Best Business Ideas To Make Money – Trey Lewellen

In this episode, Trey Lewellen shares his experience with building a sustainable online business using the Market-First Approach.
Trey’s strategy is like stepping in front of a parade with a product you already know people will want to buy. This approach works!


You’ll save a lot of time and money when you create something that people want.
Using a market first approach yields a 9/10 success rate.
For surveys, you can use SurveyMonkey or Google Forms.
You can give away something for free so people want to take your survey.
When you’re consistent, you grow.
You can get your product in front of a parade through Facebook.
Facebook is a great resource if you’re running a local business. You can target within an area or within a zip code.
Once you have a product, you need to be able to sell it. You can use ClickFunnels as a platform to sell it.


Kamala Chambers
On this training Tuesday episode, we’re going to be talking about the best business ideas to make money.
Today, we are with Trey Lewellan. He’s going to be talking with us about how to create surveys and offers, and the best business ideas to make money. This guy knows his stuff so make sure you guys stay tuned and take notes. We’ve got some great stuff for you.

Luis Congdon
Hey, Thriving Launchers, today, let’s dive in about crafting an offer. A lot of people make mistakes when it comes to making an offer and doing it in the right way, and I’ve learned the hard way.
Before the show, Trey, Kamala and I were all taking and discussing. How do you make an offer? What are the best business ideas to make money? How do you stop yourself from doing all that work that goes into crafting an offer, crafting the program, and getting it out to the market?
There’s a variety of best business ideas to make money and it takes a lot of work to go into all those steps. I’ve made the mistake of doing this wrong.
Anyways, without further ado, let’s dive into the best business ideas to make money. Trey, are you ready to launch?

Luis Congdon
Thank you.

Luis Congdon
Before the show, Trey, Kamala and I, we were chatting and he was saying something that struck me about the best business ideas to make money. It’s pretty interesting.
He was talking about this product first versus market first or vice versa. What exactly does that mean? This is important because if you put one in front of the other, it’s like putting the cart in front of the horse. So, what is it?
What are the best business ideas to make money? Is it market first? Is it product first? What does that even mean?

Trey Lewellen
What does it mean? That’s a huge stumbling block for me. I’ve had that for a long time before we figured out our way, and you hit it just right on the right button there.
Do I start with product first approach or market first approach?
Here’s my explanation to what the heck does that even mean.
Misconception About The Best Business Ideas To Make Money

Trey Lewellen
For some, one of their business ideas to make money is a product first approach. It is when you go out and you’re like, “Oh my, gosh. I found this amazing product. It’s this water bottle that sprays water from the bottom instead of from the top. It’s going to be this amazing thing and everybody is going to love it.”
You start inventing the product. You get patents, trademarks, videos going in, and a website built. You get all these things ready to go up and you go for launch. You’ve run your first Facebook ad. You tell your neighbors or whatever and no one buys like it’s crickets.
That’s a product first approach. You think something that’s going to sell and you go to sell it. You did all the back end work, and no one buys it.
We could talk about podcast in a way too where you build all this huge content from a podcast, interview people, and you get your first five episodes recorded. You go to launch and it’s crickets. Nobody’s listening. You’re like, “Are these guys even interested?”
Market First Approach As One Of The Best Business Ideas To Make Money

Trey Lewellen
And so, I look at a market first approach, and that’s one of the best business ideas to make money and one of the golden secrets we keep pretty close to our chest or reveal it here for you guys. That is a market first approach and I learned this from a good old mentor of mine about three years ago named Carl White.
I and Carl White were on a phone call, and he goes, “You can look at how to sell a product or you can do getting in front of parade.”
He didn’t call it market first approach. He called it “Getting in front of parade.” He made it a lot simpler and more Layman terms.
I was like, “What do you mean by getting in front of a parade? What does that even mean?” He goes, “Let’s say the Fourth of July is coming up like July’s the next month. You know there’s going to be a parade there. You’re going to take your kids down there. It’s going to be awesome but what’s interesting about that parade is that people are going to be there.”
Someone has put together this event, not you. He or she took a lot of time to make a lot of people congregate in one place. So how can you get in front of that? What if you could just go down there and step in front of that parade with a product? Well, not just a product but a market first approach product.”
Best Business Ideas To Make Money – Survey First

