Developing Intuition – John Holland



Developing intuition is important because it allows you to tap into this wealth of information that can shape your life. However, we forget that we’re intuitive or we don’t listen to our intuition because we trust logic as opposed to it.

On this episode, we are here with John Holland, an internationally renowned psychic, medium spiritual teacher, author, and radio host, to talk about intuition and how we can tap into it.

We’re all born intuitive but when we start school as kids, the right creative and intuitive side get pushed and the analytical side starts to take over, so what we can do is have fun with it.



arrow-iconIntuition is that inner knowing without knowing how you know it.

arrow-iconIntuition is a gut response that happens once in a while whereas psychic ability is making intuition work for when you want it to work.

arrow-iconIf a thought keeps coming back, it’s your intuition.

arrow-iconIt takes practice to know if a thought is your intuition. The more we use it, the stronger it gets.

arrow-iconPlay with your intuition in any way you can.

arrow-iconIntuition comes in many ways. It’s an inner voice. It could be a physical sensation, a dream, a picture, or even just a knowing,

arrow-iconYou could easily manifest something when you bring in the imagery with the emotion of it.

arrow-iconWhen you put the thought out there, the universe met you halfway.

arrow-iconIf you’re feeling drained about a decision, it’s the wrong way.

arrow-iconGood questions to ask to develop your intuition are “What’s my right next step? How could I–? What is the best way to—? What do I need to know about—?”




Luis Congdon

Have you ever struggled to make the right decision, and to know exactly what you’re supposed to do? But then, something magical happens and you get this voice, and it tells you exactly what to do.

Well, if you want to repeat moments like that where you’re just tapped in, tuned in, and your intuition is on fire, today’s episode, we’re going to be talking about developing intuition.


Kamala Chambers

We are here with John Holland. He’s an internationally renowned psychic, medium spiritual teacher, author, and radio host.


Luis Congdon

Hey, Thriving Launchers. Let’s dive in. We’ve got John Holland here on the line.

John, are you ready to launch?

John Holland



Luis Congdon

So John, one of the things that I absolutely love and I find it as essential, is developing intuition. It’s something that allows us to tune into this wealth of information, and gazillions of pieces of information.

With our intuition, we’re able to pick what’s the most important and tap into something, but for most of us, we don’t even know what intuition is, and how to tap into it.

What Developing Intuition Means


Luis Congdon

How do you describe intuition? What is that?

John Holland

Intuition, I think it’s an inner knowing, and many people might have said, “You know what? I have this feeling. I got this gut feeling,” or “I have this instinct that…” or “I really feel I shouldn’t go in this direction.”

Basically, intuition is that inner knowing. We all experience it. Unfortunately, most of us don’t listen to it because we trust logic as opposed to intuition.

Intuition is a gut response. Some people feel it in their stomachs. Other people feel a shiver of their back. It’s different with everybody else, but basically, it’s that inner knowing without knowing how you know it.

Developing Intuition Can Shape Your Life


Kamala Chambers

Yeah, this is such an important piece that I’m glad you’re bringing to the interview today because developing intuition is something that has shaped the lives of Luis and I, and I know a lot of the Thriving Launchers as well.

What would you say the differences between psychic abilities and intuition?

John Holland

That’s a very good question.

Developing Intuition To Have Psychic Ability

John Holland

A lot of people, sometimes they use interchangeably, and to me, it’s almost the same thing, but I look at it this way.

Intuition, every once in a while, you get that prompt not to drive on a certain road because you think it might be a trap. You don’t know how you know it or you feel that there’s something wrong with somebody else. You have a feeling there’s something wrong with somebody else in another state or another country. It just comes to you once in a while.

Psychic ability to me is making intuition work for you. Instead of getting that download every once in a while, psychic abilities are taking your intuition and making it work for you.

There are ways you can be developing intuition, and to focus it just like psychic ability.

Developing Intuition To Make It Work For You

John Holland

Intuition is that gut response.

Psychic ability is making intuition work for you when you want it to work. – John Holland

Not just every once in a while.


