How To Be A Jedi – Satyen Raja

On this episode, we are here with Satyen Raja. He has influenced over a hundred thousand students from over 50 countries around the world through his global human potential company, Warrior Sage.
Satyen talks about what Jedi mind tricks are all about and how you can utilize it so you can act steadily with less emotional morass and spikes towards your goals.


When we wake up to the fact that reality is a reflection of our innermost being, we can work to hone our consciousness.
Lower your importance and see others for their true intention.
Appreciate the excellent service you get from the people in the service industry.
When you have created a goal and started taking the action steps, amplify it thoroughly and then do the paradoxical step of seeing it fail.
Integrate not only the positive side, but also the negative to come to a place of sacred neutrality.


Kamala Chambers
On this episode, we’re going to talk about how to be a Jedi and master Jedi mind tricks, and some real practical ways that you can have incredible influence.

Luis Congdon
Today’s guest is Satyen Raja. He’s impacted over a hundred thousand students from over 50 countries around the world through his global human potential company, Warrior Sage. He’s a friend, a mentor, and somebody that I’m excited to welcome to the show today.
All right, Thriving Launchers, we are here with my great friend, teacher, guide, mentor, and somebody I love. Satyen Raja, are you ready to launch?

Satyen Raja
I’m ready to launch. Thanks for having me.

Luis Congdon
Thriving Launchers, I’ve seen Satyen with his skills so he’s somebody that I have confidence and can educate, and somebody that I’ve watched does Jedi mind tricks and teach others how to be a Jedi. This is something that you show and talk about. Can you tell me a little bit about what that even means?

Satyen Raja
Passion For Learning How To Be A Jedi

Satyen Raja
I’m sure many of us here have metaphysical inclinations, and we understand that our consciousness has a direct reflection on reality. This is all nous for many of us who have been on this path. Now, knowing that is one thing, but learning how to work with that in a real tangible way that produces results quickly has been my passion.
How can we take our mind, our consciousness, our inner intent to create the realities we want? I synthesize a series of methods, processes, and methodologies that I’ve learned through the years from all my mentors, and I call it Accelerated Evolution. That is what I’ve used to teach how to be a Jedi.
How To Be A Jedi – Take A Look At the Obstacle States In Your Consciousness

Satyen Raja
What it is about is I love to take a look at where are the obstacle states in our consciousness. That’s one of the things. What are the states that keep us in fear and from doing the things that are inconvenient, just staying in our sort of small world over and over again?
We know that fear, limiting beliefs and those past areas where haven’t had success limit us.
Learning How To Be A Jedi As A Mental Training

Satyen Raja
For me, learning how to be a Jedi and the mind tricks are learning how to influence ourselves, learning to control reality, and have reality be a reflection of our innermost being.

Satyen Raja
It already is, but when we wake up to the fact that reality is a reflection of our innermost being, then we can work to hone our consciousness, and it’s mental training. It’s a warrior type of discipline just like we see in the Star Wars movie.

Kamala Chambers
Yeah, one of the most popular Jedi mind trick scenes is probably “These are not the droids you’re looking for, and getting someone who’s confrontational to go “Oh, you’re right. This is not what I’m looking for,” and he walks away.
Are you talking about on that level where you have that instantaneous influence?

Satyen Raja
Yes. That’s part of learning how to be a Jedi.
Then, there are also methods that I’ve put together which are designed to dissolve the roots of why we’re limited in the first place, but let’s go back to this “You’re not the droids we’re looking for” or learning to move through borders with ease and things like that.
How To Be A Jedi – Subjugate Your Ego

Satyen Raja
The Jedi mind trick around that which I train and teach is learning to subjugate your ego for the sake of serving their ego. That’s essential on how to be a Jedi.
Now, if take a look at a guard, a police officer, an accountant, or anyone in any service, there’s the altruistic reason that they’re there. Then, there are their reasons that they’re there like doing a job, having a career. Then, there are the higher values, to serve and protect, or to make sure the country is safe, or whatever.
Now, what I have come to recognize is that when I go into these circumstances where I have to cross aboard, and I’m feeling, “Oh my goodness. These people are out to get me,” or “They’re questioning me,” or “They’re above me,” that creates a negative back force.
How To Be A Jedi – Know Other People’s Altruistic Reason

Satyen Raja
But if I’m able to lower my importance and feel, “What is their altruistic reason they’re there? If it’s a border guard, it’s there to guard their country. They have a genuine valiant, noble mission. They might not be feeling that at the moment. They may not at be the highest exposition of living that death, but somewhere along the line, they made that promise or vow.
I like to meet them there and feel “Thank you, kind sir.” This is the demeanor. “Thank you, kind sir, for protecting us, and for protecting our country.” “Thank you for taking care of innocent people, and fishing out and filtering out people who are undesirable or unethical or harmful to us.”
How To Be A Jedi And Avoid Conflict

Satyen Raja
When I have that vibration, that level of intention I see that in them that that’s what they are there for, and I look at them with those eyes and with that empathy as I’m crossing the border, then they relax. They can feel intuitively at an individual level that I see them for their true intention. That gets me through all the time because I’m honoring their position rather than conflicting with that.
That’s a practical way of doing the very thing “We aren’t the droids you’re looking for.” It’s by subjugating your ego and feeling “I am underneath this person, and I am submitting to their deepest intention and their pure, noble, valiant purpose. This is easier said than done, but if we cultivate it, it opens many doors that would not be there open otherwise.

