How To Find A Soulmate – Kathryn Alice

Have you ever wondered about how to find a soulmate? We can use the same principles to find our soulmate that we do to bring in anything we want in life.
How do we know if we’ve found the one? Kathryn Alice is Soulmate Coach and author. On this episode, she shares about how to find a soulmate and have what we want in all areas of life.

How To Find A Soulmate

Kamala Chambers
In this episode, we’re going to be talking about attracting your soulmate, your soulmate business, and how to find a soulmate.

Luis Congdon
We have a wonderful guest for you today, Kathryn Alice. She’s written a fantastic book about how to call in the one, how to find your soulmate. She has mentioned the nine steps to finding that special, perfect somebody.
So without further ado, let’s bring on Kathryn Alice to Thriving Launch.
Here we are with Kathryn Alice. It’s very special to have her here. She’s somebody who’s impacted my life in the love area.
I first came across her work when I didn’t have a relationship but really wanted to understand how to have one. I keep returning to her work for various types of inspiration. Lately, it’s about how do you have the kind of job. The kind of inspirational job career that you’re totally in love with.
She talks a lot about soulmates, but how do you also have a soulmate career. She also explains how do you balance a career and find your soulmate and all of that.
Kathryn, welcome to the show. Are you ready to launch?

Kathryn Alice
Yes I am. Thanks, Luis and Kamala.

Luis Congdon
So great to have you here.
One of the things I want to ask you is, I know you’re the first soulmate coach or one of the first people to do this.
How did you tap into, “This is what I want to do?” “Get over the fear,” that you didn’t probably had a lot of examples. Then, how did you even just get out there and start doing it?
Knowing How To Find A Soulmate

Kathryn Alice
Well, I was directing a crisis support team at that time. I had done it for many years. Most of the people who have walked in the clinic have love issues, the most suicidal ones. I just wanted to help know how to find a soulmate.
So, I started teaching workshops on that subject and writing. I wrote a local column for a long time, and most of my material came from hands on, what was helping people.
I was told if I wanted to help to go bigger. So I started teaching in other cities and get writing for more national publications, and that’s how I got started.
It just went big because people needed it.

Kamala Chambers
Isn’t that the case and I love that you’ve found the thing that you recognize where the need was and what people needed the most.
What do you recommend? Is it different when you’re recommending someone find their soulmate business versus their soulmate love of their life? What do you recommend in that process?

Kathryn Alice
When you’re in a positive space, your energy is good, you’re feeling possibilities, and you’re feeling inspired. Love will come along and business success either concurrent with it or shortly after.
When people fall in love, they’re in the best space they’ve ever been in their life.

Kathryn Alice
They’ve never been more inspired and happy and all of a sudden, their business is off the hook. So, I do see that and often, they’re together.
How To Find A Soulmate And Fall In Love

Luis Congdon
One of the things that in our last interview with you and something that you talked about is calling in that special person.
As you guys are listening, regardless of where you’re at because I know that some of you have an incredibly thriving business. I know that some of you are maybe lacking in the soulmate department and are looking for that special somebody.
It would be remiss if we didn’t let Kathryn talk a lot about how to find a soulmate.
In order to be able to know how to find a soulmate. I think we can use the same processes that she talks about to call in that financial abundance. Or to call in that dream job that we want.
What are some of the first steps that you think are critical to know when learning how to find a soulmate?

Kathryn Alice
The first thing is to get a little clear on what we want. A lot of people have settled and can’t even imagine having what they want. They think the person might be out of their league or they don’t exist. So, I always lead people through a process of getting clear on what they want and what would suit them.
They can think about old relationships and what did and didn’t work. What if they could have anybody, any person, what would they be like?
Getting a little clear on what you want helps in knowing how to find a soulmate. That’s an excellent first step and removing any limits that they have to settle. Settling doesn’t work.
How To Find A Soulmate Without Thinking Too Much

Luis Congdon
As I hear you say that I’m thinking about one,
I used to work a dreaded 9 to 5 and I’m not saying that if you love your job, fantastic.
Apply this stuff to your soulmate. Apply it to whatever area that you want to. Because this stuff that Kathryn is sharing can be implemented to anything.
I’m looking at it from a job perspective at the moment. I remember having jobs that I felt like I had to settle.
It’s like, “This is all I can do.” “I’m 24 years old,” or “I’m this kind of guy,” and “I’m that.” “I’m this so I can’t have that,” and the same thing.
Before I met Kamala, it was the same thing as well.
With our first interview with Kathryn. One of the things that I told her is I used to think that women didn’t want a guy who was a wrestler and really into fitness. And at the same time, very sensitive and very into poetry and his feelings.
Now, I look back, and I was like, “Wait. What a limiting belief,” and all of has some of those limiting beliefs.
So what do we do when we notice these limiting beliefs whether it’s about a job or a soulmate? How to avoid limiting beliefs and know how to find a soulmate?

