Boost Followers On Social Media

On this episode, I show you some ways that you can share on social media that will make people inclined to chase you and feel excited to see what you’re up to.
Sharing on social media is best when done authentically because it allows people to genuinely connect with you and trust you.


If you’re not getting attention, you’re not going to be making sales and an impact.
To get attention, be willing to be polarizing and making statements that are exciting to you and other people.
Being who you are authentically on social media can help you immensely and can get you attention.
Vulnerability equals authenticity.
We share to be authentic.
When we’re authentic, people connect with us genuinely, and that creates trust.
If people relate to you, they will feel inclined to chase you and be excited to see what you’re up to.


Luis Congdon
On today’s episode, I’m going to be talking about how to share on social media in a way that gets you attention, helps to boost your followers, get people to chase you, and gets people excited about who you are.
I’m going be sharing what you can do on social media to boost followers, so you’re getting attention and clients, making sales, and doing it in a way that is the most authentic and genuine place. This allows you to share fully who you are, lets you play all out, and helps you make money, completely free, no ads, no webinar, no funnel, nothing. No complicated stuff, just social media.
If you like using Facebook, tune into this episode because I’m going to show you how to make money on Facebook in an easy way that no one else is showing you how to do.
Knowing How To Boost Followers Doesn’t Have To Be Difficult
If you’re not getting the kind of attention that you want your message to get on social media, on your blog, on YouTube, or in life, there’s a reason. There’s a big reason for this, and if you don’t know the answer, I want you to take some notes and pay attention because getting attention online and knowing how to boost followers don’t have to be hard. Getting the right kind of attention online doesn’t have to have to be difficult or challenging.
At the end of the day, I believe that everyone is interesting. I believe that everyone is amazing, but for some reason, some people are better at bringing out that awesomeness or that attention grabbing secret sauce. They’re better at bringing it out.
Boost Followers To Make Sales
If you’re not bringing out that part of you that gets you attention and helps boost followers, that makes people gravitate or attracted to you, then you’re going to have a hard time making sales. You’re going to have a hard time enrolling people.
Sorry, I just banged my microphone because I’m getting excited about this idea that you can have attention and boost followers.
People will listen to you if you’re sharing your message in the right way.
Share Your Message To Boost Followers
I want to help you with that because for me this is an epidemic. I see many great amazing people that have something incredible to share, and they’re not able to share it. They’re struggling to share their message and boost followers, or they’re doing it in an ordinary way which means they don’t get the kind of business and the kind of draw that their particular expertise deserves.
This is important to me that you get the attention you deserve. I don’t mean you’re getting a bunch of eyeballs and people trying to be you like “If that’s what you want, that’s fantastic. This is going to help you with that.”
Boost Followers And Get The Attention You Deserve
The main thing is that you’re getting the attention, that your message, your impact, your business, and your dream, that that part of you that wants to share with the world deserves.
I want that for you.
The first thing that a lot of people will say is if you’re boring online and in real life, you’re not going to get the kind of attention that you deserve.
Solution To Get Attention And Boost Followers
But, what’s the solution?
If I think I’m a boring person or my subject matter isn’t exciting, what is the solution?
Here’s the thing.
I believe that the solution is being willing to be polarizing, make statements that are a little controversial or statements that “forget all of that.” Be willing to make statements that are just exciting to you, and that you know are interesting to other people.
Let me give you an example.
How To Get Attention And Boost Followers With A Facebook Post
I recently wrote a Facebook post, and it got published in a major publication. I wrote a Facebook post in about ten minutes. I sat down. I crafted this cool Facebook post.
Now, think of this. Ten minutes for crafting a Facebook post got over 200 likes, had something like 50 shares, and that Facebook post landed me into a major publication.
Somebody else who’s a writer at a major publication for The Good Men Project wrote me and said “I would like to publish your Facebook post. Would that work?” That’s just one example.
