
Moving Forward In Life – Dan Clark

Moving Forward In Life – Dan Clark

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Practicing gratitude and finding happiness in little things are key things in facing any setback and to moving forward in life.

On today’s episode, we are here with Dan Clark. He’s a former NFL football player and star of the American Gladiators. He’s also been on various notable publications and television stations.

Dan shares what he realized after having a heart attack and what he did to reach his goal, which was not only to come back but also to become a better human being.

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How To Respond To Rejection

How To Respond To Rejection

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It is important to talk about how to respond to rejection because we get that a lot.

We experience rejection when somebody says “no” to us or when we post something on social media and nobody likes or comments on it.

On this episode, we’re going to talk about different ways on how to handle rejection and how to stay motivated so you accomplish the goals, dreams, and desires you have.

How To Be A Jedi – Satyen Raja

How To Be A Jedi – Satyen Raja

Our innermost being has a direct reflection on reality, but honing it to create the realities we want requires mental training. This is why understanding how to be a Jedi and mastering the mind tricks are crucial.

On this episode, we are here with Satyen Raja. He has influenced over a hundred thousand students from over 50 countries around the world through his global human potential company, Warrior Sage.

Satyen talks about what Jedi mind tricks are all about and how you can utilize it so you can act steadily with less emotional morass and spikes towards your goals.

Travel The World – Rolf Potts

Travel The World – Rolf Potts

When you let yourself travel the world, you will feel grateful for giving yourself the opportunity to know the possibilities for your own happens.

On this episode, we are here with Rolf Potts, who wrote the iconic book Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel, which is a book that greatly inspired a lot of people. Also, he has written for National Geographic Traveler, The New Yorker,, Outside New York Times, The Believer, The Garden, and Sports Illustrated. He’s written several books and traveled the world.

Rolf talks about what extended stay in other countries means and how it is possible for you to do it now and plan it by yourself.

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Create A Life You Want – Luis Congdon and Kamala Chambers

Create A Life You Want – Luis Congdon and Kamala Chambers

To able to create a life you want, it is important to set your mind and heart into it. When you focus on something you want, things unfold, and magic happens.

On this episode, we’re going to tell you about what we have been doing with regards to planning for our wedding and how setting the intention to create what we want in our lives turned our dream into a reality.

Breaking Barriers – Erik Weihenmayer

Breaking Barriers – Erik Weihenmayer

One of the reasons why people get stuck when it comes to breaking barriers is when one obstacle after the next gets in the way. It kills their energy and momentum. They feel that they are taken out of the game.

On this episode, we’re here with Eric Weihenmayer. He is blind, but he has accomplished feats like reaching the summit of Mt. Everest. Also, he is the author of No Barriers. He shares what you can do to help you stay in that ‘no barriers, no limit’ mindset.

Eric says that life is an adventure and that it’s not a failure if things turn out differently than what we expected.

Fall In Love With Yourself – Marisa Peer

Fall In Love With Yourself – Marisa Peer

Marisa Peer says that when you fall in love with yourself, you will have a lifelong romance that never disappoints and never wanes.

Marisa authored four best-selling books and has worked with Oscar-winning Hollywood actors, royalty, Chief Executives of Fortune 500 companies, and thousands of other types of clients.

On this episode, she talks about what’s blocking us from having the love and success that we deserve and how we can start to fall in love with ourselves.

Life In Balance – Travis Chambers

Life In Balance – Travis Chambers

Knowing how to create a life in balance is crucial, especially when you have kids because of a job can take over your time for family.

On this episode, we are here with Travis Chambers. He is the founder of Chamber Media that has already driven over 40 million dollars in trackable sales, 250 million views and 3 million shares. He used to work in Hollywood, but when he became a parent, his life changed.

Travis talks about how him having kids destroyed his career but saved his life. He also shares some useful tips on how you can make a living while spending quality time with your kids.

Understanding Death – Frank Ostaseski

Understanding Death – Frank Ostaseski

Understanding death is essential to understand life. It helps us to live a more meaningful and happy life.

On this episode, we are here with Frank Ostaseski. He’s an internationally respected Buddhist teacher, a visionary, and the founder of Metta Institute. Frank shares with us the Five Invitations or the lessons that he learned from being with people who are dying. Those invitations can be practiced to live our lives fully.

Keeping death at our fingertips reminds us not to hold on to things too tightly and to let go of fixed ideas which allows us to enter life with fresh eyes.

Thoughts Create Reality – Isaac Lidsky

Thoughts Create Reality – Isaac Lidsky

It is possible to shape the life that you want to live and the person you want to be because our thoughts create reality.

On today’s episode, we are here with Isaac Lidsky. He’s been on NBC’s “Saved by the Bell,” and he’s an NYC best-selling author.

Isaac helps us realize that we are the creator of our reality. For us to master that reality, we must hold ourselves accountable for every moment and see beyond our fears.

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