Foundation Of Business – Adam Urbanski


On this episode, the Million Dollar Marketing Mentor Guy, Adam Urbanski, talks about how to make more profits and sell high-ticket items.
When you have the fundamentals in place, acquiring clients and growing your business is easy.


Build relationships and provide value before you ask for a return.
In every business, attracting clients is always going to be one of your core activities.
Figure out what you want to offer that people will value.
Make sure to provide your offer to the right people.
When you don’t have a foundation in place, you get stuck in the cycle of learning tactics.
If you have the foundation in place, finding your clients is easy.
Spotlighting is the art of turning cold connections into warm leads immediately.
Find access to a group of people that resemble your ideal prospects as closely as possible, and master the art of reaching out to them.
The more you teach, the more you attract, the more you sell.
Don’t look at “No” as a rejection.
Set an intention of being an incredible value to people.


Kamala Chambers
Welcome to Training Tuesday. We are going to be talking about laying the foundation of business. Whenever you do a launch, create an offer, product or service, how do you start and make sure that you’re going to offer something that a market is going to want?
On this episode, we’re going to be talking with the Million Dollar Marketing Mentor guy, Adam Urbanski about the foundation of business.
He’s a strategist to coaches, a small business agent, a marketing wiz, a trainer, a facilitator, a speaker, and, a passionate entrepreneur. We are happy to have him on the show.

Luis Congdon
All right, Thriving Launchers, are you excited to learn how to rev up your business, make more profits, and sell higher ticket items?
One of the things I learned something early on from Dan Kennedy and it totally goes against what most of us are doing in our business and what most of us that understand about the foundation of business.
Most of us think we need to be going out and getting new clients, getting more people through the door. Yes, that is true, but once you have someone through the door, they’re going to buy more stuff from you likely.
A lot of us don’t know what to offer once we’ve offered that one thing we’re good for. We don’t know how to offer higher sale packages, and maybe we feel uncomfortable with that.
So today, we’ve brought on Adam Urbanski to talk to us about the foundation of business, how to sell high ticket offers and how to help us explode our business, so we’re making more money, leveraging our customers that we have. Also, we’re going to talk about bringing in higher ticket items when they come through the door from day one, so we’re not leaving so much money on the table.
So without further ado, are you ready to launch Adam?

Adam Urbanski
I am 100% ready.

Luis Congdon
The first thing I want to ask you are what is one of the first things we need to understand about the foundation of business when it comes to doing high-ticket offers?

Adam Urbanski
That’s a great question.
I’m thinking back to one of the first interviews I’ve ever done. It was years ago when the internet was just coming about, and people were learning about doing anything with the web and making money online. There’s this whole idea of making money quick and get rich fast.
My background is in the restaurant industry, so I understood the importance of an investment and the importance of longevity in the business. I understood the importance of being in one location, and if you pissed clients off, you can’t just go somewhere else and start from scratch. You got too much involved.
Online, businesses created this impression that you can just snap your fingers and do whatever. If it doesn’t work, move on.
First Foundation Of Business Is To Create Relationships and Provide Value

Adam Urbanski
You realize if you put it in the monetary terms and if you help someone create a thousand dollars’ worth of value for them, and you’re asking them one hundred to one tenth of the value created, they’ll most likely give you that monetary compensation for the value you helped them build. You can’t ask for the reward before you create the results.
Be of service to people, build relationships, and provide value before you start asking for a return.

Kamala Chambers
This is something important and often overlooked is how do we provide the value first and have a person know we have something that is of value before they put their money down.
I want to get a little deeper into when you are putting out high-ticket offers. Tell me a little bit about that process. What is the foundation of business that you recommend people going through to start putting out high-end offers?

Adam Urbanski
Great question.
Knowing What You Want To Offer Is A Foundation Of Business

Adam Urbanski
It’s funny. You just mentioned. For most people, one of the firsts of the foundation of business that’s extremely hard to cross because the process of discovering is very counterintuitive is figuring out what is it that I have that could be packaged into a transformational type offer or service or program or package people are willing to pay premium price for.
That’s the first foundation of business, and we can come back to that “How do you discover this.”
I mentioned relationships as the first foundation of business, but there is another first step.
Most people view the world in successive terms like here’s step one, step two, step three. In reality, the world doesn’t work like this. It’s like Einstein’s Theory of Relativity; everything happens at once. So there are multiple first steps you’ve got to put in place if you were to say this in this way.
The second foundation of business once you know what you want to offer and what do you have that people will valuehe second foundation of business is realizing that a customer does not equal customer does not equal customer. Let me explain this.
Recognizing Who Your Ideal Customer Is A Second Foundation Of Business

Adam Urbanski
Let’s take you guys. I know that part of your background is helping people with relationships. Imagine that you put together a $10,000 relationship make-over package.
Let’s say the package was for a single person that wanted to be deeply involved with someone who loves them back, and they love them, and so on.
Now imagine, who would be a better customer?
Would it be a person who’s senior in high school that just broke up with her boyfriend, and is devastated by the experience, and in tears, and depressed? She wants some help, some shoulder to cry on, and probably just looking for “How do I recover from this major blow? Life is going to be over for me from now on.”
Or would it be someone who is a 40+ year old person that’s an executive in their company, having significant revenue, having a successful, well-organized life with only one thing missing? And that is someone to share her life with.
Which of those two people would be an ideal client who would be willing to pay the $10,000 for your program?

