How To Create A Book – Tucker Max

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How To Create A Book
On this episode, we are here with Tucker Max, who has had three New York Times best-sellers on the list at the same time. He is a genius when it comes to marketing and book sales. He shares his knowledge on how to create a book that will bring in more business and income.

As an author is no one cares about you, no one cares about what you want. The only way you’re going to get others to care about your book is by giving people something that they want.
If you understand how to create a book that adds value, then you can write a book that is engaging and valuable.
No one writes a book just to write a book. Learn how to create a book to add value.
The Three–Part Strategy to know how to create a book that will grow your business:
- First, ask yourself, “Why are you writing this book?” “What result does this book have to get you to be successful for you?”
- The next question is, “What audience do I need to reach?”Whatever it is you want to get, your audience are the people who can give that to you.
- The third question is, “What do you know that is interesting and valuable to your audience?” And that becomes the topic of your book.
Very few people know how to create a book and make money off of book sales. Most individuals make money when they use books as a marketing tool for something else.
Your odds of making millions of dollars from selling your books are about as likely as your odds of winning the lottery. Learn how to create a book in a way that isn’t risky and guarantees profits.
Authors make millions of dollars are not because of book sales. Authors earn money by driving customers to their business and by doubling their speaking fees. Or getting more speaking gigs, raising their status, credibility, and authority. They understand how to create a book to make money.
Learn how to create a book that will help you bring in more business. A book is a great piece of material that can be used to market. You can go out, sell it, and even giveaway. A book is a great way for people learn about who you are and what you do.
Your book marketing starts before you write the book. Know how to create a book and market it in the best way before you even write it.
Learn how to create a book for your targeted audience. The key is to identify who your audience is and what they care about.
If you focus on the fundamentals of how to create a book that will help you grow your business, you’re going to get more results and success.
When writing for broad categories, where there’s clear demand, Facebook ads work incredibly well.
When authors come to us and want to know how to create a book, we advise them to go super niche. We encourage them to learn how to create a book in that niche.
If you’re a professional and you have a lot of very specific knowledge, find out how to create a book around that. That experience is probably valuable to a small group of people.
Almost everybody will buy the thing that they think is made for them over the thing that’s designed for a broad audience. Know how to create a book for your targeted audience.
Media exposure is always about getting relevant information in front of an appropriate audience.
Once you know who your audience is, you know why they care. From that point forward, it’s just the matter of understanding where your audience is.
When you’re pitching media, the journalist doesn’t care about you. They care about themselves, and what they want is they want pageviews.
Getting media is easy once you understand that journalists and media need attention. If you can get them stories, that gets them attention. Not only will they run the stories, but they’ll also come back to you for more.
If you just focus on the fundamentals of how to create a book, then everything is easy.
Those of us who want to learn how to create a book in the most profitable way must be strategic in the kind of book we write.
How To Create A Book

Kamala Chambers
If you have a book and want to get it out there, then keep listening to this episode.
If you’re already an author or you, want to know how to create a book. And you want to bring in more income with your book; this is the episode for you.
Just putting a book out there isn’t what makes sales. It’s not what brings in income. We’re going to uncover the exact things that you need to use your book to bring in more business and more income. If you want to learn how to create a book to bring in more business, keep reading!

Luis Congdon
Today’s guest is one of the very few people who had three New York Times best-sellers on the list at one time. He was nominated Time Magazine 100 Most Influential List in 2009. On top of that, he has a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Chicago, a J.D from Duke Law School.
Today’s guest is Tucker Max. He is a genius. When it comes to marketing and understanding book sales. And sales in any arena, Tucker is somebody that we should all be listening. So without further ado, let’s bring on Tucker Max.

Kamala Chambers
It’s so great to have you here Tucker Max talking about how to get more media exposure. Thank you for coming on to the Thriving Launch podcast. We are so excited to be talking about how to create a book. Are you ready to launch?

Tucker Max
Let’s do it.

Kamala Chambers
I know we’re both so anxious and eager to learn about how to create a book to have more profits. What I love to hear about is how we can even start to get more media exposure.

Tucker Max
You want to talk about overall media exposure or do you want to talk about books specifically? I’ll go either way if you like.
How To Create A Book That Will Bring In More Business

Luis Congdon
Let’s bring it to book authors. Let’s ground this, and I know all this stuff is going to apply to everybody.
I am going to be talking about one of the big misconceptions. And why I’m excited to talk about it for book authors is because a lot of people think, “I’ll get my book published.”
This guy recently approached me. He said, “I’m going to publish a book, and it’s going to be big, and I’m going to be on Oprah.” I just thought like, “You’re going to need a strategy to get to Oprah.” Your book is just the very beginning of your work.

