How Do I Love Myself – Overview

How do I love myself? I want to teach you how to love yourself more. I’ve got more tips to help you increase that self-love at

Ever since doing these practices. I’ve gone from being completely broke to running a 6-figure business allowing me and my partner to do the work we love.

This first tip to answer the question, “How do I love myself?” is to start looking yourself in the mirror and say “I love you,” “I’m proud of you.”

When I talked to famous people, I noticed that their ability to be grateful is higher than other people. Start practicing gratitude.

Another answer to the question, “How do I love myself?” is practicing seeing things as already done. Start visualizing your goals.

Self-love translates as inspiration. If you want more of that, you need to be around it more. You could do something like listening to the Thriving Launch Podcast. Or going to the Thriving Launch website but you could also read a lot of self-help books. Do things that inspire you.

Another thing is volunteering. Volunteering and helping people helps me feel a lot more grateful. This is an important tip to “How do I love myself.”

Next, I recommend start getting an exercise. By getting 20-30 minutes of exercise regularly, you’re increasing endorphins.

Also, where the body goes, the mind goes. Move your body around and your mental thoughts also shift.

Another thing is changing the foods I eat because a lot of foods will impact your mood.

Next step is start people giving hugs. Dr. Paul J. Zak found in his research that hugs increase the oxytocin levels in your brain.

I’ve got some treats for you that will help you increase your confidence. It will also help you answer the question, “How do I love myself?” Head on over to

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Transcription For How Do I Love Myself

Luis Congdon:

Hey. So I want to teach you how to love yourself more, how to find more peace, and increase your confidence and self-esteem.

Hi. My name is Luis Congdon, former shy guy, and a low self-esteem person. I didn’t even date somebody until I was 24 years old because my self-love, self-compassion, and self-esteem was so low. Even at one point, close to my 30’s, I ended up sleeping on my friend’s couch. I didn’t have a job, had no money, and even slept in a park a few times.

How Do I Love Myself

Ever since doing these practices to increase my self-love. I’ve gone from sleeping on my friend’s couch, being completely broke. Not even being able to afford food and going to running a 6-figure business. Also being able to run a podcast that runs 5 times a week, and brings on the world’s most famous people you can imagine. Not only that but I also co-own and co-run a 6-figure business that allows me and my partner to travel the world. It allows us to create digital products, wake up when we want to, and do the work that we love. So I know this stuff works and I know it’s going to work for you.

How Do I Love Myself Tip # 1

So this first tip on loving yourself is going to sound kind of weird. It might even sound so simple because in today’s society we’re used to the idea that things have to be complex. And things have to be difficult but they don’t have to be.

How Do I Love Myself Tip # 2

So here’s the tip for you. Start looking yourself in the mirror. I’m looking at myself in the camera right now and imagining there’s a mirror right there. And this is what you’re going to do. You’re just going to look at yourself and stare right into the mirror. And just say “I love you,” “I love you,” “I’m proud of you”, “You’re doing a good job.”

Now, I know this feels kind of silly and maybe even uncomfortable. But let me tell you, there was a study done not too long ago. I can’t even remember the research and where it was done but I know that they took somebody that was extremely depressed. The person said that they were depressed even when they were sleeping. And, when they started saying things like I love you and smiling in front of the mirror. Even this person that said that they were depressed when they were sleeping reported they just couldn’t feel depressed anymore. So start practicing this.

How Do I Love Myself Tip # 3

I’ll give you one more thing too. Your brain is just a bunch of neurons and they’re all interconnected. So they’re just all neurons, just all interconnected. When you’re practicing certain thoughts, all you’re doing is connecting certain neurons. So, when you start saying things like, “I love you,” “I’m proud of you,” what you’re doing is you’re changing the neurons and the connections so that they move. It really literally happens. You can watch this great film called [02:29] What the Bleep do We Know. It talks about it way more in depth than I do and give you a great visual of choice and research behind it.

By simply saying, “I love you” you’re changing the conversation that’s happening in your head. If you’re feeling depressed or you’re feeling unsuccessful. In a lot of ways, those feelings aren’t because you’re not doing enough in the world or you’re not successful. It’s because of the conversation that you’re having in your own head. So start practicing this, “I love you.” “I appreciate you.”

Self-love in a lot of ways is practice. Increasing confidence is practice. Increasing self-esteem is practice. When I talk to people through the [03:06] Thriving Launch Podcast, where we’ve brought on people like [03:09] Marianne Williamson, Ryan Stewman, Robert Kiyosaki, Kyle Cease, who’s in some of the very well-known films like [03:19] 10 things I Hate about You. I could go down the list of very famous people. When I talked to all these people, I noticed that the way that they talk to themselves and not only that. Their ability to be grateful is higher than many other people.

How Do I Love Myself Tip # 4

So if you want to increase self-love, start spending time practicing gratitude. Practice gratitude. Start saying things in your own mind. Close your eyes if you need to and think about people that you love.

For me, I like to think about my dog. He makes me happy. I like to think about my partner Kamala. She has added so much value to my life. It fills me up. Right now, she’s actually watching me do this video and she’s supporting me through this process. So when I think about her, I feel very grateful. She’s given me more strength than a lot of other people in the world and because of that, I feel grateful. Or I think about my dad. We could go down the list. As I do this, I noticed that even my body and my sense of gratitude and being happy to here with you right now, shifts. So start practicing gratitude.