Luis Congdon

One of the things I’ve come across and I’ve heard people say is “I can’t tell if I’m having a psychic or intuitive experience or if it’s just the voice in my head.”

It’s because we all have this narrator or this conversation going on, and sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between that voice, that narrator, and some sort of intuitive hunch or psychic thing happening.

Is there something we can do to maybe tell the difference or developing intuition or psychic part of ourselves so that we know?

John Holland


Just quickly, when I talk about developing intuition and psychic ability, psychic ability is taking it to the next level. It is about understanding the energy centers, the aura, how the information comes in and learning your equipment. That’s psychic ability. It’s learning how your intuition comes in whether it’s a thought, whether you’re hearing, feeling, or seeing, but many times, Luis, people do that all the time.

Developing Intuition And Learning How It Comes In

John Holland

I look at it this way. As an example, if someone is sitting at their desk at work and they hear a voice in their head or a thought “I should call my sister,” and it happens out of the blue. They weren’t listening to their sister. They may say to themselves, “Okay. I talked to my sister last week. I’ll call her when I get home.” Then, a day goes by you didn’t call her.

That same thought keeps happening again “I got to call my sister.” Of course, the person doesn’t listen to it, and you’re like, “I just talked to her.  I’ll call her next week.” Next day, later in the day, that same thought keeps coming over.

I look at it this way. Intuition psychic ability keeps coming back. With imagination, it’ll come in and go away, and not come back. Intuition keeps knocking on the door, and it gets louder and louder until you pay attention to it.

Developing Intuition And Knowing What Thought That Keeps Coming Back

John Holland

If you keep getting a thought, even if you’re like, “How do I even know this is my thought?” If it keeps coming back to you, most likely it’s your intuition knocking on the door. Most people don’t listen to it until it gets louder and louder.

For instance, we all have smoke detectors in our house, most of us should. I find that when something comes to me that has nothing to do that’s going on with my life, I might walk into my house and I might get a thought, which happened to me, I said, “I should change those.”

Now, it wasn’t the time. Most people change their fire systems, fire alarms, and smoke detectors every season. Some months ago, I walked in, looked up and I said, “I really should change that.” I didn’t listen to it, and I do this for a living. What happens is it starts beeping, and my dog starts freaking out.

Developing Intuition Through Practice

John Holland

That was the thought but we get many thought every single day, how do you know it’s that thought?

It’s practice.

You start to know like, “Okay. Wait a minute.” but a big clue. If it keeps coming back, it’s your intuition. If a thought comes to you out of the blue that has nothing to do with what’s going on with your life or around you, I would look into that thought or think deeper on that thought.


Kamala Chambers

One of my favorite words that you said there is “practice.” Developing intuition takes practice and I’ve found that it’s a muscle that we have to develop, and the more we use it, the stronger it gets.

Can you give us some clear and practical ways that we can apply developing intuition into our daily lives?

Developing Intuition Through Play

John Holland

When developing intuition, play with it. Play with it first.

We’re all born intuitive. Let’s keep that.

It’s weird. You can say the word developing “intuition” and it’s accepted. You say the word “psychic,” it immediately goes into the ‘woo-woo’ fields. They think it’s like fortune telling. It’s not. Psychic means of the soul. What you can do is have fun with it.

We forget that we’re intuitive. We’re all born this way, then, we start school as kids, and the right creative and intuitive side get pushed aside. The left analytical side starts to take over because we have to learn math, listening to teachers, and this is where logic comes in.

John Holland Developing Intuition Thriving Launch Podcast

Developing Intuition In Different Ways

John Holland

We all get emails every single day. Before you turn your email on, just say to yourself, “I wonder how many emails I have.” If you get a utility bill in the mail or in your email, “I wonder how much the bill’s going to be. If you’re working in an office building that has six elevators, three on one side, three on the other, try standing in the one you think that’s going to open and try not to look at the thing above the elevator.

Try to guess or play with, “I wonder what color my boss is going to wear tomorrow?” Then, it just gets stronger and stronger and stronger.

