Feminine Power – Gina DeVee

When women try to be like men, that’s where they miss the boat.
Masculinity is the logical, linear approach to life.
Femininity is a circular approach of creativity, spirituality, and intuition.
All males and females have the masculine and the feminine within.
Women must learn to trust their instincts, desires, intuition, and creativity.
Make a commitment to be there for yourself.
Do for yourself what you wish others would do for you.
The reason why women aren’t visible is fear of judgment and criticism.
Practices we can do to access feminine power:
- Journaling
- Reading
- Spending time with family
- Working out
Give yourself permission and don’t be fearful of making a mistake.
Kamala Chambers
On this episode, we’re going to be talking about being a feminine power entrepreneur and how to access our feminine power to create success.
Today’s guest is Gina DeVee. She is the founder of Divine Living, a multi-million dollar company, and she’s worked with the White House to the Supreme Court.
She has been a mentee of Marianne Williamson, one of our favorite guests we’ve ever had on the show.
This girl has done it all, and she is here to talk with us about feminine power.

Luis Congdon
All right. Thriving Launchers, we are here with Gina. We’re excited to have her on the show today.
Hey Gina, are you ready to launch?

Gina DeVee
I am. I’m thrilled to be here.
Gina DeVee On Finding The Strength

Luis Congdon
You’ve had a lot of success as a female entrepreneur and just being educated. You’ve served a lot of variety of people ranging from working with government officials to working as a chef, and a variety of other things you’ve done. It’s amazing to have you here.
One of the things that stick out to me immediately are how did you find all this strength? This is going to sound wrong at first so let me just say it.

Gina DeVee
I like it better already.

Luis Congdon
How do you find all this strength as a woman?
Because even in today’s age where women are highly empowered and encouraged to go out there and do things, we still live in kind of this culture that doesn’t do their due diligence to empowering women, and there’s much work still to be done.
How did you find all that strength to push through?
I know that me as a male, I have a particular advantage that maybe you don’t.
Be Like A Woman To Find Feminine Power

Gina DeVee
Most of us are very grateful for the women and the generations that have gone before us whether it’s been fighting for the right to vote or equal pay in the workplace or being able to run for office and run countries.
Let alone, run businesses and boardrooms.
I believe that we’ve come to a time and place where the ancient wisdom and the knowledge of the way women are naturally wired are coming to full circle, and that is feminine power.
I believe both the masculine within and the feminine power within but predominantly the feminine.
Gina DeVee On Inspired Action
Then, that’s when we’re able to work in a way, work miracles, work quantum leaps, and even work step by step in ways that feel good to us and don’t burn us out.
And so, for all the reverence that I have for men and massive action, I haven’t gotten to where I am today trying to be like a man or blowing out my adrenals and going into massive action.
I’m very much about inspired action.
When I first started my career, I was totally broke. I was a broke, struggling psychotherapist that want to have this big life and help a lot of people that I was very interested in feminine power.
The only women that I knew that were feminine were also equally broke.
The women that I knew that were wealthy and have financially thriving careers were very much in their masculine.
They were investment bankers, stock brokers, a pound in the pavement, or being just like the guys.
Neither seemed appealing; being feminine and broke or masculine and wealthy. And not having feminine power. It became a very “Gandhi: Be the change” moment.
Wealth Principles And Feminine Power

Gina DeVee
I know that so much of this is much more mainstream right now. When I started this, it was back in the 90’s. Not that I’m 108 years old.

Luis Congdon
The 90’s was like yesterday for some of us, but for other people, it was a long time ago.
Gina DeVee
At that time, I just didn’t see women who were wealthy and have feminine power. So I decided to start a business, and I decided that I was going to start creating wealth based on feminine power principles.
I didn’t know how to do it at that time.
I just made a big declaration that I was going to learn how and figure it out. That’s where it started.
Gina DeVee On Feminine Power

