How To Heal Yourself – Megan Buer

Megan Buer, the founder of Harmony Restored and an Emotional Code practitioner, shares some ways on how you can heal trapped emotional traumas and change your mindset.
According to Megan, if you believe that something is wrong with you, then something is always going to be wrong no matter how great your life is.


If you’re not healing trapped emotional traumas and changing your mindset, you’re not going to go anywhere.
If you believe something is wrong with you, then something is always going to be wrong with you no matter how great your life is.
Realize that there’s nothing wrong with you.
Healing is not about fixing who you are, but it’s about remembering who you are.
Healing is not something that happens to you. It’s something you tap into.
Trying to fix a problem is what creates the problem.
Doing something that brings you joy or peace, whatever it might be, is what heals you.


Luis Congdon
Hey Thriving Launchers, do you want to learn how to heal yourself and have some help in your life, the simplest, fastest, and most efficient methods?
On this episode, we’ll be talking about that. So we’ll see you in the episode.

Kamala Chambers
Today, we’re here with Megan Buer. She is the founder of Harmony Restored. She’s an Emotional Code Practitioner and the author of two books. We’ve also had the pleasure of working with her as a client, helping her get her courses launched.
We’re thrilled to have Megan on the show to talk about how to heal yourself.

Luis Congdon
Hey there, Thriving Launchers, I am excited. We’ve got Megan on the call here who’s got much incredible energy and passion so let’s welcome her on the way we always do.
Megan, are you ready to launch?

Megan Buer
I’m ready.

Luis Congdon
Megan, you have this incredible story of helping people recover their health and sanity. I’m going to go as much deeper than health on learning how to heal yourself.
One of the first things I want to ask you is tell us a little bit about you, and various ways on how to heal yourself and others.
Tell us a little bit about your journey right now on how to heal yourself.

Megan Buer
How To Heal Yourself And Your Family

Megan Buer
It started several years ago when my son was born. He was diagnosed with autism when he was two. At that point, I was mainstream. I had no idea that there was any way of doing things alternatively. We were just hitting a wall.
I started researching. That mama bear just turned on, and I saw how miserable he was, and I knew there was something I could do.
And so, I threw myself into fixing and healing him, changing our diet and supplements, going to naturopaths, energy healers, and chiropractors, and anything I could get my hands on to try to relieve his suffering. We were there.
Learns How To Heal Yourself First Before Others

Megan Buer
Over that process, I stopped taking care of myself, and my health started to decline. Eventually, few years down the road, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s. I had panic disorder. I was just anxious all the time, tons of food intolerances, adrenal fatigue. Just kind of the classic story that I think a lot of things women are struggling with right now; fatigue, anxiety, depression.
So then, it all shifted to me.
I had to heal because I couldn’t get off the couch. I had these little kids running around, and I was tired, and just not myself, and jumped into trying to fix myself, and got sicker, and sicker in the process.
Doing Everything Is Not The Solution On How To Heal Yourself

Megan Buer
That is the point where most of my clients come to me is they show up, and say, “I’ve done everything. I’ve changed my diet. I’ve been vegan. I’ve been Paleo. I’ve done it all. I’m exercising. I am taking a gazillion dollars-worth of supplements every day. I’m resting.” and they feel worse than they did before.
Nobody is answering these women’s questions. I think a lot of these gurus in the alternative health field say, “Oh, just be vegan and everything will just magically heal,” or “Be Paleo” or whatever the hot thing is at that moment, and everything will just heal.
How To Heal Yourself Emotionally

Megan Buer
So then, I stepped in. This is where I stepped in my own life, and now, I walked into my clients’ lives, and say, “Look, diet, that’s great, but you are going to continue to hit a wall if you’re not taking care of yourself on an emotional level.”

Megan Buer
That’s what I did for myself, and now, that’s what I help other people do as well.

Luis Congdon
What I love and what resonates with Kamala and me is the whole thing about trying a bunch of different diets to fix yourself.
How To Heal Yourself – Ask If There’s An Issue First

Luis Congdon
To me, I’ve tried many different diets to “Get better,” and it seems like maybe that was part of the problem. I thought there was this issue, and I was trying to fix it through external stuff like food.

Kamala Chambers
One thing I’d love to hear from you, and I know this is something you specialized in is what is the step? What is the missing piece? If we’ve already tried everything, then what’s left?

