High-End Products – Russ Ruffino

Russ Ruffino, creator of System on Demand, explains how creating high-end products doesn’t only benefit you, it also helps your clients.
He shares a step-by-step process to have people enroll to your high-end products even if you don’t have an audience yet.

Creating high-end products is a win for you, and it’s a win for a client too.
There’s a huge difference between knowing how to do something and doing it.
When you sell high-end products, the people who show up are ready to work.
People come to high-end products not because they’re curious. It’s because they want to create a change in their life.
People who buy low-ticket offers tend not to do anything with them.
When you only work with few people per month, you can support them well.
To create high-end products, you need to be able to solve a major life or business challenge.
Hang-ups that people have when charging higher fees:
- People are positioning themselves the wrong way.
- Not having a step-by-step strategy to make it happen.
The process of selling high-end products:
- First, run ads social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook.
- People who click the ads, go to a registration page for a webinar.
- Do the webinar right and at the end, make a low-key pitch.
- Lastly, get them on the phone and enroll them into your high-end products.
Doing the webinar right is an art form in itself.
Be very clear with yourself about who you want to work with and who you don’t want to work with.
Shift your focus from “How can I make more money?” to “How can I serve more people and create an astounding outcome for them?”

Kamala Chambers
On this episode, we’re going to be talking about how to sell items that are $3,000-$10,000, and how to do it on demand with the Clients on Demand System creator himself.
We’re here today with Russ Ruffino. He is the founder and the creator of Clients on Demand System. What he’s doing is he’s helping people learn how to sell programs that are $3,000, $10,000 and more.
He’s helped hundreds of entrepreneurs around the globe sell millions of dollars’ worth of their products and services, and we’re excited to have him here.

Luis Congdon
All right. Thriving Launchers, we are here with Russ Ruffino.
Russ, it’s awesome to have you here. Are you ready to launch?

Russ Ruffino
Let’s do it, man.

Luis Congdon
All right. Awesome.
One of the things I know about you is that you sell high-end products. You’re one of the masters at it. You’re excellent at selling high-end products, and I believe that every thriving business should have this value ladder where they go from low-cost stuff to some very high-cost stuff.
I’ve heard from a lot of people if you want to scale and grow, you need to have some of those high-end products. Otherwise, you’re going to be hustling like crazy. But so many people are scared to offer these high-end products.
I want to dive in with you. How do we just overcome the anxiety of making a pitch or making an offer selling something that’s $10,000-$20,000 or $100,000? How do we get comfortable doing that?
How To Get Comfortable Selling High-End Products

Russ Ruffino
Great question.
The first thing to realize is that high pricing benefits the client. It’s an obvious win for you because you hit your income walls much faster.
Let’s say you’re trying to get to $100,000/month, if you have even a $5,000 offer and get 20 clients a month, you’re there.
It’s much easier to get to a $100,000/month in $5,000 chunks than it is if you’re selling like a video course for $97. You got to sell a hell of a lot more of those than you do of your high-end products.
Selling high ticket offers is a win for you but it’s a win for a client too because there’s a huge difference between information and transformation.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve got so many products and programs collecting cyber dust on my hard drive that I’ll never look at, go through, or use. I think that’s true with almost everything in life. Every person that I know who’s out of shape has a full bookshelf fill with diet books, weight loss books, exercise books, videos, and all kinds of stuff. You start to realize that like, “Hey. There’s a huge difference between knowing how to do something and doing it.”

Russ Ruffino
If I’m investing $97 in someone’s video course, that’s like “Whatever. I’ll get around to it.” But if I’m spending $5,000-$20,000 to work with someone, you can bet your ass that I’m going to show up ready to rock and roll. I’m not going to show up because I’m curious or I want to learn something.
Low-End Versus High-End Products

Russ Ruffino
I’m going to show up because I want to create a change in my life.

Luis Congdon
There’s real skin in the game so to speak.
When you said the thing about Cyber Dust and all these programs, I have like 50 different digital courses. I’ve gone through maybe 15 – 20 digital courses on my own and have crushed it through these courses.
But I have a lot of other courses that I just haven’t touched, and don’t know if I need to, and then when you said the piece about transformation, that got to me.
When I think about life and education honestly, I feel like I know almost everything about so many different subjects, but I haven’t had the transformation to take action, move forward, and do the thing.

