Content Marketing Ideas – Nathan Collier

The word, “Content marketing,” have a lot of misinformation that’s flowing around about that topic.
Great content marketing ideas really help you be successful. There are 2 elements that you need to be successful in business.
- You need something to sell.
- You need people to sell it to.
A lot of people tend to start with the thing to sell, the product, or the service. But doing the reverse by building the audience first through creative content marketing ideas has all kinds of advantages.
It’s a lot easier to build the trust of an audience through content marketing ideas if you’re not pitching to them.
Content marketing ideas help you in:
- Building an audience.
- Building demand for a product or service within that audience.
Provide content using Facebook groups or an email list to attract people from your target audience. You can also have few other content marketing ideas.
When people can hear from you repeatedly overtime, they’ll know who you are already when you’re ready to launch. Focus on content marketing ideas to make that happen.
There are various content marketing ideas. Content could be videos, blog posts, and infographics. It can be just a daily Facebook post of some tip that you have that can help this particular group of people. It doesn’t have to be anything more complicated than that.
Anything that you can do that will reach the people that you want to eventually be your customers, qualifies as content marketing. Focus on learning creative content marketing ideas.
You wouldn’t know your audience nearly as well as you think you would have until you start interacting with them overtime.
Knowing your audience well allows you to create products that are much better and much more tailored to their actual needs. Know your audience with some amazing content marketing ideas.
Biggest problems that people have while learning content marketing ideas:
- They don’t know what to do and so, they end up spreading themselves too thin.
- This is especially true of entrepreneurs and people who are working for themselves or maybe a small team.
- Narrow in one specific way to reach an audience and to really get incredibly good. Best content marketing ideas can help you do that.
- Consistency
- If you can show up every day for 6 months and do something even if it’s only one little thing every day, you can be successful at building an audience. Test some content marketing ideas consistently.
If you don’t fully understand the way a sales funnel works. Then, you don’t yet have the skills to really do ads in a way that can be profitable. Master some content marketing ideas to avoid that.
You don’t necessarily have to choose one that cost you money in advertising right off the bat. Some content marketing ideas do not cost you a single penny. You can create a Facebook group free and you can get on Periscope for free.
Once you got an audience. Once you got a product and you got some things dialed in. Then you can add advertising as a way to accelerate the growth of your audience. It’s not necessary to do that right off the bat.
Be where you feel comfortable in learning content marketing ideas. If you don’t know where you feel comfortable yet. If you’re brand new to this kind of world, think about it in terms of who you’re trying to reach.
Think about who you want to buy from you eventually even if you don’t have your product yet. Wherever those people are, that’s a platform that I would encourage you to get familiar with. Because eventually, you want to get involved in that conversation.
Content marketing ideas help you build an audience and then creating demand for a product or service with that audience.
If you can define someone’s problem better than they understand it themselves, they will automatically then assume that you know how to solve it. Creative content marketing ideas can help you with that.
Content Marketing Ideas

Luis Congdon
On today’s episode, we’re going to talk about content marketing ideas; what it is, and what it isn’t. We also talk about, how it can help drive traffic, make you an authority, and help you increase sales.

Kamala Chambers
Today, we’re here with Nathan Collier. He’s a business to business content marketer and a writer. His background is in Journalism. He specializes in Thought Leadership Content including blogs, case studies, eBooks, and things like that. We’re so excited to have you on the show.
Today, we’re going to get into something that I love talking about which is, content marketing. We’re going to talk about content marketing ideas from a little different perspective. We also talk about how to use content marketing ideas to build your audience.
So you build your audience first and then, you launch a product, and we have really amazing offers and giveaways.

Luis Congdon
We’re bringing on Nathan Collier, who’s a Content Marketing Strategist from Ohio but what really matters is he’s worldwide. He’s got an incredible group called Content Marketing Lounge over in Facebook. This group really got some great information and some quality people in there. It’s very active.
What’s cool is that he’s figure out a strategy and it’s something I talk about so often. If you read the blogs, if you follow me on Facebook. Something I’m constantly talking about is find a way to find buyers before you go out there and create a product.
Get buyers. Get the fans. Get the people so that when you’re ready to sell something, they’re ready. They’re hungry. They know who you are and this is what Nathan and all of us are going to dial in today.
Nathan, welcome to the show. Are you ready to launch Nathan?