Megan Buer
Well, I think for everybody, it is a little different. My personal story, this day, I remember the states like burned into my memories.
The Emotion Code On How To Heal Yourself

Megan Buer
I had been on this journey for a long time, got into the Emotion Code. I was working with a practitioner I started to feel so much better, doing the energy work, healing of the stress, and working on my emotions.
My symptoms began to unravel fairly quickly after I got into the Emotional Code, but I still wasn’t there. Something was still holding me back, and I wasn’t living my life yet. I was still afraid to go restaurants. I was terrified of taking in GMOs, soy, oil or whatever.

Luis Congdon
I’m not saying there’s a whole problem with it, but as a waiter, I could say it’s challenging.
How To Heal Yourself And The Challenges

Luis Congdon
Were you one of this person that said, “Okay. Hey, I’m thinking about ordering the rice, but I’m curious, is there gluten in it? Is it cooked with shellfish? Is it cooked next to shellfish? Where does the rice come from?” and you ask a bunch of questions.
I saw this comedian do this thing where he said, “I hate it when these customers do this, and they’re like ‘I can’t have the gluten.” And then at the very end, the dessert’s coming, and they’re like ‘Well, I can have a little bit of gluten. It won’t hurt me.”

Megan Buer
Well see, that wasn’t even me. I didn’t even go to restaurants. I was scared of getting sick from something. Yeah, I wasn’t one of those people. I just stayed home, and it was horrible.
Learn How To Heal Yourself To Start Living Your Life

Megan Buer
I was just miserable and not living my life, and just felt like I was on the sidelines of my own life. I was not thriving, and I had this day where again, I was feeling some better but I was still on pause. I was still frozen.
I was sitting out on the back deck. It was this beautiful spring day, my husband’s working out in the yard, my kids are playing, and I’m sitting on the deck reading diet books trying to find that last thing like, “There’s one thing I’ve missed. There’s got to be a final thing to kick me out of this and to heal.”
How To Heal Yourself – Believe There’s Nothing Wrong

Megan Buer
I had this moment where I realized, the reason why I couldn’t get better was that I believe that there was something wrong with me.

Megan Buer
Here I was out on our little farm in Virginia, and my husband’s there, my kids are playing, it’s a beautiful day, and I couldn’t be present because I was sitting there reeling and thinking “Oh my gosh, Is it the gluten?”
How To Heal Yourself – Change Your Story

Megan Buer
At the moment for me, I had this realization that there was nothing wrong with me, and I started to live my life that way. At that day, I changed my story, and I said, “Okay. This old Megan who I love and appreciate has done so much for me, but that’s not who I am anymore.”
I started living my life. I started eating, breathing, and thinking like a person who had nothing wrong with them. That meant I went to restaurants, and I went out with friends, and I enjoyed myself, and I did things I wouldn’t let myself do before because I was sick. That for me was the thing.
How To Heal Yourself – Remember Who You Are

Megan Buer
I think for all of my clients it’s a little bit different, but mostly, what we’re getting down to is realizing that there’s nothing wrong with us.
Healing is not about fixing who you are, but it’s about remembering who you are.
It’s not something that happens to you. It’s something that you tap into. It’s a shift in perception and mindset. It’s a change of your story. When you do that, that’s when things start to conspire in your favor, and no amount of smoothies can do that for you.
How To Heal Yourself – Give Yourself Permission To Thrive

Megan Buer
Smoothies are great. Healthy food is great. Supplements are great. I still do all of that, because people are like “Oh, do you just like eat at McDonald’s every day?” I’m like, “No! Of course, I still support my body in those healthy ways, but I know that’s not what’s doing it for me. It’s my mind. It’s where I’m putting my thoughts.”
All my clients have different experiences with that moment of changing their story and what the belief they’ve been living out of it. It’s realizing that there’s nothing wrong with you and giving yourself permission to thrive and be happy.

Kamala Chambers
I want to back up what you’re saying because this is my experience.
Struggles On Learning How To Heal Yourself

Kamala Chambers
Since I was very young, I was on the path where I teach ways on how to heal yourself and others. I went to school for energy medicine, and I went to school for nutrition, and I do deep interpersonal work, and yet, I felt like the more I did that kind of work, the more issues I had to contend with. There are more issues that I had emotionally and physically.
I had just weird things like hives, and I became allergic to everything for a little while. I think what shifted for me is it got so bad. After 12 years of being on my healing path, and trying to be the best human I could be, I just kept getting more and more neurotic in a way. I had intense panic attacks.
I was trying to get counseling and doing all these things because I had to cure the panic attacks, and I finally just gave up everything.
How To Heal Yourself – Stop Trying To Be A Better Human Being

