Creating A Lifestyle Brand – Chris Bruce



Creating a lifestyle brand is one that is based on passion, enthusiasm and ambition. These things will seek to inspire, guide and motivate people with a goal of producing sales and contributing to the consumer’s way of life.

In this episode with Chris Bruce, a real estate investor, author, and a podcast host, talks about living your lifestyle brand. He shares tips and ideas on how you can live the life you wanted.

He assures us that whatever it is that we want in life, it will happen.



arrow-iconYou don’t need to wait until you’re 55 or 70 years old to start to travel and enjoy life.

arrow-iconShowing people different strategies and skill sets to be successful is important as well as showing them what can happen and what type of life they can build.

arrow-iconCapture some of the different things you’re doing and things most people in a lifetime will never be able to experience.

arrow-iconYour captured experience can inspire and motivate someone to be able to act.

arrow-iconLifestyle marketing works. It produces inspiration and sales.

arrow-iconGet clear and write down what your goals are and then, work backward.

arrow-iconYou can put it in systems to automate the tasks, or you can bring someone in to replace you.

arrow-iconSurround yourself with people that are better than you.

arrow-iconGo to events, masterminds, or whatever you can to get around these different people you see that you want to be like.

arrow-iconWhatever it is you want in life, it will happen.




Kamala Chambers

On this episode, we’re going to be talking about living and creating a lifestyle brand.

Today, we are here with Chris Bruce. He’s a real estate investor, an author, and a podcast host. We’re thrilled to have him here today to talk about creating a lifestyle brand.


Luis Congdon

Hey, what’s up Thriving Launchers?

We’re excited. We got a good buddy here. I spent some time with him in Thailand, got to know him through Facebook, and continued to stay friends. He’s somebody that inspires me.

Without further ado, Chris Bruce, welcome to Thriving Launch, are you ready to launch?

Chris Bruce

I am fired up and ready.


Luis Congdon

Chris, one of the things I love and admire about you is you’re creating a lifestyle brand and business where you get to travel the world. You’ve gone to all sorts of places, you bring your drone, you film, you take pictures, you go out there, and vibe with the culture.

I’m curious. What inspired you to build that life? What made you even think that was possible?

Creating A Lifestyle Brand – Have The 4-Hour Workweek

Chris Bruce

What started me off on that journey of creating a lifestyle brand, Luis is I would say was probably the four-hour workweek.

I started my real estate business back in 2009, went into a full time in 2010, and my mentor had recommended The 4-Hour Workweek book by Tim Ferriss, which I’m pretty sure you and Kamala read it. Indeed, most of the guests that listen to this now probably heard of it if not read it themselves.

I was amazed at the different things he was talking about of not having to wait until you’re 55, 65, or 70, and start traveling, enjoying life, and creating a lifestyle brand. Instead, build a business around you having this desired lifestyle and being able to travel. That’s what I wanted to do.

Creating A Lifestyle Brand – Put Systems In Place

Chris Bruce

That’s what inspired me to start to look at “How can I put people in different locations? How can I put systems in place, and things I can automate my business?” so that way, I can design it the way I can be able to run it from wherever I was at that particular time.


Kamala Chambers

Yeah, I love that.

The funny thing is someone gave me that book maybe eight or six years ago, and about six months ago, I picked it up and read it. I was like, “Whoa! I’m living this way.” I never read the book, and I thought that was pretty cool.

I never finished it because we’re already doing it.

Chris Bruce



Kamala Chambers

Yeah, that’s great to be inspired to find those things that you connect with.

Creating A Lifestyle Brand And Capturing The Experience


Kamala Chambers

One thing I noticed about you when we were in Thailand is you’re always going out. You’re making things happen, and you’re capturing the experience, which is important for a lifestyle brand.

You have this brand where you’re showing yourself in action out in the world, showing other people that they can do it too.

I’d love to hear just a little bit about your experience in building a lifestyle brand and some of the ways you recommend like showing what you do with your life.

Chris Bruce

Sure, yeah.

Running a digital marketing company where we have products and services that are in a real estate niche, it’s important outside of showing them the different strategies, skill sets, and things they need to have to be successful. Also showing them what can happen and what type of life they can build is crucial. It’s because we’re not just chasing money.

Creating A Lifestyle Brand And Not Just Chasing Money

Chris Bruce

Money is what we are after because money is a tool. It provides the tools for us to have the freedom, for us to be able to travel, spend more time with our family, and do different things in life.

