Concept Testing



Concept testing can save you time and money before you put your product out there.

Well-known mentors say that if you have an idea and want to create a product, don’t do all the work building the product and getting the sales funnel in place, and then try to make people buy it. Instead, you can pre-sell your idea first.

On this episode, I’m going to talk to you about how you can use social media to make sales and get paid before you do the work. You can use these steps on any platform you choose to test the market and make money before doing all of the work.



arrow-iconWhen you have an idea for a new service or product, use social media to test the concept before spending much time and money on developing it.

arrow-iconDon’t do all the work like building the product and the funnel, and then try to sell. Instead, pre-sell it.

arrow-iconOne of the best ways to sell an idea is through social media.




Luis Congdon

On today’s episode, I’m going to show you how to do concept testing and use Facebook 100% organically, no website, no webinar, no funnel, nothing. I’m going to show you how to utilize Facebook to sell an idea.

If you’re thinking about a new coaching service, a program, or a product you want to sell, today’s episode’s going to show you how to do concept testing. Also, it will show you how to sell just the idea so you can get paid for your idea first so when you go and do the work, you’ve already been paid. You’ve proven the concept, made some money and enrolled some people.

After performing the concept testing, you can go out and do the work, and be paid before you even do work.

Okay, guys. Today, I want to talk about how to do concept testing and pre-sell a product, an idea, even just a vision, how I’ve been able to do that in my own business, and how Kamala and I are selling ideas. Then, we package those ideas to a group of people that have already bought it. You record it and then sell it after that, which means you make money before you do the work.

Today, I want to talk about how you can do that and how you can use social media to do that.

Now, as a lot of you Thriving Launchers already know, I love Facebook. Facebook is fantastic. It’s a powerhouse for me.

Concept Testing Can Be Done On Different Platforms


Luis Congdon

If you like other social media platforms to be used for concept testing, then you’re welcome just to use that platform. But today, I want to talk about Facebook in particular. Just change the formula if you like over to Twitter or Pinterest or whatever platform you tend to get a lot of traction and a lot of social ROI because what’s the main piece.

The most important part of this is that you’re getting a lot on the return of investment and sociability. People are talking to you. You’re getting conversation. You’re able to build the buzz and get attention.

Whatever platform you’re doing that, apply all of the processes of concept testing to that place. For me, it’s Facebook.

Concept Testing Process


Luis Congdon

I heard James Wedmore, and other well-known mentors say “When you have an idea, and you want to create a product, don’t do all the work, build the product, the sales page, the funnel, and organize all the content, and then try to enroll people. Instead, pre-sell it. Sell the idea and the vision. Get some people enrolled, and make them buy it. Then record the classes while you do them with a group of individuals that pre-bought into the course.”

During the course, you can even ask them questions like, “Hey. How did you like this course today? What are the things do you feel like you need next? What kind of support do you feel you need next?” and then, you can build the next class based on that information.

You go to the next class, and you’re teaching, “All right. Hey, we went through all this stuff. Where are you guys stuck? What are some of the things you’re struggling?” Or you even allow them to ask questions while you’re teaching the class, and you build the next class after that.

The next thing you know, you’ve taught four, five, six classes, and a lot of the content has been given to you by the people who are in the class. And so, now, you’ve created this whole curriculum based on feedback and concept testing. Then, you can sell that curriculum after.

Concept Testing Through Social Media

Luis Congdon Concept Testing Thriving Launch Podcast

Luis Congdon

You can do this on social media by going to Facebook and start talking about your idea.

One of the things I did to give you an example of this is I said, “How many of you guys would like to learn how to utilize Facebook to sell, get clients, enroll people, make high-level connections, and build a following? How many of you guys would be interested in that?”

People start commenting and liking. I kept making posts asking questions like this or bragging about things I did because this is important. I don’t see it bragging like I’m rubbing it in your face. I see this bragging as like “Look, I just had this big win and I’m excited to share, and I just want to let you know how awesome this win of mine was.”

Concept Testing – Share Your Wins


Luis Congdon

I’d go on Facebook, and I would say, “Wow! This is amazing. I just sold a $5,000 product with no website, no funnel, and no ads. I just met this guy on Facebook. I went in and chatted him up. Next thing you know, we’re talking about my business, what I do, and then after that, it led to a sale 100% organic. How many of you guys would like to know how I did that?”

People started commenting.

Then, I would post, “Hey, you know what? A lot of people have been commenting and letting me know that they’re excited about this idea of selling on Facebook that it’s revolutionary to them to sell organically without ads, a webinar, or even a website. How many of you would be interested in the class that teaches you how to do this?

People started commenting. Then, make another post.

Concept Testing – Start Posting And Ask Questions


Luis Congdon

“You know what? A lot of people have been responding to this. Now, I’m starting to write out a course curriculum for this. If I created a class on how to sell on Facebook, would you be interested?”

People start commenting and writing me. Then, I made another post.

“You know what? I’ve created the curriculum. It’s not completely done, but I want to start offering this class to you. Would you be interested in buying this class and how much would you pay for it?”

Now, I’m gathering information about how much people would want to pay for it. Then, I make another post.

Concept Testing – Keep Building Momentum


Luis Congdon

“Hey, if you’re interested and you’ve been saying that you’re interested in learning how to use Facebook organically for marketing, I want to let you know that I’m offering five spots right now for a limited time. It’s a beta group. It’s never going to be this low cost. It’s going to be $700-800. Would you like to buy it? If so, comment below or message me.”

A few people message me and buy.

I just kept doing that. I kept building the momentum and squeezing more out of that.

Next, I started talking about what the curriculum would include, and if somebody enrolled, I ask them, “Would it be okay if I announced that you enrolled in my class?”

Concept Testing – Share What People Are Learning


Luis Congdon

As I started to teach people through the classes, I started kept making announcements about what the things people were learning and how awesome it was, and some of the successes. Then, I was able to sell just the idea.

By the time I was ready to start the class, I had 12 people on the course at about a thousand dollars apiece. I was able to teach this class be paid upfront before I did any of the work.

Record Everything During Concept Testing


Luis Congdon

Then, I went in and taught the class, recorded everything, wrote modules, scripts, and everything after each class and created homework during and after the class for people. Then, I took that and packaged it and keep reselling it.

As a matter of fact, if you’re interested in learning how to do this, you can get the free training we’ve created. You can go to, and you can get the free training that teaches you how to use Facebook completely free to sell organically on social media.

Right there, all of that was created after using Facebook posts.

Create A Free Course After Concept Testing


Luis Congdon

Then after that, I went and created a free course so I could enroll more people and then scale it. This is what I want you to do too.

If you’re interested in selling a course or something, but you’re not sure if people would be interested, don’t go out and do all the work and build it yet.

Those are my tips for today on how you can do concept testing and pre-sell your idea. I want you to go over to It’s in the show notes.

Then, start asking them, “How much would you pay for it? Are you ready to buy it? Message me if you want to buy it right now.”

You can make some sales before you do work. Once you do the work, you’ll be paid for it. You can package it, and sell it again and again.

Those are my tips for today on how you can do concept testing and pre-sell your idea. I want you to go over to It’s in the show notes.

Grab the free training. Let me show you how to use Facebook to make some profits without spending a penny, and let me show you how to test the market before you do all the work.

I’m excited because I know you’re going to have some more successes to share with me. I know Facebook is going to start helping you make sales without all the pesky work of funnels, websites, webinars, and all the other stuff you can get into.

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