Kamala Chambers
I ceased to try to be a better person and just was okay with who I was, and I’ve been healthier than I’ve ever been. I’m not watching my food. I just eat what I want. I make good choices, but I eat what I want. Maybe I’m 10 pounds fatter. I don’t care though.
I’m happy, I feel good, and I don’t have this nagging, “How can I be the best human possible?”
Understanding How To Heal Yourself As A Worthiness Issue

Megan Buer
Realize there is no problem anyway. There wasn’t even a problem before. I think it’s a worthiness issue. It’s coming down to “I am worthy of thriving, and I’m okay just the way I am right now. There isn’t anything I have to do or change or fix or tweak to just be present at this moment that everything is fine, and I’m okay, and you’re okay, and we’re all right.” It’s allowing yourself to be happy now.
A lot of my clients, the first time they come to me are frozen because they won’t let themselves be happy or go out and start that business they want to or change the relationship or move or whatever they want to do.
How To Heal Yourself – Let Yourself Do What You Want To Do

Megan Buer
Most of my clients have pretty big goals, but they won’t let themselves do that until X, Y, and Z are done or in order.
“Until I lose 10 pounds,” or “Until my kids stop fighting,” whatever it is, then I’ll let myself do this and that, and it’s about letting yourself do this and that today.
What Society Teaches On How To Heal Yourself

Megan Buer
Everybody kind of wants a home work. They want something to do. They want that magic pill that says “Okay, what do I do? What do I do now?” We live in that society of fixing things and having a pill.
Here’s what I tell my clients at the end of every session.
“The best thing you can do for yourself right now is do something that brings you joy.”
I know that way on how to heal yourself sounds simple and easy, but that’s the point.
How To Heal Yourself – Bring The Emotion You’re After

Megan Buer
For everybody that’s different if that’s going out and taking a walk in nature or going to lunch with a friend or watching funny movie. I don’t care what it is but bring the emotion you’re after.
If you want joy or peace, create it right now. Wherever and however you can, do it now. You deserve it now. You don’t have to lose weight or not feel anxious before you can do that. Do it now, and that’s what heals you.
It’s not giving up but moving pass that story and moving past that frozen state and creating that joy now. That’s what heals you.

Kamala Chambers
I think this is valuable to share and something not a lot of people are talking about.
How To Heal Yourself – Be Okay With What Is

Kamala Chambers
For me, I had to give up all my rituals and practices like all of the things that were supposed to make me better.
Is there anything you do that you feel like helps you to have that experience? Like for me, it’s not even a practice. It’s just a reminder I keep giving myself to just be with what is. I’m okay with what is. I’m fine the way I am. It’s okay. I don’t need to be any different. This is the best I got right now.
Is there something else you would recommend or that you do?

Megan Buer
How To Heal Yourself – Go For A Walk

Megan Buer
Again, it is different for everybody but there’s one thing I try to do, and I don’t have to do it every day. I try to go for a walk every day.
I live in the most beautiful part of the world I think. I get outside. In the mornings, I don’t turn my phone on until after my day has started. I noticed a huge difference in my mental space when I leave my phone turned off until after I’ve had my walk after I’ve had tea with my husband. After that, then I turned it on and got started.
How To Heal Yourself – Turn Your Phone Off Until After Your Day Has Started

Megan Buer
That’s the thing I do. I keep my phone off, and I go for a walk in the morning. It just clears my head, and I can just get back out in nature, and look around, and realize that I’m a part of something so much bigger. All my little problems that are in my house are not that significant, and understanding how great I have it, and that nothing needs to change.
I just remind myself that every day that I can be happy here and now, and it doesn’t have to be “when this and that,” and this happens. It’s about just accepting yourself and finding a little ritual that does that for you.
How To Heal Yourself – Do Whatever Works For You

Megan Buer
Some people like best. I don’t like best. Do whatever works for you even if it’s laughing. I like to laugh. That’s something I make sure I do every single day for my health.
Find a little thing where you can just slow down and reconnect with what’s real, and that’s love and gratitude.
Whatever works for you is great.
How To Heal Yourself And The Pain You Have

