Event Planning Steps – Jason Allan Scott

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event planning steps
Knowing what the important event planning steps are and implementing them properly can help you put up a successful and memorable event.
On this episode, we are here with Jason Allan Scott. He is a keynote speaker, a best-selling author, and an award-winning event professional. He’s been recognized by Eventbrite as being one of the top people to create events.
Jason talks about how important it is to listen and know your audience when putting up an event because then, you will understand what their needs are.
When putting an event, first, you need to understand the point of that event.
Every person in the room needs something that elates them and that they can talk about after they leave.
Make your exiting strategy memorable by providing a goody bag as an example.
All kinds of things happen during events. You just got to know that you have the right team in place to fix the mistake the moment it pops up.
You should put on an event as soon as you have a product or a service to sell.
Putting on events is a great opportunity to find out if you’re product or service is wrong or if you got the wrong audience.
An event gives you an opportunity to address what needs to be said or what needs to be heard.
Always engage all five senses when organizing an event. When you do that, more people will remember you.
Be a great introduction specialist and someone that cares about their audience.
Kamala Chambers
On this episode, we’re going to be talking about how to plan your next big event and make sure it’s memorable with event planning steps.
Today, we’re here with Jason Allan Scott. He is a keynote speaker, a best-selling author and an award-winning event professional.
Luis Congdon
All right, Thriving Launchers, we’re here with Jason. Are you ready to launch, Jason?
Jason Allan Scott
Houston, I don’t think we have a problem.
Luis Congdon
You’ve been recognized by Eventbrite as being one of the top people to create events and that’s very significant because Eventbrite is one of the biggest producers of events in the world. It’s very hard to find an event that isn’t being put on through Eventbrite and that really makes you somebody as a specialist and understands how to create events and really utilize events for businesses and media purposes.
First Event Planning Steps
Luis Congdon
I’m curious if you’re somebody new to event planning and you’d like to put on something, where do you tell people to start? What are the first event planning steps?
Jason Allan Scott
It starts with listening.
I grew up in South Africa, in Cape Town, and the first significant president I had was Nelson Mandela, better known as Madiba. His father was a tribal leader and his father said he taught him that when you’re sitting in a circle with people, you should always speak last because you can find out the needs of everyone in the room before you need to say anything.
Event Planning Steps – Understand The Point Of An Event
Jason Allan Scott
I think with event planners, when you’re putting an event whether you’re planning or not professionally, you need to understand the point of that event. Is that a promotion? Is it exposure? Is it networking?
Once you understand that exact need, then you can address it.
Kamala Chambers
I love that.
What is your favorite way of identifying what the need is? Do you survey people? Do you just reach out to your audience and ask them what they’re really wanting? How do you put that information out there and collect it?
Jason Allan Scott
Eight out of ten of my events are client-focused.
Event Planning Steps – Be Client-Focused
Jason Allan Scott
Let’s look at very recently. I did an event for small business within the United Kingdom. So they came in and they said: “We are all these incredible small businesses within the United Kingdom.”
How do we give them more attention that they deserve? We want to put on an event show. We said “Okay. They’re going to call at the small awards and it’s going to highlight small business.”
Well, then, now we got the focus. We know exactly what the success metrics is. We understand that if we can get small business to feel special, it’s a successful event. Then, we work backward.
We also know, I have a Master’s in clinical psychology, that the brain only remembers two parts of an event; the emotional peak and when you leave, so we immediately add that in.
If you got a win at the event, then, of course, that’s going to be an emotional peak, but maybe you don’t. Most event shows have more losers than winners in the room.
Event Planning Steps – Get People Feel An Emotional Peak
Jason Allan Scott
So how do you get them to feel an emotional peak? Then, how do you make the “exiting strategy,” something that they’ll never forget?
It’s why a lot of the time, in these of events and parties you’ve seen all over the world, you’ll see the famous goody bag. It’s because it guarantees you something memorable as you leave the event.
Kamala Chambers
I really like that, and I like that you narrowed it down to something specific as well. I really want to hear about some of the mistakes. What have you found are some of the biggest mistakes that people make when planning events? What are some of the event planning steps that they’re missing out?
Jason Allan Scott
There are many.
Event planning was voted as the fifth most stressful job in the world by Forbes Magazine three years in a row. It’s because part of our job is firefighting. Part of it is realizing that there’s so much you can plan. As Mike Tyson said, “Everyone has a plan until they got punched in the face.”
Event Planning Steps – Be Prepared For Unexpected Things That May Happen
Jason Allan Scott
So you prepare yourself for the fact that the AV is probably going to go wrong. In most events, the mic has some sort of feedback or there are some problems with the musical choice. Following that lighting is very popular for going wrong. But probably, the most popular after the sound is food.
Vegans have been served meat. Meat eaters have been served vegetarian options, not enough vegetarian options. Things have been served cold. The wrong type of entertainment pops up once in a while very rarely.
We recently had a Taiwanese act at a Chinese show that was ridiculously bad. None of us picked up on it. We just obviously weren’t aware of that particular flounder.
Event Planning Steps – Have The Right Team
Jason Allan Scott
All kinds of things happen. There’s no way to fix it pre-planning. You just got to know that you have the right team in place to fix the mistake the moment it pops up.
Luis Congdon
When I think about events in my experiences, you narrowed it down to the hierarchy of issues that I’ve seen to go wrong.
One of the things that I’m really curious about is at what point an entrepreneur or a business should consider throwing on an event?
I’m looking at this in a way that a lot of people are wondering at what point they should outsource. We know that maybe it’s a good idea but why is it a good idea and at what point and time in your business success or growth should you put one on and why you should do that?
Jason Allan Scott
Firstly, I just want to say that that’s an excellent question.
Event Planning Steps – Know When You Should Put On An Event
Jason Allan Scott
I recently did a talk at Google. I think that might have been last year now. This year is flying past me. The question was this exact question. It was when do you put on an event? How do you put on an event? What’s the right route to market for your event?
You should put on an event as soon as you have a product or a service to sell.
It’s part of common parlance now for someone to say, do you have a website? Is it SEO-ed? Is there a funnel approach? Do you have an email sequence?
The truth is that can be a doc science. You’re not sure what SEO means. You’re not sure if the person you’re hiring is the right person who’s doing all the things.
But let me tell you what isn’t a dog science; events.
Why Learn The Event Planning Steps
Jason Allan Scott
We’ve been throwing parties or have been part of a party or an event from the moment we are born. There’s no easier way to sell a product or a service than to look in the eyes of your customer and say “This is it.” It’s also a great opportunity to find out if you’re product is wrong or if you’re service is wrong or if you got the wrong audience.

