How to Create A Webinar – Jon Schumacher



Most entrepreneurs, especially those who are starting out are struggling with how to create a webinar and attracting people to attend to their webinars.

Jon Schumacher, Master of Webinars, shares some tips, not only for the newbies, but also for everyone on how to create a webinar.

He mentions some of the biggest mistakes that most people do and how to avoid them so you can have a webinar that will help you maximize your sales.



arrow-iconOur definition of success is based on what we’ve seen in our culture, media, and people we’ve looked up into.

arrow-iconIt starts with beginning with the end in mind.

  • Know where you want to take people
  • Know what they want
  • Connect these two together

arrow-iconBoosting sales on a webinar

  • Factors to be considered before the pitch
  • How the problem is defined in the introduction
  • Tell a compelling story
  • Share some compelling statistics
  • Your content should be congruent with your webinar
  • Content is the most important aspect
  • It pre-frames the people
  • Present your offer
  • Use the words “faster/quicker” and “deeper”
  • Offer 60-day guarantee
  • Make sure people understand the value they’re getting

arrow-iconFilling a webinar

  • Depends on where you are, whether you’re a newbie or expert
  • For those who are getting started, you could use your social media profiles
  • Don’t use paid ads right away
  • Do joint ventures – This is the fastest way to build your email list and your business

arrow-iconWebinars are powerful way to build your list and get you out in the market

arrow-iconRunning a webinar for a product can be a way to test the market

arrow-iconThere will be an increase in the show up rate numbers if there are no replays.

arrow-iconGoogle Hangouts and Webinar Jam Studio are recommended webinar softwares.

arrow-iconBiggest mistakes happening on webinars

  • For newbies
  • Practice
  • Prepare
  • Experts
  • How to get people to show up
  • How to structure the content



Kamala Chambers

Today we’re going to talk about how to create a webinar.

Webinars for launching a product or building a list. We’re going to talk to the Master of Webinars himself. He’s launched over 200 webinars in the last 2 years. He’s done over 600 videos. He’s the number one best-selling author. This is the guy to talk to.

We are here with Jon Schumacher. Thank you so much for being here.

Are you ready to launch, Jon?

Jon Schumacher

All right. Thank you, Luis and Kamala. I’m excited to be here and ready to go.


Luis Congdon

So Jon, what’s the first thing people should consider when they want to learn how to create a webinar?

Jon Schumacher

Yeah! This is a great question.

How To Create A Webinar – Begin With The End In Mind

Jon Schumacher

The first thing to think about and you always want to begin with the end in mind.

What is the goal of the webinar? Is it to sell a product? If it is, you need to have your product in mind as you build out your content pieces and the promotion, the title of webinar, etceteras. You want to work backwards from that if you’re promoting a product.

How To Create A Webinar – Know What People Want

Jon Schumacher

But even before that, it’s knowing what people want. It’s kind of marketing 101. That stuff applies on a webinar as anything else.

If you want to know how to create a webinar, ask yourself these questions first.

  • Do you know what your target market wants?
  • What are three of their biggest pains or their desires?
  • Can you create a compelling hook to that webinar to get them to attend?

How To Create A Webinar – Know Where You Want To Take People

Jon Schumacher How To Create A Webinar Thriving Launch Podcast

Luis Congdon

Yeah! I know that’s definitely true.

There’s a whole formula about how to create a webinar, how you present a webinar, and get individuals intrigued and make the offer. Do you want to say anything about that?

Jon Schumacher


Do you want me to go through kind of the framework of how to create a webinar, like a sales webinar?

How To Create A Webinar And Boost Sales

Jon Schumacher


“The Pitch,” that is what people always get a little squirmish about, especially new webinar hosts.


Kamala Chambers

I’m curious about how to create a webinar and boosting sales on it? How to go for pitch and the close on the webinar? We’ve had some great interviews with people talking about creating and structuring the webinar but, I’m curious about the pitch.

How To Create A Webinar And Make A Pitch

Jon Schumacher

The sales begins with before the pitch.

