Get Paid To Post On Instagram – Dr. Steve Sabo

In this episode, we are here with Dr. Steve Sabo, who is an emergency doctor and created a thriving business through Instagram. Instagram is an active community of people and pictures, but there is so much more that you can do with it.
He shares some strategies that you could use so you can start generating leads and make more money for your business just by utilizing Instagram.


Use relevant hashtags because it lets people find you.
Search for individuals who are your target market. Then, put comments and likes on their accounts.
Create videos that your target market would find helpful.
Find an account that is similar to yours, like five of their posts, comment on three of them, and follow them.
Create value, so people want to follow you.
Create an ad for your lead magnet and run it on both Facebook and Instagram that will go to an opt-in page.
Find hashtags that are between 10,000 and 70,000 to make sure you can rank for it.
Avoid using the most common hashtags.


Luis Congdon
Hey Thriving Launchers, let’s talk about utilizing Instagram to get more leads, generate a side hustle, use it fully on to make more money for your current business, and how to get paid to post on Instagram?
Hey Thriving Launchers, would you like to utilize social media and Instagram to get more leads and learn how to get paid to post on Instagram?
Well, today’s guest is Dr. Steve Sabo, an emergency doctor. He’s an actual doctor who’s created a thriving six figure business utilizing Instagram and social media to generate leads, and a side hustle.
Let’s talk about how to generate leads and get paid to post on Instagram. Let’s bring on Dr. Steve.
Steve, are you ready to launch?

Dr. Steve Sabo
I am. Being here is great.

Luis Congdon
Yeah, it’s great to have you here. I know that you’re somebody who’s done well utilizing Instagram and creating a side business while being a doctor, which is just incredibly amazing.
I’m curious. What are some of the steps that we should take if we want to start utilizing and reaping the benefits of this powerful tool called Instagram?

Dr. Steve Sabo
Let me just take you back and tell you that as an emergency doctor, I have no background obviously in sales and marketing.
Learn How To Get Paid To Post On Instagram Through Courses

Dr. Steve Sabo
The way I did it is I took a course that taught me how to expand my audience of followers on Instagram. And there are a lot of different ways to do that, but basically, that’s how I did it. It’s through techniques I learned in a course.

Kamala Chambers
Yeah, so I’d love to hear some of the things you found and apply that worked for you to generate leads on Instagram.

Dr. Steve Sabo
Get Paid To Post On Instagram By Being Consistent

Dr. Steve Sabo
The first thing I would let everybody out there know is you got to be consistent. You can’t do ten posts one day, and then no post for another week.

Dr. Steve Sabo
But specific techniques, there are hashtags.
For those of you who don’t know what hashtags are, those are the keys that attract people to you.
Use Proper Hashtags To Get Paid To Post On Instagram

Dr. Steve Sabo
If you put #weightloss, anybody who’s looking for weight loss, who puts #weightloss on Instagram will find you or may be able to discover you. Hashtags are a great way to do that as well as going into what I call a target market.
If you’re in a weight loss company, for example, one of the ways to expand your audience is to go onto groups or businesses where people might be looking for weight loss.
For example, people that might join a gym or people from particular network marketing companies that deal with weight loss. If you go on and search for people like that, put comments and likes on people’s accounts, this person may then come back and follow you.
Start Engaging To Get Paid To Post On Instagram

Dr. Steve Sabo
You start to engage people. I try to communicate with 10 to 15 people a day, and these techniques alone have helped grow my account.
In addition to that, I’m a big fan of video marketing, and over the last year and a half, I’ve produced about 250 videos, and they’re teaching videos that go right to my target market.
Let’s say it was weight loss. Then, I would target people looking for weight loss. Maybe I would do a video of an exercise or I would show a healthy recipe and these types of things.

