Finding A Coach – Coach Micheal Burt

Coach Micheal Burt, former championship women’s basketball coach and author of Everybody Needs a Coach in Life, shares how he finds coaches to help him with everything.
It is essential to find a coach who is right for you because they will have a direct influence on your life.


You need to resonate with the person coaching you.
Coaching is an investment.
The person you choose as a coach matters.
Coaching is one of the largest growing industries in the self-help arena.
You’ve got a good coach when you’re getting results by doing what they’re telling you to do.
There is a huge difference between facilitating and coaching.
A good coach has a systematic structure.
Have coaches for specific purposes.
What you’re paying the coach doesn’t matter if the coach helps you make more than what you’re currently earning.
Things to look at when finding a coach:
- Credibility indicators
- Success track record
- Caliber of people they’re coaching
- What other people say about them


Kamala Chambers
Is it time for you to get a coach? Why would you even go finding a coach? Will a coach help you get to the next level where you want to be? On this episode, we’re going to talk all finding a coach.
Today, we are here with Coach Micheal Burt. He is a former championship-winning women’s basketball coach, and an 11-time author of some wildly popular books, and a critically acclaimed keynote speaker.

Luis Congdon
Hey, Thriving Launchers, one of the things that excite me is talking to coaches, talking to people who are motivated and are sincere about helping not only you get the best of results in life. But also making sure they’re getting the best results in life.
And today, we’ve brought on Coach Micheal Burt to Thriving Launch.
Coach, are you’re ready to launch?

Coach Micheal Burt
Let’s blew it up.

Luis Congdon
All right.
As a former wrestler, former athlete of several different sports, I hope you don’t mind if I just refer to you as Coach.

Coach Micheal Burt
Absolutely. That’s the only way people know me. I don’t think people even know my first name.

Luis Congdon
All right, fantastic.
I think all of us here at Thriving Launch, we all believe coaching is important, and it’s essential. If you want to get somewhere in life, you should have a mentor, or you should be finding a coach. I don’t know any other way to have success in life.
Coaching is such a big field now, and it’s blown up. I remember at one point I was reading some research saying that coaching is one of the largest growing industries in the self-help and financial world. Just in self-help areas, it’s one of the biggest growing industries. That means you’re going to be finding a coach that is awesome. You’re going to get a proliferation of coaches that aren’t all that great.
How do we even wade through the waters and go “That’s a great coach. Yes, I know what to look for, and I know who to hire.” Because, if I type in the word life coach or financial coach, success coach, edge coach, it gets confusing. After a while, I feel like anyone can go to an office, and hang the hat up, and boom! I’m a coach.
I’m curious from you. How do I know if someone’s a good coach? What are some of the qualifiers to finding a coach?

Coach Micheal Burt
That’s a great question. This is a billion dollar industry.
Lots of people call up that they’ve never got anything, never produced anything, never built a successful business, and those that have not done are calling themselves coaches. Or, another 300 people are writing books on a subject they’ve never done before, and calling themselves coaches.
Qualifiers To Finding A Coach

Coach Micheal Burt
And so, I’d like to tell people, “Look at the success of that coach. The personal success they have.”
For example, I’m a former championship women’s basketball coach. So I tell people when finding a coach, “Do you want someone coaching you who call themselves a coach or someone who has won a championship? Do you want someone who talks about building a million dollar business or someone who’s built a multi-million dollar business?”
I think to answer the question is that who’s coaching you matters more than who the president of The United States is because that person has a direct influence on you.
Who’s coaching you matters.
So I would look at their credibility indicators. I would look at the success track record they had. I’d look at the caliber of people they’re coaching because if they’re coaching a lot of half power people, there is a witnessing. Because big time people will not go and spend time with people that bring a little value to the equations.
So, those are all the things I look at when a person is coaching. When I was first finding a coach, I looked for who have they worked, what do those people say about them, and how can they specifically help me do better.