  • How you set yourself up?
  • How you define the problem in the introduction?
  • Telling an interesting and engaging story in the introduction.
  • Sharing some compelling statistics.

It comes down to the content;

  • Does the content break their beliefs?
  • Does the content of the webinar point to your product when it comes time to pitch?

Importance Of Pre-Framing On How To Create A Webinar

Jon Schumacher

It’s because a lot of individuals will segment the webinar content from the pitch, and then when it comes time to offer your product or service, it just comes off weird. It just comes off disjointed and so the congruency between the content that you’re teaching is crucial, because that pre-frames them.

Pre-framing is powerful in marketing or webinars or anything.

It pre frames them for your offer.

How To Create A Webinar – Using Imagery

Jon Schumacher

Then when it comes time for the offer, you can then present the offer. I’m big on using a little bit of imagery, a little bit of having them imagine what they could do if they solve this problem.

Then, I would just say “Hey! Look, I’ve given you guys a ton of information here.  You can take this and go with it and you’re going to get a result but there are going to be some of you on here who want to go deeper with me. Who want to do this faster and deeper?”

Great Words To Use On How To Create A Webinar

Jon Schumacher

Those are always two great words; faster, deeper, quicker, and those type of words, because numerous individuals want results quickly.

Then, I’ll list out the benefits on the slides. I’m big on having at least one live bonus and maybe one or two 48-hour bonuses after the webinar is over so you can follow up with them via email.

How To Create A Webinar – Have a 60-Day Guarantee And Do Value Stack Slide

Jon Schumacher

I saw a study that recently show that a 60-day guarantee was the perfect type of guarantee and you don’t see any increases in refunds by lengthening it.

Make sure you stack. You do what’s called a value stack slide in your offer. So you want to list the offer and its entirety and all the bonuses, add up the total value. Make sure they understand how much value they’re getting. Make sure to compare those prices to other products or what it would cost for them to hire you one-on-one. You want to kind of price jacks the position a little bit in your offer.

And then, open the card up. Hit the pop-in button. I like to have a couple testimonials, even a live testimonial.

How To Create A Webinar – Take People Through The Product

Jon Schumacher

I even like to take people through the product. If people are buying before we get to Q and A, I’ll just say “Okay! For those of you who bought, hang on here. We’re going to go through the product.” And screen share the product and take them through it. I think it helps with transparency. Then you get into Q and A.

Hopefully, that gave some ideas there.


Kamala Chambers

I love what you were just saying about “Take them through the product.” Does it means opening up the membership site and showing them what they get when they buy?


Luis Congdon

I’m sold!

Jon Schumacher


How To Create A Webinar – Be Transparent

Jon Schumacher

If you have software, software is easy to sell on a Webinar. I’m not a software entrepreneur but I have friends that do that. I sell info products, courses, coaching, and consulting and stuff but yes, open it up! And make it kind of exclusive at the end of it. Do it at the end before you jump into Q and A. Like “All right! Let’s take a look inside.” Just to show them what it is. The more transparent you can be, the better.


Kamala Chambers


I’m curious. This kind of jumping around a little bit, but this is a big one.

How To Create A Webinar And How To Fill It


Kamala Chambers

How do we create a webinar and fill it? And I’d love to hear some of your kung fu master skill tricks on filling webinars.

Jon Schumacher


This is a common one to. I don’t know if there are kung fu, ninja tricks. Part of it is a few strategies. It depends on where you are.

For the person who’s just starting out, it’s going to be different than the person who’s like kind of where I am, in the middle I guess, versus somebody who’s like big time. There are just different strategies which explains about how to create a webinar.

How To Create A Webinar And Fill It – Use Your Social Media Profiles

Jon Schumacher

If you’re just getting started, you could use your social media profiles. I don’t recommend unless you have a lot of money to throw away, use Facebook advertising right away and paid advertising. Because you just don’t know if you’re landing pages or your offer or anything is hitting in a hit.