Nathan Collier
I am ready to launch.

Luis Congdon
Let’s do it.
Use Content Marketing Ideas To Build Your Audience

Luis Congdon
Earlier right before the show, you talked about content marketing ideas and how it’s important. But it’s important to build that audience before you even have a product or program and then sell it.
What does that even really mean?

Nathan Collier
I think the words, “Content marketing,” has a lot of misinformation that’s flowing around about that topic.
People think its SEO or they think its blogging or any number of things. There are 2 elements that you need to be successful in business.
- You need something to sell.
- You need people to sell it to.
A lot of people tend to start with the thing to sell, the product, or the service. But I like to do it in reverse. I like to do it by building the audience first. There are all kinds of advantages to doing it that way, which I’m sure we’ll get into here soon.

Kamala Chambers
I absolutely agree with you. I haven’t done it that way and definitely make it a lot easier to build the trust of an audience if you’re not pitching to them. You’re adding so much value to their lives.
So I like to get in a little bit deeper into what qualifies as content.

Nathan Collier
I define content marketing by what it’s supposed to do.
To me, content marketing is:
- Building an audience.
- Building demand for a product or service within that audience.
That will look very different for different types of businesses.
Consider a company who is coming out with a software as service-type product but it’s not ready yet. So for them, first thing they want to do is find a group of people. People who have the problem that they’re trying to solve with this product that they’re working on.
Creating Demand for Product Through Content Marketing Ideas

Nathan Collier
Then, they’re going to want to create content of some kind that will attract people from their target audience into their own audience. You can do that in a number of ways. I like using things like Facebook groups but it can be an email list. That’s a very popular one.
Anything where you’re giving people the opportunity to add themselves to some sort of list. Or some sort of place where then, they can hear from you repeatedly overtime. So that when you’re ready to launch your product, they’ll know who you are already. They’ll know that you’re somebody worth listening to because you’ve provided all of this content along the way.
Content could be videos, blog posts, and infographics. It can be just a daily Facebook post of some tip that you have that can help this particular group of people. That’s all it really has to be. It doesn’t have to be anything more complicated than that. You don’t necessarily have to go crazy with the type of content that you create. You don’t have to necessarily rank on the first page of Google.

Kamala Chambers
I love the way you broke it down so simply for everyone. I know that things have really worked well for you Luis is the Facebook groups and also having a podcast.
The fact of having a podcast is you’re putting out that content constantly.
Content Marketing Ideas Help You Generate Leads

Luis Congdon
One of things people really struggle with and Nathan’s really hit that on the head here is. That people tend to think of leading with a product, build it and they will come. I really think it’s first, find a way to be around them. Then, build it and that’s exactly what you’re talking about Nathan.

Nathan Collier
In addition to that, when you build an audience first. In every case, in every one of this that I’ve been involved with, what we found and what I found personally is…
You wouldn’t know the audience nearly as well as you thought you did until you start interacting with them overtime. And so, it allows you to create products that are much better.
They’re much more tailored to the actual needs of that group of people. Because they’re sitting there telling me daily about their problems and asking me questions. You get asked the same question four times in a week. There’s a business opportunity there, right?

Kamala Chambers
That’s exactly right. Then, you know what product to create because those are the things people keep asking about.
I found that a lot when I was a health coach full-time. I found there are things that people kept asking me. Those were the things that I could package together, sell as a product and absolutely on board with that.
I’d love to hear what are some of your biggest tips on being a successful with content marketing?
Biggest Tips On Content Marketing Ideas

Nathan Collier
There are two big problems that people have.
- They don’t know what to do and so, they end up spreading themselves too thin.
This is especially true of entrepreneurs and people who are working for themselves or maybe a small team.
You look at Hubspot or Kissmetricss. Some of these companies who have entire departments of people who are sitting there creating content all day long. It’s tempting to read what they are talking about. See what they’re doing and to try and copy all of that, all at once.
If you’re just a 1 or 2 persons shop, my biggest tip for you is to pick one strategy. Whether your strategy is going to be build a Facebook group. Or your strategy is going to be have a podcast, or make amazing infographics. You can put them on Pinterest if that’s where your audience is. Just narrow in one specific way to reach an audience and to really get incredibly good at that later on. If the opportunity presents itself, you can then branch out to other places.
For entrepreneurs, my biggest tip is to narrow down your focus.
2. Consistency.
Too many people have started a content marketing strategy of some kind. Whether that was in the social media or a blog or whatever. They publish for a week and a half maybe 2 weeks. Then they got busy and it just sort of fell off.

