How To Be Masculine – Dwayne Klassen

Dwayne Klassen is a speaker, author, coach, and relationship expert. He shares how men can foster their masculine energy and help their partner to get into their feminine energy.
Remember when a woman feels that energy from her partner, she will give tenfold in return.


We all have masculine and feminine energy within us.
When the guy is in his feminine energy, he’s communicating, nurturing, understanding, and compassionate.
When men show up fully present and willing to get things done, it’s easier for women to drop into their feminine vibration.
Men can foster their masculine energy by joining men’s organizations and getting into sports.
Being into self-development and personal growth help fire up the relationship.


Luis Congdon
What does it take to have a successful relationship? How can men learn how to be masculine? What does it mean to be in your feminine, and how does that impact a relationship between men and women? We got that in today’s episode and more.

Kamala Chambers
We’re here with Dwayne Klassen. He’s a speaker, author, coach, relationship expert, and teaches men how to be masculine.

Luis Congdon
All right, we’re here with Dwayne.
Dwayne, are you ready to launch?

Dwayne Klassen
I am! Let’s do this.

Luis Congdon
One of the first things I want to ask you is what do you think that is holding men back from having remarkable relationships?

Dwayne Klassen
I think right now, what’s holding men back is that they see themselves as broken or they see themselves in a situation where they don’t know how to show up anymore.
What’s Holding Men From Learning How To Be Masculine

Dwayne Klassen
Quite frankly, we had live in the age of the empowered woman. She’s unstoppable. She’s on fire and is getting so much information in regarding how she can level up and play at that bigger game.
Whereas men, they’re looking around and going “Wow! She doesn’t need me anymore. She’s got it all. She can do everything. She is highly functioning.”
Men are losing their sense of utility in the relationship. They don’t know how to show up anymore. What worked five or ten years ago isn’t working now.
And so, what men end up doing is doing what pop culture says you’re supposed to do. “Here are the flowers, dear.” “No, you pick the restaurant dear” and all these different things, and the challenge is, she’s doing so much of that already. She’s making many decisions in the relationship and work.
She just wants to surrender to that. Most guys don’t get that, and it leaves men wondering “What the hell is going on?”
Learn How to be Masculine To Keep The Relationship Strong

Dwayne Klassen
In a lot of ways, a lot of relationships are ending right now, and 73% of it is ending because she said so, and most guys are scratching their head going, “How did that happen? What went wrong?”
So yeah, a lot of guys are wondering right now what to do in relationships.

Kamala Chambers
Well, what do they do? This is a big topic and a huge question.
What are some of the main things you recommend men do today that they weren’t doing five years ago on how to be masculine?

Dwayne Klassen
That’s a great question.
Know How To Be Masculine and Feminine To Avoid Imbalance

Dwayne Klassen
What’s happening right now is a masculine and feminine imbalance. There’s this push-pull battle that’s going on, and we all have masculine and feminine energy within us. Right now, the business world has been and will be for some time, a very masculine energy.
And so, what happens here is that when women are in that masculine energy and when she comes home, or she’s in that relationship dynamic, she wants to surrender that to a point. What guys need to do is understand where that masculine and feminine energy is showing up in them. When a man is indecisive or when he is pacifying her, chances are he’s in his feminine energy.
Learn How to Be Masculine And Be In The Feminine Energy

Dwayne Klassen
Guys, there’s nothing wrong with that. When the guy is in his feminine energy, he’s communicating, nurturing, understanding, and compassionate. Those are great things, but if he’s too far in his feminine energy, he’s indecisive and doesn’t know how to show up in his authentic masculine.
What’s important here is to understand where he’s at vibrationally and go “Okay, I need to be more decisive here. I need to take a few things off her plate.”
How to Be Masculine – Have Everything Taken Care Of

Dwayne Klassen
What men can do is just go, “Where do I need to be decisive right now? What needs to be done around the house where she doesn’t have to tell me anything?” “I can just do this. I can stand in my power. This is done.” And “Hey, honey, seven o’clock, little black dress, we’re going out” and have it all arranged.
Have everything taken care of and she doesn’t have to do anything. Watch what happens. Watch how that relationship or that vibrational energy shifts. The masculine and feminine energy falls where it’s supposed to where he’s now more in his masculine. She gets to surrender and be more in her feminine where she longs to be.

