Email Marketing Tips – Andre Chaperon

Today he’ll be sharing email marketing tips that will help you take advantage of your email list and make sales – regardless of the size of your list.


- What motivates them?
- What issues do they have?
How to understand your market
- One of the easiest ways is to have a conversation with your audience.
- Writing emails and creating some narrative that moves them along a certain path.
Effective autoresponder
- Don’t start with a launch.
- Nurture relationships with your audience first.
- Establish your preeminence and authority by sending emails.
When to make a pitch
- It’s done from the first email but in a covert way
- Introduce yourself and don’t force them to buy
Become a good writer and leverage your personality
- Write from the heart.
- Read and write more.
- Write short sentences.
- Be exposed to different type of writing styles
Boosting up the autoresponder campaign
- Go through a sequence that’s well-written. Understand the “why”.
- Omit mental barriers
- Map people out from and to


Luis Congdon
Hey, Thriving Launchers.
Today, we’re going to talk about email marketing tips, how to utilize a story so you can sell with your story, and use stories to sell on automation.
Today’s guest is Andre Chaperon. He’s the creator of the ARM Method. It is a whole technique on how to utilize stories to sell your products, stories to create engagement, and narrow down the focus, and bring in your audience so you can make sales.
Andre’s admired by people like Russell Brunson, over there at DigitalMarketer by Ryan Deiss. He’s been on that stage before as well. He’s been all over. He’s incredibly admired and in my opinion, one of the best copywriters I’ve ever met. So, let’s bring on Andre Chaperon to today’s episode.

Kamala Chambers
It is so good to have you here. Andre, are you ready to launch?

Andre Chaperon
Yeah! I’m ready!

Kamala Chambers
Awesome. We’re ready too. Aren’t we, Luis?

Luis Congdon
Definitely! Let’s jump right in.
Email Marketing Tips Making Money With Small Email Lists

Luis Congdon
Assuming you already have an autoresponder, you have a small email list of 50 – 60 people, and here’s the thing guys, Andre Chaperon kills it with small email lists. He beats out some of the largest you can think of.
I found Andre while looking for email marketing tips, I was looking at people who are great with email marketing, super affiliates, people that can compete and beat out some of the largest email lists in competitions.
So Andre, what do you do? You have a small email list. You can make money with a small email list, right?

Andre Chaperon
Yeah. I do it all the time so you can say “Definitely can.”

Luis Congdon
You have a small email list, what should you be doing? What are the best email marketing tips to help us crush it? How do you start making sales? How do you start engaging people so they trust you, love you and buy from you?
Email Marketing Tips – Understand Who Your Audience Is

Andre Chaperon
One of the first email marketing tips I have, and what you have to do and it’s something not everybody likes to hear because it requires a certain element of work, and it’s not very sexy. That’s going deep and understanding who our audience is, what motivates them, and what issues they’ve got?
It’s about understanding all these crazy underlying desires and emotions that got them to your website and pushed them to seek out certain solutions. That’s the first thing and that can get quite complex just getting to the point of understanding that to a reasonable level.
Email Marketing Tips – Understand Your Audience On A Deep Level

Andre Chaperon
One of the things that separates what I do outside of email marketing stuff is my ability to dig deep and understand my audience on that super deep level. Once you can do that, writing the emails becomes so much easier because then you know what to say.

Luis Congdon
What are some of the ways that we can hone in and tap into understanding our market?

Andre Chaperon
One of the easiest ways is to have a conversation with your audience. I know this isn’t normal email marketing tip, but for me it’s the first things you should do.
Email Marketing Tips – Have Conversations With Your Audience

Andre Chaperon
One of the first things I did when I started and I threw myself into the deep end by just starting to email. I used to email my audience and then when they email me back, I used to hit reply and email them back again and I started this little dialog with them.
People certainly aren’t expecting somebody like a “Guru,” for them to hit reply and respond. It blows their mind a bit. There’s no better way that I found to extract those emotions from the market and have that laughy back leap going.
Email Marketing Tips On How To Make Writing Easier

Andre Chaperon
Once you get to a point where you feel you know your audience to a certain level, then writing those emails and creating some narrative that then moves them along a certain path is just 10 times easier.

Kamala Chambers
I love this concept because it’s crucial to know exactly how to speak to your audience. This is something that we teach in launch school which you have to know what are the pains they’re feeling.
Email Marketing Tips – Know The Pains Your Audience Is Feeling

Kamala Chambers
What is it that’s keeping them up at night? What is their desire around this specific struggle that you aim to solve?
We have a whole survey template that you can do and send out to your audience and I love how you’re talking it to an even more personal level and engaging with people one-on-one.
Let’s say you’re at the point now that you understand your audience and you know how to talk to them. What is the next thing you’d suggest to us for email marketing tips? What do you feel is an effective autoresponder sequence?
I love to hear just your rough outline of what think is an effective series to do?