Tucker Max
We hear that all the time from people. People need to learn how to create a book to bring in more profit. Authors come to us and basically what they do is they make a classic mistake. That sounds like what your friend is going. They start with the end in mind. That is smart with a lot of things. It’s the completely wrong way to think about books.
It’s not that you can’t start with the end in mind. It’s that people start with the wrong end.
The mistake your friend is making is he’s thinking about himself. What he wants from the book is to get on Oprah, to get a huge amount of attention. The problem is Oprah doesn’t give a crap about him and neither any reader of the book. No one cares about you, or your book is the number one reason.
A thing you must understand as a book author is no one cares about you. No one cares about what you want. Everyone cares about themselves.
Knowing How To Create A Book

Tucker Max
Learn how to create a book that adds value. The only reason we’re going to get them to care about your book is that your book gets them something that they care about. If you understand that, then you can write an excellent book that is engaging and valuable to a lot of people. If you do that, then, you have a shot at getting on Oprah. Or launching a company or hitting a bestseller list or whatever it is. You want your book to get you.

Kamala Chambers
Absolutely. It is so important to know how to create a book that brings in more business.
The more focused you can be and strategic, I find the better of something like this.
Let’s get into a little more about what is some the strategy that you want to look for when getting exposure with your book. How to create a book using a proper strategy?
I know that focusing on the audience is crucial. I want to hear a little bit more about the strategy behind that.

Tucker Max
Here’s how you do this.
It’s not just important to know how to create a book. It is the only thing that matters, and if you do not get it right, nothing else you do will work. If you get it right, you can almost screw up everything else and still, the book is going to help you.
My company helps authors do this, and we have a Three-Part Strategy.
Before we write one word of the book, we figure out the marketing and the marketing angles and the hooks. If you don’t think that at the beginning, you’re not going to stumble on it by accident.
How To Create A Book And Market It

Tucker Max
Here’s how we do it.
The first question we ask the author is, “Why are you writing this book?” “What result does this book have to get you to be successful for you?”
Like your friend who wants to be on Oprah. That will be okay. But I seriously doubt that if his book doesn’t get him on Oprah, everything about the book is a total failure. That’s probably not true.
The thing to understand though is that no one writes a book just to write a book.
You write a book because you expect that book will get you something. It’s going to get you attention which then you turn into sales. Or it’s going to get clients interested in you so they can join your coaching program. Or it’s going to get people interested in their health and eating right. This means people are going to buy some product you have or they’re going to use you as their guru.
There are a million things you can get with a book, but you must know first and foremost exactly what those things are.
Even being on Oprah is not actually what that guy wants. He wants what getting on Oprah will get him. Even if it’s just status, credibility, authority, that’s totally fine. That’s valid.
You must know why you are writing the book and how to create a book that benefits you. Once you know why you’re writing the book. Then the next question, number 2, you ask yourself is, “What audience do I need to reach to get that why.”
How To Create A Book And Target Audience

Tucker Max
For example, if you’re a CEO coach writing a book to drive clients to your executive coaching business. Then, your audience is very clear. It is the people who need CEO coaches. That’s your audience. Whatever it is you want to get, your audience is the people who can give that to you.
The third question then becomes, “What do you know that is interesting and valuable to your audience?” And that becomes the topic of your book.
The reality is if you don’t know anything that’s interesting and valuable to people that need CEO coaching. You probably shouldn’t be a CEO coach. So it helps you understand if you should even write that book if you have that book in you.
Once you understand that, then you write the book that’s interesting and valuable which will help reach your ideal audience, and that gets you what you want.
That’s three step process works for any book, anyone trying to get something from their book. Know how to create a book using these three steps.
Does that make sense?

Luis Congdon
It makes a lot of sense Tucker. The three steps to how to create a book are amazing.
It makes me want to ask you this other thing. Because I know a lot of people are thinking they’re going to get rich off their books. I’ve heard a lot of different stories being passed around about books, and you work in this industry more than I do. I know a little bit because we’ve interviewed some experts.
I’m curious. Do many people make a good amount of money?