Kamala Chambers
When you’re talking about feminine power principles, which could be something a lot of people don’t even know what that means.
For me, that means slowing down, moving from a place of intuition, being opened to receptiveness instead of pushing through and trying to get something and make something happen, or being in a place of force.
It’s a huge topic so I’d love to hear just a little bit more from you about what being in your place of feminine power means.
Gina DeVee
The Western world does revere the masculine and masculinity.
So that’s the logical, linear approaches to life or business or making money or saving money.
It’s the tangible, the concrete, the direct. And it’s that notion of “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
Also, it’s that pushing through, that being the warrior, being the king, being the soldier.
What Is Feminine Power?
Gina DeVee
And so, feminine power conversely is very much about the circular. It’s not linear. And it’s the creative, the spiritual, and the intuitive realms.
Also, it sees things not as they are but as they could be.
So it’s able to see someone’s potential or see a project’s potential. It’s also very much about desire versus necessarily logic.
That is by far the foundation of what I built my company on today is making sure that I am crystal clear on my desires and everything starts from a place of desire.
I don’t start from the place of practicality or “What’s practical,” and when I have, it hasn’t worked out so well.
There have been things that I’ve done as an entrepreneur like “I should do this, and this is what I’ve thought, ” and they do or it does.
It’s about getting to a place of what’s true for me and what’s my desire.
I have found that functioning from that place even if it’s counterintuitive, non-linear, or illogical at the time, some of the biggest financial wins and most major creative breakthroughs have come from that place.
The statistics say that only one in 100 people even know what they want.
If you’re clear on your desires, you got a great running start.

Kamala Chambers
I believe knowing what your desires are the biggest part of getting it.
I think it’s funny because a lot of what you described as the feminine power that we can tap into pretty much explains how Luis co-runs our business. You bring that feminine power I guess.
Balancing Masculine And Feminine Power
Kamala Chambers
You’re a masculine guy but we can all embody those different characteristics, and you bring a lot of that intuitive flow and acting purely from desire through making choices that are based on that.
It’s like deep knowing that this is right.
Gina DeVee
Yes. We all male and female have the masculine and the feminine power within us, and sometimes, even very masculine men have mastered feminine power better than women.
Just for example regardless of what your political views are, I used to work in the White House, and I worked in the Clinton administration in particular.
I have a great respect for Mrs. Clinton.
You saw during the election, let’s just say with Obama, how Obama demonstrated feminine power principles.
To me, the way he approached the campaign was much more feminine than the way she pushed the campaign.
She pushed it in a much more masculine way. So you can play with these energies back and forth.
Regarding women’s empowerment and particularly for female entrepreneurs in a business like, “Oh. Please don’t tell me that I just need to sit there and meditate, and the Law of Attraction.”
All though, I do personally believe in meditation and law of attraction, that never got me consistent cash, which I think is what most women and entrepreneurs are craving so that they can be supported to do whatever the work is they’re meant to do in the world.
I used the archetype of Queen, which to me is very much a masterful blend of the feminine power and the masculine power.
For women, it’s learning to trust their instincts, trust their desires, trust their intuition, and their creativity to lead with feminine power.
Also, it’s necessary to back it up with the logical, the linear, the practical, the action taking masculine pieces.
Becoming Visible With Feminine Power
Luis Congdon
Here’s an interesting question for me.
What are some of the most familiar stories that you hear from women in regards to why they’re not starting their own business or having success in their business?
Maybe they work for someone else, and they’re not having success, or they’re not being acknowledged.
They’re just not reaching that new level of doing what they want to be doing. The business aspect here is where I would like to concentrate.
What do you think are some of the biggest stories that women have around that?
Gina DeVee
I’m sure they overlap, but it’s visibility or invisibility.
Women and I can speak for myself. This is where I started. Every woman has dreams inside of her.
Maybe she was a little girl when she dreamed of what she was going to do when she grew up, who she was going to be, the difference she wants to make in the world, and the impact she desires to have.
And, to the degree that women are co-dependent or invisible, and not seeing themselves.
What I’ve found was I was expecting the world to do for me what I wasn’t willing to do for myself which was see myself.
I wanted everyone else to see me. I wanted everyone else to think that I was great or deserved the microphone or to be on the world stage or to write the book and get the book deal, and all of that stuff.
It wasn’t until I made a commitment to be there for me and to see me. To do for me what I was hoping others would do for me.
Then, all matters of the universe did lineup, and that support, recognition, and visibility came in.
Hiding Feminine Power Behind The Fear Of Judgement

Gina DeVee
The pure terror that goes on of why women aren’t visible is a fear of judgment and criticism predominantly.
“What will people think and what will my circle say?” Or, “What will my family say?” People will say “Who do I think I am to be great or successful or a leader or a teacher or a successful business owner?”

Kamala Chambers
I just relate to that. Invisibility is a big piece that I’ve worked a lot with and see my female clients struggling with a lot too. And struggle finding visibility in feminine power.

Luis Congdon
It’s something with running a business with a male that comes up for you and that you’ve had to work on quite a bit.
People tend to get on interviews for the podcast for example, and they acknowledge my presence a lot more or say my name more often or relate with me more or people email or write me more often.
That was a perception because I didn’t see that until you pointed it out, and thought “Okay. I see that,” and I also see that a lot of people do notice you and acknowledge you.
But I just wanted to say that in running a business with a male, it’s something that came up strongly for you.

