Make Money on Facebook

How To Make Money On Facebook

Luis Congdon
On today’s episode, I want to teach you how to make money from Facebook without a website, without ads, simply using Facebook in a purely organic way, which means no money, no ads, just simply Facebook in the most simple, basic way. Be sure to tune in to today’s episode so I can teach you how to make money from Facebook.
All right. Welcome everybody. Today, I want to talk about how to make money on Facebook.
This is my bread and butter. I am so excited to talk about you this. I’m really am because Facebook has transformed my life. There’s a lot of people that say Facebook is a waste of time or Facebook won’t work for selling. Not in the organic way anyways. Everyone is like, “Well, if you’re going to make money on Facebook you got to learn ads. It’s really complicated.”
Today, I’m going to show you how to make money on Facebook organically. No paid ads. You don’t even need a website because I’ve made sales without a website. I’ve seen other people do it on a way larger scale than I have without a website. Just a checkout page and the checkout page is simply a Paypal link. That’s really what I mean by a checkout page.
So, how do you make money on Facebook? Really awesome subject, something that I think everybody who’s in business or anyone who’s an entrepreneur, they should at least know how to make money on Facebook organically without buying ads, without a website, and the first thing I want you to know is that it’s possible. Just get that into your head.
How To Make Money On Facebook Organically

Luis Congdon
Why is that important to me? It’s because a lot of people, if they’re excited about the idea of making money on Facebook without ads and doing so organically, the first thing that I need them to get into is that it is possible, that people are doing it, that I’m doing it, and that, they can do it too.
I’ve built a course on this and I have clients that are making over $10,000 a month using these methods. I know that it is possible to make money on Facebook.
Let’s go back to the first thing though. The first thing is that you need to know that it’s possible and then, let’s dive into the deeper stuff.
The second thing is the reason why I love Facebook for making money over all other social media platforms is because it’s active, it’s engaging, and people are involved. If you try to use Twitter, having 140 characters is very hard to connect with people, having 50, 60, or a 100,000 followers. Whatever it might be that you have on Twitter, it’s very hard to build a connection with a 140 characters. Things are happening so fast. Connection is just really hard to make.
If you want to make money anywhere in the world with anything, whether it’s person to person, business to business, online, whatever it might be, having a connection is the first thing that you need to do.
So, when we’re talking about how to make money on Facebook, building a connection can happen very easily because you’re not limited in your characters. What I mean by characters is words. You’re not limited with words on Facebook. You can write super long posts. You can be very personal. You can connect with people, get really vulnerable, be really honest, be really raw, and be fully you.
The first thing I want you to start doing with Facebook if you want to make money on Facebook, is I want you to start posting at least once a day. Ideally, if you can do it 2 to 3 times a day daily. If you’re posting often on Facebook that means people will see you a lot. Why is this important? What is it important that you’re posting on a regular basis?
To Make Money On Facebook Make Sure to Post Two Or Three Times A Day

Luis Congdon
The more that people see you, the more that they know you, the more that they begin to like you or not like you, which is okay. If people don’t like you and they don’t connect with you, the sooner you can get them off your, “List of people who are potential buyers.” The sooner they’ll unfriend you and you’ll attract other people to make money on Facebook. Don’t worry about that. I want you to just start being you on Facebook and start posting often, 2 to 3 times a day.
Also ensures that if you post, Facebook has this algorithm and nobody other than the Facebook people seem to really understand it but they have an algorithm of how they show content. If you post once a day, their algorithm says, “Okay, we’re going to show it to this percentage of people.” If you’re posting 2 to 3 times a day, that percentage will stay about the same. However, if people are more engaged, Facebook is going to show it to more people if you get more likes, more comments and more engagement.
If you’re posting more often, you have a bigger likelihood that people are going to see it, that people are going to engage with it. There’s a bigger likelihood that you’re going to start creating content to get some really engagement, get some real attraction, and the more that you’re doing that, the more people will see it. However, you won’t know until you start posting, until you start posting often and once you’re posting often, then you’ll start noticing patterns.
One of the things that I noticed really quickly is if I celebrate a win on Facebook, people get really excited about it. They get behind it. When I got featured in Huffington Post, I had over 200 likes and something. I had over 200 comments. I had some really strong engagement and made some sales from that. Share your wins in order to make money on Facebook.
To Make Money On Facebook, Celebrate Your Wins