I’ve also written another Facebook post that took me 10 – 15 minutes to curate. I posted it right on Facebook right with my phone. I posted it, I went to bed, woke up the next morning, and a very well-known marketer Bob Bly, who’s written something like 30 books in the marketing world, and has been around for a long time, email lists of over 60,000 people, messaged me.
Again, I’m not sharing this with you to brag about myself.
Be Authentic To Get Attention And Boost Followers
Robert Bly saw my Facebook post, and he sent it out to an email list. He wrote me and said, “Hey. I love your Facebook post. Can I send it to my email list? I’ll give you credit. I’ll link your website to the post. Would that be okay with you?”
That’s two Facebook posts that took me a total of maybe 30 minutes combined to create and put on Facebook organically. There are no ads, nothing, just a Facebook post, and is landing me into an email list that’s very large, lucrative, and landed me into a major publication, and I wasn’t even attempting to get into that major publication. I didn’t spend a lot of time crafting either one of this.
What is it you can do to get attention and boost followers?
Get Attention And Boost Followers By Sharing Personal Stories
I believe all of us are exciting, remarkable, and have something unique and incredible to share.
One of the things I want you to start doing is I want you to start telling stories. I want you to start sharing personal stories.
A lot of people get repulsed by this idea of sharing a personal story. I know I sure did. I didn’t like the idea of sharing a personal story.
When Kamala came to me and said, “I want you to share your most vulnerable stuff, and start sharing it with the world on social media.” I was utterly repulsed. I did not want to do it.
Showing Vulnerability Can Get Attention And Boost Followers
Kamala said, “Luis, you used to homeless. A couple of years ago, you were fired from a job, then you became homeless, and you slept in a park. I want you to go to that park and do a video where you talk about what it was like sleeping in that park.” I did not want to do that. It’s incredibly vulnerable.
Honestly, I used to feel ashamed my life got to that place. But that shame, guilt, fear, and that vulnerability of going from having a great, fantastic job to burning through all my savings, struggling to have a business, sleeping in a park to make a business run, and then going there and talking about that connects us. That connects you and me.
Connect With Others To Get Attention And Boost Followers
I know you, as an entrepreneur, and you as somebody who’s interested in being the best you, I know that’s something maybe you struggle with too.
Perhaps you’ve struggled with getting your business going or with working a 9-5, and you hated it. Maybe you’ve burned through your savings before, and have gotten tons of overdraft fees, and know what it’s like to feel broke. Perhaps you’ve also had some incredible successes and some wins.
When I went to that park and shared that story, I got a lot of messages. I got a lot of comments. I got a lot of likes. From that post was the birth of my private coaching program, group coaching program where I charge people more than I’d ever made for an hour, $500 a month to have a group coaching program. I had a handful of individuals signed up for that, meet with me once a week for an hour at $500 a head.
Get Attention And Boost Followers To Make Good Money
Let’s just say I’m spending an hour with a group coaching them, and you’ve got six people at $500 a person, that’s a good amount of money. That’s $3,000 for one month to sit with a group of people for four hours. It can be five or six hours, and still, that’s $3,000.
For me, that was like amazing. That was incredible, and you know what the reason why?
It’s because I stopped being worried about what people might think of something and started to consider the things that are close and dear to my heart. What are the things I think people should know about me and I want to know about them? What are the ways I want them to connect with me? What are the ways I want to connect with them? Skimming over the surface of who you are is never going to do it.
Let me share some more things about you so that you can feel what it’s like. Feel and understand who I am.
Know Who You Are Before You Try To Get Attention And Boost Followers
English is my second language. I came to The United States when I was eight years old, and my first year here in The United States, I was here pretty much by myself. I was adopted into a family that didn’t speak Spanish. I came to Seattle, Washington in 1991 when there wasn’t a lot of Latinos in Seattle, Washington.