What I did was I looked at some of the various “gurus” in real estate investing niche, and only one or two people were showing their lives. These older guys are making hundreds of millions of dollars, but are they happy? Are they living the life they want? Are they slaving away hours and hours and away?

For me, once I redesigned my business, I said, “I think it’s critical that I start to show my lifestyle.” I didn’t want to be a showoff because I didn’t want to come off as one of those douchebags that’s just showing off and stuff.


Kamala Chambers

Look at my five watches I’m wearing.

Creating A Lifestyle Brand – Capture Different Things You’re Doing

Chris Bruce

I want to show people that coming from where I came from, that this is a possibility. I said, “Okay. Let me start opening my camera.” And what I would do is I would just try to capture some of the different things I was doing.

Like with Thailand, capturing those moments where you’re out on the beach, and you just relax, and you’re with your friends or riding a scooter down the street.

Creating A Lifestyle Brand Inspires People

Chris Bruce Creating A Lifestyle Brand Thriving Launch Podcast

Chris Bruce

Even if they never get a chance to do it, it at least inspired them to say, “You know what? This person looks like me.” Or, “If he or she can do it, I know I can get there.” That was my whole thing. That’s why I begin to start opening the camera.

I bought different equipment from GoPros, drones, and just trying to capture that, and then getting that across to my video editor, to make it in a way where it’s inspiring, and motivate someone to be able to take action.


Luis Congdon

Some of you guys listening, maybe this is a new concept for you because the idea of lifestyle marketing is not something that is promoted in the same way Chris is talking about.

Other’s Idea Of Creating A Lifestyle Brand


Luis Congdon

A lot of times, lifestyle marketing is just people pulling out all the money and showing a fancy house, but they’re not creating a lifestyle brand.

Like we have this house, we own a car. That’s what you see like MTV Cribs kind of thing where you just see the things people own, but you don’t see their lifestyle. You don’t see the leisure, the fun, and everything.

Maybe some of you guys are wondering, “Does this stuff work?” If I’m taking videos of me on the beach and hanging out with friends and in different countries, does this thing produce inspiration and sales, Chris?

Creating A Lifestyle Brand Produces Sales

Chris Bruce

It does.

Before, I had some sales coming in. Things were good. I did have a steady business, but I can tell you that I started to attract a lot more people, in particular for anybody that’s running this type of Facebook advertisements, YouTube advertisements, or any paid ads.

I needed something to stand out from everybody else. And I can tell you, once I started to show my lifestyle with me, being able to travel, and showing my business is still operating, we’re still generating money, it opened up a whole new realm of new customers, new leads for my business, and shot my income through the roof. It was incredible.

Make Money Creating A Lifestyle Brand

Chris Bruce

Right now, I have a video I’m advertising right now. I’m at a hundred and two thousand views. It’s a video I took back in February, and I could tell you, it’s still making me money with this advertising. That’s just showing up my day in Cuba in different parts of the town, but yes, lifestyle marketing works.


Kamala Chambers

Here’s the thing. If you take a trip, it’s good for business. I always say that to Luis. Like, “Hey, we need to go to this exotic place because it’s good for business.” and it’s true. It is.

Creating A Lifestyle Brand And Taking Trips As Good For Business

Chris Bruce

It is.


Kamala Chambers

People see that. They want to be like you, and that doesn’t mean you have to go on exotic trips.

That’s why you see many blonde cute girls drinking a smoothie, and they have a health business because they’re creating a lifestyle brand, right?

Chris Bruce

Exactly. Who doesn’t want to travel?


Kamala Chambers

Yeah, exactly.

What are some of your tips or something you’ve learned about running your business that you feel like is one of the best pieces of advice you can give someone for living their lifestyle brand?

Creating A Lifestyle Brand – Be Clear On Your Goals

Chris Bruce

First, you got to be clear about what your goals are.

Not everybody’s going to want to travel the world. Maybe you have kids. Maybe your dream is to be able to have your family or friends visit your house and just throw parties once a quarter or whatever.

It’s crucial you get clear on what your goals are and not just having them in your head. I’m talking about writing them down.

Creating A Lifestyle Brand – Write Down Your Goals

Chris Bruce

My thing every year, going into the first of the month of the year, that December, I’m writing down my goals for the next year. One goal is I want to take adventure goals. I write what places I want to visit and what people I want to meet.

I have my business goals. What are those goals? Income wise, how many people were going to change their lives? I have all those goals written down. Also, I have health goals.

Get clear and write down what it is your goals are. Start to envision also what it is you want your lifestyle to be.