Implement Content Marketing Ideas Consistently

Nathan Collier
If you can’t keep it up for more than a week. It’s going to be tough to draw an audience to you. It’s going to be hard to build the kind of trust that you need eventually to launch a product into that audience.

Luis Congdon
It’s really true that first tip that you’re talking about is focusing on one area. At first, I made a lot of people who come into the business world. Then, they’re going, “Okay, I’ve heard about Periscope, Twitter, Facebook, email list building, Facebook groups, Facebook ads, email drops, and Google AdWords.”
They try to consume information. They try to be everywhere at once with all those pieces of content. Then they come back. They say, “One, I’ve lost money on Facebook ads because I don’t understand email marketing. But 2, I’m losing it because I don’t understand landing pages and conversions.”
So, they’re still trying to wrap their heads all over these different aspects and systems that these big companies will tell you, “Oh. Well, all you got to do is figure out the ads but then later you’re like, “Oh, I’ve got to figure out the copywriting.” It just gets overwhelming.
One of the things I discovered is I started utilizing social media in a very organic way. So jumping on Periscope on a daily basis. Doing 15 – 20 minute Periscope chats and using Facebook. Just spending about a half hour to couple hours every day sometimes. While building my audience there and then, selling became almost magnetic.
Content Marketing Ideas For Social Media

Nathan Collier
I agree. I think you and I talked earlier in a Facebook conversation about the whole advertising thing.
A lot of people jump in and they hear other people saying how valuable advertising can be. Facebook advertising in particular can be a great way to drive traffic.
If you don’t fully understand the way a sales funnel works, then, you don’t yet have the skills to really do ads in a way that can be profitable.
You can lose a lot of money really quickly that way.
If you’re going to pick one of these strategies, whatever it’s going to be for you. You don’t necessarily have to choose one that cost you money in advertising right off the bat. You can create a Facebook group free and you can get on Periscope for free. You can do these things a number of them without incurring the black hole of advertising costs.
Later on, once you got an audience and once you got a product and you got some things dialed in. Then you can add advertising to the mix and then, that’s a way to accelerate the growth of your audience. It’s not necessary to do that right off the bat.

Luis Congdon
Nathan, I know you have this one hour training that you’re giving away to people for free.
Now, I want to know from you, what is that training? Here’s the deal. As you told us, I have this free giveaway. I’ve been charging $100 for it but anyone who’s over at can go grab it for free. But what are they going to get out of it?
Learning Content Marketing Ideas

Luis Congdon
We’re learning about how to build an audience, how to do content marketing. Can you tell us a little bit about your 1 hour training that you’re offering?

Nathan Collier
This is a training I did for my Facebook group. Before I did strategy, a lot of my work was freelance content writing. A lot of what I would do is sort of long form blog posts largely for B2B companies. But some B2C companies as well.
If anybody in the audience is a freelancer, you know the game. How do you make more money without doing more work? The only ways to do that are through raise your prices. Or to get faster so that you can knockout more work and take on more clients.
This particular training is about how to do the work of writing blog posts. Much more quickly than you might otherwise be able to do. Because I developed a whole series of templates that I used and continue to use to write blog posts.
If you’re somebody who writes any sort of content that requires you to publish on a blog. Or really, any sort of longer form content, these are formulas that you can use to rapidly knockout really long articles.
For example, if it’s a topic area that I know about and I don’t have to do a lot research. I can use these templates to write 1,500 – 2,000 word blogs in under a couple of hours. This is something you normally can’t do.
Use Content Marketing Ideas To Add Value

Nathan Collier
I was selling that for $100 and I like to use it now as sort of a giveaway as a way to provide some value. We’re talking about content marketing ideas. This is one of the things you can do once you get into this kind of things. Plus it just gives you a chance to sort of hear from me, an introduction to the kinds of things that I do. We put on these trainings from time to time in my Facebook group.