A lot of times, individuals will spend a ton of money on ads and they don’t get squat out of it. They get few registrations. It’s like, $10 a registration or something like “Uhg!” Don’t use ads right now.

How To Create A Webinar And Fill It – Use Whatever Email List You Have

Jon Schumacher

Use whatever email list you have whether that’s a hundred people or 200 people or more. When I launched one of my brands, Hangouts That Convert, we had zero emails for that brand. We just did two free webinars.  Two FREE webinars with no sales! I think we gathered around 150 emails in 6 weeks. And then we turned around and host to the sales webinar to that 150 people and we sold 2000 bucks worth of a boot camp.

People who are just starting say “I don’t have anything to sell yet.” YES YOU DO! You can start creating and hosting webinars and building a list of interested people.

Positioning Webinars On How To Create A Webinar And Fill It

Jon Schumacher

I call those “Positioning Webinars” or “Expert authority and positioning in webinars” where you’re not selling anything. You’re just looking to gather emails and build rapport. So, I would do that when I want to create a webinar presentation.

If you’re starting, I would share on your Facebook page if you have anything there or your personal profile. You could just say “Hey! I’m excited! It’s my first webinar. I’m really nervous.” And some people will start liking it. Maybe some people will sign up as long as they’re somewhat around your niche.

How To Create A Webinar And Fill It – Look For A Partner

Jon Schumacher

Look for a partner too.

Jon Schumacher How To Create A Webinar Thriving Launch Podcast

Jon Schumacher

I hope there are some ideas I threw out there.


Luis Congdon

Those are all great tips.

One of the things I know that a lot of people new to webinar has experienced and it was definitely mine, and then Kamala had this experience too, is you might get a thousand people that register or several thousand. Whatever the number is, I find that you can cut that number by 60-70%.

Problem On How To Create A Webinar


Luis Congdon

Most people say that the amount of people are the register, and then the amount of people that show up is way smaller, and then you have the issue with people that don’t have much of a list and only get like 20 registrants and then 1 person shows up. This is a problem I’ve seen repeated over and over.

Like Russell Brunson who came on our show and yourself tells us the power of webinars and the techniques about how to create a webinar. The problem I’ve seen a lot of people have is they don’t much of a turn out. So then they’re going to spend all this time preparing, creating, showing up and then only one or two people show up or nobody shows up.

Jon Schumacher

Right. Yeah!

There’s No Secret Hack On How To Create A Webinar And Fill It

Jon Schumacher

When I started out, I had six, seven, or eight people on my webinars sometimes. There was no one paying attention and I think that’s just part of the game too. But having said that, you can find a partner, get busy, utilize your social media followings and you’ll start building a small list of people.

You’re not going to be Russell Brunson or anything right out the gate.

Jon Schumacher How To Create A Webinar Thriving Launch Podcast

Jon Schumacher

There’s no secret hack or any of this kind of crap that’s out there that makes it work.


Luis Congdon

You’re going to tell us there’s no magic bullet Jon?!

Jon Schumacher

There’s no magic bullet. You got to work hard.


Luis Congdon

C’mon! I want to lose that weight. I want to look good. I want everybody in my life to be happy and I want to do it while I’m sleeping.

Jon Schumacher


Not right away for most people. I mean, if someone finds something like that, that’s great. But I’m sure Google or whatever will release another animal soon that will block off the SEO for that little hack and then your game will be over.

Learning How To Create A Webinar And Fill It Takes Time

Jon Schumacher

But yeah! It takes some time. It doesn’t take that long.

We had a student that didn’t have much of a list and she had 200 people on her first webinar. She shared it on social, she found a partner just like another smaller partner and they promoted it together. And she added 200 people!

Now, I know that’s not a huge list but that’s more than a lot of people get in a year. It still takes work.

Know How To Create A Webinar To Build Your List

Jon Schumacher How To Create A Webinar Thriving Launch Podcast

Jon Schumacher

You don’t need to have 200 people on a webinar to make sales. Our first one when we sold our boot camp, we had I think 30 people maybe, live, and we sold 10 people.


