Foster Relationships In Business – Sam Gerace

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foster relationships
Entrepreneurs must know how to foster relationships because it is crucial to success.
On this episode, we are here with Sam Gerace, the founding CEO of multiple companies. Also, he has helped raise over $2M in angel capital, $76M in venture capital, over $200M in the public markets for the companies that he helps and directs.
Sam talks about how you can create deeper relationships in business so you can have a better network to tap into. Also, he explains what culture in business really means and how it can be the most important driver of success.
Your network is your net worth.
You can have an incredible process but if you can’t depend on people, you can’t get anything done in business. Depending on people is all about relationships.
The more we want people to do for us or with us, the more we have to realize we’re all contributors.
See people as individuals and help them amplify their own abilities for them to be able to contribute.
Culture is a set of values that you share, a set of behaviors that support those values, and the environment that lets you use those behaviors.
The essence of culture is shared values.
To apply the “what’s right is more important than who’s right,” when making a decision, data has a seat at the table, not opinions.
Another way to implement the “what’s right is more important than who’s right” is not giving any value to titles inside the organization.
People who wanted to succeed, especially entrepreneurs in the 21st century, cannot continue consumer economy practices. They have to break the paradigm and focus on trusted relationships.
Luis Congdon
Hey, Thriving Launchers. Do you want to learn how to foster relationships for business so you can raise more money and a have a better network to tap into? Well, on today’s episode, that’s what we’re going to talk about.
Today’s guest is Sam Gerace. He’s the founding CEO of multiple companies, companies that have helped process billions of dollars in transactions annually. He’s also helped raise over $2M in angel capital, $76M in venture capital, over $200M in the public markets for the companies that he helps and directs.
Foster Relationships Because Your Network Is your Net Worth
Luis Congdon
The point is Sam knows his stuff and he’s here to discuss with us how to build and have more profitable and healthy relationships in business.
All right, Thriving Launchers, let’s dive in. Let’s talk about how to foster relationships or as some people call it, your network is your net worth, and in business, the people you know make a huge difference.
So without further ado, Sam, welcome to the show. Are you ready to launch?
Sam Gerace
I am ready.
Luis Congdon
Before the interview, you said this is a topic you talk a lot about. Clearly, it’s important to you.
Why Foster Relationships In Business
Luis Congdon
I’m curious. Why is this is the topic you love to talk about so much? Why is this important for us to learn how to kindle, foster, and have long-term healthy relationships in business?
Sam Gerace
When I was a new business person and starting out in business, I had a biochemistry degree, and I knew very little about business, but I knew a lot about science. I was much focused on data and thinking about numbers and business strategies.
Foster Relationships To Depend On People
Sam Gerace
What I quickly discovered is you can know all of the techniques in the world, you can have an incredible process. If you can’t depend on people, you can’t get anything done in business. Depending on people is all about relationships. That’s why it’s so important.
You can know all of the techniques in the world but if you can’t depend on people, you can’t get anything done in business.
Kamala Chambers
Learning how to foster relationships is something we talk about so much at Thriving Launch here because we know how important it is.
I would love to hear some of the innovative ways that you cultivated in strengthening and developing business relationships.
Sam Gerace
Foster Relationships – See People As Individuals
Sam Gerace
I think the first thing that everybody has to realize who wants to foster relationships that are strong is that people aren’t cogs. We are not little cookie cutter organisms.
The more we want people to do for us or with us, especially, creative generative work, the more we have to realize we’re all contributors.
Anybody, whether it’s a caring leader or a business partner, has to see people as individuals and help them amplify their own abilities for them to be able to contribute.
One of the things that I realized early on is we could have a group of people. If they’re all pulling in different directions, there’s no net force, right? There’s no net movement.
In an old game as kids where you all go on different sides of the parachute, and you had a ball in the center. If everybody pulls one way, the parachute goes that way. If everybody pulls in their own individual direction, nothing moves.
Foster Relationships – Use Culture To Align People
Sam Gerace
The best tool that I have for getting people to align and all pull in the same direction is culture.
I think if you have a culture in an organization or a personal culture that you know and that you’re going to articulate, it can become the guiding force or the essence of every relationship and that makes relationships strong over time.
A culture in an organization can become the guiding force or the essence of every relationship that makes relationships strong over time.
Luis Congdon
When I hear that word “culture” and I hear it as it relates to business, I feel like a book is coming. It is a huge dialogue. It’s a big part of the conversation right now like “What is culture? How do you create it? Does culture really drive success in a business?”
Foster Relationships – Know What Culture Means
Luis Congdon
I’m curious to hear from you what does that really mean? What is a simple way to describe the culture and what are some ways that we can use that to foster relationships in business?
Sam Gerace
That’s an important point.
A lot of people talk about culture and sometimes, they talk about it and they use the word in the same way they use fine art. They can’t really define it but they know it when they see it.
When we talk about the culture around here in Convey, we talk about something very specific.
First, it’s not sort of intangible or fluffy. It’s not a vibe or it’s not the office decor. It’s not sayings that we put on the wall.
Culture very specifically is a set of values that we share, a set of behaviors that support those values and then the environment that lets us use those behaviors.
Foster Relationships – Use Culture To Drive Success
Sam Gerace
For us, it’s very intentionally crafted. It’s doesn’t just happen.
Sam Gerace
So when I say values, and that’s the essence of culture, shared values, we have five. They’re pretty simple and direct.
What’s right is more important than who’s right and that’s our biggest value.
Foster Relationships – Values as The Essence Of Culture
Sam Gerace
Everybody here has integrity, we want to do the right thing and we do it without ego. We’re not taking credit but we’re giving credit to others in order to elevate their efforts.
The second value is we work with purpose, meaning we care about our impact on each other and the world, and we want to do meaningful things.
