How To Create A Podcast

Luis Congdon
All right. Welcome to Thriving Launch.
I’m excited because I am now going to start diving in with you on how to create a podcast. I am going to explain how to create a profitable podcast, and how to create a podcast that brings you clients. Creating a podcast brings you leads, which makes you more well-known and makes you an authority.
We’re not just creating a podcast. I’m not just going to teach how to create a podcast today. But I’m going to show you how to create a podcast that is profitable and helps your business.
Now, before I dive into today’s episode. I want to highly recommend that you head on over to grab the How To Create A Podcast Guide.
With that guide, you’ll be able to have a step-by-step system where you can follow along. Also, more in-depth homework where you’re going to fill in the blank and do all the stuff as we go through this mini-series. So go over and grab the Podcasters Launch Guide.
Welcome Thriving Launchers. I’m excited to here with you today because I am going to be talking to you about how to create a podcast and more importantly, how a podcast helps you build an audience.
As you heard from Kamala in her Five-Part mini-series, if you want to create passive income, you need an audience.

How To Create A Podcast In A Profitable Way

Luis Congdon
Once you have people coming through your door and you have something to offer them. And you have systems in place to sell them, then you have everything that you need.
The thing is a lot of people tend to do one or the other. They tend to either create an audience, and they don’t know how to monetize it. Or, they have a product and a service, but they don’t how to get an audience.
So, what Kamala and I have done through these trainings for you is try to teach you. We want to give you some steps on how to create automated systems, how to create an offer. And now, we want to dive into how to create a podcast and how that helps you build an audience.
Here’s my goal. With these training that we have every Monday, you’ll be able to set-up a podcast. You’ll be able to get going, get started, and have that podcast work for you. And you’ll know all the systems that you need. You’ll have a step-by-step process. You’ll essentially be able to do this after listening to all these pieces of training.
Of course, there’s way deeper stuff that we can go into, and I’m going to give you that. But right now, I just want to give you a mini-series that will allow you to get a podcast up and running. This will empower you to build that audience.
So, when we’re talking about building a podcast. The first thing to knowing how to create a podcast is knowing who you want to attract. Who is the audience?
How To Create A Podcast And Attract Audience

Luis Congdon
A lot of people right now are getting on the podcasting bandwagon. They’re getting excited, and it’s awesome. It’s awesome to see this industry booming. You could start a podcast with $15-20. As long as you already have a laptop, then you can create a podcast with $15-20. Every month, spend $15-20 and have a show, and you can create an audience with that.
I want to tell you first off that podcasting is simple. I can teach an 8-year old how to do it. So if you’re not tech-savvy, don’t worry about it because it doesn’t have to be too hard. It doesn’t have to be complicated. I know that you can create a podcast with minimal equipment, minimal knowledge, and minimal tech knowledge. Podcasting can be for anyone.
Here’s the thing right now. You got people like Shaquille O’Neal who has a podcast. You have Obama who’s been on a podcast or a few podcasts. You have somebody like Marc Maron who rebooted his comedy career. And ultimately went from being unknown and almost un-hirable to creating a podcast that now has sponsors. He gets people like Obama on his show. All sorts of very famous people who’ve gone on the show, all kinds of a comedian. It’s practically every comedian you can think of ends up the show.
A podcast can change a lot for you.
Let me give you some tips. When you’re thinking about creating a podcast. I want you to think about who your audience will be? Who are you trying to attract, and who do you want to draw to your show? This is a very important question because you don’t want to just attract everybody.
Important Tips On How To Create A Podcast

Luis Congdon
A lot of people say, “Well, I want to attract anybody who can listen to a podcast.” But the thing is, you’re not Walmart. You’re not going to be a Walmart with your podcast. You’re not going to be attracting everyone. And if you did, it would take a lot of time. It would take a lot of money, and it would be incredibly difficult.
It would be a lot easier if you started zoning in, targeting, and thinking about who you want to draw. Another question that goes with that is why. Why do you want to attract these particular types of people?
We don’t want to just attract anyone for the sake of just to get well known. That’s great if you want to get well-known. I think that’s a big part of what we’re trying to do with a podcast. But the bigger thing that we want to think about is why do we want to attract these people?
In my world, podcasting is a business tool. It is a tool that can allow me to draw more people into my circle of influence. It’s a tool that I can use to educate and speak with my potential clients and customers. It’s a tool that I can give away very easy to produce content to teach. Also a tool to connect with, to get well-known to my particular audience.
Some of the audiences that we like with our podcast are coaches. We love attracting coaches. A wide variety of entrepreneurs but not just anybody, right?
How To Create A Podcast To Get More Visibility

Luis Congdon
If you’re an entrepreneur selling digital products, our podcast is most likely not for you. But if you’re an entrepreneur who’s a health coach, definitely. We want to attract you. If you’re a fitness coach for example, possibly, you’re not at the core of who we’re trying to attract. But you are a service-based coach who works with people. So yes, we’d be interested in having you as a listener.
We want coaches who work with people on mindset, who work with people in health, who work with people on inspiration or spirituality. And so, having that in mind, we bring on the kinds of guests and kinds of content that would appeal to those types of people.
For example, we don’t bring on political figures on our show. Because if I brought on a significant political figure on our show, it’s not in our niche. However, if I did bring on some significant political figure on our show. We’d probably bring on a lot of listeners who are interested in politics. Then they would tune in the next day, and they would find out our show isn’t really about politics. We have products and services to sell that are more for entrepreneurs.
A lot of times, we want to bring on people who are like meditation coaches, health coaches, people like Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson. Spiritually based gurus or teachers are fantastic.
We bring a lot of people that are motivational and inspirational. People who are entrepreneurs, and who work in a digital space. We bring on public speakers. We bring on book publishers to talk about why is a book important and what are some of the things we should consider when you write a book.
How To Create A Podcast And Thrive Online