Russ Ruffino
Absolutely and that’s what we found as we started to create these high-end products.
I’ve done it both ways. I’ve done the low-ticket thing. That’s where I started just because that’s where everybody starts.
What would happen is we would do these big launches, and we would enroll maybe 2,000 people into some product, and it would be $50 or $90. Everyone would be like, “Russ, I love it! That product was awesome man! That was so cool!” And I would be like, “Yeah. Okay, great. What are you doing with it man? Tell me about your results. Tell me what’s going on.” They’ll be like, “Oh yeah. Well, you know. I’m going to get to it. I’m going to get to implementing it.”
I realize like, “What the hell am I doing?” I’m doing the big launches. Sure, I’m making money. That’s great. People like my stuff but they’re not doing anything with it. That started to bother me.
Create A Lifestyle Around High-End Products

Russ Ruffino
It’s just not about making money. It’s not just about creating a lifestyle. I want to be making an impact too. What would happen if instead of selling 2,000 copies for $97, I completely flip the model on its head? And I worked with maybe 20-40 clients/month and charged them 5k, 10k, or whatever. What would happen then?
What happened was, immediately, my clients started getting some insane results. They weren’t just having a $10,000/month here or there, and that was a big breakthrough. My clients are building $50,000/month, $80,000/month, $100,000/month businesses because they showed up ready to work.
The cool thing when you’re only working with 20-40 people/month, you can go to bat for them. You can hold their hand. You can make sure they get world class support. You can even bring on like assistant coaches to help with things like mindset and accountability, to make sure that they’re pushing through their fear.
So what we’ve got now with Clients on Demand is a transformational offer where people come in, and they work with us for eight weeks. At the end of the eight weeks, their life, mental habits, income, and the way they attract clients, radically transform.
Now, it’s not always easy. There are some blood, sweat, and tears right along week 2. People tend to freak out and go, “Oh my God. This is real. I don’t know if I can do this.” But we hold their hand through that process, and they come out the other side with an entirely different business. It’s cool.
Low-End Versus High-End Products

Russ Ruffino
I’m going to show up because I want to create a change in my life.

Kamala Chambers
I’d love to hear a little bit more about how to create a high-end products.
Pricing High-End Products

Kamala Chambers
Also, one question that we get a lot is what kind of pricing are you talking here? What kind of pricing do you recommend?

Russ Ruffino
Well, Clients on Demand, we don’t work with just anybody. That’s the first thing to understand. It isn’t like a biz up where we’re saying, “Hey, are you like an assistant manager at Starbucks and you’re 19 years old?” “Come. Let’s put together a $5,000 offer.” We’re not saying that.
The people that we work with are people that have the expertise to solve a major life or business problem. That’s the first thing.
What I’m saying to you doesn’t apply to every single person on the planet.
To create a high ticket offer, you have to be able to solve a major life or business challenge. – Russ Ruffino
That can be anything from helping people get in shape, helping people fix their relationships, teaching people online marketing, teaching people how to get more leads. You could even have a service where you’re doing graphic design or branding. These are things that solve significant problems.
If that’s what you’ve got, why aren’t you charging between $3,000 – $10,000 for it, at a minimum? Think about it. See how this plays into high-end products?
Let’s say you’re a fitness coach. People work with you, and they experience a real transformation. You dial in their nutrition. You get them working out. They start to lose weight, their blood markers look good, their cholesterol comes down, triglycerides comes down, and all that stuff comes down.
What are you doing for them?
You’re creating tons of confidence. You’re creating more energy. You’re adding 5-15 years to their life, aren’t you? So to me, that outcome is priceless.
Creating Transformation With High-End Products

