How To Make Passive Income Part Two

Kamala Chambers
In this episode, we’re going to talking about how to make passive income part two, knowing your audience.

Luis Congdon
I love this subject, how to make passive income.
Now, Kamala is somebody that’s really shifted my life, really helped me understand about knowing your audience. A lot of times when we work with people, they’re all jazzed about selling stuff, they get jazzed about their passion and what they’re going to sell. They’re the experts but they don’t know their audience and there’s a big hole there, right Kamala? Isn’t there a big hole with not knowing your audience even though you think maybe you know them?
What If You Think You Already Know Your Audience?

Kamala Chambers
There absolutely is because if you don’t know who your audience is, you don’t know who you’re speaking to, then how can we create an offer for them?
Here’s the thing that I find so amazing is that no matter how well someone thinks they know their audience inside and out. When I sit down with my clients and we do research on who the audience is and what they really want, we’re always surprised, every single time.
It’s so important to not guess at what you think your audience wants in order to learn how to make passive income and what they’re feeling inside. Never guess. You want to ask them and this is something we talked about in Training Tuesdays because the foundation of what everybody does is they have to know who they’re speaking to first.
How To Make Passive Income – Know Your Audience

Luis Congdon
This is the thing guys, if you’re an expert, maybe you’re a health expert, you’re a fitness expert, you’re a podcast expert, you’re an online course expert, the thing that I’m trying to say here is that when you know your craft, there’s usually this chasm. There’s this hole between you and the people that will buy from you because as an expert, you’re so intimately involved with the problem. You no longer think about it the way that the average person does which is important to learn how to make passive income.
When people think about podcasting, they think, “I want to grow an audience. I want to be well-known,” and I get way more in depth about it. I think, “Well, how’s your audio? What kind of microphone are you using? What kind of computer are you using? What kind of software are you using? How are your guests?” Don’t just land guest but do certain stuff with the guest so that you can leverage a show and be able to know how to make passive income.
What If People Are Not Buying?
It gets way more complicated. That’s one of the things that we’re trying to get at here is that if you don’t understand the people that are buying from you and if you don’t have a lot of buyers, or maybe you do have quite a few buyers but then, you create this new product or program, you better understand how other people think about this product or this service that you want to offer because you want to enter the conversation that they are having in their heads.
So, when I’m thinking about fitness, I’m not going to get super complicated. I just think, “Oh, I want to get buffed.” However, a fitness expert is going to be like, “What kind of food are you eating? What kind body fat percentage?” We want to try to be relatable on the most basic level so that we can cast a wide net for this specific audience that we’re trying to get to.
Am I getting that right there Kamala?
How To Make Passive Income – Be Practical

Kamala Chambers
Of course you are. I trained you well.
In order know how to make passive income always be practical. I think of thing that is really practical. Let’s get down to the practical steps of it. How do you actually get to know your audience? What I would love for you all to go out and do every time that you set out to make passive income because that’s what we’re here talking about is how to set your life up to make passive income.
You need to first have an offer that you put out there into world, and with your offer, you need to know who your audience is. You need to know what they want so that way, people will actually buy it. Let’s talk about how to make passive income with that.
The First Thing You Need To Know About How To Make Passive Income
First, you have to ask your audience what their main struggle is. What is that one thing that they’re struggling with? Then, you need to know what their big desire is. What is the thing that they want most in life and then, you need to know, what the feelings are. What are the feelings that they have?
One thing that I’ve recently found, I see this all the time, I was sitting down with a client recently and I kept asking her, “What is the struggle that your audience is going through?” And she just kept listing out all the features of all the things that she did. She would talk about how she was doing EFT, energy medicine, emotional release and things like this but it wasn’t actually getting to the root of what people actually needed and what they were struggling with.
So don’t confuse the features of what you do with what people really want. It doesn’t really matter how you give people the results. It matters that they get the results. So the path there isn’t as important.
How To Make Passive Income – Create An Amazing Product

Kamala Chambers
When you set out to create any product, don’t focus so much on what you’re going to do for people. Instead, focus on the results that you’re going to give people and really be clear on that one thing that you are going to help people with, that one thing that you are a master at helping people overcome.

Luis Congdon
I absolutely love what Kamala is saying there and it is the key differentiator between making sales and not making sales.
A lot of times, experts, they’re thinking about what kind of cap. I was just looking at a water bottle and thinking if I was trying to sell it as an expert, I might talk about it, “It’s made out of aluminium and we’ve got this kind of cap and this is what it does and this is what it does,” instead of thinking about what are the benefits.
“This water bottle will make it super simple for you to pack your protein shake. It’s going to make it awesome. It’s going to keep your water cool. It’s going to be the greatest thing for you if you need to have fluids for you when you’re backpacking.”
You see where I’m focusing on the end result and I’m actually barely even talking about the water itself or the water bottle itself. More focusing on the results that you’ll get from it and that is the very thing that Kamala’s trying to get to and that is why you need to know your audience.
What You Need To Remember About How To Make Passive Income
I want to wrap this up here and just remind you that people who buy from you are interested in what they’ll get, which is the end result. Most people don’t buy something because they want to do X, Y, and Z. They really just think about the end result.
We hire a fitness coach for example so that we can get fit. So we talk about people getting fit if we’re in fitness. If I’m a podcasting coach, I talk about people drawing an audience, attracting clients, and having a show that makes them very well-known. Those are all the benefits and that’s what people get excited about and then we jump in into the nitty gritty once they hire me.
It’s been great to have you here on today’s episode. Make sure to listen to tomorrow’s episode and next week, we’ve got some more awesome training for you.