
Moving Forward In Life – Dan Clark

Moving Forward In Life – Dan Clark

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Practicing gratitude and finding happiness in little things are key things in facing any setback and to moving forward in life.

On today’s episode, we are here with Dan Clark. He’s a former NFL football player and star of the American Gladiators. He’s also been on various notable publications and television stations.

Dan shares what he realized after having a heart attack and what he did to reach his goal, which was not only to come back but also to become a better human being.

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Understanding Death – Frank Ostaseski

Understanding Death – Frank Ostaseski

Understanding death is essential to understand life. It helps us to live a more meaningful and happy life.

On this episode, we are here with Frank Ostaseski. He’s an internationally respected Buddhist teacher, a visionary, and the founder of Metta Institute. Frank shares with us the Five Invitations or the lessons that he learned from being with people who are dying. Those invitations can be practiced to live our lives fully.

Keeping death at our fingertips reminds us not to hold on to things too tightly and to let go of fixed ideas which allows us to enter life with fresh eyes.

Manifesting Love – Diana Kirschner

Manifesting Love – Diana Kirschner

Manifesting love can be a struggle for someone, especially when you don’t give enough time to it or when you don’t allow yourself to go for it.

Dr. Diana Kirschner, a love expert and a New York Times bestseller, will help us draw love closer and find that connection.

One of the things that limit people from finding someone is the relationship killer beliefs. When you let this stand in your way, you’re going to be alone, which we never want to happen. Remember to stop limiting yourself from meeting new people and forming relationship with them.

Living On Purpose – Sheila Sutherland

Living On Purpose – Sheila Sutherland

Many of us struggle with the concern that our lives are out of sync with living our passion and purpose. So, how do you know if you’ve found your passion and you’re living on purpose?

In this episode with Sheila Sutherland, the host of the Reignite Your Purpose podcast, she shares her journey on reigniting purpose and how she overcame the struggles, which kept her from living life to the fullest.

It’s crucial that you give yourself time to discover what you want in life and who you want to become so you can discover what your purpose is. Remember, your purpose is who you are and what gets you excited to keep going.

You Are Unforgettable – Srinivas Rao

You Are Unforgettable – Srinivas Rao

You are unforgettable and unmistakable creative when you create something distinctive and unique that’s recognized immediately as your work.

In this episode with Srinivas Rao, the host and founder of the Unmistakable Creative podcast, he’s going to tell us what we can do to become unforgettable and what limits ourselves to become unmistakable. He also discusses the importance of diversity in the input and exploring various avenues to improve your creativity.

According to him, there’s no step-by-step formula because if there is, it wouldn’t be unmistakable.

How To Heal Yourself – Megan Buer

How To Heal Yourself – Megan Buer

Before asking how to heal yourself, ask first if there’s anything that needs to be fixed.

Megan Buer, the founder of Harmony Restored and an Emotional Code practitioner, shares some ways on how you can heal trapped emotional traumas and change your mindset.

According to Megan, if you believe that something is wrong with you, then something is always going to be wrong no matter how great your life is.

A Sweet Life – Heather Picken

A Sweet Life – Heather Picken

Some of us may wonder why our goals haven’t been achieved or why we aren’t living a sweet life. The real question to ask ourselves is: What is it we want to have for the rest of our lives?

On today’s episode, Heather Picken, a best-selling author and a business coach, walks us through the the steps to living a sweet life and creating more freedom in our business and in our lives.

Strength Of Mind – Justin Paperny

Strength Of Mind – Justin Paperny

Developing strength of mind is crucial to overcoming any challenge in life.

On today’s episode, Justin Paperny, who was once in prison for making bad decisions, is going to share his experience and tell us how he was able to build strength of mind and persevere through the tough days. He made himself whole again, despite all the odds being against him.

According to Justin, we need to embrace perspective and rejections, which will get us closer to our goals.

Haters Gonna Hate

Haters Gonna Hate

Haters gonna hate no matter how kind you are. Often, we feel sad and hurt when we know someone dislikes or hates us.

On this episode, we’re going share with you some ideas on how to deal with haters, change your mindset about them, and help you overcome feelings of hurt.

Journaling For Self-Discovery

Journaling For Self-Discovery

Journaling for self-discovery is a powerful tool to keep you inspired and motivated to reach your goals.

On this episode, I’m going to talk about how journaling is a crucial piece of self-discovery and how it can help you unearth stuff that you haven’t taken the time to notice.

Living with your goals in mind and working hard towards them is not enough. You also need to spend time reflecting on your goals, figuring out where you’re at and where you’re going. The best way to do that is through journaling.

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