Luis Congdon
Okay. So before I answer this, I have a few questions.
Does the senior high-school student have a healthy trust fund or parents?

Adam Urbanski
You’re asking for the unicorn, for the one in a million high school.

Luis Congdon
Is this high-schooler, Mark Zuckerberg? That’s all I need to know.
Anyways, one of the things here at Thriving Launch is to get that when you’re looking at providing a service, make sure you’re providing it to the right people. That’s an essential foundation of business. It makes me think of something that Russell Brunson says quite often which is, “Don’t serve broke people.”
A Foundation Of Business Is Offering Your Service To The Right People

Luis Congdon
Make sure your market has the income to afford your services, and that’s what you’re saying. If you want to sell high-ticket offers, make sure you’re providing it to the people that have the income necessary to afford it and also have the proper pain points.
If I try to provide healthy nutrition plans for people that don’t have the income, and my diet plan is very expensive, then, I’m offering it to the wrong people.
If I offer healthy nutrition programs for individuals who are looking to lose weight and I go to a group of people who are all athletes, they’re not going to be interested even if they did have the income. They’re not going, “Oh my gosh. I want to lose weight. Your thing is exactly I’m looking for.”
So we need to know who we’re offering it to. Can they afford it? Is this an appropriate offer for that person?

Adam Urbanski
It’s a foundation of business yet most people don’t get it.
Attracting Ideal Clients Is An Important Foundation Of Business/strong>

Adam Urbanski
In every business, attracting customers is always going to be one of your core activities.
Whether you are doing or you’ve got a team of business development people that work for you, and you got marketing and sales department, it doesn’t matter.
In every business, a large part of that business is efforts, agenda, energy, and budget would be devoted to acquiring clients.
The mistake that happens for small business owners in that beginning stage of launching that if someone could have fogged up a mirror and has a balance left on the credit card, and vaguely resemblance someone that we can help, we go, “Okay. Come on here. Give us the money, and we’ll assist you in.”
A big mistake because then you become an opportunity chaser. You’re saying “Yes” to everything rather than saying “Yes” to your ideal clients.
Since so much of your effort goes into attracting customers, why don’t get crystal clear?
The universe is like a giant kitchen that can cook up anything you want. Every day, you’re placing an order. You’re placing an order for what kind of customers you want. So why not put out to the universe the exact specification? Like here’s the ideal client I want to attract. By the way, here are some negative specifications of people that I do not want to come to me. And the universe, I want you to fulfill.
You don’t need to put in efforts every single day to do this. So again, be very careful to only speak to your ideal clients to attract them to you.

Kamala Chambers
Even though Luis was making a joke about, “Does the teenager have a trust fund?” I think a lot of clients coming in are trying to go after the unicorn. They’re trying to go after people that are not a market for, or more commonly, they want to go after everyone.
Have The Foundation Of Business First Before Learning The Tactical Approach

Kamala Chambers
I’m glad that you brought up this point. It’s something that we talk about so often here at Thriving Launch because it is the fundamentals of everything. Every time you want to create any offer, you have to keep coming back to this basic.
Let’s talk about like some more advanced tips on getting your high-tickets offers to sell.

Adam Urbanski
You mentioned the people want to sell to unicorns or a market that doesn’t even exist. I don’t think this is an advance tip about the foundation of business. So when people consider an advance tip, they want a nitty-gritty like “Here is the script.”
The text is completely useless if you don’t know have the foundation of business. Like you don’t know who your clients are, what their fundamental problem is that they’re willing to spend money and time to solve and identify how exactly you are going to address that problem. The tactical stuff is minutia that keeps you being busy and chasing your tail.
You keep learning and learning. You keep learning all sorts of tactical approach but what you don’t have is the foundation of business and the strategy in place.
So Kamala, what you mentioned was people chase this unicorn market. There are few things on the foundation of business I always share with my clients and students.
Sell What Sells Is A Foundation Of Business

Adam Urbanski
- You must sell what sells.
It’s not a cap out. It’s not like some alternative band that all of a sudden goes on mainstream because that’s where the money is. It doesn’t work that way.
You can do your job. You can do what you uniquely qualified and what your gift is. You just need to learn how to translate it into a solution that is a real problem for real people in the real market. That’s the first thing.
Sell what sells, and if you don’t know how to do it, you must acquire help to figure it out.
“Follow Your Passion” Philosophy And The Foundation Of Business

Adam Urbanski
- There is this ingrained philosophy that everybody buys into, and that is you must follow your passion.
I think that’s one of the biggest and most dangerous things that people get suckered into. I recommend you pick up the book called So Good They Can’t Ignore You by Cal Newport.

