Create A Life You Want – Luis Congdon and Kamala Chambers

On this episode, we’re going to tell you about what we have been doing with regards to planning for our wedding and how setting the intention to create what we want in our lives turned our dream into a reality.


Manifestation and visioning are keys to creating what you want in your life.
Whatever you want to create in your life, you can do it.
When you set your minds and our hearts to something, things unfold and become effortless.


Luis Congdon
Hey, Thriving Launchers. We’ve got some big news. Kamala and I are going to get married, and we want to tell you about that journey and invite you into creating big possibilities on this episode.

Kamala Chambers
Hey, we want to have a conversation with you guys to let you know where we are at, what we’ve been up to, and just keep you filled in to create a life you want.

Luis Congdon
I know we’ve gone a little bit silent with the show here and there.
Create A Life You Want In Places Dear To You

Luis Congdon
One of the things we want to do is we want to bring you into our lives. You guys know that I proposed to Kamala sometime last year during the summer. Now, we’ve made the wedding arrangements, are getting married, and told our families that we’re getting married in Medellin, Colombia.
Medellin is the place where I was born, and it’s one of Kamala’s favorite places in the world. We’re just excited to tell you guys that we are opening another chapter of our lives and we are inviting you to learn about it and take part of this journey with us.

Kamala Chambers
One of the biggest reasons that we’ve decided to get married in Medellin, Colombia is because not only it is a place that we’ve completely fallen in love with, but it’s a massive part of Luis’s past.
Create A Life You Want – Include People You Love In Your Memorable Experiences

Kamala Chambers
As you guys know, he was adopted from there, and we’ve recently in the last years become a part of his family that he’s reunited with down there. This is an opportunity for my family, Luis’s adoptive family, and his biological family to all come together in one place. This is a dream come true.
As we were talking about on the episode last week about traveling the world, this is our way to include the people that we love most into the experience that we get to live all the time.
Create A Life You Want By Getting Out In The World

Kamala Chambers
Luis and I have this opportunity to work from wherever we are, go to exotic places, and travel from months at a time. Our families aren’t like that. Some people get to travel with our families, but they don’t have the same opportunities. They don’t get out in the world as much.
We wanted to create this space for our families to come down to Colombia with us and experience a very rich and vibrant culture. Also, do it in a way that’s not just going as a tourist, but going to merge with another family, which has been one of the most heart-opening experiences of my life. It is to be all of sudden, enveloped and accepted into a Latin family that I didn’t know I had before and we didn’t have before we came together and started going there together.
Set The Intention To Create The Life You Want

Luis Congdon
One of the things I got out of the last episode if you guys tuned into that one with Rolf Potts is that if you dream of something and you set the intention to create it and then you even set dates for it to happen, and “I’m going to do this. It’s going to happen,” that something in your mind just turns on. It’s like turning a light switch on in a room, and your mind does this, and it creates a certain kind of focus.
For us, for a little while, we were unsure of where and where we are going to get married, and we were having this discussion.
While we were in Medellin, Colombia, we met these two random guys on a rooftop. It was this beautiful place overlooking the whole city on the roof, with a pool there and a buffet style food.

Kamala Chambers
It’s pretty much a rooftop party.

Luis Congdon
Yeah, it was a wonderful place.
Make Decisions To Create A Life You Want

Luis Congdon
We met these two guys while we were standing around. I got into the conversation with them. Kamala came over, we’re all for chatting, and before you know it, these two guys had convinced us to have a wedding in Medellin, Colombia, and that’s what we are doing now.
Once we decided that we are getting married in Medellin, Colombia and we want our families to all to come together, setting the date, finding this basis, the ideas and inspirations started coming to us.
Kamala had this idea that I wasn’t sure if it was going to work, she said, “I’m going to find a building that is just pretty much our building and our whole family can be there.” So it’s her family and my family now, so one family. So our families can be in one building together. Instead of being spread out in different hotels or being in a hotel that doesn’t feel entirely as personal, we are going to have a building to ourselves and Kamala did that. She made that happen.

Kamala Chambers
Yeah, I wanted to everyone to have their apartment because that’s what we do. We go to Medellin, and we get our apartment.
Create A Life You Want And Visioning It

Kamala Chambers
For me, that’s important to be a part of the culture, to be living there, and not just going there as a visitor. I wanted everyone to feel like they’re living there and they have that experience even it’s only for a few weeks.
This is a lot about creation and manifestation, and visioning what we want for our lives together and the wedding is just a part of that. The wedding, to me, is about the adventure that we’re creating and being able to share that with people.
I guess one reason we wanted to share this with you is that you’re such an important and valuable part of our lives. The fact that you guys show up and you tune into the podcast means so much to us. It does.
Possibility To Create A Life You Want

Kamala Chambers
I want to bring more heart into it because we carry you with us wherever we go in the world. We hope to bring you more updates on what we’re doing, and I hope that you could take a little bit away from this conversation too, not just talking about us and our wedding. You can take away that whatever you want to create in your life that you can do it.

Kamala Chambers
The most significant challenge that was holding me back from having this crazy idea of not only planning my wedding is planning it in another country where I don’t speak the language that well. It was just a crazy idea, but I felt like this, and we both felt like this. This is the most important thing that we could do.
Set Your Mind And Heart To Create A Life You Want

Kamala Chambers
What happened is when we set our minds and our hearts to something, things become easy. They become effortless, and magic happens, and things unfold.

Kamala Chambers
I just want to gift you with all of that today. It’s just finding a way to focus on something you want in your life and seeing what comes of it. I honestly thought that no one would show up if we had a wedding in another country especially a country will all the stake around it.
We’ve already had 23 people booked their flights, and there are more bookings every week. So anything’s possible. Thanks for being here for this conversation today.