Kathryn Alice
Let me tell you a story about how to find a soulmate. This is applying to business because I already found my soulmate long ago and we’re married for a long term.
One of my next steps was business, and it was to find the right literary agent.
At that time, I had a junior agent who didn’t get my work and wanted me to take the word soulmate out of it, which was messing it up. She was making it to something that wasn’t mine.
How To Find A Soulmate Through Soul Call

Kathryn Alice
I had to take the brave step of letting her go, firing her. It was hard, and I decided that I wanted a top-notched agent.
So, I used the process we’re talking about to call for my ideal agent.
It turned out to be one of the top literary agents in the country. The one who repped Gone Girl and she broke the deal for the movie as well. That’s who I got, and she wine and dine me in the York. She wanted me. She had done her diligence and knew me, and I already have a following and was doing good work.
I thought I was paying for lunch, but she insisted on paying for lunch and billing it to the agency. She made it clear. She said, “I want you.” “I want to rep you.” That’s how it works if you don’t compromise.
When you go for what you want, then you can get what you want and not only that but also have them want you as much as you want them.
That applies to love. It applies to the literary agent. It applies to the perfect job too.

Kamala Chambers
I find that knowing what you want is the biggest part of getting it for me. I think that’s the number one thing.
Luis, you want to say something?

Luis Congdon
I was just going to make a joke, but it’s okay.
It was a joke about how that’s what happened with Kamala and me. She wanted to dine me. I called her in and then she was chasing me after me like crazy.

Kamala Chambers
He did say that it was a joke because that’s absolutely not true.
How To Find A Soulmate – Know What You Want

Kathryn Alice
I love it, though. That was a good one. Good one Luis.
When I was about to talk to you guys, I got a little chat message from somebody I’ve been working with. She said this happened to her. She was using my process applying it to work. She walked into this job interview, and they had known all about her. They said to her, “I talked to few people, and I realized who you are. I realized you’re the one who should be asking me the questions.” She did get the job, and it was very well paying.
It’s true when it comes to knowing how to find a soulmate. When you pave the way and send out that call, it will be waiting for you. It will want you as much as you want it whether it’s a job or a person or whatever it is.

Kamala Chambers
So when I talk about knowing what you want is the biggest part of it. Then you have to take action to learn how to find a soulmate. Then, it has to merge with belief.
What do you think is the next step after knowing what you want and you getting clear on that?

Kathryn Alice
Well, that’s the Soul Call Part, and it’s not action yet. It sounds eerie feary except for the fact that I have so much evidence that works.
What you can do is write down what you want and close your eyes. Believe it and it will help you know how to find a soulmate.
If anybody is listening and wants to do this right now, I’m leading you through it.
You close your eyes and think about what do I want right now? What’s my big burning desire?
You get clear on what you want and you call it forth energetically. It’s like you’re sending out an engraved invitation for it to come into your life.
Feel The Energetic Shifts And Know How To Find A Soulmate

Kathryn Alice
Because I feel like energetic shifts, we notice them. When somebody walks in a room, they carry an energy. We all read it in two seconds flat and if they’re in the magnet place, everybody wants to talk to them and everybody’s heads turn when they walk in the room.
You’re sending out an energy. It feels like an invitation, and I have a lot of evidence. It works just from the success rate we have people finding love. That’s the next step, then the action can come after that.