Kamala Chambers
We interviewed Cal Newport, and it was a fantastic interview. He’s a great guy and picked that up.

Adam Urbanski
So what Cal Newport talks about is that it’s all about diligence or deliberate practice.
What we consider freedom and happiness is a function of creativity and control.
You have zero creativity and zero control over things you’re not very good at.
A Foundation Of Business Is Figuring Your Real Passion

Adam Urbanski
For example, people always think “Wow. Adam, you must be very passionate about marketing.” I love marketing. I’m excellent at it but what I’m passionate about is transforming lives. I just chose marketing as a vehicle to deliver and to fulfill that passion.
Through the process of learning marketing and getting better at it, I created more control, and I can be incredibly creative around that subject. Because of that, I also became passionate about marketing as well.
My point is if it’s something that doesn’t sell, what you want to do is learn how to translate that into something that sells so that you can create a vehicle to which you can express that passion.
To most people, it’s extremely confusing process. Especially if they’ve never created anything that sells very well, they end up creating offers that no one wants. They get stuck in this vicious cycle of learning tactics.
They go into blogging, YouTube videos, podcasts, Facebook ads, webinars, seminars, and speaking. They keep doing this without any significant progress because what’s not in place is a foundation of business.
A foundation is a translation of who your market is, what value you provide, and how can you connect the two.

Luis Congdon
Those are excellent points about the foundation of business, and it reminds of our interview that we did with Steve Olsher, where he talked about how he doesn’t believe that doing the thing you’re passionate about is certainly the thing you should be doing.
There’s been a big push in our society of “Do what you’re passionate about,” and trying to force these things together. But that’s not always going to be the healthiest business choice or option. We need to know that there’s a market for it.

Adam Urbanski
Let me just give you an example here that just comes to my mind.
Probably 15 years ago now, I founded a charitable organization in my local neighborhood. We were doing a lot of good things for young people.
At one point, we’re doing a fundraiser for aspiring athletes who were kind of in the Olympic level athletes, but they couldn’t afford to do it on their own. When they’re posting it in a home of an owner of one of the biggest and most exclusive residences I’ve ever seen in my life. When you think about it, I doubt this guy is passionate about collecting garbage every day. He has built this fantastic company, and that company does so much good.
Not only provides an excellent service but what he does for his employees, what he does regarding fundraising and impacting people who can help themselves. I know for a fact that he’s just a passionate philanthropist. But he could not be a passionate philanthropist if he didn’t have a thriving trash collecting business first.
I’m certain that in that business, he did what needed to be done when it needed to be done, and how it needed to be done to make it go whether or not he liked it or was passionate about it at the moment.

Kamala Chambers
It’s a beautiful point.
I’d love to move beyond the beyond of what are we doing? How do we get our market? What’s the next big part of the foundation of business?

Adam Urbanski
Maybe before we go to the beyond, how do you guys feel about going back to the beginning? How do you discover what the thing is? What is the thing that you could sell?

Kamala Chambers
Yeah. Let’s assume that we already have the thing that we can sell. What would we do after that?
We already know our market. We have the thing that we could sell.

Adam Urbanski
All right.
Getting Clients Is Easy Once You Have The Foundation Of Business In Place

Adam Urbanski
You’ve got your market. You know what you’re selling, and now, you want to go and find your clients. That is quite easy if you have the foundation of business in place.

Adam Urbanski
Everybody always says like “The fastest way to get clients is-” and they talk about, “Go get speaking engagements.” “Do Facebook ads.” “Do a webinar” or “Do joint ventures strategies.” All of those things are amazing, and they are fast in the way that they are leverage.
For example, if you do a webinar and you use Facebook ads to drive people to your webinar, you’re going to attract more than one client at a time. Indeed, you guys practice that in your business or something similar.
However, it’s not the fastest way because you need to learn how to do Facebook ads or have the funds to hire someone to do it for you. You need to get to structure a webinar that teaches in the cell. So you need to script that.
You need to have technology in place to deliver both Facebook ads and webinar. You need to have a webinar platform. You need to have an online process to capture and convert leads and sales.
All of that is quite complicated, and for a person that never had an experience with it, it can take weeks?

Kamala Chambers
It can take months.

Adam Urbanski
Both cases, months?