Kamala Chambers
As for my own experience and from my experience with women is that you couldn’t be more right on.
How To Be Masculine – Help Women Letting Go of Their Masculine Energy

Kamala Chambers
There is such a high functioning that I’m doing on a daily basis and that many women are doing on a regular basis. When a man shows up willing to be there, fully present, got shit handled, and very clear on what the role is, and where he’s very directive, that creates this much let go inside.
I’m always doing, creating, and making sure stuff is taken care off. When Luis shows up with that confidence, and with that directiveness, it’s sexy. It’s such a turn on, and it’s so much easier to let go when he is in that energy.

Dwayne Klassen
No question, and you said it very poignantly. Get shit done. That’s the energy that’s needed. Just get shit done and have that energy.
Here’s a great thing for guys to take away from this.
How To Be Masculine – Have The Be-First Energy

Dwayne Klassen
The feminine energy is naturally very giving. When a man steps into his authentic power and has that be-first energy, and what I mean by that is when he looks at the relationship and go, “Something’s not right. Something needs to be done here. Something is not being said, or some actions are being taken.”
If he becomes first in taking action, and he steps into that, and he goes, “What do I need to get her to feel more into her feminine vibration? All right, it’s done.” Watch what happen, guys.
Know How To Be Masculine So Women Drop Into The Feminine Vibration

Dwayne Klassen
Watch what happens here because when the feminine feels that energy, she will give tenfold in return. It’s amazing what happens when guys get this. She’s able to drop into that feminine vibration.
Guys, you’re going to get fresh baked cookies. You’re going to see her in her stilettos and an apron.
You’re going to get your goddess that you’ve always wanted in the relationship, but guys, you got to step into that masculine energy, the authentic masculine and be First, and nurture that. Make it a priority to get her into that vibration.
Guys, when you get this, everything comes into this juicy deliciousness in the relationship.

Kamala Chambers
The alternative to this is that she turns into more of the mother taking care of him, and that’s not sexy for a woman.
How To Be Masculine – Avoid The Mother Energy

Dwayne Klassen
No, it’s not, and unfortunately, a lot of guys are in relationship to get that mother energy. A lot of guys are playing with an old program, and chances are, their relationship, one to the next, is pretty much the same.
She may look and sound differently, but there is a program that’s being played out here. You do not want mother energy. You don’t want that, guys. There might be cultural where that’s cool, but in most cases in our Western world, guys, you don’t want that, and she certainly doesn’t want to be your mom either.

Luis Congdon
I’m curious from you, what are some techniques or mindset shifts?
What do you think men can do even right now that will help them get more into that masculine energy that you’re talking about?

Dwayne Klassen
That’s a great question.
How To Be Masculine – Get Around Men

Dwayne Klassen
In a significant way, men get into a relationship, and they put all their energy into the relationship. It might be the family, which is great, but they’ve lost their tribe. Women will never give up their best friend. They will never give up their girls. They’ve got to have that, that sense of community, that sense of connection.
Whereas guys, they’ll give up their brothers in a heartbeat to be in that relationship thinking that that’s what she wants, all-doting, all-consuming, and all into her word. She doesn’t want that.
How To Be Masculine – Have Life Outside The Relationship

Dwayne Klassen
What guys need to do is nurture your brotherhood, cultivate your relationships, and have a life outside of the relationship. Make sure it’s conducive to who you are authentically, that you’re doing things to uplift yourself and empower yourself, and move forward, but don’t isolate yourself. Don’t make her ‘the everything’ where it’s just all-consuming.
Have a life. Get around men.

How To Be Masculine – Foster The Masculine Energy

Dwayne Klassen
If you’re in the family and that’s all you do, chances are, you’re moving into a more beta-feminine vibration. It’s essential for guys to be part of men’s organization or get around your brothers. Get into sports, and foster that masculine energy.
That would be the first step.