Luis Congdon
We’ll get into the selling part soon in order to make money on Facebook. I’m setting you up to let you know that even if you’re posting about what happening for you and your life, sales can happens. More often people don’t certainly buy a product from you because of the product, they’re going to buy it because of you. They’re going to buy it because of who they know you to be, because they like you, because they trust you, because they like what you stand for, because they like the wins and successes that you’ve had, the impact that you’ve had.
One of the keywords there is if you’re making money on Facebook, it’s because of you and not so much because of the thing itself that you might be selling.
So, I want you to start posting often. That’s my first tip and it’s super important. We’re going to be drilling that throughout this, and I’m going to be giving you examples and ideas of other things that you can post that I really like.
- A win. Start sharing those wins.
- Being really vulnerable.
I don’t meant being vulnerable like if you have some major problem and it’s a little too much for you to share, don’t share that. Find the fine line between what’s personal to you in your own private life.
Don’t Share Your Personal Stories, It Doesn’t Help You Make Money On Facebook

Luis Congdon
There are things on Facebook that I don’t share. Let’s say my mom and I had an argument or something and it really hurt me or something like that. I don’t really want to post about that on Facebook. I don’t really want to put my mom out there on Facebook and talk about what’s going between us. If it was one of my brothers, maybe we had an argument or my partner, she and I have an argument.
I want to be really sensitive about what I share. I have shared a lot of things that are fairly personal. A lot of you guys here at Thriving Launch, you guys know that I was adopted, you know that I went through a really hard time growing up, and I’ve posted about that. When I went back to Colombia, I actually started sharing that whole journey. However, personal stories do not actually contribute to make money on Facebook.
Some of you guys also know that I was homeless as an adult. When I was about 28 years old, I lost a job and I didn’t have a place to stay. I ended up sleeping in a park, sleeping in my car and trying to figure it out, and I’ve posted about that. I’ve gone to the park where I used to sleep and I did a little video and I talked about that experience. Highly vulnerable to share that me, as a successful entrepreneur, leader, influencer, I’ve been through some really hard times, and I think people really resonated with that.
One of the reasons why I know that is because a lot of people wrote me about that. Through sharing those experiences, I’ve been invited on to podcasts, invited to do interviews for magazines, featured on like YouTube channels and different things.
To Make Money On Facebook Be Real Who You Are

Luis Congdon
It’s really something that by sharing who you are, you really open people up to connect with you. When you’re being open, they’re all of a sudden, become open and now, there’s a gateway for connection. So we want to start posting often. Those are a few examples of things that I’ve noticed that really help people connect with my message and who I am, and also, every once in a while, being fairly controversial.
Sometimes, I have opinions that are not the most popular opinions. I find that it’s okay for me to share that and share stuff like that here and there. Sometimes, being a little bit controversial or slightly vulgar or slightly just out there different is very helpful. That particular type of marketing is called, “Polarize marketing” I think is the exact name and the idea is that you’re polarizing. You’re pulling the people in that really connect and resonate with you and you’re pulling away the people that aren’t going to connect, aren’t really going to resonate.
One of my favorite people who does this is Ben Settle. We did an interview with Ben Settle and he is very good at polarizing marketing. You’ve got Donald Trump, who’s the king of polarize marketing. He really pushes people away and really pulls people in. One of things to notice about Donald Trump is people are really either super gung-ho about him and excited for him or people are adamantly against him and think that he’s the devil. One of the things that he’s done very well is he has polarized people to his message and look what it does is it creates this “cult-like following”.
To Make Money On Facebook, Stay Away From Politics

Luis Congdon
It’s up to you where you want to fit within the spectrum of being polarizing. I try to be true to myself. I don’t try to do stuff just for attention sake. Ryan Stewman is another person that can be very polarizing and the gift that you give people when you’re polarizing is you let them know who you really are. You give them an opportunity to decide if they’re really for you or against you or, where they’re at with that. It’s up to you. I want you to find something that really fits and suits you.
Again, I’m not somebody that’s extremely polarizing but just by the nature of being a human being and who I am, there’s times when I’m very polarizing to people just because I’m a person who has opinions and they’re not always what everyone else is thinking.
One of my other tips for you and this is up to you to decide where you stand with this. However, if you’re really interested to make money on Facebook, there’s the few rare exceptions but for the most part, stay away from politics. Don’t talk about politics. I have not seen too many people be very successful with this. There’s a few people that make money on Facebook and they do it very well. They do it organically, and those are people that will talk about politics and they’re very polarizing, but with those people, they know their message really well and they want to be very polarizing. It’s part of who they are.
Use Facebook Groups To Make Money On Facebook

