Building Customer Loyalty – Robert Skrob

Building customer loyalty can benefit massively. We could easily 10 times the member value of every single customer or member that you’re bringing on by being as thoughtful and deliberate of what happens after the sale as we were about what happens after we get new lead.
It’s not only building relationship but also being able to do it at scale that helps in building customer loyalty.
One of the techniques you could do after getting a new customer is resell them on the dream you used to buy.
You actually need to paint the dream bigger and make the dream, and help your clients visualize what it’s going to be like after they have implemented your solution even clearer than you were able to do during the sales process. This is one of the best ways for building customer loyalty.
Anytime we try anything new, you initially feel some resistance.
Anytime you’re learning these new skills, you have to change old habits and get new muscle memories and it’s hard.
Another technique is inviting your customers to lean into the program which will help you in building customer loyalty.
If you can predict what the client’s pain is going to be, you can step ahead of the process and make sure that they feel nurtured rather than, they come up against that pain and then they’re out.
The other piece that’s going to help you keep your members longer and be able to continue to 10x your customer value is in your products and in your member welcome sequence. Remember that there are other individuals and other influencers that your new customer is going to face.
Give your new customer the stories that they’re going to tell those around them and the actual tools to help educate the people around them in order to be able to fully implement your program.
The single most important thing to do to retain a customer for a long time is all about the member welcome package.
Also, tell your clients where to get started.
There should be a promised outcome and a step by step process for achieving that outcome on your membership site.
Giving them one video or one resource of where to start, is a lot more powerful in building customer loyalty than trying to give them a thousand.
Building Customer Loyalty

Kamala Chambers
Today, we’re going to talk about retaining clients and building customer loyalty. This is a training episode so hold on everyone.
Today, we’re here with Robert Skrob, CPA, CAE, who talks about building customer loyalty and is recognized as one of the best member retention specialists in the world.
We’re going to about membership sites and membership programs specifically how to retain customers in those subscriptions, the membership sites that you have, how to keep subscribers for longer, how that helps in building customer loyalty and we have the expert himself and here to talk about that.

Luis Congdon
Welcome Robert Skrob.
What’s really cool about having Robert here is that he has worked with the likes of Dan Kennedy and one of the things that Dan says that I absolutely love is that, “It costs more to acquire client than to keep them.” So once you get them, you better know how to keep them, the lifetime value of client.
Another thing that Dan Kennedy said is, “He who is willing to pay more to acquire client is the person who’s going to win.” Once we get that client, then, we can keep the upsells and the retention is so important. Building customer loyalty the lifeblood of your business. You better know how to keep those clients around.
Welcome to the show Robert.

Robert Skrob
I’m so excited to be here. Thank you so much for inviting me on.
Why Building Customer Loyalty Is Important?

Luis Congdon
Talking about keeping clients and retaining them, what is one of the first things we should know?
Set you up to bat here. People that are listening, this is so important. What is the number one thing I should know about building customer loyalty? One of the first things I should be doing?

Robert Skrob
Most people focus so much on making the sale and think, “What about copywriting?” “What about my author?” “What about my bullets?” “What about my sales page?” “What am I going to do?” Maybe even have immediate one click upsell and then, they get a customer and they immediately move on to going and getting the next customer. They don’t think as much about how to really leverage this new relationship they started and be able to building customer loyalty.
They spent all this time and money wooing this individual to become a customer and they ship out the product without really thinking, “How can I really build a great lasting relationship with my brand new customers and members so that they don’t just want to buy from me once but they want to buy it from me every month for the next several years?”

Luis Congdon
That’s so important. When I go inside my CRM, the thing that holds my entire context, when I go inside and I look at it. I look at the people that are buying, I am amazed. Some clients just continually are paying me more and more. I find one of the things that Ryan Deiss really talks about a lot in his work, is that if you can get someone to even just buy a $5, $2, $7, $9 product, then you’ve qualified them as a valuable customer and you’ve acquired them as client. That’s big success in building customer loyalty.
Building Customer Loyalty Starts With Valuing Your Customer

Luis Congdon
Yeah, you’re right. So many of us are like, “Got to get that next sale. Got to get that next sale.” However, you get really smart in business, you’re like, “Okay! Not just the next new sale but how can I continue to please the current client and be able to ensure building customer loyalty so that maybe I can find what they’re currently needing and sell them other stuff.” Is that what you’re saying?

