Breaking Barriers – Erik Weihenmayer

On this episode, we’re here with Eric Weihenmayer. He is blind, but he has accomplished feats like reaching the summit of Mt. Everest. Also, he is the author of No Barriers. He shares what you can do to help you stay in that ‘no barriers, no limit’ mindset.
Eric says that life is an adventure and that it’s not a failure if things turn out differently than what we expected.


People get stuck when they encounter barriers along the way and get taken out of the game.
Most ideas stay in the recesses of the brain, and not many get to escape.
Realizing that there’s a chance you’ll fail when pursuing an idea creates energy in your life that will bring you to a new place.
Understand the universal elements that we have to confront and understand along the way.
Vision is this light inside of you and trying to grow and nurture it, and use it to blaze into the world.
Always think of yourself as an engineer or pioneer, and try to build new things.
The critical piece of the journey is using our gifts or things we learned through our struggles to elevate the people around us.


Luis Congdon
Hey, what’s up Thriving Launchers? Have you ever felt stuck in your journey or just bogged down because you can’t get that mindset or you got some handicap holding you back?
On today’s episode, we’re bringing somebody who happens to be blind, has done and completed feats most of us will never accomplish in our whole lives. But, on today’s show, our guest is going to teach us about breaking barriers and that winning mindset so you can do what he’s done.

Kamala Chambers
We are here with an author who has climbed Mt. Everest, who has kayaked the Grand Canyon, and he’s blind.
We are excited to have Erik Weihenmayer with us today.

Luis Congdon
All right, Thriving Launchers, we are here live with the one, the only Erik Weihenmayer.
Erik, welcome to the show. Are you ready to Launch?

Erik Weihenmayer
I am! I’m ready!

Luis Congdon
You have built up this incredible energy which excites me to have you on the show because I know I want some more of that energy that you got going on.
We all have experienced breaking barriers. We all have some “Handicap.” We all have something whether it’s mindset or in your case, blindness, whatever it might be. It might be poverty, educational background. I know you’ve got some insights on breaking barriers.
What do you think gets people stuck when it comes to breaking barriers?

Erik Weihenmayer
I think you’re right.
Breaking barriers That Are Invisible

Erik Weihenmayer
Not to just single out blindness because I happened to be blind, but there are a lot of barriers out there. In fact, I founded this organization and movement called No Barriers.
Sure, there are people in the world that are physically disabled like being blind, like in wheelchairs, like they’re amputees, or they have physical things. Those are big challenges of course, but there are a lot of people in the world with invisible challenges.
Those people suffer from fear, doubt, anxiety, self-doubt, trauma, PTSD, and we find that the majority of our community is those kinds of people, with those invisible barriers.
Breaking barriers That Get In The Way

Erik Weihenmayer
I think what happens typically is that people start out in their lives with hope, optimism, and big dreams, and I do think people start out “climbing,” and then things happen along the way like barriers get in the way.
One barrier after the next gets in the way, kill their momentum, and energy. Maybe, they try something, and they fail. They fall a little bit short, and they’re just like, “That was so painful. I never want to go through that again.”
Maybe, they create like these prisons that people do in mind. These prison bars that they put in their minds, and they get jaded. Or, they wake up, and the world has just changed, and they don’t know if they’re flexible or open enough to change with it. That’s where the challenge of breaking barriers gets in.
Why People Get Stuck In Breaking barriers

Erik Weihenmayer
So all these things happened to people along the way, and then they get taken out of the game. They get shoved to the sidelines. Sometimes it’s a dark place, and now, they’re stuck, and they don’t know how to get out.
And so, I’ve thought a lot about this. I don’t claim to have all the answers or anything like that. But I’ve worked with thousands of people now and written, and spoken about this topic about how do you climb out of those spaces, those stuck spots in our lives from that dark place through that sort of unexplored terrain to the summit, whatever that looks like for an individual.
Breaking barriers – Get Over Self-Defeating Conversation

Luis Congdon
One of the first questions that came up for me, and it’s something that last night came up for me strongly is I was thinking about this vision and this idea, and I started to get excited, and then I thought, “Someone else I know has failed at it. What if I fail like they do?” or “I’ve tried something like that, but I don’t know if it’s going to work out.”
I started thinking about that kind of self-defeating conversation and how it’s easy for me to think of a goal, and then rationalize why I can’t do it or why other people have failed, so it’s why not worth my time. I just kind of stomp on the dream before it even get started.
Inevitably, life experience is going to teach us that failure’s a part of the game. How have you managed and how do you show other people to get over some of that conversation so that momentum and that climb can keep going?