Russ Ruffino
If you are like “Russ, hey, I’ve got this magic pill, and you’re going to live an extra 15 years,” I would give everything I’ve got for it.
If that’s the kind of transformation you’re creating, shouldn’t you be charging $3,000 – $10,000 at least to do it?
The problem is most of the people who are great at producing a particular outcome for people are just not that good at marketing. They’re certainly not that good at marketing a high-end products or positioning themselves in that way. That’s what we empower our clients to do.
When you come to Clients on Demand, and maybe you’ve been doing relationship coaching for $100/hour, we will help you figure out what is the coolest most powerful outcome that you can provide, and maybe that’s saving someone’s marriage for example.
Then we go, “Who do you want to create this result for?” “Well, I’ve worked with professional people who are in a marriage and the marriage is falling apart.” Then, we design an offer that is just about getting that outcome where I come. I work with you for a month or 2, or whatever it takes. I go through your program, and at the end of the program, my marriage is transformed.
You price that program anywhere between $3,000 and $10,000 on the front end, and then if you want too, you can have back end programs behind that.
Luis, you talked about the value ladder. We don’t do that. Our front end offer, our lowest price offer is our high-end products of an eight week workshop. On the back end of that, we have an even higher ticket 12-month program for the people that want to build a multi-million dollar business, and that’s it.
Offering High-End Products Mindset

Russ Ruffino
We don’t do any other low ticket offers because I just don’t even want to offer anything, unless I know it’s totally transformational.

Luis Congdon
What I love about listening to you talk for us is we’re getting an excellent window into the mindset that’s crucial to having this transformation, around being able to offer, and support people in this kind of way. That mindset is critical because a lot of individuals have so many fears around offering a $5000 or $10,000 program.
What I’ve seen is as soon as you start offering those $3,000, $5,000, or $10,000 programs and up, what happens is you start to attract clients who don’t want to just set-up some digital course. They are customers who don’t want just to watch it from the comfort of their home and tune in whenever they want to or can.
These are the people that are going to push and even force themselves a little bit beyond where they been to get to where they want to go, and that requires a different level of mindset. It requires a different degree of strategy. It requires a different level of playing. We want to play on a bigger field.
What you guys are getting here at Thriving Launch right now from Russ is that you see into the mindset that’s vital for you to have. If you believe in your products and services, then you need to know and feel in your heart that you have something incredible to offer that can change people’s lives.
Like you said Russ, why not offer something of that scale so you can create transformation?
Hangups High-End Products

Luis Congdon
What do you think is one of the biggest hang-ups in having at work with so many clients and scaling in this fashion? What do you say is one of the biggest hang-ups that people have from going, “I charge $100,000 or $200,000 or $300,000/session? “People might sign up. I have a $1,000 program people can sign up for.”
What do you think is the biggest hang-up that people have to going, “You know what? There are no more sessions. There’s transformation, and it’s $5,000.” “You need to sign up for $5,000 three-week program,” or a “three-month program,” or whatever it might be.
What do you think is the biggest hang-up for people to start charging these kinds of fees?

Russ Ruffino
Well, there are a lot of different hang-ups.
It’s hard for me to say which one is the biggest but I’ll just give you a couple of pitfalls that I see people fall into all the time.
The first pitfall is to position yourself according to the work you do. Part of our approach is we teach webinars. I love webinars. I’m a webinar junky. The problem is if I go out there and go, “Webinars! Webinars! Webinars!” nobody cares.
We see this all the time with coaches where it’s like they got certified by so and so or they’re trained in such discipline or such and such or whatever, and that’s all they want to talk about.
The truth is your clients don’t give a shit about any of that. All they care about is like, “What are you going to do for me? What’s the outcome that you’re going to create for me?” That right there is a significant shift for most of the people who come in the program.
Giving More Value With High-End Products