Robert Skrob
When you get a lead, you think very carefully about the videos or the sales letters or the sales presentations that are going to turn that lead into a buying customer. Now, equally, let’s think through the next things that the customers see, them into a long term customer rather than the excitement and motion waning after they buy.
Let’s figure out how to move it up because if we can leverage that excitement that will help you in building customer loyalty. We can turn that new customer into getting them engaged in the program, inviting them to refer and make referrals, and getting them to ascend to buy other products and services. It’s really that deliberate consideration of what I do after I get a customer.
I’ve seen it in some businesses where a lifetime customer value of their average customers can be maybe $31,000 but when they are very thoughtful about building customer loyalty, bringing their customers and ascending them, the lifetime value can be $35,000.
What we’re talking about is building customer loyalty and really more than an incremental, “Oh yeah. Maybe we can get this customer to buy a couple more things.” No. We could easily 10 times the member value of every single customer or member that you’re bringing on by being as thoughtful and deliberate of what happens after the sale as we were about what happens after we get new lead.
Consider 10x Idea While Building Customer Loyalty

Luis Congdon
Okay. So, you got me hooked. This 10x idea is really awesome that helps in building customer loyalty. It’s really helping serve current clients.

Kamala Chambers
This is such an important process and I love that you’re talking about the retention of customers and building customer loyalty. I know that when we interviewed Ravi, the creator of DAP, that’s really going to help people look at the actual structure but what you’re talking about is the relationship.
How do you build that relationship up?

Robert Skrob
Not only build that relationship but to be able to do it at scale and ensure building customer loyalty. It’s one way of creating relationship is to call and to engage in conversation and all of those things that’s like this 2 way street.
As you scale your business, it becomes impossible to be able to do those things. It’s engaging in them at scale.
There’s a number of different techniques and messages that we want to really think through after we get a new customer. One of the key things is to re-sell them on the dream that you used to buy.
I don’t know if you have ever done a weight loss program but I can tell you. I have purchased a whole lot more weight loss programs than I ever implemented because buying a weight loss program is a whole lot easier than doing one.
I’ve bought the GI diet, the protein power, countless books on losing weight that I read with relative interest and then, put aside, and never really did anything with.
You’re customers have the same experience. They’re upset about a particular problem. They engage and buy. They feel a certain release because they purchased, “Okay, I have solved that problem” and then, their interest wanes.
Also, as a marketer, what we often are doing is we’re so focused on giving them what they purchased or like, “Here’s what you bought,” “This is what you do,” “Here are the 15 steps,” “Do this,” “Do that,” “This is what you need to do,” that we need to stop and say “Okay. You know what? Now that they’ve purchased, the bar is actually even higher.” Because, now, we’re actually asking them to change habits, change what they do in their daily life, and incorporate us into their lives.
We actually need to paint the dream bigger and make the dream, and help them visualize what it’s going to be like after they have implemented your solution even clearer than we were able to do during the sales process so that they go, “Wow. I’ve got the right team. I’ve got the right system and you know what? I think can do this.”
Practical Steps for Building Customer Loyalty

Kamala Chambers
How do you recommend? What are some real practical tips for building customer loyalty how to get into people’s daily life?

Robert Skrob
It’s ramping up the stakes so that they feel like that this is an important part. This is really worth their time and attention to change all habits.
Then the other thing is what I call, “Inviting them to lean in into the program.” Anytime we try anything new, you initially feel some resistance. Like learning to play golf, learning to play tennis, learning to swim, or building customer loyalty. Anytime you’re learning these new skills, you have to change old habits and get new muscle memories and it’s hard.
What we want to do is invite them when they feel that, “Hey. You know, some folks who implemented this program often feel a resistance. They feel frustration and if you feel that way, know that that’s normal part of trying something new but we’re going to work with you every step of the way in order to help you live this dream and accomplish these results or solve this problem.”
You invite them so that they don’t come to you, buy your thing, they feel pain, and in order to relieve their pain, they leave.
Make your customers feel that they can lean in to your program in order to help push through this temporary frustration and get the results that they’ve came to get.

Kamala Chambers
The thing that you really pinpointed is that they’re going to feel pain at some point and often, on the journey to getting the results that we want, which is what we’re providing.
We’re providing results with our offers, with our membership sites, with our packages, and with our programs. We offer results and on that journey to results, the stuff that’s keeping us from getting those results often come up and can aggravate and really get shoved in our faces.
For Building Customer Loyalty Make Sure Your Clients Feel Nurtured

Robert Skrob
If you can predict what the client’s pain is going to be, then you can come so much further. You can step ahead of the process to ensure building customer loyalty and make sure that they feel nurtured rather than, they come up against that pain and then they’re out.

Kamala Chambers
Yeah, it is very important for building customer loyalty. I can’t agree more and one thing that I really have seen a lot in one of our core programs is called Launch School. What I see is people come up against their issued to actually get their message out to the world. They are scared to move through that block. They fall off and that’s where we have the real gold because we have an opportunity to continue to engage people, to keep people coming back and to say, “We are here to support you with our accountability.” A real practical way for building customer loyalty is consistent emails, consistent Facebook group support, making sure that you’re checking up on your clients as they’re going through the process.