The first school I went to, I didn’t know anybody. And no one else there spoke Spanish. No one could understand me. I couldn’t understand anyone. The process of coming to The United States and learning English was very hard for me. I want to skip forward a little bit with you and just share something more vulnerable with you.
Feel Your Calling To Help You Get Attention And Boost Followers
When I was 18 years old, I felt the strong calling. Honestly, I felt that calling from my mother who had passed away when I was five years old. I felt this calling from her even though I’d never got to know her and had a complicated past with her. I felt this sense that she was calling me to go back to Colombia. I didn’t know why but I just felt it. I wrote a letter to Colombia and sent it off.
Now, mind you, my adopted family and my birth family are not connected. They don’t know each other. There’s no connection there, but somehow, I had an address that I was able to send to a place in Colombia, and it got to one of my biological family members.
I went back to Colombia. I didn’t speak Spanish anymore. I had lost my cultural heritage, and I had to relearn Spanish. I went to Colombia in 2002 at a time when Colombia was considered the most dangerous place in the world to go to.
I reunited with all of my biological family, and I met father for the very first time in my life. I’ve never known my dad, and I had carried this story about my dad of him being a terrible person because he had abandoned me and had taken my brother and my sister, and not me. For that, I hated my dad.
In all honesty, I hated him, and I held a lot of resentment towards him but when I met him, some part of me shifted, and I felt I could forgive. I felt it was important for me to forgive.
Share Personal Stories To Connect, Get Attention, And Boost Followers
The point of this more than anything is, does me sharing that with you in any way connect us? Does it bond you and me? My hope is that it does because I shared something with you that are very personal and private about me.
I know that when you come out, be vulnerable, and share something private with me, I know that I honor, respect, appreciate that.
I know you might be feeling sensitive or thinking like, “Wait. How much is too much?” Like, “Luis’s story works, but I don’t’ want to share my story of being abused by my dad,” or “Being abused my mother,” or “Being raped,” or whatever might have happened to you. Maybe you’re starting to come up with these stories of what you could share.
There’s No Need To Share Everything To Get Attention And Boost Followers
I want you to know you can keep yourself safe and you don’t have to share everything to get attention and boost followers.
But one thing to know just to balance that out is when we look at Oprah, one of the things we know is she was molested by her uncle as a kid. We are aware she had a tough childhood. That’s one of the key things we are aware of her.
We also know Oprah struggled with weight most of her life. These are very personal struggles we are aware of some of the most famous people on the planet today.
We are aware some very personal things about them, and I don’t think these people certainly kept that stuff super close to their chest.
Famous Personalities Get Attention And Boost Followers By Sharing Their Struggles
Oprah, on many occasions, has talked about her childhood, the difficulty, and the struggles she’s had, and it’s part of what makes us connect with them.
Find a place that’s safe for you. Find that middle ground of safety and being vulnerable, but understand that vulnerability equals attention.
Vulnerability equals authenticity. We don’t have to share to get attention. We share to be authentic.When we’re authentic, people authentically and genuinely connect with us. -hat genuineness makes us also relatable, and that creates trust. That trust makes sales easy.
Share To Be Authentic Which Helps To Boost Followers
When we’re authentic, people authentically and genuinely connect with us. – Luis Congdon
That genuineness makes us also relatable, and that creates trust. That trust makes sales easy.
You don’t have to sell anymore. You can enroll people. You can invite people into your life. People will feel invited. They will come to you and clients will start chasing you.
Relate To People To Get Attention And Boost Followers
That’s the main reason why I want you to start sharing in this kind of way. It’s because if people can relate to you, and people can get who you are, and they get you, they will feel inclined to chase you. They will feel inclined to meet you. They will feel excited to enroll into whatever’s happening with you and whatever you’re up too.
Go out there and start sharing. Find that middle ground for yourself.
I’m excited to meet you, and I want to hear your success stories. I want to see your success.
If you have some stories you want to share with me about how this particular episode has impacted you, please let me know at