Trey Lewellen
Whereas let’s say you and I got on Facebook and we created an ad. It was “What do you love to drink? Do you love lemonade? Do you love Kool-Aid? Do you love soda? Do you love water?” Give them five choices.
The survey comes back and says “The people in that area love Coca-Cola.” Perfect.
If I did a product first approach, I might say “Well, I love lemonade.” And since I love lemonade, other people must love lemonade. I go and spend all of my money and revenue. I go buy tons of lemonade from Walmart and I go down to sell lemonade.
Versus the guy doing a market first approach, which who did a survey, finds that they love Coca-Cola. So he would take all his money and go invest in Coca-Cola.
Both parties are at the parade selling Coca-Cola and the other selling lemonade. Who do you think has the best business ideas to make money and is going to sell more? It’s the guy with the Coca-Cola because he went out and he surveyed the audience. He got in front of the parade. That’s exactly what we do.
We take our market so we’re in specific niches. That’s one of the best business ideas to make money.
Best Business Ideas To Make Money – Be In Specific Niches

Trey Lewellen
I’m in two niches. The first niche is more of survival gear. The preppers are the people that think the world is coming to an end. Then, we have the Lumitact brand, which is our flashlights, solar panels, and flood lights. Those are the stuff we sell on that side and that’s more of our tactical kind of guy. We do the same thing with them.
When we go to China, we don’t go and just look for products. We know what we’re looking for because we’ve surveyed. We’ve asked questions like, “Hey, what do you guys buying right now? What’s the biggest thing that’s on your bucket list to go and purchase? What do you looking for?” They might say, “Oh, I’m looking for a flashlight that has five modes. It’s this bright, and it does this, and it looks like this.” Perfect, that’s exactly what we’re going to go create.
Versus us, on the other side trying to figure out what the next flashlight might look like, we ask our audience first which is one the best business ideas to make money.

Kamala Chambers
That’s something we always start with our clients. We want people to first ask the market what they want, and we’d sit down, and do surveys.
Utilizing The Best Business Ideas To Make Money Saves A Lot Of Time And Money

Kamala Chambers
I can’t say how many hours we’ve saved people utilizing the best business ideas. There are years of work that I’ve saved myself from doing the survey first because I know what it’s like on the other end to create a product first, and then have nobody buy it. It sank a lot of good time, energy and money into products.
If you think in the beginning the best business ideas to make money is you create the best product possible and people are going to buy, that’s not the case.
One of the best business ideas is making sure you are creating something that people always want.
What are some of the important questions that you ask when you go out and survey people?

Trey Lewellen
That’s a good question. I’ll give you a statistic, and then we can run into that.
Here’s a statistic on that since we’ve done this multiple times. When you go out for that product like saying, “This is the best product,” you’ll have a success rate about 5%-10% of selling that. That’s the success rate of being able to sell it at a large volume of numbers.
When you survey the audience before, and you go into finding which product they are currently buying, you have 90%-95% success rate of selling that.
You have 1/10 success rate on a product-first approach.
You have 9/10 success rate on a market first approach.
Pretty astonishing results is what we’ve found.
Survey Tools
So, on the survey wise, we use things such as like SurveyMonkey, or we’ll use Google Survey.

Kamala Chambers
Google forms.

Kamala Chambers
I love it.

Kamala Chambers
That’s the one we use. We used to use SurveyMonkey but we switched because there’s no limit to the amount of questions.

Trey Lewellen
They can go on forever. And sometimes, you have to.
First off, you got to figure out why someone would want to take your survey. For us, the best business ideas to make money is we always give away a GoPro camera. If they enter their email in at the end, that’s the way we can contact them. That’s give them a reason to fill out the survey, and we usually get around to 200 – 1000 survey entries from that, and we just post it to our Facebook fan page. Our fan page has around 300,000 likes.
But the questions are simple either depends on what we’re targeting or what we’re looking for.
Questions On A Survey And The Best Business Ideas To Make Money

Trey Lewellen
Let’s say it’s a T-shirt. Let’s say we’re going to go sell a T-shirt to him. So we might say, “What’s your favorite color of T-shirt that you love wear.” Soon, they might say, “Oh, it’s pink” or “It’s white” or “It’s black.” I’m like, “Okay. Majority says that they wear white T-shirts.” So that would be the color of our shirt.
And then, we say “Do you wear shirts that have designs on the front or that they have on the back or they’re on both?” Okay. Majority says they just wear designs with them on the back.” Perfect. Now, we know where to put the design.
And then, we say, “Take a picture of your favorite shirt and send it to us.”
And so, then, you get all these photos of all these favorite shirts, of course, because they want to win the GoPro. And then, we get to analyze these shirts and see what they’re using? What’s the common denominator? What’s the saying like? What’s the image like? What’s it look like? What’s the feel of the shirt? That’s a good way for us to find out how we’re going to sell shirts. That’s one of the best business ideas to make money.
Know The Perfect Product And The Best Business Ideas To Make Money

Trey Lewellen
For different products, you might be just asking them, “What’s your favorite survival tool?” and they might come back with knives. “Well, what’s your favorite type of knife? Is it a folding knife? Is it a straight edge blade knife? How long is the knife? Does it come with a sheath?” You can ask for things like that. “When you’re buying a knife, what do you look for in a knife?” And they’ll comment and talk about it.
So basically, they’re describing to you their perfect knife as they see it in their eyes, and then we go and manufacture that out of China.