Kamala Chambers
Luis, this reminds me of you in getting on calls with the telephone company or the internet company.
If you want to see me at my worst, put me on an automated phone call or make me talk to a customer service person for over an hour. That’ll get my worst.
How To Be A Jedi – Understand That Others Are There Joyfully To Serve You

Kamala Chambers
But Luis, he has this ability to show up and act as though that person is his friend and people always give him extra service or they take off money. It’s like a breeze, it’s done in 15 minutes, while me three hours later, I’m like having a meltdown

Satyen Raja
It’s the same with people who are serving us at a restaurant or any service that I’m going to like a waiter, waitress, or chef.
I like to feel in them whether they’re stressed, whether whatever day they’ve had. Even before I go into a restaurant, I go in with the tacit bodily assumption that these people are there joyfully to serve me. Just that pre-expectation instead “It’s normal” or that they’re there to take my money or that they’re there just to do whatever they can do to make it through the day and make some cash.
How To Be A Jedi – Appreciate People In The Service Industry

Satyen Raja
When I go into that feeling of they’re there to serve me, I’m transmitting the vibration of empathy. I’m sending the vibration of “I’m with you. I appreciate you. I value you.” That goes miles and miles into the service industry. Very few people are appreciated for the service that they give, and they only hear the complains.
One of the things I do whenever I had excellent service, I tell the people whether it’s on the phone if it’s phone company, my cellular company or a restaurant, I’ll say “I’d like to speak to your manager.” I say it in a funny voice, so they get a little scared. I say “I’d like to speak to your manager,” and they’re like “Is there anything wrong with the service, sir?” “No. You are impeccable, and you are wonderful with your service, and I want your team leaders to know this so that they can graduate you, give you a bonus or raise and have you train the people underneath you on how to have great service.” They get delighted when I say that.

Luis Congdon
I love that.
Thriving Launchers, I wanted to expound on what’s Satyen, and Kamala talked about because Kamala, on many occasions has mentioned how great I am with doing anything with this 800 numbers.
I get on calls and people will give me extra services, knock my bill off or, will end up having a good conversation, and everything will stay the same as far as bills go and on all of that.
How To Be A Jedi – Learn Mindset When Talking To Service People

Luis Congdon
My mindset is “I know that you work for a big company and that maybe some paperwork might have gotten confused and our bill is not exactly the way it’s supposed to be, and I want you to know that I appreciate that you’re taking the time to look this over with me. I am so glad you are the person that’s going to help me because this has been a burden for me, and I know that you know what to do. I’m happy to get this resolved.”
One of the things I do with people is I see them as my friend, support, and as being helpful. I also understand their plight. They’re showing up to a job that maybe they don’t want to do and there’s a machine they’re connected to that automatically answers.
How To Be A Jedi – Be In Other People’s Shoes

Luis Congdon
This is something I do with pretty much anybody. It doesn’t matter if I’m going to a restaurant, calling over a phone, or a grocery store. My job is I try to add to their day make it more delightful because I remember what it used to be like to work in the service industry. Satyen, this is one of the reasons why I believe that everybody at some point in their life should have to work in the service industry because I know from standing in their shoes what that’s like.
And so, I have a sincere appreciation for that person. You cooked my meal, you’re checking on my bill, and because of you, you are making my life better so thank you so much.

Satyen Raja

Luis Congdon
Then, I make jokes with them.
How To Be A Jedi – Treat People In The Service Industry As Your Friend

Luis Congdon
We had to call one of these automated tax accounting numbers, and I was talking to the guy, and I said, “Hey, listen. My wife handles all of this. I don’t know what it’s like in your house.” He laughs and he goes, “Oh, I know exactly.” I said, “Well, someone put you on the call with my wife because if you talk to me, I’m not going to know what to do,” and he goes, “Oh, that’s great.”
Immediately, I saw that person as my friend, as an alliance. What I hear from you Satyen is if you carry that, it helps you get more of what you want out of life. Is that what I’m hearing?

Satyen Raja
Exactly, my friend.

Luis Congdon
Do you think learning how to be a Jedi also makes your own life better just in how you feel and the energy that you carry around personally?
Learn How To Be A Jedi To Be A Part Of An Interrelational Flow

Satyen Raja
Totally. It makes me feel that I’m part of this vast universe, I’m not a separate player, and everyone is part of this interrelational flow.
It allows me to recognize that we are all in an interrelational flow. What can I do to support this interelational flow rather than hamper it, crush it, stop it, throw it back on them? That’s happening in the world in so many places. I can be the different person who aims for the relational flow rather than in relational get.