Kamala Chambers
Those are all great tips.
So we’re talking about putting hashtags in your first comment when you post and putting relevant hashtags to the post to make people come over.
Little Formula To Get Paid To Post On Instagram

Kamala Chambers
You’re also talking about liking and commenting on other people. I’ve heard you can find an account that’s relevant to yours. You can like it five times. You can comment on three of them, and you can give them one follow.
That’s a little formula I’ve heard of that helps to boost your Instagram to get them to follow you back and come over to your site.
And then, you’re talking about some other ways to grow your Instagram.
What about generating leads?
I know you get one link in your bio. I’d love to hear some tips from you on how to generate leads from Instagram.

Dr. Steve Sabo
What we were just talking about is certainly one way of generating leads, and that’s starting to follow other people and building your following.
Create Value For People To Get Paid To Post On Instagram

Dr. Steve Sabo
I created a lead magnet called How Anybody Can Get Five+ Leads a Day on Instagram In Just 30 Minutes or Less. It’s an eBook. It’s free.

Dr. Steve Sabo
I created this eBook, and then what I did is I made a video out of it, a short video on a website. I put the video as a Facebook ad.
Create Leads And Get Paid To Post On Instagram

Dr. Steve Sabo
The ad is now running on both Facebook and Instagram, and it just boggles my mind how many leads and how many views I’ve gotten.
This is an ad that’s been running since the beginning of the year, and it has been seen by nearly 120,000 people and has generated me nearly 25,000 leads. It’s amazing.

Kamala Chambers
That’s fantastic.
And so, you’re talking about putting in a video ad on Facebook that also runs on Instagram that goes to an opt-in page like a real brief opt-in page.

Dr. Steve Sabo
That’s correct.
Have An Opt-In Page To Get Paid To Post On Instagram

Dr. Steve Sabo
I have, as you said, an opt-in page.
People sign up on the opt-in page if they want the value I’m giving out, that free Instagram training, and then I capture them as a lead both on my auto responder, and another site that I have, and in there are the leads.
It’s all about creating value for your target market.

Kamala Chambers
That’s what it’s about, right?
I’d love to hear from you, are there any missing steps that we might need to know about in that process?

Dr. Steve Sabo
Again, who’s your target market? That’s the first thing you have to figure out, and then you need to see what they’re struggling with.
Know Your Target Market’s Struggles To Get Paid To Post On Instagram

Dr. Steve Sabo
As a person who teaches social media and how to grow your accounts on Instagram, my target market is home business owners and small business owners.
What do they struggle with?
They struggle with leads and sales. So my Instagram lead magnet is an attempt to help this type of people with their struggles.
Use A Lead Magnet That Helps People With Their Struggles To Get Paid To Post On Instagram

Dr. Steve Sabo
Once you do that, then you can create an ad. I have it running both on Facebook and Instagram, and if it’s a good lead magnet, and helps people a lot, then you get the leads.
Facebook advertising, it’s just absolutely fascinating. I got people coming in from Australia, and The United Kingdom, as well as The US and Canada that are on my list.

Kamala Chambers
That’s great stuff. I love how clear you’ve laid it out and how simple you’ve made it.
Some other tips are making sure you’re using those targeted hashtags to your target market.
What Hashtags To Use To Get Paid To Post On Instagram

Kamala Chambers
There are different schools of thought, but they say that find hashtags that are between 10,000 and 70,000 just to make sure that it’s one that you can rank for.
I’d love to hear some of your thoughts on hashtags and how you use them.

Dr. Steve Sabo
It’s certainly not a good idea when you want to get paid to post on Instagram. In fact, the example I gave, #weight loss, I think I checked the other day, and that’s one of the most overused hashtags. And so, as you say, you should certainly avoid using the most common ones.
You’re just going to get lost if you use those.
Certainly, ones that fall into the range you mentioned before would certainly be valuable out there, and again, draw people to you.

Kamala Chambers
That’s fantastic.
It’s been fantastic being here with you Dr. Steve. Thank you so much for sharing with us your method to grow, get leads, and get paid to post on Instagram.
I encourage you all to go out and apply some of these techniques that Steve has been sharing with us today, and keep thriving everyone.