Jason Allan Scott
Some people say, “Well, you should first have an audience.” You don’t need an audience. Thanks to social media. You can now reach out to other people’s audiences. Thanks for things like podcasts. We can now bring various tribes all together.
Using Event Planning Steps To See If You Have The Right Product Or Service
Jason Allan Scott
Much like a podcast, an event just gives you an opportunity to really address what needs to be said or what needs to be heard.
So I’d say, do an event the moment you understand what your product and service is. Test it with your market because you’re never going to get a better opportunity to see if it’s the right product, the right service, or the right audience, which you’re serving.
Kamala Chambers
I want to hear your top one to three things that you say you absolutely need to do to make the most memorable and greatest event possible.
Jason Allan Scott
Top three, wow!
One, listen to your clients.
Event Planning Steps – Decide What The Success Metrics Is
Jason Allan Scott
Decide right in the beginning what the success metrics is.
Is it that it’s popular? Is it that it’s spoken about? Is it that it’s photographed? Is it that people just feel good and you’ve done something great for your community or your town or whatever it is you’re doing?
Two, remember that every single person in the room needs an emotional peak. They need something that elates and excites them, and that they can talk about after they leave. Again, this is very easy. You can shareable moments with food, sound, textile, or touch.
Event Planning Steps – Always Engage All Five Senses
Jason Allan Scott
That’s my third, which is always engage all five senses when organizing an event.
We’ve become very iconic. In other words, we look through our phones to see everything yet the memory through the eye is only 100 milliseconds long whereas the memory through the taste is four to five seconds. The memory through touch is three to four seconds.
Incorporate all five senses when you organize an event. I guarantee more people will remember you and the truth is the event business is the storytelling business. It’s the memory making business.

Luis Congdon
So my last question here for you is do you consider yourself an extrovert? I’d imagine that being in the event planning business, you have to be really extroverted. If you’re an introvert, it might be best to hire someone who is a little bit more outgoing or really likes engaging with lots of people.
Jason Allan Scott
I’m going to apologize for not answering the last part of your question in the last one.
Event Planning Steps – Hire An Event Planner The First Time You Organize
Jason Allan Scott
I would say, definitely hire an event planner the first time you organize an event because once you’ve learned all the rules, you can do it yourself.
But to answer that question, I’m actually an introvert. I am very shy. I prefer being all by myself, writing books or courses, or helping to write Master’s Degrees.
That said, I believe that extreme need is the mother of innovation and if pushed, it brings out whatever we need in ourselves.
Event Planning Steps – Be The Man/Woman Behind The Face Of Business
Jason Allan Scott
With events, you can easily be an introvert because you can have someone else step in front of the limelight. You can be the back of the house and the last someone else to be the front of the house like your catering manager, your operations manager, or your show caller. There are many roles in the event space and it’s very easy to be the man or woman behind the face of the business.
I have made myself the face of my business only because I wanted to create a role that would never end. I wanted to follow Seth Godin‘s rule of always being an impresario. That impresario is always needed no matter what industry you find yourself in.
Kamala Chambers
I love it and as an introvert myself, I plan lots of events with event planning steps and I don’t think you need to be an extrovert to do it. You can do it right as long as you have the right team, and that’s exactly what you’re saying.
The last question before we go, I just want to know if there’s one major ninja trick that you want to leave the Thriving Launchers about event planning steps, something that they can really dig their teeth into?
Event Planning Steps – Know Your Audience
Jason Allan Scott
My number one ninja trick is to know your audience. This is right at the beginning of Google. I would try and find people’s pictures and I would put little comments next to it.
What I would do is something that I’d always wanted to happen in my life, which is to be able to walk into a room as an introvert and have someone come over and say, “Hi, Luis! I’d like you to introduce to Michael. Michael works within events and really loves dealing with children. Luis is looking to have a child. I’ll leave the two of you and move off.”
Event Planning Steps – Be A Great Introduction Specialist
Jason Allan Scott
As an introvert, to be introduced to someone, especially with your something of interest, it makes you feel comfortable. It makes you feel relaxed. I also guarantee that as a host, you’ll be someone that will always be remembered, as a business owner, to be like “Oh my gosh! Jason always speaks so well of. Michael and Luis introduced me to so many people that I’ve now got this bunch of business.”
Be a great introduction specialist. Be someone that cares about their audience, cares about the fact that everyone’s there for a reason, and always introduce people to people with one thing of interest to each other.
Kamala Chambers
We’re here with Jason Allan Scott talking about event planning steps and how to make a memorable event.
I encourage you all to go out and look at your next event, how you’re going to plan it, what it’s going to be about, and apply these event planning steps that you learned today. Keep thriving everyone!
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