Kamala Chambers
I would love to hear a real practical way that we can practice this, something that can help develop the Jedi mind skill even more and teach the listeners how to be a Jedi.

Satyen Raja
How To Be A Jedi – Lowering Of Importance

Satyen Raja
I’m going to give you a second one that I tie into this. This is invaluable. I’ve been practicing this particular next to magical principle very powerfully. It’s a practice on how to be a Jedi. What it is called is the lowering of importance.
If I have a goal, whatever my goal is today, whenever I want to reach out and serve someone, I want to make a difference with someone. I want to increase my income. I want to improve my relationships.
Many of us know about the idea of visualizing, the idea of letting go, the concept of feeling into what we want to create and writing it down. All these things are valuable. I don’t want to take away from all of that. I want to emphasize and reinforce that.
The Missing Piece On How To Be A Jedi

Satyen Raja
But here’s the magical, mystical piece that’s missed.
After the intention, after the creation of one’s goal as designed or feeling what they wish to yearn or create in their reality, once that’s full and fleshed out, what is it look like? What is it feel like? How do you experience that in your life? What would your life be like with that goal? I love to flesh that out.
Then, what I do, and here’s a unique trick on how to be a Jedi, I reduce. I look at that coming to a complete failure. Usually, we’re taught not to look the negative side, but look at only what’s possible. But, once I’ve generated that possibility in my consciousness of what can be possible, in the great Dao in Daoism, we want to make sure we integrate both sides; the negative and the positive. Positive we have.
How To Be A Jedi – Integrate Both Negative And Positive Sides

Satyen Raja
So then, what I do is I see my goals not being attained. All these things that I just fleshed out, I see myself failing, then not happening the way I wanted. Whatever worst case scenario, I take it to its nth degree at the end of my visualization. I see it falling flat on its face.
Now, paradoxically, what that does, it removes the charge or the positive charge out of your impetus of creation. Then, it brings you back down to “If I fail at all of it and I got nothing and zero happen from this.” What that does is that an emotional, psychological, spiritual dimension of being, you’ve lowered the importance and you recognize, “I’m still here. I’m at point zero. I’m still a whole and complete being even without any of this.”
How To Be A Jedi And Attain Sacred Neutrality Around Your Goal

Satyen Raja
Then, only when I’ve visualized the experience, the absolute worst case scenario, I come to a place of sacred neutrality, or divine neutrality around my goal. This is then, when I start doing the application, the action steps, whatever the actions are towards attaining that goal, not just the visualizations.
By doing that, by having the goal, having the desire, amplifying it thoroughly, and then doing the paradoxical step of seeing every which way can fail, living that out entirely in your psyche reduces the negative tension. What happens is you start flowing into those realities where those goals are already there. There’s less attainment, less willpower, less “machoness,” less striving as needed, you don’t need to crush it.
How To Be A Jedi – Harmonize Winning And Losing

Satyen Raja
They start coming towards you because in your inner being, you have harmonized winning and losing together as one unity.
When you harmonize winning and losing as one unity in your inner being, the realities where your goals are, come towards you.
Therefore, the universe responds with a neutral offering rather than pushing back or falling away. This is a unique practice. I recommend everyone try it.

Luis Congdon
That’s interesting when you talked about that. I felt the sense of resistance like, “Oh, I don’t want to sit and imagine the failure.” As you brought that up, I thought of some goals.
One of them for me, Thriving Launchers is I write a lot, and one of the things I’m doing is I’m writing for publications. As you talked about that, I thought, “Okay. I go through the process of pitching these people, writing for hours to have them see my literature and have them welcome me into their magazine.” Instead, it doesn’t happen. Then, I tried another strategy and talked to a different editor, and the same thing happens.
As you were talking, I felt like I wanted to keep doing that, but as I verbalize it to you, this energy started to open up in my spine, so that was very interesting to say it out loud where I did feel some of that freedom.

Satyen Raja
The ways on how to be a Jedi is counterintuitive too much of what we’ve been taught, but it’s helped my life tremendously in attaining anything I want. The people I get to coach and serve, it’s working for them too.
The reason I feel it works is that it lowers the neurotic clamoring to gain things. When we see it already gone away after our visualization, then we’re able to act steadily with less emotional morass and less emotional spikes. We just become a Zen master moving towards our goal without having to flop ourselves up and pump ourselves up with positive motivation.
We’re coming from Zen stillness by having the greatest visualization as well as its opposites, and then when we’ve had both, we get to walk the narrow line in between which is harmonious equilibrium. Then the goals come to us, and we move to them rather than life being full of strife and struggle.

Kamala Chambers
There you have it, Thriving Launchers.
We’ve been talking with Satyen Raja about how to be a Jedi and master Jedi mind tricks. I encourage you to go out today and look for one way that you can practice your Jedi mind tricks. Keep thriving everyone.