Tucker Max
It makes a lot of sense Tucker. The three steps to how to create a book are amazing.
It makes me want to ask you this other thing. Because I know a lot of people are thinking they’re going to get rich off their books. I’ve heard a lot of different stories being passed around about books, and you work in this industry more than I do. I know a little bit because we’ve interviewed some experts.
I’m curious. Do many people make a good amount of money?
How To Create A Book And Sell A Million Copies

Tucker Max
There were about 350,000 – 400,000 books published in English last year. I think there were about 2000 that sold 100,000 copies. I figure that was 200 or 2000. It might be 200. 100,000 copies seem like a lot, but it doesn’t look like a crazy number. At most, there are 2000 books. I think it was 200, to be honest.
I know that there were fewer than ten books last year that sold a million copies. A million copies is a lot of books. But nonetheless, your odds of making millions of dollars from selling copies of books are about like your odds of winning the lottery.
However, we have a book remarks. We’ve worked with 300 authors, and then 300 books.
Tons of our clients have made tens, hundreds of thousands and some millions of dollars, not through book sales. But, by driving customers to their business by doubling their speaking fees or getting more speaking gigs. And by raising their status and credibility, authority. In some ways shape or form, they turn it into business for their company.

Luis Congdon
Tucker, you’re reiterating something that’s critical. It’s perfect for Thriving Launchers and all of you entrepreneurs tuning in.
Russell Brunson, our guest in the past, talked about this. The three Key Funnels and one of the things he talked about was a value ladder.
Having a ladder where people go up, and they start with something cheap or free. And then they move up to something that costs a little bit more and something a little bit more and so on. You’re going up these stairs, but we need that low-cost entry point where people can get educated.
How To Create A Book That Adds Value

Luis Congdon
Ryan Deiss talks a lot about this too. The indoctrination and teaching people so that they see the value of what you have to offer.
What you’re getting at is that a book is a great piece of material that can be used to market. You can go out, sell it, and even giveaway so that people learn about who you are and what you do. They hear your success stories. They see the value in it, and then they hire you.
Here’s the thing. I know a lot of authors who have fallen flat on their face took all this time to write this book but they didn’t understand how to market it.
So we have the book, we understand the intention. “I want to use this book to land speaking gigs.” “I want to use this book to attract more clients.” That’s very clear to us. But, how do I begin to market?
Because getting the word out is the big thing, right

Tucker Max
It’s a fantastic question, and I get this all the time.
That’s why I went through that three step process is because all the time, people will come to me with your question. “Okay. My book finished. Now, how do I market it?” I’ll look at their book, and I’ll say, “It’s impossible,” and they’re like, “What do you mean it’s impossible. You’ve market all these things.”
How To Create A Book Through The Three Step Process

Tucker Max
I’ll say, “Well, the problem is not book marketing. The problem is your book sucks. You don’t have a clear audience that you’re going after. You don’t offer any value to any audience, so there’s no way to market it. You’ve already made decisions, and what you thought of as the creative process, they were marketing decisions that you’ve limited the ability now to market this book down to basically zero.”

Tucker Max
So as long as you write a good book that appeals that some of them. You’re probably going to move copies. If you’re writing a book about how to lose weight while working on a crab boat in Alaska, you’re probably not going to sell any books because no one cares about that.
That’s my entire point. If you’ve done your job right before you wrote the book. You identified what you were trying to get. You determine who you were trying to reach. You identified exactly what you were offering to them that was valuable. Then you put it in the book. Once you do that and the book’s complete. All you have to do is now put that book in front of the people, that you already identified as your audience.
If my audience is people who want to lose weight, then there are a million ways to get traffic for that whether it’s guest posting or a paid ads or YouTube. All the standard marketing strategies work.
You just have to put your stuff in front of the people you wanted, but the key is to identify super clearly who is my audience and why do they care. That’s the key to marketing.
If you can’t answer that question, no marketing strategy can overcome that.
How To Create A Book And Reach Target Audience

Luis Congdon
It’s incredibly brilliant what you’re saying.
When I first got into the online industry and sales, one of the things that Kamala coached me on was knowing and finding the audience before I even build the product, making sure I’m connected to that audience and then, create the product and sell it back to that audience.

Kamala Chambers
Making sure people want the product or interested in it before you even create it.

Luis Congdon
It’s very spot on, and I didn’t expect it to go this way. But as you talked about it, I’m like, “It’s not rocket science, but it’s so brilliant!”
So many people get excited. “Yeah, I’m going to crush it. I’m going to spend three months writing this book, and then I’m going to put 5 – 10 grand into creating this book. Then, it’s going to sell” but they don’t have a clear audience of who it’s going to sell to.
This is marketing 101 stuff. But when we think about writing a book and marketing a book, we get ahead of ourselves. We get excited.