Luis Congdon
So, if you’re going to talk about politics just be aware that once you step into the political dialog and posting about politics, you’re being very polarizing immediately and if that’s for you, fine. If not, that’s okay too. However, you want to be really cognizant and aware of the fact that to be able to make money on Facebook a lot of times is about building fandom. How you do that is up to you and how polarizing you want to do that is really up to you as well.
The next thing I want to go into to be able to make money on Facebook is Facebook groups. That is my bread and butter. I love Facebook Groups. They’re magical. They’re fantastic places to be. If you’re in business, if you’re thinking about getting in business, if you’ve been in business, if you’re someone who’s an entrepreneur and you have something to sell, you need to be inside of Facebook groups. If you don’t have you own group, that’s okay. We’ll dive into having your own group in a moment and if you do have your own group, fantastic. We’re going to dive into how you can use groups to make money on Facebook as well in a moment.
The first thing I really want to say to you is be in Facebook groups. Be in your own group. Be on other people’s groups. Know what your target market to make money on Facebook.
If you’re a health coach, I want you to go into Facebook and find health groups. Join coaching groups.
Now, here’s the thing. A lot of people come to me and say, “Hey Luis, I’m a fitness coach so I’m part of a lot of fitness groups but I’m not really finding people that are resonating with my message or buying for me.” Well, I think it’s great as a fitness coach or any kind of coach to be in groups where your peers are at. Because one of things about being successful in business is usually mean to be well known. Not just by the people who are your clientele but also by your peer group.
Join Coaching Groups That Help You Make Money On Facebook

Luis Congdon
Here’s the thing. If you’re only hanging out in groups that are for fitness coaches and you’re a fitness coach, they’re not going to buy from you. If you’re a mental health counselor and you’re only hanging out in counselling groups, you’re most likely not going to get counselling clients in a group full of counsellors who are looking for tips, strategies, and ways to connect with other counsellors and build their own counselling business but it’s good to be in there. It’s great for social proof, for networking, references, for affiliate marketing. There’s all sorts of ways that being parts of groups that have your peers, your professional peers inside of them. However, the really great way to do this is be in groups that also have your target market.
Let’s go back to the fitness expert for example. If you’re a fitness expert, I would join groups like obesity groups, weight loss groups, women in depression groups, men in depression groups, maybe some entrepreneur groups. So, then I would go inside of all these groups and start adding value to be able to make money on Facebook.
Now, if you’re in a group full of obese people and your thing is you’re a fitness expert, fantastic. That is your target market. If you’re a mental health counselor and you’re in a group full of people who maybe get together and talk about divorce and what that’s like or raising kids, that’s fantastic. That’s your target market because people who are going through divorce or recently got divorced or talking about divorce, probably really love some of the insights that you have about recovering from a break-up, how to stay happy during hard times, how to be single, how to find someone that you love, how to find your soul mate whatever it might be as your kind of particular expertise.
Get Serious About How Make Money On Facebook

Luis Congdon
Start joining groups where not only your professional peers hang-out but also where your target market is going to be. That right there is huge thing on how to make money on Facebook.
The other thing that you want to start doing with Facebook is you need to go and start looking at your images and pictures. That was one of the first things. When I started really getting serious about making money on Facebook, I had to start looking at pictures, images, and looking at my profile because when people are looking for a coach, an expert, a trainer, a mentor, a leader, and influencer, they’re not just going to Google. They’re going to Facebook and they’re looking inside of Facebook and they’re going to start clicking on your photos, start clicking on your friends, start scrolling through your timelines, start reading of your About sections in Facebook.
So if you want to make money on Facebook, you got to realize that your Facebook profile no longer just belongs to you and your friends on Facebook, your friends and family. It’s not just a tool now where you post what you ate and your friends and family are like, “Oh, wow. Cool. Luis is on a diet. That’s really cool. I’m going support his diet.” Now, what’s happening is people are using Facebook as a way to gauge whether or not they should hire you, to gauge if you’re someone they should trust.
And so, if you want to be liked, trusted, well-known, respected, and you want to make money from Facebook, you need to go through all your pictures that you have and start editing your images. Start taking out the images that don’t work for you.
I had pictures on there that were really silly, goofy, and fun but some of those pictures didn’t make me attractive to my ideal client. So you want to start deleting some of those pictures or asking your friends to un-tag you. You also want to start changing some of your settings so you have a little bit more privacy about who can post and how can people can post about you. You want to start guiding your image because now that you’re interested in making money on Facebook. Facebook is a place where people are going to find out who you are, get to know you, and you want them to get to know the side of you that is professional, the side of you that they will really connect with, and the side of you that you want to show people.
To Make Money On Facebook Keep Transparency

