Creative Copy – Michele PW

Contrary to the traditional direct response copy, love-based copywriting respectfully acknowledge pain. It is a different way of writing copy that doesn’t feel as icky, ‘salesy,’ inauthentic as how traditional direct response copy can feel.
On today’s episode, we are here with Michele PW. She’s a copywriter, author, and podcast host to talk about love-based copywriting and how to do it.


Pain is your body’s alarm system and emotion that is based on the love-based side.
When pain is agitated, it turns into suffering.
Use your ideal prospects’ words and state what’s happening to them.
Be committed to everybody getting what they need.
People can sense desperation fear when you’re on a sales call.
Gratitude is an excellent way of moving your energy up and be in that state of abundance right before you get on a call or sit down to do your copy and marketing.
With love-based copywriting, you make your prospects feel they are making their own choice.


Kamala Chambers
On this episode, we’re going to be exploring what love-based copywriting or creative copy based on love is.
We’re here with Michele PW. She’s a copywriter, an author, and a podcast host.

Luis Congdon
All right, Thriving Launchers, here we are. Michele, are you ready to launch?

Michele PW
I am!

Luis Congdon
What is love-based copywriting?
What Love-Based Creative Copy Is

Michele PW
What love-based copywriting is it’s a different way of writing copy that still works, but it doesn’t feel as icky, ‘salesy,’ inauthentic as how traditional direct response copy can feel.
As you know, any kind of persuasion; copy, marketing, sales, you need to tap into emotions to get people to take action. You can tap into emotions on the fear-based side or you can tap into emotions on the love-based side.
A lot of traditional direct response copy taps into fear-based emotions, especially fear, anxiety, shame, and all of that. But what I’m teaching is the way of tapping into emotions on the love-based side, and you can still get results that way.

Kamala Chambers
How does this work? Are you just coming up against what people are wanting, and talking about those instead of addressing any of the pains they may have?

Michele PW
Pain, I do not consider to be fear-based, and I’m glad you asked that.
Address Pain In Writing Creative Copy

Michele PW
I think that pain belongs on the love-based side. Some people are bored, and they can’t feel pain, and they don’t live very long because pain is your body’s way of telling you that there is a problem. It’s like your alarm system for your body.
Pain helps us grow emotionally and spiritually. It is necessary.
What’s not necessary is to do a common direct response technique called agitating the pain. When you agitate the pain, you turn it into suffering. You don’t have to suffer.
Suffering happens mostly in your head, and it’s when all the fear-based emotions like worry or anger or grief get tangled up in pain.
Respectfully Acknowledge The Pain In Creative Copy

Michele PW
What I teach is you should respectfully acknowledge the pain because I also think it’s disrespectful not to acknowledge pain. Your ideal prospects are 100% in pain right now. To not respectfully recognize that is like going to a doctor and the doctor says, “I can’t find anything wrong with you. Therefore, it’s all in your head.”

Luis Congdon
That makes complete sense.
What are some ways that you do that when writing creative copy?
Create Connection Through Creative Copy

Michele PW
One of the ways is to just connect with them like you would a friend in most cases.
But usually, when people talk to their friends and their friends are in pain, they listen to them and hold space for them. A lot of times, you’re not sucking into the drama to make it worst. You’re more of just providing a safe place for your friend. The word should do the same thing.
When I say respectfully acknowledge, it’s stating. Like I can start with things like, “Can you relate?” Then I’ll have three or four bullet points that describe what’s keeping your ideal prospect up at night. I also like to use “What’s keeping them up at night.” because I find that a lot of people don’t use what their ideal prospects actual words are.
Creative Copy – Use Your Ideal Prospects’ Words

Michele PW
Using their words, using what’s happening to them I think is essential when writing creative copy but then, you just don’t go on and on about it.