Luis Congdon
What I really got out of your work is it was less about this physical out there exertion of action. It was more about an internal mental clarity when it comes to knowing how to find a soulmate. Then, practicing and learning how to nestle into entertain, and have fun with the feelings, the thoughts, and the desires. Because so many of us have been constrained and restricted and told that we can’t have that.
How would you ever allow yourself if the action or opportunity arouse if it’s incongruent with your belief system?
There’s a great movie that I enjoy. It’s was called Sideways. This man in the movie got divorced. He goes on this epic journey through California with all these wineries with this guy.
He meets this woman with whom he’s totally attracted to, and his buddy with him is his kind of rebel. He’s this fun, loving, rebellious out-there guy. Not super professional. Just a guy who just wants to have fun. Sometimes, that looks very chaotic.
Aligning Your Belief System And Knowing How To Find A Soulmate

Luis Congdon
The other guy who was married was very professional, very restricted and the fun, loving, crazy guy is like, “Man, look at that. That woman is totally into you. She likes you. She digs you.” The guy is like, “Oh no. She would never go for me. That’s like my ideal woman, but she would never go for me.”
How could you ever take action if that’s your belief system?
So first, you’ve got to change what’s happening inside. Otherwise, when the opportunity arises, you won’t even know how to step into that possibility and have that result. You won’t even see it maybe.
So first, we have to entertain it so we can begin to believe it and see it.
When I think of myself when I had jobs that I didn’t like and not that long ago, I was homeless. I was sleeping on my friend’s couch and in my car. Things got bad, and I think some of it was I didn’t believe that I could have a particular reality. I was doing all the work to get there, but I didn’t believe that I could have it.
What I did every day is I started listening and reading to stuff like Abraham Hicks and yours as well. I began to apply it to my finances and to having the job and the work that I really would love to have. Then it began to show up magically.
When I met Kamala, she was like, “Hey, let’s go to Bali.” “Let’s go to Thailand.” “Let’s travel.” and I was like, “Oh my God. Okay, fine” and we did it.
The Process of Cultivating, Dreaming And Knowing How To Find A Soulmate

Luis Congdon
Those were dreams that I had been entertaining for quite a long time before she stepped into my world. But I don’t know if I would have been able to accept them. How did I not spend time cultivating and harvesting just within me that it was okay for me to have that and that I would love to have that.
Can you tell us a little bit more about that process of cultivating, dreaming, and nestling into this?

Kathryn Alice
Yeah. That’s a great example.
It sounds like Kamala pulled you to it as well. It’s like she had a better vision than you did or more of her sense of possibility.
When you’re with the right person, they bring out more in you and inspire you.
We’re talking about the Soul Call. I do it through a guided meditation, and so, part of it is sending that invitation. Another part of it is what you’re talking about which is envisioning it and making more real.
You’re not going to go from homeless to living in a gated estate with a tennis court and a pool. With all the luxuries including a huge backyard with a soccer field. That’s where I am now, in Malibu with an ocean view. You wouldn’t do that overnight.
You would have to start getting yourself like even taking walks in nice areas. Saying, “Okay. I’m going to manifest not just anything but a dream home even if it’s my first home.” Somehow or another and being in that energy, you create a template.
I do it through guided meditations, and I ask people also to do research. Focus on it.
How To Find A Soulmate And Manifest It

Kathryn Alice
Imagine what it feels like to have what you want. Imagine being worthy of having it, and as you do, it’s so much easier to have it.
It applies to dating a lot. Most people feel like the person they would like would be out of their league. Well, they’re not up to speed with it in their energy, in their imaginings.
The person you like will be out of their reach until you start feeling you’re worthy of them.

Luis Congdon
When I first saw Kamala at a dancing place, I was very attracted to her. Then, I put myself in a position, so I could say, “Hi” to her and meet her because she was leaving the building.

Kamala Chambers
Yeah. He blocked the door.

Kathryn Alice
My goodness.

Luis Congdon
I acted like I was standing there blocking the door, but it was very on purpose. Like, “Oh, you need to get through the door.” “Oh yeah. Excuse me.” “Let me move out of the way but first, what’s your name?” Kind of like that.
When I met her, I knew that I was interested in going out with her. But then, one of the things that arouse up quickly is, “This woman is way too hot for me.”
I remember feeling that afterward.
What I had to do immediately after that encounter is I went out and hired a coach. One of the first things I said to him is, “I want to be able to date a woman who’s like this and I met her. But I don’t feel that I could ever have that and that’s what I want to work on.”
How To Find A Soulmate That You Wish To Have

Luis Congdon
We can apply this to jobs. If we want to get somewhere but we don’t think that it’s okay with us. Then I guess one thing that I hear from you is we start practicing just a “What if?”
Let me walk through that nice neighborhood and what if this was my reality? Let me watch movies where I see things like this and ask what if and feel. Because maybe I’m not willing to say “Okay. This is a reality and this feels great,” but what if I just allow myself to feel what it would be like? That would be cool.
Let me look at some magazines that display images of these types of homes or these kinds of jobs.
One of the first things I did when I wanted to change my life is I started interviewing people. People that were doing way better than I was. So that I could at least somehow be in contact with that energy.