Russ Ruffino
They’re used to saying, “I’m a relationship coach,” or “I’m a business coach,” or “I teach Kundalini yoga,” or something like that.
What does a Kundalini yoga teacher make? Is it $100-150/hour? I can open the yellow pages and find 20 Kundalini yoga teacher.
When you start to reposition what you do regarding the outcome you create, all of a sudden, your value and the price you can command is magnified exponentially.
I think that people are positioning themselves the wrong way. I believe people don’t even realize that that’s their real value, that what you do is special, and what you do does change lives.
When people come to work with us in Clients on Demand, we spend the whole first week or so, just getting your head around that, so you understand it right down to the marrow in your bones.
You understand, “I am worth this much. This is who I want to work with. This is who I don’t want to work with, and this is the business that I want to build,” so that you’re 100% faithful to that every single day.
Then, the second big pitfall is that even when we have someone who does get that.
Let’s say someone’s listening to this podcast, and they’re like, “This sounds awesome Russ. I’m in. I’m going to start charging five grand.” It’s like, “Okay, great.”
You also need a step-by-step strategy for actually doing that. Where are you going to get the clients? What are you going to offer them? How are you going to serve them in such a way that it doesn’t take away your freedom, and creates more freedom for you? Where are you going to advertise? How are you going to pre-sell this person? How are you going to enroll this person?
How To Pitch High-End Products

Russ Ruffino
There are so many challenges that come up just making this happen. I mean the physically like putting the pieces together. Trying just to dive in and not knowing what you’re doing or trying to do this without expert supervision is a huge mistake.
Either people just don’t see their value or the people that do see their value don’t have a step-by-step game plan for making it happen.

Kamala Chambers
Let’s talk about selling high-end products because just putting high-end products on a website doesn’t work.

Russ Ruffino
I wish.

Kamala Chambers
Yeah like just throw up a sales funnel, and you’re ready to go.

Russ Ruffino
Yeah. Just throw up that thing that says, “Click here. It’s $10,000,” and just drive traffic to it, and you’re good.

Kamala Chambers
We have lots of high-end products that we sell, but we don’t even have them on our website. Do you think that’s a mistake? Do you believe that we should at least have them and the price there for people to be aware of?
Also, just curious about how would you recommend going through the sale of high-end products?

Russ Ruffino
Okay. That’s a big question, but I’ll try to break it down as simply as I can.
When I made that decision to go from charging a low ticket price to just selling high-end products and transformational programs, right away, reality just punched me in the face. I was like, “Okay, cool.”
I was dumb, honestly. I shut down all my low ticket offers then I was like, “Okay, I’m going to sell this high-end products,” and I had no idea how I was going to do it.
High-End Products

Russ Ruffino
There are a few months where there was almost no money coming in as I tried to figure this out because the challenges are what you said. Where are you going to get the clients? How do you enroll them? What’s the process? What’s the deal?
I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on advertising trying to figure that out, what works and what doesn’t work. The cool thing is that, after all that blood, sweat, tears, and frustration, we were able to figure out a step-by-step process for enrolling people at a premium price even when they don’t know who you are.
The process is this, and I’ll give it to you in a nutshell.
We run ads on Facebook, Twitter, and social media because those platforms allow us to target the exact people that we want. We advertise there. Then, someone clicks on our ad. They go to a registration page for a webinar. They signup, they watch the webinar, and on the webinar, we blow their minds. Just doing the webinar right is an art form in itself.
Then, at the end of the webinar, we make a low-key pitch. “Hey look. If you like what we said here and you want to talk to us about how we can help you grow your business, just click here and you can book a call with us.” They go, and then they schedule a phone call with us. We get them on the phone, and then we enroll them into one of our high-end products.
Selling High-End Products With Facebook And Webinars

Russ Ruffino
So the whole process is just Facebook ad, registration page, webinar, phone call. That’s it. There are only four steps to it. What we found is that it works not just in our market, which is we teach online marketing high-end products, but we got clients in the spiritual development, personal development, nutrition, all kinds of stuff. It works in all sorts of markets, and it’s very elegant.
What happens is, once you got all this up and running, some cool stuff happens. As people go from browsing around on Facebook to seeing your ad, they click your ad, watch your webinar, and within 24 to 48 hours, they’re enrolling in one of your high-end products even if they don’t know who you are.
Ninety percent of the people who signed up for Clients on Demand have never even heard of me. They have no idea who I am because I don’t do like a bunch of speaking gigs. I don’t have a New York Times best-seller. It’s like, “Who the hell is this guy?”
The webinar and the marketing are so powerful that people go from clicking on an ad to enrolling at a premium price within 24-48 hours.
The cool thing about that is it sets you free from having to do all this content marketing, high traffic blog, grind out tons of videos, have a hit book or whatever.
You can go right to enrolling the exact clients you want at a price you want and serving customers without having to spend years building an audience.