Creating A Lifestyle Brand – Work Backwards

Chris Bruce

You might see one of my videos, Luis and Kamala’s video, and you might say, “I want to live like that.” Okay. Start to write that down, and then work backward. What it is that you need to do to get to that level?

Maybe your lifestyle wants to be different. Again, “I want a big mansion and have a rose border in a driveway.”

Write it down and then start to work backward of what it will take to get you there.

Chris Bruce Creating A Lifestyle Brand Thriving Launch Podcast

Creating A Lifestyle Brand – Take Small Action Steps

Chris Bruce

After you do that, start to take small action steps to get you there.

For me, for me to have my business still running, I need to put key people in particular positions to do some daily tasks.

For instance, I have an acquisitions manager for my real estate business that can go out, look at the properties, take pitches, meet with sellers, and get contracts signed. That was one of the first people I hired.

Creating A Lifestyle Brand – Hire Virtual Assistants

Chris Bruce

Before I hired that guy, I hired a lead manager to manage my leads, a virtual assistant overseas.

Some of you might say, “Chris, I’m not into real estate.” Okay, that’s fine. You might have an internet marketing business. Look at hiring a virtual assistant to manage your social media or a project manager maybe to help get your funnels and stuff in place.

Creating A Lifestyle Brand – Put Systems In Place

Chris Bruce

It doesn’t matter what business you are. Look at the day to day task you have. Start to look at how you can delegate the tasks by getting a system or automate it. Or if there’s not some technology or system you can put in place, bring in a person and replace yourself.

When you start replacing yourself with people and system that is the time you’re going to free your time and be able to have this lifestyle business that you dream of.


Kamala Chambers

This is like exactly what we’ve been talking about in some episodes today, which is pretty amazing.

Creating A Lifestyle Brand – Get Help And Support Around You


Kamala Chambers

I think you are right on. You have to look at where you’re going, and an end goal, and work backward.

What are the systems that are going to get you towards that goal? Then, who can you delegate some of those systems? Try to get it off your plate as much as possible. Get the help and the support around you. You are right.

I will love to hear if there’s any last tips or tricks or thoughts you want to leave the Thriving Launchers with before we close out.

Chris Bruce


I would just tell everybody number one, if you haven’t subscribed to this podcast, make sure you do, and listen to every single episode.


Luis Congdon

That’s right.

Creating A Lifestyle Brand – Be With People Who Think Like You

Chris Bruce

Take action. Get yourself around like-minded individuals.

Chris Bruce Creating A Lifestyle Brand Thriving Launch Podcast

Chris Bruce

It’s a very lonely business and a very lonely job.

If you haven’t been in business too long, you’ll start to see there are just not a lot of people that even think like you in this world.

Chris Bruce Creating A Lifestyle Brand Thriving Launch Podcast

Creating A Lifestyle Brand – Learn From Others

Chris Bruce

I like to be the dumbest person in the room. Some of you like to be the smartest. I like to be the dumbest because I want to learn from those people that are smarter than me so that way I can get to their level.

Surround yourself with like-minded people. Go to events, masterminds, or whatever you can to get around these different people you see that you want to be like, and just start to take action as well too.

Creating A Lifestyle Brand Is Possible

Chris Bruce

Whatever it is you want in life, it will happen.

I can tell you guys. For me, I’m a person that dropped out of college, come from Detroit, Michigan, and most people at my age don’t make it out. They can’t even fathom traveling somewhere as far as Thailand.

If I could do it, I know you can.


Luis Congdon

There you have it, Thriving Launchers.

One of the reasons why we love Chris is he’s got an excellent sense of balance between just having a lot of fun and working hard. Also, he’s a very motivated inspiring individual.

I like being around you, Chris. I’m glad we’re still in touch in each other’s lives.

Thriving Launchers, I feel like I’ve had this repeated theme today. I don’t know what you got out of today’s episode but as usual, here’s what I got out of it.

Creating A Lifestyle Brand Let’s You Do More Of The Things You Love


Luis Congdon

Today, we interviewed Sam Carpenter and Chris Bruce. One of the things I feel that Kamala, Chris, and Sam all reminded me is this time for me to delegate some of the tasks and things that I know how to give away, but I’ve been afraid to do. It’s time to let someone else do it so I can do more of the things I love, and that might just be walking my dog, going to the gym, or might be doing some extra work. It’s for me to delegate.

Now, Thriving Launchers, I hope you took a nugget from this episode, and we’ll see you on the next one. Keep thriving you all.

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