How To Make Money On Facebook – Part Four




To learn how to make money on Facebook, start by going through the photos in your profile. These pictures show your true nature and your message.

Without constantly pitching, make your posts relevant to your market and compatible with your branding.

On this How To Make Money On Facebook – Part Four episode, we’re going to talk about Profit From Facebook organic strategies, which you can utilize for your business.




Luis Congdon

Today, I want to do something different and talk about how to make money on Facebook and Profit From Facebook organic strategies.

I want to speak to you about it with Kamala because she was the springboard for a lot of the stuff that I’ve talked about how to make money on Facebook.

Kamala was the first person that said, “Hey Luis, you’ve got to analyze your Facebook page, and you cannot just be posting all sorts of weird things. You’ve got to change your photos if you want to make money on Facebook.”

She’s also gone through a process because I’ve taken that advice she gave me. I dramatically shifted how I do Facebook, and she’s watched me go through this process of developing something that other people can utilize and get business.

I wanted to bring on Kamala and just have her talk to you guys a little bit about her process on how to make money on Facebook. Also, she is going to share what’s happened to her with Facebook and how she’s applying some of that in other social media platforms.

Kamala, welcome.

Kamala Chambers

It’s good to be here with all of you.

Strategies on How To Make Money On Facebook Organically

Kamala Chambers

I wanted to talk about how to make money on Facebook and take some of the strategies that are the foundational principles that I started with Luis. It’s always kind of annoying when the student surpasses the master.

I was the first person to get on his Facebook strategies on how to make money on Facebook, honed in, and he quickly took that and ran. Then, he started bringing in $10,000-days with some of his Facebook posts.

That’s the kind of results that I want you guys to be able to have. That is to get more clients and more prospects when you learn the strategies on how to make money on Facebook

Luis, do you think we should talk about the beginning strategy on how to make money on Facebook that I taught you, and then go from there?

How To Make Money On Facebook And Clean Up Your Profile

Kamala Chambers

What I did with Luis is I started looking through his photos because I was his new girlfriend. I didn’t really like some of the pictures I was seeing because some were his old girlfriends and things like that.

But the real truth behind it was I wanted him to see that every single photo he had was telling a story about who he is. Some of those pictures looked like he was partying and look wasted. I know Luis doesn’t even drink, so those photos didn’t even tell an accurate story of who he is.

And so, he went through his photos on his personal page and honed in.

What are the things you want people to know you? What is the message that you want to put out to the world?

You want to be professional, or you want to be seen as the intelligent worldly and amazing human you are. And so, we went through and just took out the photos that didn’t speak to his branding that he was creating.

Then, we did the same thing with your profile page. He was posting some pretty random stuff on there. Sometimes, he still posts some random stuff but things that had nothing to do with the market that he was speaking to.

I just tried to get you to hone in on this thing Luis. Don’t post about like your sneakers or stuff that had no relevance to your market. It doesn’t mean that you should always be pitching.

Kamala Chambers How To Make Money On Facebook Thriving Launch Podcast

Luis Congdon

Yeah, definitely.

Potentials When You Learn How To Make Money On Facebook


Luis Congdon

One of the first things Kamala made me hip to when it comes to strategies on how to make money on Facebook organically and marketing through Facebook organically was it isn’t just a place to post pictures of yourself or your friends. It’s not a thing where it’s just you and a couple of friends.

Facebook is a multi-billion dollar company. It’s got billions of daily users.

And so, Facebook is no longer just a platform where my buddies and I go and share weird pictures of each other, and laugh, and giggle between each other and inside jokes. It’s much bigger than that, and its potential is much greater than that.

That was the first thing Kamala made me understand, and that was the first mindset like, “Whoa! Facebook has an entirely different potential than what I thought it was.” Now, it’s something that I can enjoy, and it doesn’t have to be this thing that bothers me like, “What the heck is this for?” She made me understand that there’s a lot more potentials.

Now, I’ve made a lot of changes with my Facebook. I’ve gone way beyond what Kamala suggested and turned Facebook Organically into a powerhouse when I applied these strategies on how to make money on Facebook. Like what she said, some $10,000 days, selling to people, meeting all sorts of individuals, networking, and growing an audience. It’s turned into a powerhouse for me.

Is there any few mind shifts that you’ve had since some of the work that I’ve done here Kamala?

Kamala Chambers

There are so many that I’ve learned from you about how to make money on Facebook and some of it just watching you in action.

How To Make Money From Facebook And Share Your Wins

Kamala Chambers

Luis was sharing his wins with me a lot. Like, if we’re working in different offices spaces, he’ll write me on Facebook messenger, “Oh. I just got us this new speaking gig.” “Oh. I just landed this high-end client.” “Oh. People are buying this course from us.” “I just got this new customer.” “I have this opportunity to write in a magazine.” “People are writing me and wanting to host me on their podcast.”

Things like these are happening all the time. I’ve never witnessed another human being, or business owner has much going on and many opportunities. It’s been incredible to watch that you’re doing this all through Facebook.

Law Of Reciprocity On How To Make Money From Facebook

Kamala Chambers

I’m not the gregarious type of person that you are where I go out and want to meet and talk to everyone. But, I’ve used some of these principles to just being willing to have a quick chat with someone.  Find out what’s going on with them. See a little way that you can help someone.

Once you add a little bit of value to other people’s lives, they’ll also want to give back. That’s the Law of Reciprocity.

People want to give back. They want to add value to your life. And you don’t add value because you want them to give to you.

Kamala Chambers How To Make Money On Facebook Thriving Launch Podcast

Kamala Chambers

That’s something I’ve learned a lot from you, Luis. It’s this generosity.

How To Make Money On Facebook And Engage With People

Kamala Chambers

I’m an introvert. I like to protect my energy a lot. I don’t like giving out a ton of energy to people because I’ve got so much going. It’s all like an energy drain but the way you do it, Luis, it gives you energy.

I’ve learned how to have these conversations and engage people on Facebook from my personal page in a way that is bringing in clients and sales. That alone is valuable.


Luis Congdon

Anyways, you guys have had a chance to meet Kamala. You’ve heard some of the things she suggested on how to make money on Facebook.

You’ve also heard one critical insight. It’s something that I live by.

Invest In Learning How To Make Money From Facebook

Luis Congdon How To Make Money On Facebook Thriving Launch Podcast

Luis Congdon

Facebook can be huge time waste, but it can also be a huge money maker, a deep investment in other people, a huge networking machine. That’s the way I want you to start seeing it.

This has been a short interview. It’s a quick connect with Kamala. I wanted you guys to have an opportunity just to hear a little bit about her, and some suggestions and insights that she’s had ever since she and I have both leveled up our Facebook and how to create money with Facebook strategies.

We’ll see you in the next episode and excited to share more strategies on how to make money on Facebook with you guys on the next training days.

Make Money On Facebook




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