Luis Congdon
That’s fantastic. I love that.
I know a variety of people that are doing that where they have a jam packed webinar that is honed. They’re doing everything right with their webinar, and then it leads to a phone call.
The Process Of Selling High-End Products

Luis Congdon
Guys, I know that you’re probably wondering about webinars because webinars in themselves are an art form like Russ. It’s a simple step-by-step process, but it doesn’t mean it’s easy. Just like losing weight, it’s a simple process but it doesn’t mean it’s easy and it can be quite complicated.
The webinar stuff, you can go and check out some of our other interviews where we dive more into the webinars.
I want to ask you here. Once somebody watches the webinar, do they go and fill out some form that allows you to pick and choose who you’re going to get on a call? How are you selecting who should be on the call?
That’s another thing. People get excited, and they go, “Oh, I’m enrolling all these people on calls,” and I’m like, “Yeah. But, you could end up spending a lot of time on phone calls with people that just can’t afford your services or individuals who are trying to get a free phone call.” You can waste a lot of time with that.
Is there a particular process that you use to help select that to make sure the value is there for both people?
Because when I get on a call, I want it to be valuable for the person that gets on the call with me, and there isn’t going to be a value if the individual doesn’t have the energy and investment necessary to go there yet.

Russ Ruffino
That’s a great question.
You have to be very clear with yourself about who you want to work with and who you don’t want to work with. You need to know exactly who you can help and who you can’t help.
Pre-Screening Potential High-End Products Buyers

Russ Ruffino
It happens to us all the time. We’ll be on the phone with someone, and they would be like, “Dude, I’m in. Credit card in hand, ready to rock and roll,” but for whatever reason, we know that they’re just not somebody that’s a fit, and it’s up to us to have that moral obligation and honor that moral duty to say “No. I’m sorry man. It’s not a fit. We can’t work together.”
It’s critical that you won’t just take money from anybody. You’ve got to be picky about who you work with, and have the integrity to only enroll people you can help.

Russ Ruffino
Now that we know that, how do we weave into our marketings that we don’t spend a lot of time talking to the wrong people?
If you want to catch a certain kind of fish, you got to use a particular kind of bait. So, woven throughout this process from Facebook advertising to the webinars and phone calls, all these things are designed to filter out the people that you don’t want. Even more than that, they’re intended to repel the people that you don’t want and attract the people that you do.
When you do that right, you can make sure that you’re mostly talking only to people that are qualified.
Just to give you an example. I’m a big fan of what I call “Radical transparency.” We’re having this conversation in January 2017. So in December of 2016, we had 263 people booked a call after we eliminated the people we didn’t want to speak to, and ended up talking to 188 people. We ended up enrolling 52 into our high-end products.
Between the front-end program and our mastermind, we collected $560,500 in revenue.
How You Can Serve With High-End Products

Kamala Chambers
Fantastic. I love this.
Before we close out, is there any last supercharge tip you want to leave the Thriving Launchers?

Russ Ruffino
Shift your focus away from “How can I make more money?” to “How can I serve more people and create an astounding outcome for them?” In a way, 90% of what we do just flows from that.
When we have meetings internally with my team and me, we’re always asking ourselves “What can we do to get better outcomes for the clients? What do we need to change about our marketing? What do we need to change about our webinars? What do we need to change about our advertising so that we can attract the right people, and get those people the door, and those people take action and get a great result?” That’s what we live for. That’s how we sell high-end products.
We don’t spend a lot of time thinking about “How can we sell more people?” We always spend time thinking about, “How can we serve the client better?”
Thinking about how you can serve the client better takes a lot of mental pressure off and keeps us in integrity because everything that we do is about serving the client, and that’s our primary focus.

Luis Congdon
The way you’ve shown up here today speaks to what you’re offering to who you are, and you’ve given us an opportunity to have some transformation here at Thriving Launch around offering high-end products, how to do so, and the mindset behind the transformation necessary to be able to start taking that plunge.
Thank you so much for coming on Thriving Launch today and talking about high-end products, Russ. Thank you so much.

Russ Ruffino
You got it guys.