Erik Weihenmayer
Well, there are a lot of ways to answer that. That’s a good question. I mean yeah, I would agree.
In the book I wrote, No Barriers, I wrote even about this that most ideas, they stay in the recesses of the brain and probably never get out. They just remain little dreams in the back of your mind. 99.9% of our ideas probably stay back there, and not many get to escape and live.
Breaking barriers – Understand The Idea

Erik Weihenmayer
There are a lot of ideas out there. If a hundred people have already tried that idea and failed, one, I’m not saying to be like a dreamer and just go for it without tons and tons of research and understanding why each of those people fails like comprehending the idea, and the environment and landscape around that idea.
There are a lot of things I’ve decided not to pursue. I just realized, “God, I’ve flirted with this idea, and I think it will just probably stay a dream in the back of my brain.” That’s okay too.
Breaking barriers Create Energy That Will Bring You To A New Place

Erik Weihenmayer
But when you try to pursue an idea, it’s a mindset that “Hey, there is a chance that I will fail.” That’s okay because it will launch me forward in some exciting, spiraling, probably unpredictable way, and it will create energy in my life that will bring me to a new place. It may not be precisely the place you think you’re going, but it’ll be a new place for sure.
It becomes like looking at life like my friend Hugh Herr talks about. Hugh is a double leg amputee who is a fantastic climber and is the head scientist at the Biomechatronics Laboratory at MIT building, some of the most sophisticated prosthetic legs and limbs in the world.
Breaking barriers – See Life As An Adventure

Erik Weihenmayer
He says, “When things turn out differently than what you planned or expected, don’t see it as a failure. See it as an adventure.” and that’s what life is. Breaking barriers is a shift in mindset I think.

Kamala Chambers
You’ve done these incredible things that most people would never even attempt in their lifetime like climbing Mt. Everest and kayaking the Grand Canyon.
I’d love to hear from you more on a personal note something you took away from breaking barriers in those experiences. What motivated you to get there and what did you take away from it?

Erik Weihenmayer
Well, both of those experiences were similar.
One, there’s the natural beauty of the mountains, of the rivers, and trying to understand the landscape, and map of a mountain. Even though I can’t see, I still think very visually because I used to be able to see until I was a teenager.
Breaking barriers – From Climbing Mt. Everest And Kayaking Grand Canyon

Erik Weihenmayer
Understanding the map and the beauty of the mountains like mapping out your route of the mountain and then, experiencing all that sensations like the sun, the wind, the snow, the movement, and working with a great team of people to trust each other with your lives. That’s all incredible.
Then, the river was the same way; the Grand Canyon being this incredible natural wonder of the world, and walls that are thousands of feet tall that you can hear. Blind people click, and they listen for the echo. They call it echolocation. I can click, and I can listen to those enormous rock faces a mile high as you’re swallowed up at the bottom of this massive canyon, and you’re just this tiny little person floating down this, got led into the most incredible whitewater in the world, and understanding rivers.
Rivers are different from mountains. They have their map with eddies that flow backward, and holes that are like giant washing machines, and whirlpools, and boils, and all these crazy features in a river. Understanding that is cool.
Deeper Journey Beneath The Surface Of Breaking barriers

Erik Weihenmayer
When you’re kayaking, all that energy is created from the bottom of the river, and so you’re experiencing the effects of all that energy and these huge waves and holes. But it’s all being created from all the features at the very bottom of the river that are making the river currents like the flow and crazy directions to do crazy things. I think there’s a more profound journey beneath the surface on all these things.
Understand that ‘no barriers’ process. How do you go through this process trying to dream big, trying to make that idea live with all the little failures along the way?
Breaking barriers – Set Yourself Up For The Highest Chance Of Success

Erik Weihenmayer
Trying to build the right people, the right technologies, the right innovations, the right mindset, and tools, and then devoting your mind and soul to that pursuit in a way that equips you and gives you the best chance possible of succeeding.