Luis Congdon
One of the things that connect with our show here and reminds of another episode we did Kamala with Steve Ozanich, who wrote a book, Back Pain Permanent Healing. It was an incredible book, and I’ve personally known two people who had this just terrible back pain.
One of our business partners had so much back pain that one day, I had to call him and he was lying in bed and couldn’t move. Then, he was told by another friend to read this book by Steve. He read the book, the next day, we called our business partner, Brandon Lucero, and he was up moving around just fine. I asked him what shifted for him, and we ended up having Steve on the show.
How To Heal Yourself – Take Your Mind Somewhere Else

Luis Congdon
One of the things Steve said is the shift that people experience is they start putting their mind elsewhere. Instead of focusing so much on the problem, they take their mind somewhere else.
A lot of times with back pains or different pains or illnesses, whatever it might be, what people find is that there are times when they’re okay. How is it that you have this excruciating pain, but then somehow, there’s this other time when you’re okay?
How To Heal Yourself – Shift Your Focus

Luis Congdon
Maybe the issue isn’t completely something in the back but something in your mind. That’s something that resonated.
The other thing I wanted to ask you, and it’s something I’m always fascinated, Kamala. When we have guests who are living their purpose, and they’re helping other people, and in that, they’re also finding a way to make a living and live their passion.
I’m curious. What is it been like for you to help people but also run a business, doing this, and find a way to make a living doing what you love?

Megan Buer
Sharing To Other People The Ways On How To Heal Yourself

Megan Buer
I got to this point where I felt like I had healed and was ready to give that gift to other people and show them how I did it.
I became an Emotion Code practitioner and a Reiki healer. I did all these things and opened my practice. Overnight, clients were flooding in. It was about four years where it was just non-stop client work. That was amazing and rewarding, and it still is, but I started to get burned out, and there was only so much of me to go around, and I kept saying the same thing over and over to people.
How To Heal Yourself – Be Present In Your Life

Megan Buer
I wanted to get my message out on a larger scale, and I wanted to be able to give people that gift, to coach and help them, but to be able to be present in my life, and not just in my clients’ lives. I wanted time with my kids.
You guys coached me and helped me create this course, and I have my courses rooted in health. It’s all about this. It’s 15 coaching sessions all put together for people, and package in a way that they can go through that in their time frame
How To Heal Yourself – Have Balance In Life

Megan Buer
It’s just been great from that standpoint where I’m still able to help people do their healing and empower them with the tools that I used to do that, giving that to them at a much-reduced price. It’s because I don’t have to do the one-on-one work. It’s perfect for them, and it’s perfect for me because I’m able to reach a lot more people, and still have that balance in my life.

Luis Congdon
That’s cool.
An Offering That Teaches How To Heal Yourself

Luis Congdon
Thriving launchers, something Megan just said is she’s worked with us, and we helped her create some of digital product and offering, and allowed her to have different tiers to her offering so she could launch on various mediums and platforms, and serve in a variety of ways.
For us, this is such an honor, Megan, to watch the growth you’ve been going through. I’ve been seeing your Facebook group is consistently growing. Your messaging is getting more dialed in, and the people you’re serving, you’re just making a bigger impact.
It’s been a big honor to have you on the show here.
Kamala, do you want to say anything here?

Kamala Chambers
I just think you’re an incredible human being.
You have many gifts to share with the world, and I feel grateful you’ve come on to the show and shared your gifts with us.

Megan Buer
Yeah, thank you for having me. It’s been a lot of fun.

Luis Congdon
All right, Thriving launchers, you’ve been here with Kamala, Luis, and our guest, Megan, talking about health and how to heal yourself
How To Heal Yourself – Be Grateful

Luis Congdon
One of the key takeaways for me today has been about putting my mind to the things that please me and add value to my life. Those are the gratitude I have for Kamala, for being able to sit here from our earthen home on San Juan island, and being able to do this interview, and run a business from anywhere in the world.
These are the things I’m grateful for, and this is just the beginning. Once I started that Megan, I just had this desire to keep talking about all the things I’m grateful for like my mom and my dad. Now, I’m ready to give my Grammy award winning presentation here.
The point is that wherever you’re at, I’m sure there’s something in your life that’s a little bit off, and you’ve been trying to fix it for years. If there’s one thing Megan reminded me today is maybe that’s the wrong way to go about fixing the problem, and maybe one of the most powerful ways we can shift things is instead of putting our attention on the issue, put our attention on the things that make us feel good and grateful. We can even do that when we’re talking about health issues or gut problems or issues that feel focused in the tangible world.
Thriving Launchers, it’s been a real honor to be here with you. Keep thriving you all, and we’ll see you on the next episode at Thriving Launch.