Luis Congdon
As much as I really believe in transparency and having everybody know fully who I am, this is just a truth of life. If you’re not hanging out with me in the living room right now, you only know a limited amount of me, and I want you to know as much about me is I want you to know. I want to protect that. I want to be healthy about how much I connect with you because getting to know somebody is a process and I want to lead people through this process in a really awesome way so that when they get to know me through Facebook is a side of me that is great side of me. It’s something that they’ve really connect with at least when I talk about my ideal clients.
Now, going back to the first thing, to make money on Facebook is completely possible. We’ve talked about posting often. The other thing I want you to start doing is I want you to start engaging with other people. This isn’t a kind of post and quit and leave kind of thing where you just post your stuff and then, your gone. You need to also engage with other people. So there’s a time element here that’s involved.
The more that you start using my methods, the less time that you’ll need because as you perfect the skill, the less time that it’ll take. As you become more well-known, the less time it takes for people to notice and go, “Oh wow, Luis just posted something. Let me go check it out. Every time he posts something, it’s awesome.”
Engage People, Build Attraction, Build Fandom

Luis Congdon
For me, it takes me a lot less time to build clients, build attraction, build fandom than it used to because I’ve done these methods. One of the other things I want to suggest to you is start being engaged. Don’t just go and join groups and post inside of groups for the sake of it. Also engage with other people inside of Facebook and engage with them inside of groups, engage with them on their personal page.
Just the other day, we had someone write us on Facebook. Completely out of the blue, this woman wrote to me and friend requested me and then, she wrote me and just said “Hi,” and I said “Hey. Really nice to meet you. I’ve accepted your friend request. What interest did you in friend requesting me?” She said, “Well, I looked at your profile and I noticed that you’re really big in the podcasting, digital courses, passive income, and I really wanted to connect with you and see if I might be able to hire you as a coach.”
Boom! Making money on Facebook just happened. I don’t run ads as of right now at this time. I’ve run ads once or twice, did terrible, and didn’t work for me. So I haven’t utilized ads. This person really came in a purely organic way. They connected with me on Facebook, they looked through my timeline. They looked at my pictures. They got to know me, and then they made a purchase, and this happens to me on a regular basis.
I can tell you that there have been times that in 1 month, $15,000 – 20,000, purely organically have come through Facebook. So start utilizing these methods. This is just a small window into some of the training and some of the education that I have for you.
To Make Money On Facebook Use It In A Deeper Level

Luis Congdon
I actually have a free mini-training for you. Absolutely free because you’re here listening to this. If you go to, you can go to the page where this interview is and you can actually click a link that will take you to Profit from FB. The link is all on the website. You can go back to just That’s easier for you to remember.
You just go to Thriving Launch and you go to our website. There’s Make Money From Social Media, and you can learn how to use Facebook in a deeper level than what I can give you here, but this is a really good start for opening the dialog, opening the possibilities and showing you that you really can make money from Facebook.
I’ve also got some articles about this on the website if you’re more of a visual person. If you want to click on stuff, there’s also a guide that’s going to be coming out here very shortly.
We’ve got a lot of stuff for you to make sure that you can really get all the education that you need completely free on how to make money from Facebook. On top of that, if you really want to go all in, we have a really in-depth course. I’ve spent countless hours building it up, building guides, and all of that where we you can go deeper, and you can grab that course as well.
It’s been a real pleasure. I hope that this has opened your eyes to the possibility that you really can make money on Facebook and go grab the other resources from our website. I’ll see you next week on the next episode where we’re going to talk about some other stuff. We are going to come back to this subject because I’m not done training you and teaching you on how to make money on Facebook but until next time, I’ll see you soon. Welcome to Thriving Launch.
Make Money on Facebook