Kamala Chambers
It’s months. Yeah.

Adam Urbanski
In some cases, it takes years because people get stuck on this.
Spotlighting Is A Foundation Of Business

Adam Urbanski
Using the foundation of business is about making people come to you. I use the process, which we used to call it “snipering.” Through a help of one of our clients, we changed it to “spotlighting.”
This is how I grew my business when I first got started. I made the list of people that I knew or knew of that I could be of immense service to. I thought of “How can I be in connection with them, and how can I make my offer to them?”
So we call it snipering or spotlighting. It’s the art of cold outreach and turning cold leads or cold connections into warm leads immediately, and you can do it everywhere today.
Right now, one of our clients just started her business January 2nd. It was her first day. She just quit her job in December. Between January 2nd and February 15 was the last thing she reported to us. She brought in I think, just under $80,000 in revenue. She’s a brand new coach and a brand new business.
The way she did it is she created a Facebook group, where the group is systematically congruent with the value she wants to offer through her coaching services and quickly attracted about 300 people to that group. Out of those 300 people, she used the art of spotlighting, which is having connections.
So at this point, they weren’t even called connections because they were only connected through that group to her, but she turned those semi-warm connections into hot leads. Enough of them, I think at this point she brought in between a private work, and group works somewhere around 30 clients.
In three months, she had ten clients per month which are enough to generate $80,000 in revenue. That’s probably one of the fastest ways.
A Foundation Of Business Is Confidence

Adam Urbanski
Find access to a group of people that resemble your ideal prospects as closely as possible, and master the art of reaching out to them.
There is no faster way to get a client. Let’s say the two of you were good prospects for me. There is no faster way than finding a way to get in front of you, and having a conversation, presenting, showcasing how I can be of tremendous value, and if it’s a fit, asking for the business.
But most people are afraid of facing rejection. They just can’t make themselves do it. Instead, they hide behind technology, excuses, and stories. Weeks, months, even years later, they’re not much further along simply because they’re afraid to show up in front of someone, present the value, and ask for the business.

Kamala Chambers
Yeah. I can relate to that, and I’m glad that we have Luis on the team.
He is the people person. He is the one who’s not afraid to go out and get rejected. He likes rejection because it helps him hone his skills even more, and making connections, and looking for more ways he can serve people. It’s a good skill to master, and you don’t have a business if you don’t have that foundation of business, so I’m so glad you brought that up.
Before we close, what is the last tip on the foundation of business that you’d give for us to go out and apply to our businesses or the Thriving Launchers to apply today?

Adam Urbanski
There are a couple of things about the foundation of business that you have to remember.
A Foundation Of Business Is Teach People First

Adam Urbanski
The more you teach, the more you attract, the more you sell.

Adam Urbanski
You don’t have to sell someone coming up and listening to your podcast. They come across and say, “Wow! This is something valuable. Let me listen in.” They’re automatically attracted. Versus the podcast was titled “How To Work With Luis And Kamala,” I doubt that people will be lining up, or they go, “I don’t want to listen to that.”

Adam Urbanski
Maybe the last thing I will share about the foundation of business is this. What you just said Kamala was the huge revealing point. Luis thrives, and he likes rejections because it makes him feel better. There is an element of truth to that, and I totally get what he means.
“No” Is Not A “No” In The Foundation Of Business

Adam Urbanski
For the Thriving Launchers out there, don’t look at a “No” as a rejection. No one is rejecting you. You simply have established through the process of whatever. Usually, they’re afraid of rejection in a conversation. If somebody just leaves you a sales letter online, it doesn’t hurt you. It’s when you’re having a phone conversation or in person and they tell you “No.”
The “No” is not a “No” to you. You have merely ascertained that you and that person, and whatever solution you’ve got are just not a good fit. At least not at this very moment and you mutually decide to move in different directions. It’s just that simple. It’s beautiful and elegant. It’s very relieving, releasing if you choose to treat it this way.
A Foundation Of Business Is Setting The Intention

Adam Urbanski
Set an intention of being an incredible value for people.
Set up to every event, every conversation, and everything you do the intention to create a breakthrough for people and deliver massive impact in a short amount of time you possibly can.
If they’re open to buying the next step from you and it’s a fit, then, by all means, bite them. But if it’s not, don’t get discouraged. Because if you set your eyes that, “I’ve got to make the sale,” you’re going to be constricted by the idea of “I have to make a deal.” And it’s going to rob you and the people you talk with of opportunity of creating massive impact and huge breakthrough.

Kamala Chambers
Thriving Launchers, we’ve been here with Adam Urbanski. It’s been fantastic to have you tuning in.
We’ve been talking about attracting your following, growing your audience, and making more money in your business using the foundation of business.
I encourage you all to go out and apply some of these things that Adam has talked about today and keep thriving everyone.