Luis Congdon
I want you to start thinking about who you’re trying to attract. Why they’re important and then, what kind of content can you curate for them? What kind of content can you create that would draw this sort of person?
Let’s say a health coach. A health coach goes to Google, or they’re inside of iTunes or some other podcast feeder. They’re looking for some information about creating a health coach practice or creating a coaching practice. They’re looking at listening to some stuff by Deepak Chopra because they’re motivational coaches or life coaches.
When I think about a life coach, let’s call him Tom. When I think about Tom, he loves digesting lots of valuable content about motivation and inspiration. And how to improve as a coach, and how to setup automated systems online. So when I think about Tom, I want to make sure that I’m creating content for Tom. And I’ve given my particular person a name. It’s Tom.
When you’re creating content, I want you to start doing the same thing. Give your person a name. Think about what kinds of food do they like, and what kinds of clients do they like to work with? What kinds of things do they like to read, where do they enjoy hanging out at, and start creating content that would draw them in.
For example, we had Bruce Lipton on our show. Bruce Lipton talks a lot about the psychology of the mind. He talks how it can impact your genes and your health. And how your unconscious belief system is a huge piece of reasons of why you get diseased. Or why you stay well, or why you’re happy.
How To Create A Podcast And Increase Your Reach

Luis Congdon
After that interview, somebody out of the blue found us. He listened to that interview with Bruce Lipton. He then reached out to Kamala and myself through social media and said, “Hey, I listened to your interview with Bruce Lipton. I loved it. I went to your website. I saw that you guys create digital products. You guys understand about podcasting and working online. I’m a health coach, and I would love to talk to guys because I’m working on a digital product and creating a funnel, and I think I’d like to hire you guys.”
It was completely organic. We didn’t pay for any ads. We didn’t do anything to try to reach out to this particular client, but they found us through that interview.
A few days later, another person listened to another interview where we had a LinkedIn expert on our show. Karen Yankovich, who is the LinkedIn expert who talked about strategies, tips, and tools. He helps you attract clients using LinkedIn and teaches you why it’s important to be on LinkedIn.
Somebody listened to our interview. He reached out and said, “Hey, I listened to that interview with Karen about LinkedIn. I love it. I hang out on LinkedIn a lot. I’m getting some clients but I’m not getting a lot of traction, and I see that you guys understand a lot about sales. You understand how to use the internet to attract clients, and I’d love to talk to you.”
How To Create A Podcast And Generate Leads

Luis Congdon
These are just two examples of how I was thinking about Tom. And I know that Tom is a coach who’s always looking to generate more clients and leads, get his name out there, and get the word out there. So, I created content around that. So I brought on somebody like Karen Yankovich, somebody like Bruce. We brought on a bunch of other people that appeal to someone like Tom. We have different avatars. Tom is one of them.
What I want you to do as you’re thinking about creating your podcast is get down to the nitty-gritty of who is it that I want to attract. And what kinds of content would they be interested and listening to. Also, think how could this benefit them and make them like and trust me more so that I’m providing value. Because once you provide value, then people want to buy from you.
I know this is really basic stuff and maybe you’re already beyond this point. You’re already like, “Hey Luis, I’ve already got a business. It’s booming along, and I’m listening to the show because I’m ready to create a podcast. This is a whole training on how to create a podcast.” Don’t worry. I’m going to dive deeper into that.
Here’s the thing. A lot of people who have very successful businesses will come to me. They want to create shows that are completely unrelated to their business. When I ask them, “What’s the goal with your show?” and they say, “To help my business.”
How To Create A Podcast That Helps You Make Money

Luis Congdon
I say, “Why would you do a show about Aquaponics if your business is coaching? Why would you do a show on politics if your business is digital products and marketing?” They go, “Oh yeah. Right. I’m not sure. I thought it would be fun.” That’s great. That’s great if you want to do a show for fun. But I want you to be able to couple your podcast with something that also helps you make money.
Make sure that you’re really considering who your target audience is and what you’re going to give them. That’s step one to how to create a podcast.
Next week, I want to dive in with you about naming your podcast and finding artwork that appeals to people. Also, we’ll start going into the depth of how to create a podcast around artwork, and the description of your show. We will discuss who to bring on to your show, what kinds of guests to bring on your show. Or should you even have a guest based show. I want to dive into all of that with you.
How To Create A Podcast And Help Your Business Thrive

Luis Congdon
First thing’s first is I want to consider who is the show for and how is it going to support your business. So that if somebody listens to your show, they go, “Oh my gosh. I want to hire this person.” Or “I want to buy their products and services.” Or “Wow, we should have you speak at our next event. I listened to that interview. It blew me away, and now, I want you on my show.” Or, “I listened to that one episode. It impacted me, and now, I’m ready to buy your products and services.”
If you don’t do this first piece of homework, then we’re going to be missing a huge piece of the pie. Trust me. People pay me $500-700 to just get this one little thing. This is the foundation of your home. Get that straight, and then we’ll move on to the next piece on how to create a podcast.
How To Create A Podcast