Luis Congdon

That’s amazing!

Jon Schumacher

Hey! You don’t need to have the Russell Brunson audience or anything like that.


Luis Congdon

I need that Anthony Robbins audience.

Jon Schumacher


Learn How To Create A Webinar To Have A Bigger Reach

Jon Schumacher

Well, that helps and obviously the bigger you get, the more you’re going to make and the bigger reach and influence you’re going to have on other people, but you don’t need to wait forever.

We can talk about how to create a webinar and building products with webinars too because a lot of people “Oh! I don’t have a course yet. I don’t have anything to sell yet.” Yes, you do! You could sell access to another webinar and I’ve done that four times in the last year and then you repurpose that into a product.


Luis Congdon

That’s great. And I’ve also heard of people running webinars for product they haven’t created yet just as a way to test the market.

Study How To Create A Webinar To Presell Your Product


Kamala Chambers

I have done that.


Luis Congdon

They’ve used webinars to pre-sell a program, and then make money before the program. It’s basically getting an advancement check before you write a book or before you write a program. So then you know that people actually want it.

Jon Schumacher



Kamala Chambers


It’s a great way to see if people actually want what you’re offering.

I’m curious, what do you with the replay? There are different schools of thought but do you have the replay open? I know you said 48 hours or do you make it so people can only come on live? What have you found to be the most successful?

How To Create A Webinar And What To Do With The Replay

Jon Schumacher

I think if you’re looking at show up rate numbers, meaning how many people show up, you’re going to see an increase if don’t have a replay. Do an encore or something like that. If you’re going to plan that out, plan maybe two webinars where you have one and then have one another couple of days later for an encore.

It depends on what you’re trying to do. Like we’re creating a big webinar at the end of our summit, and so we’re doing to be creating one webinar and then we’re likely do another. So we won’t be doing the replay there. But a lot of times it depends on the type of webinar. If it’s just information or something or if you want to do a replay, that’s fine. But generally, if you train your people to always go to replays, then they’ll always wait for the replay.


Luis Congdon

Yeah, totally. And then people are like “Oh! Is there a replay?” and then “Oh! I’ll just catch it later.” And then there isn’t that sense of urgency or importance to what’s happening because there’s a replay. And then the next problem is “Oh, yeah. I forgot to check my inbox,” or whatever might happen and people don’t even watch it.

Jon Schumacher

Yeah, that can happen.

It depends on how to create a webinar, how you create the webinar, and how you want to represent yourself. In the short term, you’ll probably do better without it. Because People usually don’t buy off of a replay. They barely watch it. Sometimes they do but it’s not nearly as good as the live event obviously.


Kamala Chambers

Do you recommend a webinar software? There’s so many out there. I’ve used a bunch.


Luis Congdon

Jon’s big in the Google Hangouts, right?


Kamala Chambers


Jon Schumacher

Yeah, I was using Google Hangouts for interviews.

Software You Could Use On How To Create A Webinar

Jon Schumacher

I used to do a podcast in the healthcare industry in 2013 and I was doing Google Hangouts and we’re doing them all live, and then repurposing them all into videos, audios and stuff.

I was using Google Hangouts before there was anything for them. There were no software products for them or anything like that.

Right now, I use Webinar Jam Studio. That’s what I’m using. I like their system. I’ve just used it for so long. When it first came out in December of 2013, I bought it. I’ve been using it ever since. It just kind of what I’ve used.

I could recommend a zillion others that I looked at and I’m aware of. I’ve used other ones as well. But I just like its marketing features and analytics. I can tag and segment people based on difference, how long they stayed and all these things. It has a lot of heavy marketing features that some of the other platforms don’t have. But I’m always open to looking at others. If you want I can name off a few other options too.


Kamala Chambers

I think we got Google Hangouts. And it’s a good free option for people just starting. And then Webinar Jam, I think is fantastic.


Luis Congdon

Yeah. They have a great program.