Kamala Chambers
Yeah. That’s certainly been one of the biggest hurdles for me. It’s getting lost in the shadows, and then you obtain a lot of the acknowledgment when I’m doing most of the work sometimes. I appreciate your perspective on it.
For me, some of it is an internal shift too and just knowing my value and worth without being so attached to the recognition.
Practice Cultivating Feminine Power
Kamala Chambers
I like to talk about practice. We can train ourselves to be in any state of being that we want through practice, rewiring our neural pathways and such.
One of the things I love is being in the practice of what is like to access deep feminine power.
For me, a lot of that is about quiet, alone time, listening to my body, feeling the pleasure that my body can access and delight the senses.
That may not have anything to do with business for some people, but the more I can access that, the more I practice it and can bring it into my business.
I’d love to hear a little bit more about practices you like, and you would suggest.
Gina DeVee
Well, every morning, I have a non-negotiable journaling.
That’s where I have “me time.” That’s when I’m able to connect with God, get clear on my desires, organize my thoughts, and be grounded as a feminine woman.
Then, depending on the mood, I either spend time with my husband or work out or get ready for the day. It depends on what’s going on.
Reading is another part of my morning ritual that makes a regular rotation.
I’d say my biggest practice is a place of “Yes”; letting my “Yes” be yes and my “No” be no.

Luis Congdon
What about your Maybe’s?

Gina DeVee
I’m a Sicilian, so we don’t have too many of those.

Luis Congdon
That’s great.

Gina DeVee
I am a passionate Italian woman. It’s an absolutely “Yes!, ” or it’s a “What are you thinking? No!”
But the “Maybe” is a great question. If I’m in a “Maybe,” it usually means a “No, ” or it needs a tweak or something.
Trusting Your ‘Yes’ To Find Feminine Power
Gina DeVee
My husband is very different from me. I have this natural gut instinct. I know pretty much immediately, “Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No.”
And, I had to learn to trust that, because so much of me was like trained what you need to learn compromise. You need to learn to consider other people’s points of view.
Or I’d doubt myself. Maybe I’m missing something. Maybe I should rethink this. Over time, I learned that that’s what got me in trouble.
Trusting the gut instinct is critical. My husband is Mr. “I need to wait to get clear on things.”
And sometimes, he’s clearer and sometimes, it takes days or weeks for him to get clear. I used to be irritated by it.
The pace was killing me. Because we work well together, I’ve learned what an incredible intuition he has.
Now, you’ll see me going to him saying, “So do you have clarity on this?” And he’ll be like “No.” Then, I’ll say “We’re going to wait until you get clarity.” So, we’ve learned to be in unison and respect each other’s processes.
But yeah, back to that “Yes or “No,” I know for me pretty quickly.
I also develop a practice of quick decision making. It just works for me.
I’m going to make a decision pretty much immediately one way or another, and it’s going to be done, and I’m going to move on.
It’s just something that works for me so that my brain and my being don’t get cluttered, and I can have a clear space to work on whatever I’m working on.
Go First In Your Feminine Power

Kamala Chambers
Before we close, what is the last gem that you want to leave people with? What is that one thing that you want to make sure the Thriving Launchers walk away with?
Gina DeVee
Women, give yourself permission.
I think that’s one of the things that keep women from being visible, being successful, and making money, and we can learn a lot from men in this.
Have you ever walked into a room with a bunch of dudes and you’re like “Do you mind if I go first?” Or “Shall I raise my hand?” and all this self-doubt and need for self-permission.
Guy’s in a trance if they do not have that.

Luis Congdon
No, we do not.
Gina DeVee
A bunch of dudes.
Women feel like they’ve got to have the smartest question in the room to even have the value to raise their hand and then I don’t see these dudes asking dumbass questions with all the confidence in the world, and you’re like, “Really? Wow!”
I say that with love and respect in the sense that like, “Should I buy this? Or should I do that? Should I launch this? How about, should I start that? Or should I go on that trip?” What do you desire to do? What do you want?
Give Yourself Permission To Have Feminine Power
Gina DeVee
So I would say, give yourself permission and don’t be so fearful of making a mistake.
I find that life and entrepreneurialism are like poaching an egg. You got to do a lot of them until you get the perfect poach.
A scrambled egg in water, it’s okay. I think women are overly careful with many of the daily decisions, and it’s keeping them paralyzed.
Give yourself permission to be you. Do you.

Kamala Chambers
It’s beautiful.
We’ve been here with Gina DeVee on The Thriving Launch Podcast talking about feminine power and accessing that in our business and our success in our lives.
Thank you so much for tuning in everyone and keep thriving.