How Do I Love Myself Tip # 5

So another thing that will increase self-love and increase self-compassion is practicing seeing things as already done. [04:30] Dr. Wayne Dyer wrote a fantastic book. It’s called [04:33] The Power of Intention.

Now, if you look up [04:37] Dr. Wayne Dyer, you’ll find the guy is very successful. One of the things he talks about is visualizing your goals. Spend time seeing your goals but not just that. Visualize them already done. When you visualize those goals and you see them already done, think about what it feels like. What does it feel like to have that extra 2, 3, 5, and 10 grand in your bank account? What does it feel like to be in love? What does it feel like to be speaking on stage feeling wonderful and confident? What is the world look like when you love yourself? Just spend some time being in the space in the “It’s already done.”

How Do I Love Myself Tip # 6

Be willing to be inspired. If you want to have more self-love and self-love really translates as inspiration. If you want more of that, you need to be around it more. So one of the ways that I got inspired when I was feeling really down is I started to listen to the work of [05:35] Abraham Hicks. I wake up every morning and I would listen to their work. I just absolutely loved it.

How Do I Love Myself Tip # 7

Another thing that I would do is I’ve watched movies that made me happy. I’ve watched movies that gave me the feelings that I wanted to have more of in my life. By practicing these feelings and seeking out inspiration, I found that my life shifted and my self-love shifted. Even talking about this to you changes me a little bit.

So you could do something like listening to the [06:01] Thriving Launch Podcast or going to the [06:03] Thriving Launch website. But you could also read a lot of self-help books. You could watch movies that inspire you. Do things that inspire you.

How Do I Love Myself Tip # 8

Another thing that has really shifted my life and allowed me to love myself more is volunteering. By volunteering and helping people who don’t have as much I do. I find that I feel a lot more grateful. I don’t know about you but when I’m around somebody that doesn’t have as much as I do. And maybe is really needy and I’m able to offer a gift to them, I find that I become happier. I find that I feel better.

There’s a great movie about this guy that I really admire and appreciate. His name is [06:39] Tookie. He’s one of the guys that started the Crips gang. In that film, one of the things he says is that, “We don’t do good things to score points with God. We do them because they make us feel good.” I highly recommend that you volunteer. As you do that and you give of yourself, you’ll find that you’ll feel better and you’re contributing to the world.

Self-love isn’t just a feeling. It’s something that we have in our bodies. There are actual chemicals in our bodies that are changing how we feel. One of those is oxytocin. We also have adrenaline and endorphins. We have all sorts of chemicals in our bodies that shift how we feel.

How Do I Love Myself Tip # 9

So, one of the things that I recommend is start getting exercise. By getting 20-30 minutes of exercise on a regular basis, you’re increasing endorphins. You’re raising the oxytocin levels in your brain, and all these different things increase your happiness. I don’t know about you but I know that if I run in place or if I get on the treadmill and I’m exercising and moving, my feelings have to change.

I’ve heard somebody one time say that where the body goes, the mind goes. And so if I move my body around, my mental thoughts also have to shift and that will change and create tremendous value for you in your self-love process.

How Do I Love Myself Tip # 10

So, I told you that at one point, I was really struggling with being happy. I was having a hard time in my life finding joy. Some of the things I did was new activities, and volunteering. And offering value to people that have less than me, spending time meditating and gratitude stuff.

One of the other things too and my partner Kamala is somebody who really helped me with this is. Change the foods that you eat because a lot of foods will impact your moods.

At one point, I like eating McDonald’s a lot and I like eating a lot of fast-food. When I eat heavy foods and things like that are very difficult to digest, it slows me down. It makes me sluggish. It doesn’t make me feel very good.

How Do I Love Myself Tip # 11

One of the things that Kamala really demanded and I’m thankful she did it is she said, “You got to start eating organic. We got to start eating more vegetables and start taking in more salads, more fruits, and more water.” That’s a really big one for me too is drinking a lot of water. Start changing some of the foods that you’re eating and you’ll notice that your moods do shift.

So this next step, I absolutely love. For some of the men out there, it’s going to feel a little bit weird. But if you’re looking up something like self-love, I’m sure you’re going to feel okay with this one. Start people giving hugs.

One of my friends and one of the most well-known researchers on oxytocin, [09:15] Dr. Paul J. Zak, who we interviewed for the [09:17] Thriving Launch Podcast. One of the things he found in his research is hugs increase the oxytocin levels in your brain.

Very quickly, oxytocin is the chemical that makes you bond and also increases happiness. So, if you’re giving people hugs, your happiness will increase. Not only that, [09:36] Dr. Paul J. Zak also found that eight hugs a day increases and meets the need of oxytocin increase for men and increases the longevity in their lives.

So for men, it’s really important that we get more hugs but even women, they need a little less hugs than men do. But if you’re going out there and you’re hugging people, you are actually releasing chemicals in your brain that make you happy.

Final Thoughts On How Do I Love Myself

Okay. So we’ve covered a lot of steps around self-love and this is one of the longer videos that I’ve done. It’s because I really believe that self-love will become the center of happiness. It will completely change everything in your life. I knew it did for me. It took me from being broke, homeless, without a girlfriend, and not knowing what to do in my life that I love, and it shifted everything. And I really wanted to go on this stuff in depth with you.

I’ve got more tips and tools and tricks to help you increase that self-love. So head on over to [10:30] in the link below, I’ve got some bonuses for you and I’ve got some treats for you that will help you increase your confidence and yourself love. So I’ll see you over there at [10:38]

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