Elements of Leadership – Adam Braun



Learning the core elements of leadership will help you become the best leader possible.

In this episode with speaker and New York Times best-selling author Adam Braun, he’s going to talk about leadership and how to become a better and more effective leader.

It’s crucial to have a good leader who can inspire others to work efficiently and productively. This  allows the organization or company to move forward and attain its goals.



arrow-iconKnow the critical steps to be the most influential leader possible

arrow-iconUnderstand the core parts of leadership

arrow-iconLearn the importance of continuing educational opportunities

arrow-iconHow to develop skills that are valuable to help grow organizations and companies

arrow-iconHow to attain goals faster




Luis Congdon

Hey Thriving Launchers, what should you be doing to become more confident, and to be a better, and more successful leader? What are the elements of leadership? Find that out on today’s episode.


Kamala Chambers

Today, we’re here with speaker and New York Times best-selling author, Adam Braun. He’s spoken at The White House. His award-winning organization has built nearly 400 schools around the world.


Luis Congdon

Hey there, Thriving Launchers, we are here with Adam Braun, excited to have him here to talk about the elements of leadership.

Adam, are you ready to launch?

Adam Braun



Luis Congdon

Adam, let’s talk about leadership.

Elements of Leadership – Being Able to Move People


Luis Congdon

You’ve done some amazing things in regards to leadership, and moving people to do things that are based on giving, non-profit based, business building, and creating community. That to me is significant, and also one of the critical stones of being a great leader is being able to move people.

What do you think are some of the keys or some of the steps that people need to take so they can actively lead?

Adam Braun

It’s a great question, and I think there are a couple of elements of leadership and critical steps to just be the most influential leader possible.

Elements of Leadership – Get People to Believe Your Vision

Adam Braun

The first one is to recognize that the core part of leadership starts with having a vision and get others to believe it. The difference between a leader and a lunatic is that only one of them has a follower, and the other one is a raiding madman.

And so, I think part of it starts with identifying what your vision is, gaining clarity around that, and then as a result of that transparency, being able to articulate a go forward vision that you can compel others to participate

Elements of Leadership – Rational Decision-Making

Adam Braun

I think the second core step is to recognize that along with that journey, your single most significant responsibility is to make correct decisions over and over again out of these hundreds of micro-decisions that you have to make on a given day. But within that, the only way to continue to do so is to stay a constant learner.

The nature of learning and education, which is where I have focused my career, has changed drastically in the last decade. If you think about it, historically, we were full-time students in most people’s minds from ages of 4 to about 22. Then you were a full time professional, and there’s noticeable line in between those two different experiences.

Elements of Leadership – Being a Lifelong Learner

Adam Braun

What I think we’re seeing going forward is a blurring of that line in which we are no longer just students through one period of our life and professionals through another.

Adam Braun Elements of Leadership Thriving Launch Podcast

Adam Braun

Invest in the ongoing education of our employees, our colleagues, and our family members.

Adam Braun Elements of Leadership Thriving Launch Podcast

Kamala Chambers

Couldn’t agree more with being a lifelong learner, and there are many different ways and opportunities that we can continue to develop ourselves and skills.

What is one skill or tip that you like to give people to continue to develop themselves?

Elements of Leadership – Developing Skill on Public Speaking

Adam Braun

One of the skills I think every person should develop to the extent that they can is public speaking.

Manifest it in a lot of different ways, but one of them is just through this idea of persuasive communication in small group context or small meetings.

I remember at the start of my career, and I began my career at Bain, then I founded Pencils of Promise, grew that for about seven or almost eight years. Now, I’m still very involved in the organization. My core focus is MissionU, which is a college alternative for the 21st century.

And so, within that journey, one thing I’ve seen is that I get super nervous just to speak in front of a manager and a partner in front of four people. But I decided to focus on mastering that skill of persuasive communication that begins in a small group context that certainly applies to one on one. Over time, I forced myself into situations where I was speaking in front of groups that became audiences and that became crowds.

Practicing Elements of Leadership

Adam Braun

Now, I’ll often give a speech in any given week in front of sometimes, as many as 10,000 people, and it was only through repetition and becoming a student of great public speakers, and putting myself near in it. I’m just doing it over and over that it became now, one of my strongest skills that have been incredibly valuable to help grow the organizations and companies that I’ve lead.


Kamala Chambers

Awesome stuff.

Before we go, is there any last tip you want to give the Thriving Launchers that they can go out and apply today about the elements of leadership?

Adam Braun


Elements of Leadership – Investing In Personal Growth

Adam Braun

One thing I would encourage every single Thriving Launcher to do is to make sure that you invest in your personal growth. Part of that means listening to great podcasts like this one, reading great books, but I encourage you to maybe find a conference or two throughout the year.

I used to go to no conferences; then I went to a handful now. What I found is the best thing for me is just identifying the one or two that I want to invest and spend quality time at and make sure you have a great experience there.

One other little piece of advice I would share is to recognize where you’re at today. Recognize where your goals are three years from now for yourself and your organization or your business, and start acting as if that three-year goal and down the future needs to happen in the next three months.

Elements of Leadership – Bringing Future Goals Closer to the Present

Adam Braun

Your hiring decisions and strategic decisions will reflect that, and what you’ll find is your entire organization or company will rise to that place in a much faster way if you start bringing that future aspirational goal a lot closer to the present.


Luis Congdon

All right, there you have it Thriving Launchers. Check out some conferences, get some speaking practice, and don’t get in too much debt like some of us did. It’s something I did and I know one of the things I wished I would have done is thought about education in a slightly different way.

Thriving Launchers, it’s been great to be here with you all and keep thriving.

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