There are many ways you could be developing intuition, and kids are doing this now too though. Two kids could hold different colored crystals in their hand. Some kid will hold it behind their back and the kid will be facing the other way. Try to guess what the other kid picked up. We tell kids, “Have fun with it. This is not a test.”

Developing Intuition Through Little Things

John Holland

Whether you use email, what color is your boss going to wear tomorrow, an elevator, a utility bill, just practice developing intuition.

Then, you’ll understand, “All right. I got that right.” If you’re totally off, you know that was your imagination coming in and you made up the answer.

Developing Intuition Is Not Meant To Be Hard

John Holland

Have fun with it. It’s not meant to be so hard.

John Holland Developing Intuition Thriving Launch Podcast


Kamala Chambers

What I love about that is the playfulness and the curiosity that you bring to developing intuition. That’s such an important element.

Developing Intuition At A Young Age


Kamala Chambers

I know when I was diving into developing intuition at a young age, I would do this practice where I’d wake up in the morning and I would see a picture of an object and I would try to materialize it throughout the day.

I had this experience where I saw this picture of a beautiful white feather, and then that day I said, “This is the day I’m going to find this white feather.” I found this beautiful white eagle feather out in the field. I think its things like. It’s just having the playfulness and the curiosity throughout the day.

Is there anything else that you’d add to that?

John Holland

You think you chose the feather. How do you know your intuition didn’t choose the feather, and then you thought you chose the feather? Do you see what I mean?

Maybe you knew you’re going to find a feather instead of you thinking “I’m going to find one.” Maybe you already knew pre-cognitively, meaning ahead, that you’re going to find that.

Like I said, anything that you can do to play with it also is fine. Developing intuition is important. People are like, “When should we use intuition?”

Developing Intuition In Any Way You Can

John Holland

When you’re feeling stuck, when you have a major choice in front of you or a decision in front of you, working on different projects for a creative idea, there are many ways that intuition can come in and help you.

But it’s a good idea what you said. Just play with it. Just play with in any way you can.

I used to play when I was a kid. Little did I know that I was developing intuition even as a child. I used to say to my mother “Pick a number,” and we would do 1 to 20. Even that was training me as a child. Have fun with it.


Luis Congdon

You’ve brought up an interesting point for me John about developing intuition.

Thriving Launchers, I wanted to share something briefly.

I remember when I worked at this bookstore and I made this decision “I’m going to get a job working in the field of psychology.” You guys know that I ended up working in the marriage education field at the age of 24 doing Ph.D. level of work that I wasn’t qualified for.

Developing Intuition – Having Confidence


Luis Congdon

I made that statement and I went to work. I told my bosses that I’m going to need to leave at the end of the month. My boss said, “Are you hired for a particular job?” and I said, “No. I’m going to be hired for a job in the field psychology so I wanted to let you know I’m going to be leaving.” She said, “Have you been sending resumes out? Have you been doing interviews?” and I said, “No.” But I just know that at the end of the month, I’m going to need to leave.

It was two months later that I ended up hired in the field of psychology working for The Gottman Institute in a very large research project.

Developing Intuition – Having Certainty About What You Want


Luis Congdon

One thing that I’ve been thinking about John is those moments when I felt that sense of certainty or clarity that this is what I want, this is what I’d like to create, and I made a statement about it, and I have this curiosity.

Do you believe that we are making those statements in creating those moments or that we’re tapping into something and seeing it, and then living it?

John Holland

Isn’t it interesting now, right?

I think the intuitive thought was there first, and then you made the decision. Was it your thought? Was it an intuitive thought that was put in there?

Talk about being confident, you knew it was going to happen.

Now, we’re not telling people to quit their jobs because of an intuitive hint, okay? You just happened to know that.

Developing Intuition – Different Ways Intuition Could Come In

John Holland

I’d be curious to ask you. Was it a knowing? It’s because intuition comes in many ways. It’s an inner voice. It could be a physical sensation, a dream, a picture, or even just a knowing, which it sounds like. Even synchronicity and coincidences happen.

How did you know that or did you just know it?