Kamala Chambers
Yeah. That’s all powerful stuff to look at and essential stuff as well. You want to make sure that you’re aligning with someone who can get you to where you want to be.
Can you tell me a little bit more about why would you be finding a coach? What would a coach help you with?
My background as a health coach, something I worked with people a lot on was getting them to their health goals, but there are much more aspects of coaching than that.
Why A Person Is Finding A Coach

Coach Micheal Burt
The reason why a person is finding a coach in their life is that they’ve reached some static state.
Think of a person in one of three states. Just like nature. It’s either dynamic state, static and plateau or entropic state. So people typically go to a coach when they reach a static state, or they’re in an entropic state. They’re not getting the results they want. They cannot see the picture when they’re inside the frame. Or they want to reach some level that they think they cannot reach on their own. They need the help of another person.
People come to a health coach because they don’t have the discipline. They don’t have the discipline to eat right. They don’t have the discipline to exercise right. They need the accountability of another expert to come into their life, and they’ll act, “You can’t get there alone, but I can help you get there.”

Kamala Chambers
I agree with all of that.
We can’t do it alone. We need other people. Other people are essential for us to get more perspective on ourselves, and our lives, and all of the struggles we’re going through. Almost like a good friend would help us see some of the pitfalls that we continue to fall in, and a coach can help us do the same thing.
What are some other things about having and finding a coach in your life? How do you know you are choosing a good coach other than just looking at their credentials? How do you know you’re picking someone that’s going to be right for you?
Finding A Coach You Resonate With

Coach Micheal Burt
You have to resonate with your coach.
For example, we teach people in our coaching programs how to explain your services. We always say, “Lead with what you believe not what you do. Tell us why you believe it. Tell us what it is you do as a result of that belief, tell us who you did it for. Then ask us if we could do it for you won’t stop us from getting started.”
And I think, what is very critical is an affinity with the person coaching you. Do you buy into their energy? Do they make you think bigger? Do they make you dream bigger? Do they have systems and structure? Are they real methodology or copying a fluff? I believe that this is critical.
We have people that defect from other coaching programs all the time. They say, “I didn’t resonate with my coach. They didn’t understand my ministry. They didn’t have a structure. There was a lot of fluff.”
Finding A Coach Who’s Good For You

Coach Micheal Burt
I think these are all things to know that you’ve got a good coach is that you’re doing what the coach is telling you to do and you’re getting some results.
Let’s define coaching as an aging people, and says systematic and consistent behaviors that allow them to do something tomorrow they cannot do today.
A lot of individuals think coaching is, “I’m going to ask you questions. You are going to come to your realization because I’m going to ask you a series of questions.” Now, I call that facilitation. I don’t call it coaching.
Difference Between Finding A Coach And A Facilitator

Coach Micheal Burt
To me, coaching is “I have the structures you need. I want to bring those structures to you. You’re going to practice the structures that I’m giving. You’re going to get some new results that you couldn’t get before.” There’s a huge difference between facilitation and coaching.
If I came to you and said, “What do I need to do to lose 15 pounds and get in better shape?” You may say, “Well, let me just ask you some few questions. If you need a better coach, would you this?” “Yes.” “If you do this –” “Yes.” But that doesn’t have a get there. What I mean is a logical ongoing systematic structure you bring to me because if I could get on my own, I wouldn’t need you.

Luis Congdon
That makes sense.
I think a great coach will have a system, and they’ll help us go through a process to continually grow and do it in a process that we can not only be coached through, but then we can go and repeat on ourselves, and follow it.
There’s this trend happening with coaches, and I’m curious about your insight on it. As you were talking, I was thinking, “Well, where does a coach that works with other coaches go? Do you have a coach?” And then, it just brought up this thing because I see some Facebook ads running from coaches who help other coaches.
There’s just kind of this trend of coaches who coach coaches who coach coaches. People are even mocking that a little bit because there’s this trend of everybody is calling themselves a coach. And now, the new kind of level up from that is, “I’m a coach who coaches other coaches who work with coaches.”

