are in your market. These are the people that are already in your email lists, people that you already have a connection to.
These are the people that if they don’t buy from your sales funnel website, then you know that you need to make a change. Because if your warmest audience isn’t purchasing, well then, there’s something wrong with your offer and maybe you need to adjust the copy.
We have a lot of episodes out on copywriting and sales funnels and all of that. And of course, we have the earlier episodes on how to make passive income. We have a lot of great resources for you guys on this.
You start with people that are the hottest. Then, you can try more organic traffic. These could be people that land on your website just through Google searching you or people that just happened to come across your post by different hashtags that you’re using. It’s finding that organic traffic.
Then, only after you’ve mastered those things and you’ve proven that you have an automated system that is set to work, only then should you spend money on advertising. When you get a solid funnel, you learn how to make passive income.
What people do and I’ve made the same mistake, I freaking hate that I made this mistake and, I try to avoid anyone else ever doing this, but a lot of people do it is the first thing they do has they put money into Facebook ads or Google ads.
How To Make Passive Income Without Throwing Money Away

Kamala Chambers
As you learn how to make passive income, you can’t just throw money into ads and just hope that people are going to want what you have to offer. You have to test it first to make sure the people are going to convert and purchase what you’ve set-up through your automated systems.
Now, you’ve gone through that process. You’ve started with your market. You’ve made sure you’ve tested it and that it’s converting well. Then, you move into organic traffic. Then, you can graduate into ads.
If you have an expendable income and you just want to throw money into advertising, you can do that, and it’s one way to test, is just to throw money into ads and see what people respond to, and see that you need to adjust along the way. But it’s not something I recommend for everyone else who doesn’t want to throw money away.
Let’s talk about some ways that we can drive traffic without advertising. How to make passive income through organic traffic is something that Luis does brilliantly.
Later on in the series here on Mondays, we’re going to get into how to drive traffic to Facebook organically, which is cool that he’s going to give us that training.
Let’s talk a little bit about how to make passive income with social media. You want to make sure that when you’re putting out your offer to people, it’s not just about, “Hey. Look, I have this new course. I have this new amazing offer. Everybody look at me. Buy! Buy! Buy!” because people don’t respond to that. They respond to a human, and they respond to a human experience.
How To Make Passive Income With Website Traffic

Kamala Chambers
When you are putting out your course on social media, make sure that you do it in a way that invites people into your experience. It either invokes curiosity. It gets people excited about what you have to offer.
It tells a story. It creates intrigue. It gets people invested in the drama of what you’re offering. The hook of the way you’re talking about it. It’s something that elicits an emotion, and that’s what’s going to get people to want to make that conversion. If you want to learn how to make passive income, you need to create powerful hooks.
Then, another piece is website traffic.
Now, people think “Well, I’ll just throw up a website, and then all of a sudden, people are going to flock to it, and then they’ll start buying my products, and I’ll make passive income, and everything will be amazing for the rest of my life.” But that’s not always the case.
You might expect you can learn how to make passive income if you just learn how to set up a website. If you have a website, it probably isn’t making the conversions that you wanted to. So you want to set-up your website for optimization so that people are interested in what you have to offer in a way that right people are coming to your site.
So you want to know your keywords are for your website and all of that. These are some organic ways that you can drive traffic and how to make passive income.
Another great one is live streaming and letting people know about what you’re offering through live stream video. You can do YouTube videos, and there’s a whole method that Brandon Lucero has. He’s got an episode that comes out later on. He talks about YouTube strategy, which is going to be fantastic.
How To Make Passive Income With Podcasting

Kamala Chambers
I want to talk to you guys about the way that I think is the absolute best way. I’m a little biased because it’s the way that Luis and I have mastered, that works well for selling our online courses organically, and this is PODCASTING.
Podcasting is fantastic when you learn how to make passive income because it is the easiest way that I’ve found to put out high-quality content and build a following that gets to know, like, and trust you and want what you have to offer.
There are ways to create a podcast that will make sales and ways that you can create a podcast that won’t make any sales. The most important ways are that you implement your online course and put your class out there via a podcast that’s related to the course.
If you haven’t created a podcast yet, you do it in a way that is related to your online course. Look at the big picture. What is the overarching thing that you ultimately want to achieve? And you want to create a podcast that’s going to funnel people into a business; that’s going to funnel people into buying your courses and buying something specifically for you.
We’ve already gone through the process of how to make passive income and how to make sure that you create an online course that people want, and you want to do the same thing with your podcast, and you want it to be related.
Consider The Big Picture Of How To Create Passive Income

Kamala Chambers
Now, I just want to give you a little teaser about the podcast because I’m so excited about this. Luis is going to be coming in the next few weeks, and he’s going to be talking about our Monday segments about how to create a podcast of your own.
Since he’s the real master and genius behind podcast, he’s going to be talking with you guys about that.
Make sure to tune into next Monday’s episode where we’re going to dive into podcasting and the benefits of that and how to get your podcast off the ground.
I just really wanted to get you guys started and thinking about now, that you have this dream of creating and learning how to create passive income. How can you start implementing it? You know your audience, You create your offer. You create automated systems and then, the magic of driving traffic.
Hope this has been helpful for you guys. I want to make sure that you guys can get out there and get your passive income flooding in. It’s such a dream life, and I encourage you guys to consider podcasting as a way to drive the traffic because it is the number one amazing way that we’ve found that gets people.
Just today, a prospect called me up. She said, “Hey, I listened to your show, and I love what you guys were doing,” and she talked to me as though she already knew me, and this happens all the time. People talk to me as though they already know me and so when I get on a call with someone, they’re already warm. They already know, like, and trust me and then by the time that they purchase from me, they’re ready to go.
Get More Support And Learn How To Create Passive Income

Kamala Chambers
If you guys want more support on learning how to create passive income, I have a free video training and a workbook that goes with this. It’s at Be sure to pick that up because I want to set you guys up for the best success that you possibly can have.
Be sure to check out How To Create Passive Income – Part , How To Create Passive Income – Part 2, How To Create Passive Income – Part 3, and How To Create Passive Income – Part 4. See you over at for the free video training that goes with this. Keep rocking it. Keep thriving everyone.
How To Make Passive Income – Part Four