Kamala Chambers
This is really fantastic stuff that you’re talking about.
One thing I’ve really appreciated is people get overwhelmed online. They really do. Everybody has a system that is the new and greatest. It’s Instagram, Facebook groups, a podcast, and blogging. People promote these things because that’s what worked for them. That’s what they’ve found and maybe they’ve helped other people with.
I think the really big thing that you’re talking about that I deeply appreciate is finding that one thing that really works for you and sticking with that.
I started a Facebook group. I was very reluctant to do it. I didn’t really want to be involved in it, and I didn’t post. It just wasn’t inspiring to me and then, Luis, he’s the Facebook group genius. He’s building a huge following, an audience and I’m one of the admins of that groups. So, I can just come in whenever I feel like it.
It’s all about finding the things that work for you. Podcasting really works for me in putting out content.
Connecting People Through Content Marketing Ideas

Luis Congdon
That’s definitely bringing up for me this question that we get a lot from clients Kamala. I’m sure you hear this a lot too Nathan, is “Shouldn’t I be building an email list? Shouldn’t I be on Twitter? I mean, everybody saying Twitter. Shouldn’t I be on Facebook? What about Periscope?”
My response has just come to, “Where do you feel the most comfortable connecting with your audience. With your fans and don’t focus on trying to be everywhere at once.”
These guys that are everywhere have a big team helping them do that or they built it out overtime. Learned how to have schedules and systems that help them.
However, here’s the thing. If you don’t like Instagram or Twitter but you love Periscope, then be a Periscope person. Build your audience there. It’s all about where you enjoy connecting with your people.”
What do you thing about that Nathan?

Nathan Collier
I get those questions all the time too. Right now, the question I get the most seems like is, “Should I be publishing content directly on LinkedIn. Or should I publish it on my blog?” All of these tactical questions about what platform you should be using.
I would add to what you guys have already said. I agree completely with be where you feel comfortable. If you don’t know where you feel comfortable yet. If you’re brand new to this kind of world, think about it in terms of who you’re trying to reach.
Content Marketing Ideas For Small Businesses

Nathan Collier
Counter bargain is ultimately an audience first strategy. So think about who you want to buy from you eventually even if you don’t have your product yet. Those people are almost 100% guaranteed to be somewhere online hanging out having a conversation. Wherever those people are, that’s a platform that I would encourage you to get familiar with because eventually, you want to get involved in that conversation.

Kamala Chambers
You’ve given away so much value already about content marketing ideas. I love to hear the super tip. What is the one thing that you would you say to be truly successful with content marketing? I know you’ve talked about consistency and being really focused. Is there anything else?

Nathan Collier
I define content marketing as building an audience. Then creating demand for a product or service with that audience. But what we’ve talked about so far is mostly been about the first step which is building an audience.
The second part though if there’s one tip that I can give would be you’re going to build this audience. You’re going to interact with them overtime. They’re going tell you what they need and then you’re going to go create it for them and sell it back to them. It’s probably the case that the people in your audience don’t yet have a clear understanding of the problem that they face. So you, as the expert in the field get the opportunity to find the way that they think about it.
If you can define someone’s problem better than they understand it themselves, they will automatically then assume that you know how to solve it.
That’s ultimately what content marketing does.
Final Thoughts On Content Marketing Ideas

Nathan Collier
There’s this group of people who trusts you to be an expert. So that when you come along with a product, they’re not going to have any question. Whether or not you’re qualified to put out a product or to be somebody that they should trust with their money.

Luis Congdon
It’s so true. First, people want to know that you’re an authority. They need to feel that they get why is it you’re the authority, why they want to buy a program from you.
Ideally, you’ve built that before you come out with a product. You’re like, “Buy it,” because we buy stuff from people that we trust and that we’ve learned from.
Kamala, do you have anything to say before we close out here?

Kamala Chambers
I just really want to appreciate you for coming on the show Nathan. You’ve given so much value away to the audience.
That’s a really good strategy. You’re just giving away content which is building you into his audience if you resonate with him which is a really good method and way to do it.
Well, we’ve been here with Nathan Collier. He is the Content Marketing genius and we’ve been talking about building your audience.