Andre Chaperon
If you want to be more specific, we can maybe wrap this around a certain topic or I can just be more general and talking concepts.

Luis Congdon
How about we stay zoomed out for a moment and then zoom in.

Kamala Chambers
Yeah, because a lot of our audience are doing product launches or they have something to sell. So something around a launch and maybe we can look at the rough skeleton.

Luis Congdon
And then zoom in and then grab it by the meat and maybe use some real life examples but at first let’s stay zoomed out.

Andre Chaperon
Email Marketing Tips – Nurture Relationship With Your Audience Before Launching

Andre Chaperon
One of my first email marketing tips, is that I don’t do is start with a launch.
Obviously you need to get to a point where you’ve nurtured a relationship with your audience and subscribers. At that point you can run these launch sequences and sell stuff you have.
Again, it’s tied back to first understanding your audience in a deep way. I typically start off with writing between 5-10 emails. I want to stress this for my email marketing tips, you’ll do a lot better if you dig deep and know your audience well.
Then, send out those emails that at least moves them closer to me. It introduces who I am pretty quickly. Then I just start that little journey.
Email Marketing Tips – Establishing Preeminence

Andre Chaperon
The whole point of doing that is to establish your preeminence in their eyes. You’re the authority. That’s how that sequence starts.
Then, I nurture that relationship as quickly as possible in those first bunch of emails because it’s tough to sell something to somebody that doesn’t even know who you are.
Email Marketing Tips – Make People Run Through The Initial Sequence

Andre Chaperon
I send them down to these little sequence of emails and while they’re moving down that sequence of emails, I make sure that those people are never ever exposed to any other marketing stuff that I’m sending out.
They don’t get other emails and stuff because the most important for those initial people is for them to run through that initial sequence and we are going to establish my authority and for them to be attracted to me as somebody that can help them get to where they need to be.
Email Marketing Tips – Talk About Who You Are In Your First Few Emails

Luis Congdon
One of the things that I’m hearing from you Andre is no matter what field you’re in, your first few emails should be telling the person who you are. You are creating some credibility and creating some connection with that individual.
And if you understand your market well, you dive in and talk a little bit about the pain points. In your list of email marketing tips, I get why understanding your audience is the most important.
Then, the next email marketing tip is to build authority, which maybe the best way to show you’re an authority is by sharing some successes you’ve had and ways you’re helping resolve that issue for others.
Am i getting the right idea?

Andre Chaperon
Yeah. Exactly.
One of the things that people talk about is “I’m not in authority. I don’t have all that credibility behind me.
Email Marketing Tips – Telling Other People’s Stories

Andre Chaperon
There’s no reason why you can’t tell other people’s stories as well as part of this social proof and getting to bind with people. I do that a lot as well. It doesn’t have to be my stories or your stories or her stories. It can be a story of one of your customers and some result that they have achieved. People love to hear that and you can just send that out using email. Just have that delivered through email, a funnel that works well.

Kamala Chambers
In your email marketing tips, I think what you’re sharing is great to know your audience and to connect with your audience. I think that’s important because it’s being a human connecting with other humans and I think that’s a point that can easily be missed when you’re working online.
Same Email Marketing Tips But Different Approaches

Kamala Chambers
I asked these same questions I’m about to ask you too. Another guy we had on the show, Ben Settle, who is also into email marketing. He is good at what he does. He’s gave us some great email marketing tips too. You guys are different. You have different approaches. Your email marketing tips are similar, but you do emailing quite differently. We want to have different approaches on the show.
So I’d love to hear from you, how often you feel it’s important to keep people engaged on your list especially in those first initial autoresponders? And how long before you make a pitch?
For me, this is like one of the most talked email marketing tips out there. What are your thoughts?
Email Marketing Tips – Pitching From The First Email But In A Covert Way

Andre Chaperon
Some of our sequences we make a pitch pretty much from the first email. But it’s done in such a covert way. Covert in a good way. Not covert as a negative connotation.
For example, one of our businesses is called Tiny Little Businesses and when people opt-in to that prospect list, they get an email every single day but the whole thing is pre-scripted.
We take them down to this journey we’ve already created and we know because of the way that we’ve constructed it that it hits a lot of the pain points that that audience is feeling certainly in the beginning.
In the very first email, we introduce ourselves and who we are. We say “We never ever going to push you into making a purchase. Typically, in every email, there will be an opportunity to buy. Just click that and buy whenever you feel ready but in no point are we going to force you to buy.” So that’s what we do on that list and it works well.
Email Marketing Tips – Survey Your Audience