Luis Congdon

John, that’s a fascinating question for me to inquire about.

I also had another time when I woke up one morning and I said, “Today, I’m going to meet somebody who specializes in NLP,” and that’s something that I’d wanted to know. It was this big world for me that I never heard much about, but all of a sudden it was coming to me.

That day, a woman came into the bookstore. We got in a conversation, and she happened to do NLP. She gave me her information and said, “Why don’t you call me and we’ll set-up the session, and I’ll just gift it to you.”

Developing Intuition – Sensing That Something Is Going To Happen


Luis Congdon

One of the things I guess I felt was this sense of “It’s going to happen,” and part of developing intuition is because I want it to happen.

John Holland


Like your partner said about the feather, it could be you are manifesting. You see it, you feel it, and many people as you know, we’re all taught affirmations, and I say this too.

If somebody wants to meet somebody or they’re not in a relationship, they cannot sit on the couch and just say, “The perfect relationship is coming to me now. I am in the perfect relationship.” You got to get off the couch. Do you know what I mean? You have to get up the couch.

Developing Intuition – Seeing What You Want As If It’s Already Happening

John Holland

What I do is if you’re going to do an affirmation, see it as if it’s already happened. In the present, bring in that feeling of if you already had it. If you’re selling a house, see that “for sale” sign.

I know we’re talking about manifestation and not intuition right now, but if you want to sell your house, see that for “sale sign” on your front lawn, and see yourself how joyful it would be knowing that your house just got sold.

Developing Intuition – Imagine With Emotions

John Holland

It’s because I think that’s the power of manifestation when you bring in the imagery with the emotion of it also. It is pretty cool, but with something like that, you could be easily manifesting something. If it’s for your highest good, watch for the signs.

Its funny people try to manifest and you may want a new job. Somebody approaches you in the supermarket behind you and they start talking. That could be what you ask for but you don’t even realize it, so honor that. Watch for the synchronicities and the coincidences although I don’t believe in coincidences.

Developing Intuition – Watch For Synchronicities

John Holland

So you asked about NLP and there it was. I mean synchronistic events happen all the time. You put the thought out there, the universe met you halfway, and there you go.

You know, Luis, when you made this choice that it empowered you when intuition shows its sign too. When you’re feeling excited about something as opposed to when you’re feeling drained. That’s the wrong way to go.

Developing Intuition – Feeling Excited About Something

John Holland

If you’re feeling drained about a decision, it’s the wrong way. Intuition will have that spark and that excited emotion to it.

John Holland Developing Intuition Thriving Launch Podcast


Luis Congdon

One thing I’m curious about too is that when we sit and we make statements of desire or we start to envision something that we want or we do a dream board or we pick up a book on a topic, do you think that also wakes up our intuition to start looking for those things? Does it make us start being intuitively tapped in a way that gives us that extra oomph or extra power?

I don’t know. Do you understand the question?

John Holland


I say to my students too when they’re working psychically or intuitively, your psychic or intuitive self wants to know “What do you want to know?” Instead of just waiting for that download, and getting intuition every once in a while, you can ask good questions to your intuition.

Developing Intuition – Ask With The Right Questions

John Holland

A friend of mine, Lynn Robinson is an intuitive coach. Some people say, “Will I get this job?” I don’t even know if you know this. There are right ways to ask your intuition questions.

Instead of saying “Will I get the job?” Good questions that she taught me are “What’s my right next step? How could I–? What is the best way to—? What do I need to know about—?” Ask it like that.

Developing Intuition And Working In Partnership With It

John Holland

Then, you may get a flash, or a feeling, or words but you’re sitting down saying to your intuition “Please work in partnership with me.” It’s beautiful.


Kamala Chambers

All right, John Holland.

Thriving Launchers, I encourage you all to take the many gems that came to this interview today about developing intuition, and apply it, play with it. Discover how you can incorporate your intuition into your daily lives more and more.

I loved how John talked about just being curious and playful with it, be in a process of discovery, and that muscle will strengthen.

Go out there and keep thriving everyone.

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