Coach Micheal Burt
Let’s look at this example. I’ve written 12 books. The first 11, I didn’t figure out how to make a bestseller. There’s a whole industry now of people that take a book and coach you in how to make it a best-seller.
Well, the first 11 times, I wrote the book. They sold. We sold a lot of copies of certain books, but I never hit the best-seller list. You know why? I didn’t know how the game worked.
Finding A Coach To Be A Bestseller Author

Coach Micheal Burt
I get serious about my new book, which is Everybody Needs a Coach in Life. It’s the book we’re talking about today. I said, “I want to make this book an Amazon bestseller. Who can I go to to help me with this?”
So I went out and started finding a coach. I interviewed coaches, and I say, “You’ve done it? How many times you’ve done it? You’ve done it for this person and person? What’s the structure? How many copies do I need to sale? How do we need the structure of a deal? How do we make it a bestseller?”
I got coaching on how to make the book a bestseller. So, when the book released a few weeks ago, it got as high as number three. It was right behind Tony Robbins new book consistently. Tony Robbins was seventh. I was eight.
Finding A Coach For Specific Reasons

Coach Micheal Burt
But the first 11 times, I went in on my own, and I didn’t do it. So, I have coaches for very specific reasons. I have coaches in how to take my local brand to a national brand. I have coaches in how to write better books. I have coaches in how to communicate better with the people I’m approaching for more impact. I have coaches in how to go out and build an empire. I have coaches in how to coach me and how to buy real estate.
To me, I typically hire very specific coaches that have a unique niche and doing something with a proof of concept that they’ve done it before with other people.
Part of the reason I’m here with you guys is that I hired the guys out of New York City, Steve Carlis and Hank Norman, 2 Market Media. They’ve shown a propensity and demonstrate a capacity to take guys like me and get us off more on a national stage. They’re coaching me in how to package and sell what it is I have.

Kamala Chambers
Absolutely. I’m with you there. We all need the support in the specific areas that we need help with I think the more specific you can be, the better rather than these general topics.
We’re coming to the end of the interview here. Before we go, what is the number one thing you want the Thriving Launchers to know about finding a coach that they should start applying to their lives today?
Finding A Coach Is An Investment

Coach Micheal Burt
There’s a whole bunch of people who don’t even realize they need a coach. They see coaching as an expense versus as an investment.
A few weeks ago when I was in Miami, I got to spend some time with Tim Grover. He wrote Relentless. He was Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant’s coach.
Here’s what I said, “If Grover’s good enough for Jordan and Kobe Bryant. Then he’s good enough for everybody else in the NBA.”
So here’s the question. Why would a guy who’s operating at that level still pay another person despite already having one of the greatest coaches in the world? Why would he still pay another guy to get to him to another level? Because deep down, he knows there’s another level that he can’t reach on his own.
Mindset You Need To Have When Finding A Coach

Coach Micheal Burt
So to me, there are millions of people that say, “Oh, I could never pay for coaching. It’s an expense.” It doesn’t matter how much it costs finding a coach.
If the coach helps you make 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% more than what you’re currently making, why does it matter what you’re paying the coach?
If you can’t get there on your own, you got to quit seeing everything as an expense and a liability. You got to see it as an asset.
The right coaches can make you 3-5x the amount of money you’re currently making.
That’s something I want every Thriving Launcher to get. You are going to get a ceiling. I don’t know when that ceiling’s going to happen or what level it’s going to happen at but you’re going to get one.
When you do, you can keep doing what you’re doing, or you can say, “Who is the guy? Who is the girl? Who is the person out there that’s the best in the world at getting me to operate at a much higher capacity, a much higher ordinance than what I’m currently operating in?”
That’s the mindset you need to have.

Kamala Chambers
That’s great stuff. We’ve been here with Coach Micheal Burt. It’s been fantastic to talk today about finding a coach, why we need coaching, is it time to get a coach, and what we might get help with our coaching?
Thank you so much for tuning in everyone. I encourage you all to go out today and decide whether it’s time for you to get a coach or not, and start finding a coach that might resonate with you.
Keep thriving everyone.