Engagement Story



Kamala Chambers
We’re doing something a little different today and we’re going to share some exciting news with you guys so stay tuned for that.
I’m a little bit nervous recording this because we don’t normally dive too deeply into our relationship and wanted to share a little.

Luis Congdon
We know it. It’s what you guys want to hear about. We know.

Kamala Chambers
Luis and I just wanted to record this little episode for you and share some exciting news.

Luis Congdon
We were on a walk, and some of you already know that Kamala and I are staying up San Juan Island, and how beautiful it is up here.
If you’ve ever been up here, there are lots of woods and trees. It’s an island that just has a lot of open property and spaces where you can just walk and be out in the woods. And there are foxes and trails.
We were walking through this trail and I’ve really been thinking a lot about proposing to Kamala. I’ve been thinking about our future and really know that I want her in the future. I want her to know that she’s safe and loved. I’ve been thinking a lot about all of this, and I’ve been looking at rings and talking to people.
While we were on a walk through the woods, I had this idea of “I’m going to propose to her even though I don’t have a ring yet.” I want her to feel the love, feel the security, feel everything she deserves to have from me and deserves to have from our relationship.
While we were on that walk, I thought, “I don’t want to propose without a ring, but it’s time that she knows how important and how much she matters to me.”
I looked down at the ground and I had this idea. Why don’t I just grab one of the little twigs there, put it up into a kind of a little circle, and give her that?
I’ll let her tell you about that part of it.

Kamala Chambers
So I had no idea that was coming but we were talking about our future together. And then, all of a sudden, he slipped this pine needle stick on my finger that had this beautiful little pine needle sticking out the top. I’ll post the picture for you guys on the website.
And he said that he wanted this to be a placeholder.
What did you say, Luis? Do you remember what you said?

Luis Congdon
I said, “I wanted this to be our private little moment and for you to know that I love you. I’m in love with you. I want to be with you, and I want you to know that. And I don’t want to wait until later to do this.”

Kamala Chambers
It was such a surprise to me, and such a beautiful moment. We really wanted to share it with you guys because you are a big part of our community.
Our lifestyle is so much around our podcast and the business we’ve created and grown together. And now, that the commitment to each other is deepening although we’ve been all in for a long time now.
But the commitment to each other and the commitment to continue our work with our community and all of you is deepening
And then, he let me pick out my own ring, which I like something simple. I don’t wear jewelry ever so I found something that I really liked.
I had gone away on a trip and when I came home, I hadn’t seen the ring yet because we ordered it and I came upstairs to my little cabin in the woods that I built before I knew Luis. And I haven’t spent a lot of time here though. I just kind of built it, and then went off and traveled the world, lived in other places.
And so, this is the first time we’ve really settle into this little home. It’s an earthen cabin, and it’s a two story octagon. So I was upstairs, and he came up, and he got down on one knee. He gave me the ring, and said, “I want your home to be filled with positive memories” which it is.
It’s been such an amazing journey to be with you Luis, and I’m excited about the life we’ve created, and we’re continuing to create.

Luis Congdon
Yeah, I know. It’s really wonderful to share this with you guys. It’s a big deal for both of us, and now, we’re talking about our wedding and the next thing. That’s a journey in of itself.
The nice part about doing this recording right now is it’s making me think it’d be good for Kamala and me to do some episodes or we talk a little bit more about what’s it’s like to work, live, and be in partnership together because that’s a unique situation.
I know that some of your work and live with you partner, and some of you don’t but are curious about that.
I think there are some future episodes ahead about that as well.

Kamala Chambers
Thank you all so much for tuning in, for sharing the love, and sharing these moments with us.
I just encourage you to go out and share love in your own ways today.
SWEET. congratulations !!!!! Can’t wait to meet Luis. What a great story.
Thank you so much! We make a great team.
Love that you guys share this story with all of us, appreciate the pic with the stick ring honestly I couldn’t imagine the picture until now.
Love both, respect both, and I know you are already an amazing family, blessings!
Thank you so much! So happy sharing the news with you!