Luis Congdon
And what do you think is the next thing?
I believe that community is powerful, and agree with you that I’ve seen a lot of guys turn away from some of the things that they enjoy, the community that nurtures them. And women do this too where we just go all into the relationship, and it’s a real downhill slope so to speak into co-dependency, loneliness, feeling like that sense of mission or that thing that is yours is gone.
What do you think is the other missing piece that sometimes people miss out on?

Dwayne Klassen
I think what happens to a lot of guys is that they do the lone wolf thing.
How To Be Masculine – Don’t Isolate Yourself

Dwayne Klassen
What ends up happening is if something’s missing, something’s not going right, or they’re not 100% in alignment with where they want to be, they turtle. That’s the last thing you want to do, gentlemen.
You want to create community again. That lone wolf journey isn’t going to serve you, because if you look at it, we, in the society, we’ve given this romantic notion to what the lone wolf is all about, and we think this guy that’s mysterious, and figuring things out, and doing his thing.
But in nature, the lone wolf can’t survive without the pack. It just can’t. It gets isolated, and within the season, chances are, the lone wolf will not survive. We got to take that attitude into our lives that if we are playing that lone wolf thing, why? Why are you doing that? Why are you isolating?
Guys, you’ll notice that if you go to a seminar, a workshop or a retreat, 85% of that audience, if not more, is women. Why is that? They come home, and they’re excited about what they learned, and their spouse or their significant other isn’t there to enjoy and experience that.
How To Be Masculine – Get Into Self-Development

Dwayne Klassen
A lot of women are growing at a tremendous rate, and they’re outgrowing their spouse in the relationship.
Guys, you’ve got to be on point and learn about relationships. Learn about what it is she’s fired about, and get into self-development and personal growth. Want that and then, share it with your significant other. “Babe, I got this out of this.” “Oh, this was awesome. I’m going to implement this in my world.”
Nothing will fire up the relationship than your partner being excited about where you’re going.
How To Be Masculine – Have Plans

Dwayne Klassen
You don’t have to have it all figured out yet. What’s powerful is a man with a plan. Show her. “Yup babe, this is where we’re at. Yeah, I know we got some challenges, but this is where we’re at, and if you stick with me, and if you believe in where we’re at, look at where we’re going to go, and I am committed. Within the next year, we’re going to be over here.”
Guys, that’s just almost as sexy as you already being there. She wants to attach her star to you. So be a man worthy of attaching your star to you. Be into self-development and personal growth. Be passionate about leveling up and being that remarkable man so you can show up as her champion.

Kamala Chambers
Before we go, what’s the last tip you want to leave us with on how to be masculine?
My last tip would probably be self-responsibility.

Dwayne Klassen
When you take 100% ownership, you have control. When you’re projecting out, there’s no control whatsoever.
Here’s one final tip I want to leave you with.
How To Be Masculine – Know Where You Have Resentments

Dwayne Klassen
I want you to look at where you have resentment, wherever you have resentment. Think of it as a compass, and the compass is so accurate because resentment will point to exactly where your values and boundaries were not expressed, and where your values and limits were perhaps weaker than the other person.
What ends up happening is because your values and boundaries weren’t expressed to the degree that they needed to be, you sit there in this passive-aggressive energy, and they don’t know why you’re pissed off. They don’t understand why you’re carrying this heavy energy or you’re projecting out the way you are, is just because you haven’t manned up about how you operate.
Couples need to exchange owner’s manuals. “This is what my values and boundaries are, babe. I know we haven’t discussed it, but this is what it is.” Take some time to dig into what those values and boundaries are. You’ll learn more about yourself than you can imagine and learn about your partner more than you can ever imagine making that remarkable relationship happen.

Luis Congdon
I love all of that.
Thriving Launchers, I hope you got some takeaways from today on how to be masculine. If I’ve got something, it’s a good reminder to reach out to my friends, stay in touch with my community, especially the community of men that inspires me and feed my soul.
Thriving Launchers, whatever you got on this episode on how to be masculine, go out and take some action to help make your life better, and until the next episode, keep thriving you all.