Erik Weihenmayer
There’s that sort of process of trying to pursue an idea and what it takes to get there. I think I’m in love with that process as well.

Kamala Chambers
I want to thank you for that because I feel like I got a moment with you in those canyons and on the mountain. It’s beautiful the way that you described it.
Breaking barriers – Listen To The Powerful Sounds

Erik Weihenmayer
Yes, they are beautiful places for sure.
Like when I reached the summit of Everest, you’re standing at 29,000 feet on like this little island like a single car garage in the sky, and the sound, vibrations moving out through space. There’s nothing to block the sounds.
Any crunch in the snow and any tap of your ice ax just create this deep sound that sort of sends of into space, and infinite sky. It’s this overwhelming expansive sound traveling out infinitely. It’s like the sky is swallowing you. It’s a beautiful and powerful sound.

Luis Congdon
That’s incredible. I love hearing that.
I want to ask you one of the last questions here as we wrap up. Do you have a routine that you go through when it comes to breaking barriers? How do you keep this ‘no barriers, no limit’ mindset alive?
No matter how superhuman we are, we got to have a practice. We got to have something that keeps us in that zone.
I’m curious from you. What are some suggestions you would give us from your own life, things you do, things you coach others on to help us stay in that ‘no barriers, no limit’ mindset and to keep breaking barriers?
Understand The Pieces of Journey Of Breaking barriers

Erik Weihenmayer
When breaking barriers, I think the most important part is to understand the pieces of the journey.
What are those universal elements that we have to confront and understand along the way? I think just realizing what some of those things are, is beneficial.
It is helpful to us to look at the process of growth and change, and the content around that.
This sounds almost cheesy, and I don’t mean to sound cheesy but, what is that light that you have to grow inside?
Some people vision me having this ability to see the future, which most people honestly can’t do. I think of vision as something where you’re trying to take this light, this substance inside of you and trying to grow it, and nurture it, and use it to blaze into the world.
Breaking barriers – Build An Inner Strength

Erik Weihenmayer
I think part of that process is just becoming a pioneer. Always thinking of yourself as an engineer or pioneer, and you’re trying to build new things, and that’s an exciting process.
The team that you build along the way, are they the people that are dragging you down or lifting you up?
When you go out, and you try these things, and you get crushed, do those things stop you in your tracks or do they create an energy that propels you forward to that new place?
Breaking barriers – Elevate The People Around You Through Your Gifts

Erik Weihenmayer
I don’t know. There are universal things that happen along the way. I think the most important one I’ve discovered in the mountains and the rivers is once you reached whatever your summit is; you stood on the top, you’ve had your success, you’ve grown your company or whatever it may be, how do you come down the mountain and use those discoveries to elevate the people around you?
For me, at No Barriers, the community that we work with, that’s the most critical piece of the journey. We call it “elevate.” It’s coming down the mountain and using our gifts, the things we’ve learned through our struggles to elevate the people around us. That includes our families, our teams, our community, and maybe the greater world around us. I think that’s the real culmination.
That’s for me, the most crucial part was coming home from these great adventures and using it to grow No Barriers where we work with almost 5,000 people a year, and we’re growing fast, and that’s been just the most powerful thing I’ve ever done.

Kamala Chambers
Erick Weihenmayer, we’ve been talking with you about ‘no barriers.’ This is also the name of your new book coming up, or that’s just been released.
I just want to thank you for taking us on that journey. I just feel like we’ve got to go on a journey today with what you’ve talked about, and it’s been special to have those moments. I want to express my gratitude for that.

Erik Weihenmayer
Breaking barriers – Look At What’s Blocking You

Kamala Chambers
I want to encourage Thriving Launchers that we all look at one thing that we feel is blocking us and standing in our way from breaking barriers, and dig deep.
Take some of what you’ve learned today, some of what we’ve talked about and find one way to breaking barriers. Thank you so much for tuning in and keep thriving everyone.