Kamala Chambers

I’ve used it quite a bit and like it.

Resources On How To Create A Webinar


Luis Congdon

Jon has some incredible resources that his giving away. Some opportunities for you to jump in and listen to his webinars, some different summits that his doing, all sorts of cool stuff.

If you didn’t even want to buy what Jon’s doing, that’s fine because when you head on over to the website, and you click on his thing, and you sign up for one his webinars, you can at least see how he’s doing it.

One of reasons why we bring certain people on the show is because they’re people that we believe that if you emulate them, you’re going to expedite your process and you’re going to become more successful a lot quicker.

Summit On How To Create A Webinar

Jon Schumacher

Yeah, that’s great! I appreciate that. There are plenty of resources on your page there. I don’t know if you want me to share a little bit about the summit that you’ll have a link as well.


Kamala Chambers

Absolutely! Yeah!

Jon Schumacher


So, my partner, Michael Bloom and I are hosting an online conference. It’s focused entirely on webinar marketing. We’ve interviewed 25 of the top webinar experts in the world, many of them.

And I’ve dug into just what we talked about like:

  • How to create a webinar
  • How to come up with your topics?
  • What tools do you use?
  • How do you get people to sign up for your webinars?
  • How do you structure the entire process of your webinars?
  • How do you double or maximize your sales after the webinar is over?
  • How to use evergreen webinars?

We jump into all off the pieces. Not just for experts, because some of that sounds expert but for beginners too.

We have several interviews that are basic level interviews and we have some that’s like “How to make seven figures on auto-pilot and high ticket coaching programs using automated webinars.”

There’s something for everybody there. Luis will have a link on his page to that and it’s free. It’s free to sign up for 48 hours. You can watch all the interviews over a 48-hour period.


Kamala Chambers

That’s fantastic.

I know you’ve done many webinars. I’m sure you’ve had some failures and I know you have a lot of triumphs.
What are some of the pitfalls that you could give away to the audience to help them avoid some of the biggest mistakes you see happening on webinars?

Jon Schumacher

Yeah, I think that’s a good question.

Practice On How To Create A Webinar

Jon Schumacher

I think for a beginner, for somebody who’s just starting, I think it’s practice. You need to practice. You need to practice the software. You need to practice your slides. Do a couple of test webinars. Go through the entire process. Opt-in to your registration pages. Make sure your emails go out. Practice and I’m all for like ‘get and going,’ right?

I’m kind of a fast moving guy. But you got to practice a little bit. I’ve been in some of these groups and I see people frustrated with software or steps about how to create a webinar or webinars or whatever. And they planned a webinar and then a week later they promoted it and try to do it and they didn’t even practice.


Luis Congdon

Yeah. Definitely!

Jon Schumacher

They always say 80% is showing up. Well, I think that it’s 80% is showing up prepared to have success, so to speak.

Takeaway On How To Create A Webinar

Jon Schumacher

Prepare! If you’re just starting out, there’s going to be a learning curve a little bit. You’re going to make some mistakes. You’re going to have webinars and likely depending on where you’re at. If you don’t have a list or if you don’t have a big following yet, you’re not going to probably change the world on one webinar but you do need to practice. And you’ll get better overtime. That’s for a newbie.

For others, I would say that going through how to get people to show up, I think there are several tips that you can go through to take your show up rate from 30 to around 50. Then, how to structure the content.

I think the content piece is where people messed up. They just teach a bunch of content and there’s no real direction towards the offer. They’re just overwhelming people with content. You want to give a lot of content and give your best stuff.

But I think people just straight up get on a webinar in a monotone voice and just teach a bunch of content, and then at the end, they expect people to buy. And that’s not the case. There’s some strategy or some ways to frame it. Those are a couple of tips I would say.


Kamala Chambers

It’s been great to have you on the show.

We’ve been here with Jon Schumacher. I know, Jon, you’ve just been generous in offering some amazing stuff to the listeners and thank you so much for that.
Everyone go out there and thrive.

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