Kathryn Alice
Exactly. That’s good work.

Luis Congdon
So we go through this process of practicing the “what if” and getting in touch with it.
One of the things I’ve heard you say where you even practice what it would be like to have a conversation with this type of partner. And what kinds of things do we talk about to develop the “what if” and just allow ourselves to entertain that.

Kathryn Alice
Yes, absolutely and even prepare for it.
I always tell people, “Once we’ve sent out your Soul Call, there’s a level at which it’s already done and coming. So, let’s just get ready for it.” Let’s act as if it’s coming and get you ready for it.
How To Find A Soulmate And Act In Congruence

Luis Congdon
How do we do that? How do we act in congruence with, “Let me prepare for that as if it’s already coming?”

Kathryn Alice
In love, you would want to get all your bills on auto-pay. Maybe practice the favorite meal you’re going to make. Clean out room for them which is a spiritual practice of creating a vacuum that needs to be filled.
When people do that, they’re affirming. They’re on their way, and they’re acting as if and then, they do.
In a job interview, you go in saying, “Well, I am going to interview these people and see if it’s what I want.” If it conforms to what the invitation I’ve sent out and the job I’m looking for, do they pay enough? Are the conditions what I want?
In business, you would call forth like I did with my agent. You could do that with customers, clients as well. Then get ready to greet them and to have it be the way you want it to be.

Kamala Chambers
I’m hearing a lot in here the undertones of gratitude for what’s coming. Having that gratitude and the undertones of confidence and the belief that you know that this is something that you deserve and feeling worthy. Almost like you can fake until you make it.

Kathryn Alice
Yeah, absolutely.

Kamala Chambers
What are some other important aspects that you want to make sure that the Thriving Launchers walk away with? Some fundamentals for attracting your soulmate and your soulmate in all areas of life.
How To Find A Soulmate And Be Happy

Kathryn Alice
To attract your soulmate, you don’t have to do as much as you think.
Luis was talking earlier about doing a lot and that he heard me talking about doing less. It’s what happens when you’re not up to speed with it. Or if you haven’t put gas in your tank and it’s the hard way. People who are trying to compensate overwork for things.
If we do this inner work where we energetically feel it coming, feel worthy of it, and have that fate it’s on the way. Then, many times it will land on our lap. We didn’t do as much as we thought we had to do to have it happen.

Kathryn Alice
Do the inner work, get ready for it, and get in the mindset where it can come easily and then, there’s so much less to do.
If we need to do something, it’s easier. It feels like a superpower. You just crook your finger and things fall at your feet and we’ll have to do it. It will bother us until we do it.

Kamala Chambers
I believe everything you’re saying. I’ve experienced it myself.
One thing that I don’t say very often because it sounds kind of arrogant I guess or I have judgment about it but it’s like I get everything I want in life. The manifestation comes easy for me. I think it’s because it’s that clarity.
I’m clear about what I want and that’s such a huge piece of it because I know that when I get clear and feel the energy in my body. It comes in and it happens.
I see that when other people are doing the same thing, they have the same experiences.
It’s like that quote “Argue for your limitations and surely they’re yours.”

Kathryn Alice
That’s right.
How To Find A Soulmate And Choose The Life You Want To Live

Kamala Chambers
Before we close out, is there anything that you want to leave the Thriving Launchers with and that you want us all to walk away with?

Kathryn Alice
You can have anything you want and you can have the love of your life. Not some nice person who is a great companion or that you’re compatible with but the true love of your life, your soulmate.
I know you guys are a wonderful example and you can also have what you want in business.
You could choose your way and probably the bottom line is what works for me, what will make me happy, what will fill my days with happiness would be the easy way. When you do that, everything lines up and you get what you want, and you get very successful.

Luis Congdon
That’s beautiful. Kathryn. You are such a torch holder of this belief that Thriving Launch is all about and that is you can have it all. You can have what you want, and you deserve to have it and by having that, you also make the world a better place.
Thank you so much for coming on the show today.

Kathryn Alice
Thank you so much for having me Luis and Kamala. It’s been a real pleasure.