Kamala Chambers
What are some other essentials to starting the process of love-based copywriting?
Importance of Mindset In Writing Creative Copy

Michele PW
One big thing is I think your mindset is critical, and your ‘come from.’ There are a lot of things I teach that are the same in traditional direct response copywriting, which taps into fear. I also sometimes call it a fear-based marketing or copy.
Urgency is a good example.
There’s nothing wrong with using urgency. We do get, as humans get it in our way, we do need deadlines. Programs do start, and sales do end. We only have a limited amount of time if we’re offering a bonus as a bonus in our ten-bonus sessions first. All of this is true.
If we say true, and we say in the mindset of abundance and being committed, and not attached, and what I mean by that is being committed to everybody getting precisely what they want.
With Creative Copy, Your Prospects Get The Solution They Want

Michele PW
You’re getting taken care of financially, because that’s also important, and your ideal prospects are getting precisely the solution they want. You’re just not attached to that solution being buying from you.
The moment you get attached, that’s when desperation and pursuing starts coming up and you start shaming people. All of that starts coming on. That’s when you start lying about urgency or maybe exaggerating or maybe not telling the whole truth like saying you’re only going to take ten, but you’ll take 20. All of that over time can erode your brand.
To me, it’s staying in integrity, being authentic, remaining in that being, committed to everybody getting precisely what they need, which is not attached to how it’s looking at the moment.

Luis Congdon
Yeah, that makes sense and to do that love based copy or selling, then you’d want to be in that state yourself, right?
Centering and Grounding Yourself Before Writing Creative Copy

Michele PW
Yes. That’s one of the things that I also talk about because I also talk about before you get on a sales call too. This is more than just your creative copy and your marketing plan honestly. It’s everything because people can sense that desperation fear when you get on a sales call too.
What I like to talk about is centering and grounding yourself, maybe doing some affirmations, or some gratitude.
Being Grateful Before Doing Your Creative Copy

Michele PW
You do it right before you get on a call or right before you sit down to do your creative copy and marketing because people can sense it. They can detect it when in your writings when you send out an email. They can sense it on the phone or when you get on stage.
Anything like that is just a good practice to just check in with that and tap into that.

Kamala Chambers
Can you give us a couple of examples of how we can use some lines or some things that work well?
Fear-Based vs. Love-Based Creative Copy

Michele PW
Shame is a big one. What I can do is I can share a fear-based example and a love-based example. That might help.
A lot of times, especially we see this a lot in FAQ section where you’ll say things like “What if I don’t have the time?” or “I don’t have the money.” That’s a common one.
If you’re doing it from a fear-based model, you’ll say something like “Clearly, you’re not taking this seriously because if you were taking this seriously, you would jump all over this.” You can feel the shaming in that.
A love-based way to do that would be to say something like what some clients of mine said. This was a few years back, and they had a coaching program which was about having a significant breakthrough. They said “Quite honestly, if you’re about to have a big breakthrough, you may hit some dark spots. It may not always be pretty, and you may very well not be in the place to do this right now, and that’s okay. If you’re not, big hugs and move on, but if you are ready to have that big breakthrough, you are ready to do whatever it takes, come on in. Let’s get going.” and that worked well.
Let People Make The Choice In Your Creative Copy

Michele PW
The program filled up, and it felt good for the people coming in that they didn’t feel ashamed or guilty or arm twisted or any of that bullying energy to go in. They felt like they were making their own choice.
One of the things I talked about love-based is being able to educate, and then you stand back and let your ideal prospects choose without you trying to twist things or pursue them.

Kamala Chambers
Before we go, do you have any last tips for the Thriving Launchers? What are some of your big hitter tips that you have about creative copy that we can start applying?

Michele PW
Scarcity happens to all of us because that’s what happens.
You might have heard this and think, “Oh my God! This is great! I’m going to do it!” and then the moment you hit a snag that you start worrying about money, you can descend into this.
First of all, I just want to say you are human. Pick yourself back up. It’s going to be okay. You’re not cursed forever.
Keep On Practicing Writing Creative Copy

Michele PW
The second thing I just want to say is this is just practice. The more you can integrate this in your life, the more you can feel comfortable being in the state of abundance and believing in this committed and not attached, the more comfortable this is all going to be, but remember, this is baby steps. Be patient with yourself and just know that if you keep trying and you keep working towards it, it will happen.

Luis Congdon
There you have it, Thriving Launchers, keep trying, and it will happen.
Thriving Launchers, we’ll see you in the next episode and keep thriving.