Robert Skrob
The other piece of all of this that’s going to help you keep your members longer, help you building customer loyalty and be able to continue to 10x your customer value is in your products, in your member welcome sequence. Remember that there are other individuals, other influencers that your new customer is going to face.
If your solution is a personal solution that they’re implementing at home, you need to give them a story to tell their spouse. The spouse is going to be a lot better at selling them out of your solution than you were at selling them in and to the extent that they need support or acknowledgement or even just to be left alone to be able to do your system. You are better at promoting your system than your brand new customer is, therefore it is so important for building customer loyalty.
Consider giving your customer a little hand-out that they can give their spouse. This helps teach the spouse how to be supportive like what the goals are, why this is a win for the spouse, for their partner to do this and how they can be most supportive through this journey.
For Building Customer Loyalty Offer Some Solution

Robert Skrob
If your solution is something that they’re going to implement at work, maybe they are the boss and they are going to be delegating this to a team of people. There needs to be a video or even a series of videos that sells this system to the employees so that they can appreciate and recognize how this is going to make their lives easier because the employees are a lot better at selling their boss out of the system then you’re going to be at selling it at them in. The employees have got 5 days a week and at least 8 hours a day to work on your customer. You’ve got maybe email and some videos.
So better to give your new customer the stories that they’re going to tell those around them and the actual tools to help educate the people around them in order to be able to fully implement your program.

Kamala Chambers
I love that you’re asking the people in your community to come together and support you in the journey and the process, and getting other people on board.
One way that we do this is through having accountability partners and partnering other people who are going through the process to support you, and that works really well.
Our audience, they’re really go-to people. They’re action oriented people. What are some other tips that you want to make sure that the audience has on retaining customers?
Building Customer Loyalty and Retaining Customers

Robert Skrob
I think the single most important thing to do to retain a customer for a long time and for building customer loyalty is all about the member welcome package whether it’s delivered online or it’s delivered off-line. Really thinking through that package, making sure that you are reselling them on the dream, and encouraging them to lean into the program. Make sure to teach them about your people if you have other people that are helping them implement. Other coaches or a team, introducing those people so that they can appreciate the value that those people will bring.
Also, telling them where to get started. I worked with a client that had an awesome membership website. It had more than a thousand videos on it and they were entertaining and informative. They were 15-20 minutes long. It is very well done but it was a huge mere out of topics.
When I talked to the client, I said, “When you sent your son to college, if college was about driving in your car, pulling up in the parking lot at college. One building is labelled English and the next is Business. The next is Science and the next is Computer and they just kind of walk around and they go into a building when they feel like that sounds like that’s interesting and then they go from class to class.”
They’re reading the little sign of what the class is about and they go into a class and they sit there for a little while until they get bored and then leave that class and they’d be going into another one. If that’s what college is like, no college is going to happen.
In college, there is a promised outcome. After you go through this program, you can become a doctor. After you go through these set of classes, you could become a CPA. After you go through this trajectory, you can become a geologist. There is a promised outcome and then there is a step by step process for achieving that outcome.
For Building Customer Loyalty, Help Accomplish Dreams

Robert Skrob
On your membership site, if you don’t have at least the first step of that outline and in your member welcome getting them started on that journey, then it’s just a matter of, “Hey. There’s a thousand different resources here. They’re all great. Go check them out.” It doesn’t matter whether you have a 100, 500, 1000, or 20,000, that’s not going to build retention.”

Robert Skrob
Giving them one video or one resource of where to start is a lot more powerful than trying to give them a thousand.

Luis Congdon
This is all really great information and one of the things that I’ve really gotten out of today is how important it would be for me. Pretty much almost any business owners, just go back and look at all the people that have bought some of our software and different systems that we have and check in with them and say, “Hey, how is it going? I just wanted to recap the program and the dreams and what you were going to get out of it.” And, “Hey, since you purchased this program, I want to make sure that you have watched video 1, video 2 and video 3. These are where you really start. Go ahead and hit reply if you have any kind of questions.”
Now, I would be doing this at a slightly different based on the level of the client because I couldn’t take in many clients responding and trying to message them specifically. However, nonetheless just following up and creating some sort of follow up system. I know that I’ve slacked off a little bit on that and could benefit by doing one more follow up just to check in with people.

Kamala Chambers
You’re saying you want to stay focused because for example, you go into a membership site, there’s so many different resources you could put in there. However, if you keep it clear and you keep it step by step, real magic can happen.
I know you talked about a university. It’s so different than being at maybe you don’t want to take like the Biology or the chemistry or any of those extra classes. Your membership sites can really keep people on par and focused on the result.
We’ve been here with Robert Skrob. This is amazing to have you on the show. Thank you so much for the incredible information you gave us on how to retain subscribers for longer.