Tucker Max
Yeah. Everyone loves the sexy new things.
We had an author on a call the other day asked us what we thought his Snapchats strategy should be. I started laughing at him. “What are you talking about dude?” Snapchat is just not in the purview of what you need to even think about. If you’re thinking about marketing a book, it makes no sense at all.
How To Create A Book And Focus On Its Fundamentals

Tucker Max
Unless if you’re Gary Vaynerchuk and you have a massive audience. Like being on Snapchat, and you release a book. You’re going to talk about your book on Snapchat.
But he’s not Gary Vaynerchuk. If you don’t have a huge audience, you don’t go on Snapchat or whatever to build an audience. It doesn’t make any sense.
Everyone wants to think about the sexy things but the fundamentals, may not be fun.
If you focus on the fundamentals, you’re going to get a huge amount of results.

Luis Congdon
Let’s say we’ve covered the basics of what you’re talking about and they’re the essential stuff. The basics of everything are the most important.
As an athlete, I know that the basics for me are endurance and strength. If I don’t have that, there’s no sense of competing. As an entrepreneur, I need to know my market, where they are, and how to find them. And then, how to talk to them and get in their heads and have that conversation with them, and no product should be made.
Let’s say we’ve got all of that in mind. I’ve got my book. I know who I’m going to market it to.
Do you have any savvy suggestions of how to get out there and start marketing it to the right audience?

Tucker Max
Let’s assume what you said, you have a clear audience and a clear value proposition. What do I do now?
The answer depends on what your book is and what you are trying to do with it.
For example, if your book is the entry point to selling a video course. Or some coaching method or things like that, I think Facebook ads are fantastic.
Savvy Suggestions On How To Create A Book

Tucker Max
Other authors have a pretty decent funnel. You see a lot of authors will do like a 10-page PDF. They’ll give away for free that’s almost like a summary or the best parts of the book. And then, that will upsell the book. The book upsells the course or the coaching or the community or whatever it is you’re doing.
For a lot of different categories, Facebook ads work incredibly well. I’m not the expert on those Facebook funnels. I’m sure you guys have probably interviewed those people. That works really well.
That’s for broad categories where there’s clear demand, and you’re just trying to carve out a piece of that demand.
We see a lot of our authors do and what we advise them to do is to go the opposite way and go super niche. If you’re a professional and you have a lot of very specific knowledge, that knowledge is probably valuable to a small group of people.
And so, what we tell them to do is actually target those people directly.
For example, one of our first clients was an expert in pop-up retail, which is a small subset of the retail industry. There’s no way she’s ever going to interest you or me in her book, so she didn’t try. Instead, she made her book deeply about pop-up retail. There’s honestly probably 5,000 people on earth who care about pop-up retail to buy a book about it.
However, those 5,000 people really care a lot. They are really into it. A lot of them are decision makers in retail that could hire her to be a consultant, which is what she is.
How To Create A Book And Earn Million Dollars

Tucker Max
So, she focused essentially on a small niche media that spoke to influencers in retail. Every media outlet just about she got was something you and I would never read in a million years. It had very small coverages, but they’re all about retail.
She only sold a thousand copies of her book. She had probably made close to a million dollars in consulting fees and contracts already.

Luis Congdon
That actually reminds me of our interview with Andre Chaperon. And what he did with an email list of a thousand people and being super specific.
I just want to reiterate the genius that Tucker is sharing with our community here at Thriving Launch.
He is sharing a lot of wisdom because a lot of us think we need to just blanket the whole community. I’m going to serve anyone and everyone who needs to lose weight.
But being niched can actually be extremely helpful. It can help us find those hyper buyers or those people that are really going to resonate with us in our message. They are going to want to buy and be completely absorbed in our products and services.