Andre Chaperon
Some people will run through the entire sequence because they want to get all the emails. When we were surveying them to try and improve our sequence overtime, we always ask them the question “Why did you purchase?” “Why didn’t you purchase?” As soon as they become accustomed to being surveyed and we ask them “What was that one thing that triggered you to make the purchase?”
And then the same time we also ask our prospects further down the sequence “What is the reason why at this point in the sequence you haven’t made a purchase?” But we frame it in an unthreatening way. More to get feedbacks so then we can improve our marketing efforts that ultimately helps them.
That’s how we frame it and people were saying they were enjoying those emails so much that they didn’t purchase or they wouldn’t purchase at that point because they still wanted to receive all these emails. That’s what we do.
In that sequence, we have a little link at the bottom of every single emails that says “If you’re interested in buying, click here.” This all ties back to my email marketing tips, be sure to survey and get to know your audience.

Kamala Chambers
Is it always the same pitch, always same offer?

Andre Chaperon
For that one, it’s for that business. Yes. That one is always for the same thing.
Email Marketing Tips – Same Pitch For The Same Thing

Andre Chaperon
Once they become a customer, then obviously we deliver the content and as part of that, there are some automated promotions we send out around the stuff we’re teaching them. That it makes sense for them to purchase certain other things like tools or services. Then that’s all built into their back-end sequence but on the front-end.
It’s because our primary goal is to sell that business. We don’t sell anything else other than that. It’s the same way that I think Ben Settle does it, if you join his email players list. Every single email is him basically pushing his newsletter. He doesn’t promote anything else for the most part.
Email Marketing Tips – Build Up The Tension

Andre Chaperon
Other sequences that I write whereas on purpose, I don’t have any opportunity to buy. I just build up all the tension and I’ll tell a story that can last three emails or one week even.
There’s a balance. You obviously can’t take it too far. Whereas you build at so much tension and people want whatever this thing is. At some point people can lose interest. So that’s just something to look out for but that works well as well. You build up to the point of where somebody just can’t wait to get this thing and then you give them the opportunity.

Luis Congdon
Here I have question, Andre about email marketing tips and how to do email marketing better.
Email Marketing Tips – Start Learning How Write That Compels People To Buy

Luis Congdon
One of the things that I know about a lot of entrepreneurs is a lot of people get started in markets they know. A lot of times we already know really well the pain points. We know the story and that’s why we’re in that industry. It’s because we know we can help people and we know we can sell them something that will deliver them success. But a lot of people don’t understand how to write in a proper way and how to push those pain points.
What are some ways people can get in touch with those pain points? I know my niche and market but I don’t know how to hit those pain points. I don’t know how to write and structure the type of writing that makes people compelled to buy. This is something in all my research on email marketing tips, you seem to do the best.
What are some tools or places that people can go? Including your stuff. What are some places that people can go to develop these skills?
Email Marketing Tips – Get Better By Practicing More

Andre Chaperon
I think somebody or in a Stephen King‘s book called “On Writing“ the big question is how do you get better at writing. What Stephen says which is basically what I’ve copied is the only way to get better at writing is to write more and to read more. I’m afraid that’s the big secret.
It’s not necessarily what people want to hear because people want to just learn something quickly and then do it but the only way to get better is by doing it more and more. That’s one more of my highly coveted email marketing tips, write more often to get better at writing.

Luis Congdon
Let me ask you one question with that. When we talk about email marketing tips we think about marketing, but you’re making me think about writing in general.
Learning Email Marketing Tips Is Like Learning About Writing

Luis Congdon
When you want to develop your skill in sales, particularly through marketing or through the copy on your website, do you suggest that I pick up Stephen King to understand that or do I pick up John Carlton? Are there particular avenues or places we can go that increase the likelihood that you’re going to be good at that type of writing?
I think a lot of people might be near-sighted because they might think, “Okay, I’m just going to read tons of marketing material but a lot of marketers say you should be good at storytelling so should I be mixing and matching? Maybe a little bit of Stephen King or Hemingway or different authors who are incredible storytellers.”
What should I be reading? Do you have any suggestions? How do I develop those skills? I want to write and I want to read. What should I be writing and reading?