Our third value is do something. That’s our bias toward action. People here should be courageous. They don’t need to wait for permission. They can be empowered to act.
The fourth value is we are always innovating and we don’t just mean in the product. We mean new ways of doing business, and new ways of collaborating to create value.
Our last value is we are always learning. We recognize that we not only do know everything. We don’t know a lot of things and so we’re curious learners who seek to expand our knowledge and competencies continuously.
Foster Relationships – Depend On The Core Values
Sam Gerace
So if you know about me, those five values, what’s right is more important than who’s right, we work with purpose, we do something, we’re always innovating, and we’re always learning. You know those are core values. You can depend on that and then you’ll know how the relationship is going to go.
Over time, you’ll see that I adhere to those values. That’s the essence of a very strong relationship whether it’s with another person here on the Convey team, whether it’s with a business partner or a customer.
So that’s what I mean by culture.
Kamala Chambers
Can you give us a specific example or a strategy of how we can apply some of these values to foster relationships in business?
Sam Gerace
Foster Relationships – Know The Difference Between Data Vs. Opinion
Sam Gerace
If we want to apply the “what’s right is more important than who’s right,” that means that when you’re making a decision, data has a seat at the table, not opinions. Opinions tend to carry the weight of the person or “the who” whereas data, information, actual fact, is really the “the what.”
One of the ways we do that here as a way to implement it is we don’t give any value to titles inside the organization. We all have titles. They’re important for people outside the organization to know what our authority is, and maybe what our experience level is.
Foster Relationships – Give No Importance To Titles
Sam Gerace
Inside the company here, titles have no importance and so, I can give a very specific example. At my last company, Veritix, we were a ticketing system for sports and live entertainment. So in any given day, 9M people use the flash seat app to get into venues for events like the Cleveland Cavaliers or the LA Kings at LA Staple Center or Garth Brooks at Denver Pepsi Center.
We were preparing for one of our largest events ever and one of our youngest employees, just a year with the organization, said “I have been to several venues and I’ve been observing a slight delay in the entry person when…,” say “Kamala and Luis come up to the gate, and I’m concerned because nobody can explain it.”
Now if we were a “who’s right organization,” we had around the table, the head of product development, the head of customer support, and the head of technology operations, and they were all very confident in the ability of our system.
If we were a “who’s right organization,” they would have said, “Okay, but we’ve been operating really well. We just standard 21M people into events last year and on any given day, 9M people who are buying tickets said they were fine.” But we’re a “what’s right organization. “
Foster Relationships – Be A “What’s Right Organization”
Sam Gerace
What happened is people started to ask questions “Can you give us a little more information about where you’re seeing this?” Even though this was one of our newest and youngest employees, and “Can you tell us a little bit more?” and “Thank goodness that they asked because we did as a result of that uncover of very rare situation,” in which our system could have started to reject the people at the door. You would never want to reject any fan at the door, much fewer fans at a large event.
We have to think about each value carefully like “What’s right is more important than who’s right,” and we have to think hard about breaking down even traditional meta force like titles and make sure that we put the value above the title.
Kamala Chambers
Yeah. I appreciate you’re sharing something so clear like that and before we go, I’d love to hear from you one tip that you can give the Thriving Launchers to go out and apply today on how to foster relationships in business?
Sam Gerace
Importance Of Learning How To Foster Relationships In The 21st Century
Sam Gerace
I think in the 21st century, we’re seeing a shift to a relationship-based economy. The 20th century was about a consumer economy where firms and people were trying to reach you with messages. All of the technology, whether it was catalogs, then mass mail, then mass email, and now targeted ads that follow you around the internet. That was all about the consumer economy. We’re all tired of that and we all learned that that was ineffective. And so, our platform is to create thousands and thousands of weak connections like LinkedIn.
Foster Relationships – Create Strong Connections
Sam Gerace
I’m sure you’ve had the experience where you have a first-degree connection on LinkedIn that you don’t know and that’s of no particular value.
I’m sure you’ve had it.
Luis Congdon
Oh, yeah.
Sam Gerace
I called my brother last week and I said to him “I see that you’re a first-degree connection with the founder of WeWork. Would you introduce me because I’ve got a common topic,” and he said, “I don’t know the founder of WeWork.” I said “You’re a first-degree connection on LinkedIn,” and we had a good laugh about how many first degree connections we have.
Foster Relationships – Focus On People You Can Depend On
Sam Gerace
But people who wanted to succeed, especially entrepreneurs in the 21st century, cannot continue consumer economy practices. They have to break the paradigm. They have to focus on a set of small, trusted relationships, people they can depend on in order to collaborate and create value in the world. That’s the biggest tip I can offer for succeeding in the 21st century.
Luis Congdon
I appreciate that last tip there and I completely agree with it.
Foster Relationships – Have Deeper Relationships With Your Connections
Luis Congdon
I was recently reading an article about the average person on Facebook has 300 friends. I’m generally always hovering around close to that 5000 mark but the truth of it is I only know maybe a few hundred people.
As of recently, I decided that I’m going to just go deeper with that core group instead of trying to branch out so much. It has improved the time that I’m spending with the network that I’ve cultivated with just Facebook and of course, in other areas of my life.
I think that’s a great place to wrap out.
Takeaway On How To Foster Relationships
Luis Congdon
Thriving Launchers, I don’t know what you got out of today’s episode. I hope you got something because, for me, it was just a real reminder that we are in a relationship-based economy and because we have so much access, it doesn’t mean we have to access every single person online or in the world but instead how can we more deeply access what’s already available to us and utilize that in deeper ways and that includes our relationships.
Thriving Launchers, I hope you got some takeaway. Go out, take some action, make it work for yourself, and we’ll see you on the next episode. Keep thriving everybody.
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