
Happy Habits For Every Couple – Gretchen Rubin

Happy Habits For Every Couple – Gretchen Rubin

Ready to learn happy habits for every couple? Gretchen Rubin, author of New York Times bestsellers, Better than Before, The Happiness Project, and Happier at Home, shares how the small things we do everyday can make a difference. In this interview, she shares tips on how you can create true happiness in all areas of your life, including your relationships.

The Difference Between Men and Women – Dr. John Gray

The Difference Between Men and Women – Dr. John Gray

Knowing the difference between men and women can deepen our understanding of our partners and relationship dynamics. Men and women are physiologically different. That includes hormones and systems that regulate stress, happiness, and motivation. On this episode, Dr. John Gray, author of the best-selling book, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, explains the difference between men and women and how to work with it.

Sexual Communication – Reid Mihalko

Sexual Communication – Reid Mihalko

I’m sure you’ve heard of sexual healing, but what about sexual communication? Sex can be one of the hardest things for people to talk about. On this episode, we’re going to talk all about sex. Reid Mihalko, a sex educator and sex geek, talks about the importance of communication in the bedroom. We explore the things that stop us from feeling pleasure and how to share the taboo stuff.

What’s The Meaning Of Love – Don Miguel Ruiz

What’s The Meaning Of Love – Don Miguel Ruiz

What’s the meaning of love? Love is an artform. We are artists, and as an artist, we create the story of our lives and the love we feel.

Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements, The Mastery of Love, and various other books talks about how mastering our stories can lead us to mastery of love.

When we can master love, we learn to love without conditions. On this episode, we explore what’s the meaning of love and how to master it.

Codependency and Narcissism – Ross Rosenberg

Codependency and Narcissism – Ross Rosenberg

Codependency and narcissism can be a sneaky and all-too-common relationship dynamic. A codependent person and a narcissistic person are magnetically drawn to each other. Ross Rosenberg, a psychotherapist and codependency and narcissism expert, explains what these dynamics look like in a relationship. These relationship dynamics can be extremely painful. However, Ross gives advice on how you can get out and recover from a relationship ruled by codependency and narcissism.

How To Find A Soulmate – Kathryn Alice

How To Find A Soulmate – Kathryn Alice

Have you ever wondered about how to find a soulmate? We can use the same principles to find our soulmate that we do to bring in anything we want in life.
How do we know if we’ve found the one? Kathryn Alice is Soulmate Coach and author. On this episode, she shares about how to find a soulmate and have what we want in all areas of life.

How To Quit Porn Addiction – Gary Wilson

How To Quit Porn Addiction – Gary Wilson

Interested to know how to quit porn addiction and get your life back? Addiction to internet porn, not only causes sexual dysfunction, but it also destroys relationships. Gary Wilson, porn addiction expert and author of Your Brain on Porn, explains why men tend to get addicted to porn. He also talks about how it affects them and how to quit porn addiction. He shares tips on how to quit porn addiction, and how partners can help each other to overcome their addiction.

How To Increase Intimacy – Niyaso Carter

How To Increase Intimacy – Niyaso Carter

People have this huge misconception of how to increase intimacy. They believe and practice what they see in the movies or magazines hoping they will have a life of more intimacy and pleasure. In today’s episode, renowned teacher Niyaso Carter explains what Tantra and intimacy really are. She emphasized the importance of taking time. And that asking questions about how to increase intimacy, can lead you to the real path to the most amazing sex.

How To Fix Your Marriage – Larry Bilotta

How To Fix Your Marriage – Larry Bilotta

Have you been pondering how to fix your marriage? A number of couples are experiencing misery in their marriages and Larry Bilotta was one of them. He was unhappily married for 27 years but was able to figure out how to save it and totally transformed his relationship. In this interview, he talks about the reason why couples lose their intimacy in their marriages and how it affects them and their family. He emphasized that acceptance for every tiny little thing becomes the key to having the marriage that you want. This doesn’t only apply to marriage and relationships, but also to other aspects of our lives. If you are interested in knowing how to fix your marriage, keep reading!

Finding Purpose In Life – Gay Hendricks

Finding Purpose In Life – Gay Hendricks

A lot of us when we reach midlife, tend to have problems with finding purpose in life and this includes having a lasting love relationship. On this episode with Dr. Gay Hendricks, top-selling author, motivational speaker, and a therapist, shares a tip on how we can get in touch with our life purpose. He says that in the second half of life, we choose between, “Generativity” and “Stagnation”. To experience “generativity”, we must keep on discovering new aspects of ourselves and of our partners.

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