Andre Chaperon
Well, to give you some context then, lots of people will refer to me as a copywriter. I’m not a copywriter and I’ve never been through any type of copywriting course ever. It doesn’t matter whose course that is and I’ve been doing this for 12 years now full-time.
Learn Email Marketing Tips Through Reading

Andre Chaperon
I don’t read as much business books as I do read fiction books. I didn’t always know that it was only a few years ago when I started to actively read fiction because I’m dyslexic so reading wasn’t a priority in my life because I read so slowly.
When I was 35, 7 years ago, was the very first time I read a book from cover to cover. I read a fiction book. I know it sounds nuts and that includes when I was at school. I never used to read books at school even I was supposed to. I figured out ways of getting around that.
How Fiction Books Can Give You Email Marketing Tips

Andre Chaperon
Get my friends mum to. I read the book and then checking it. Tell them exactly what is about? What I used to do. So yeah, when I turned 35, it was when I read my very first fiction book, cover to cover and it changed everything for me.
Pretty much since then, I read fiction books constantly every single day and even though I’m a slow reader, it’s what I do. I read a book by Lee Child called Persuader. I learned a lot from reading some random fiction books to how I could apply it all to using my email marketing tips. It helped me become a better writer big time. Even just by reading that one fiction book.

Andre Chaperon
It’s just priceless and again you need to practice all the time. The first emails I wrote went right, but the emails I write now are a lot better.

Luis Congdon
One of the email marketing tips you are saying that I like takes away that whole elusiveness and secretiveness that a lot of copywriters seem to have or there’s just this kind of, “Oh my gosh. How do I become like that copywriter? He is so good.” And you just totally took away the mystique out of it.
Mastering Email Marketing Tips Takes Time

Luis Congdon
Well, if you want to get good at that, start reading. Pick up any stuff that is just considered great writing and try practicing, mimicking, and just practice reading it. Spend a lot of time in the world of writing and reading. That’s not in any of the email marketing tips I’ve read from anyone.
Now, I want to hand it to Kamala because I know she had a question or something came up for her.
Email Marketing Tips – Bring Yourself Into Your Business

Kamala Chambers
Well, one thing that’s crucial to me is that we bring ourselves into our businesses and let who we are shine through so we are not leaving these important parts of ourselves behind.
What I would love to hear from you is a little bit more about that for email marketing tips is, how do you nurture, utilize, and leverage your personality and who you are in your writing? How much do you share? How much is over sharing?

Andre Chaperon
One of the snags I see people get caught up in is they’re trying to copy other people. It’s the first default. They’ll try to copy someone they think is doing a good job.
Email Marketing Tips – Try Not To Copy Others

Andre Chaperon
If they’re reading copywriting materials from John Carlton or from whoever, it doesn’t matter. It’s not necessarily the fault of the material but then people trying to write like a copywriter, write a sales letter, it comes all funny and wrong and structured and just not natural.
In fact, I tell everybody to go and read Lee Child’s book because it was the very first book I read and it changed everything for me. The way that Lee Child writes is the sentences are very short. It’s very short, punchy, and very meaningful in just those minimum amount of words.
Email Marketing Tips – Writing Short Sentences

Andre Chaperon
Even for me, when I started writing, I used to write long sentences and when you write long sentences, it’s easy for the point that you are trying to put across to get lost in translation. If you read most of the stuff I write now, it is very short.
In fact, I was writing something today. It’s a pre-sell for a new product coming up and I put some sentences that are one-word long. Then, the next sentences are one-word long and it is just all these one-word things but within the context of that paragraph, it all makes perfect sense. It makes more sense than if I had to use more words. I hope that’s coming across clear enough.
My email marketing tips aren’t complicated, I encourage people to read, to find their own voice, and vary in what they’re reading.

Luis Congdon
It definitely makes a lot of sense.
I have a background in English literature and one of the things that I’m appreciating about this conversation is, I’d been wanting to delve into the world of copywriting and emails.
Different Email Marketing Tips And Formulas

Luis Congdon
And I’ve been getting confused like, “Wait. This guy is doing that way. This guy is that way.”
You and Ben for example, to me strike me as fairly different and you tend to write longer stuff with a lot more detail, a lot more story where Ben is pretty short. Then, at the end, every single time without hesitation, he sells you on something.
I’ve heard this formula, “Give, give, give, ask. Give, give, give, ask.” There are a lot of different formulas and a lot of different takes.
What I’m appreciating about this is I can draw on my background on English literature and say that you got somebody like Walt Whitman, who totally opened up poetry and used whatever he wanted to. The guy just opened up the world of literature in regards to poetries, a total rebel. And people loved his work.
Email Marketing Tips – Bring Your Own Style

Luis Congdon
Then, you have somebody like Shakespeare, who is very constrained and tried to live within that constraint religiously and was admired and loved for his work. But you have very different styles when you contrast those two people.
Ernest Hemingway, incredibly for me, I consider him to be dry and straight to the point and he doesn’t cut any corners. He just tells you exactly what’s up. Whereas, some other authors use different styles and that’s what you’re encouraging all of us to do. It’s bring your own style. Bring your voice. Read other stuff but then bring you into it like Kamala was saying.