Tucker Max
What you’re saying is exactly right.
Almost everybody will buy the thing that they think is designed for them over the thing that’s designed for a broad audience.
One of my favorite examples is a friend of mine had an SEO business. It was doing pretty good. It was fine but he was really trying to figure out how to distinguish himself.
How To Create A Book And Have More Credibility

Tucker Max
I wish I could take credit for it. However, it was another friend of ours who said, “Dude, aren’t half of your clients dentists? You have like three or four dentist clients.” One of them came on and then referred his friends.
He’s said, “Yeah.” He goes, “All right. Why don’t you just roll out like a different landing page called SEO for dentists and make it all geared to dentists. There’s probably no competition for those Google keywords. Just go do that, and he’s like, “That’s stupid. Who gives a shit about SEO for dentists?” And the guys is like, “What about all the dentists?”
He did that and he 10x his business. He ended up selling offers, stopped on closing down his broad SEO business. He became the SEO for dentist guy.
Now, I think he even subdivided more to like orthodontics. All this weird subdivisions, and he has 20 front facing businesses. They’re all deeply niched businesses doing SEO for basically people who messed with other people’s mouths, and he’s crushing it. He’s doing incredible because he went the opposite of what most people think.

Kamala Chambers
I’d love to switch gears a little bit because I absolutely love everything you’re talking about like niching down and how important this is.
Now, what if we’ve done that? What if we have our niche and we’re focused? I’d love to hear a little bit about getting media exposure.

Tucker Max
Let’s go back with the fundamentals like we said earlier.
Media exposure is always about getting relevant information in front of a relevant audience. Again, once you know who your audience is and you know why they care. From that point forward, it’s just the matter of understanding where your audience is. That’s it. That’s all you have to think about.
How To Create A Book And Get Media Exposure

Tucker Max
Like for SEO a dentist, all he had to do was buy keywords. There are some dental publication that of course, only dentists read. Somehow, he got profiled in that. He got profiled in it. Very soon, they would never do a story on SEO. They’ll do a story on SEO about dentists because their audience is dentists.
Here’s the key. When you’re pitching media, the journalist doesn’t care about you. They care about themselves, and what they want is they want pageviews. They want people to read their articles. That’s all they care about. That’s how they get judged. How well did their articles do.
If you can go to them and say “I have X information” and you can show them why it would be relevant to their audience, then, they’re going run that. You’re doing them a favor.
Getting media exposure is easy once you understand that journalists and media need attention too.

Tucker Max
If you can get them stories that get them attention, not only will they run them, they’ll come back to you for more. You’re giving them something they want and need.
The problem occurs because people are like “I want to be on Oprah,” and it’s like the SEO for dentist guy. Oprah doesn’t care. She’s never in a million years going ever to have anyone doing SEO or SEO for dentists on her show.

Luis Congdon
So you’re telling me you’ve been doing a fantastic job with SEO. What is it like to log-in to your computer?
How To Create A Book That People Will Buy

Tucker Max
That’s the point. You laugh at that example but then all day long, I see people who have stories that no one cares about. Or the audience they’re pitching don’t care about but they keep pitching them. Because they’re thinking about themselves. They’re not thinking about what are the needs of the people in pitching and their audiences.
If you frame it that way, it’s easy.

Luis Congdon
It’s spot on.
In the course that I’ve created that teaches people how to get on podcast and how to pitch media outlets to interview them and feature them. One of the things that I talk about is answering what’s in it for them? What’s in it for the person interviewing you? What’s in it for the person featuring you? And what is that going to do for them if they feature you for their audiences?
Does that going to make their audience like them? Does that going to provide value for them?
You can’t be a relationship expert and try to pitch a business show without somehow connecting. And you saying, “Hey, I noticed that you don’t have a relationship expert but did you know that there are studies that show that happiness in a relationship affects your work and this is something that would be really unique. Also, did you know that in my last interview, we did 10,000 hits in one day. I noticed that you’re doing 3 or 4 so we could even help bring a new audience to you.”
The person’s going to go, “Okay, new audience, more hits. This person’s popular. Yes. Let’s bring them on.” We need to be that focus.
How To Create A Book And Funnel Your Business

Tucker Max
Yeah. That’s exactly it.
I say this all the time to people. If you just focus on the fundamentals, then everything is easy. No one wants to concentrate on that fundamental like, “No, no. I just want to be famous.” “No, no. I just want to be on the New York Times,” and it’s like, “Dude, if the New York Times doesn’t care what you’re writing about, how are you going to do it?”
They don’t want to hear that. They don’t want to listen that sort of stuff. They just want their attention, fame or money super fast. That’s just how it works. Those of us who put our head down and work on the fundamentals get the results.

Kamala Chambers
It has been so fantastic to have you on the show. We loved talking about how to get your book out there in a bigger way. It was amazing to know how to create a book that people will buy and funnel your business to a bigger level.
Thank you so much for coming on the show Tucker and educating us all.
Tucker Max:
Thanks you guys.