Andre Chaperon
Yeah. The only way to find your voice is to read more and write more. It’s one of those email marketing tips that isn’t sexy. It’s very difficult to try to copy someone else’s thing.
Email Marketing Tips – Read Various Types Of Books

Andre Chaperon
I try to read as much diverse fiction as I can so I can be exposed to other people’s writing styles and for the most part, if I read somebody’s writing style and it just doesn’t click with me, I won’t read anymore of his books. But if I find one that’s excellent, then I’ll just read up all the stuff.
I’ve not found anybody for me, personally that’s as good as Lee Child in the writing style. That’s been most official for me but there’s a lot of good and amazing writers out there if you just read their stuff.
My wife started reading this lady’s book called Jenny Lawson. The book is called “Let’s Pretend This Never Happened“. It’s a fiction book about this lady Jenny Lawson. And it’s the most hilarious, amazing writing style that I wish I could write that way but obviously that’s her style and it works for her.
Email Marketing Tips – Integrate What You’ve Learned From Others Into Your Style

Andre Chaperon
But if there is just one or two nuggets I can pick up by reading her book, then I’ll integrate that into my style and then it just reinforces my style. All of us are always learning, right? We are all students. That’s the best way.

Andre Chaperon
I guess I’m just reiterating my not so sexy email marketing tips, read, read, and write.

Kamala Chambers
We and our listeners have an email list. They have some auto responder sequence in place. I would love to hear from your email marketing tips, what is an action step they can take right now to boost up their auto responder campaign?

Andre Chaperon
One way is to go through a sequence that’s written well even if it’s in a completely different market. And then just basically reverse engineer what’s happened but not in a way that’s going to try to copy that. It’s more to understand the ‘why’.
Email Marketing Tips – Don’t Copy And Paste

Andre Chaperon
I’m big about the why which is why I never ever have step by step things in my stuff or copy and paste things because I don’t believe that stuff is beneficial to people. I know for the most part this is what people like to have.
That’s one way because people have these mental barriers where they tell themselves the story that “I can’t. I don’t know how to do this.” Then, they just sit staring at this blank page with the flashing cursor.
Email Marketing Tips – Read Through Decent Email Sequences

Andre Chaperon
In terms of just getting some confidence, it would be to read through one or two email sequences that are decent ones. And then it’s just mapping out where you want to move people from and to.
Obviously, your audience that comes to your site for the first time, there are questions running around in their heads and there’s something that’s going to happen just before they opt-in to your list for the first time. There’s going to be some sort of frame that’s there typically if you have a bribe or “If you Opt-in, you’ll get X.” That’s one of the reasons why they opted-in. It doesn’t have to be the only entry point into your email list but then understanding what the context is it.
In someone’s mind when they first joined, you’ve got to continue the story from that point onwards.
Email Marketing Tips – Map Out Steps You Want People To Move Through

Andre Chaperon
Personally, I’ll then map out the next two or three steps I want people to move through. Have these little small ones. It’s just about writing the stuff out. This is one big piece of all my email marketing tips, have a map of who you are talking to and where you want to move to.
It doesn’t have to be a great order of the sequence the first time out but you need to rub that first crappy one before you can write the next better one.

Luis Congdon
I love how simple the advice is. So, far all your email marketing tips have been deep and yet very simple. I want to pull it out and just give my appreciation to you Andre.
Email Marketing Tips – Don’t Make It Complicated And Confusing

Luis Congdon
A lot of people in every industry I’ve come across try to complicate, confuse, and add tons of different things to this model so then you’ll want to buy, whereas Andre has made it simple for us.
He said read, write, read anything that you enjoy, find out what you like, find out a few emails sequences you appreciate and then just ask yourself “Why is it that I’m liking this? What is it about that’s compelling me and how can I mimic it but still bring my own version of it to my audience?” That’s incredible stuff.
I want to suggest you Google Andre Chaperon and look up his stuff and sign in to his sequences because he has one of the best sequences I’ve seen out there.