Kamala Chambers
That’s great.
Best Business Ideas To Make Money – Filtering People

Kamala Chambers
I find that the title of the survey helps to qualify the type of people you want to take the survey. Maybe you only want women who are of the Christian faith and looking for love. Maybe that’s the type of person you want taking the survey. That helps to filter out from the very beginning.
Not everybody’s going to give away a Gopro for an email address. I’ve seen a lot of different ways of doing this but I think that’s fantastic that you do that, and you offer that.

Luis Congdon
Well Trey, is it everyone who enters or is it one lucky person who look like go into a drawing or is it every single email?

Luis Congdon
A lot of us could maybe afford to buy one thing that is maybe a couple hundred dollars or $50 or $100, and “It’s enter your name and email for a chance to win.” I just wanted to clarify that Trey isn’t giving every single person that gives an email a GoPro.

Luis Congdon
I’m ready. I don’t even want a knife. I don’t even use knives but I want that GoPro so I’ll make up something.
Here’s the other thing too. For a number of people listening to the show, I know that some of you maybe don’t particularly have an audience yet. Maybe you’re just getting started or you don’t have that 300,000 fans on your fan page.
What do you recommend to some of the people that are maybe just more like coaches or they run local businesses. And so they don’t have this huge reach like you gave an example off?
Start Small – Best Business Ideas To Make Money

Trey Lewellen
I started with one like, and that’s a big thing that we catch out. People get bound onto that too. Like, “Oh my gosh. They checked out.” They heard me and say, “300,000 likes.” like, “Ugh! Never mind. I only have a one like.”
You have to understand that I didn’t have a like either.
I started with one like. I started with one email. You started with one podcast listener and that’s what’s amazing about when you do things on a consistent basis is you grow. We grew the 300,000 likes overtime. We grew our email database to 1.2 million people overtime.
Utilizing Facebook As One Of The Best Business Ideas To Make Money

Trey Lewellen
When you don’t have that parade, you have to go out and get in front of the parade. You can do that through Facebook. Facebook’s a great resource because if you’re running a local business. You can target within an area, within a zip code, within ten miles of a radius.
I used to sell insurance. If I was looking to know what the biggest problems were when buying insurance, I would survey my entire clienteles.
Sending Survey Through Email – Best Business Ideas To Make Money

Trey Lewellen
I had maybe 12,000 or 20,000 clients. I would mail them the survey. I’d say, “Hey. Here’s a stamped envelope. Here’s a two page survey. Can you complete this for me? Do me a solid and send it back.” We’d have a high response rate on that because they’re used to getting mail from me.
If you’re running a local business, you could totally do that. If people are coming in, you could say, “Hey. Fill out the survey and we’ll give you a chance to win a free dinner. It’s pretty simple on the survey and getting those results.
Then, compiling those results is the fun piece to figuring “What is it that they’re wanting? Do they want a cheeseburger now? Do they want a different type of lettuce?” “What are we missing? What are we doing wrong? How can we improve? How can we increase our core values?”
And that’s when we get into what I call funnels or carts.
Using Facebook Groups and LinkedIn Groups – Best Business Ideas To Make Money

Kamala Chambers
One thing I’d love to also throw in there is you were talking about maybe targeting with Facebook ads to get people to fill out the survey. Also, using Facebook groups or LinkedIn groups is one of the best business ideas to make money.
If you know who your market is on a very general level like if they’re women that are entrepreneurs, you go find women entrepreneur groups. You go into there, and engage with people or find people to send that off on an individual level.
Anything else about the survey that you think is essential?

Trey Lewellen
That’s the biggest piece.
So then, it comes down to doing your due diligence and looking up.
Hack To Survey
So if you’re selling products, a good sneaky hack to surveys is when they enter those email addresses, you can go over to Amazon and there’s something called Amazon Wish List.
Maybe you’ve added items to your wish list before but the Amazon wish list is a sneaky way of finding out what’s your avatar? What’s your person? Who’s this new client that’s coming into your space? What are they buying? What are they currently purchasing on Amazon?
With the wish list, you can go in and type in their email. You’ll get about 30% returns on that. So out of 100 people, you get about 30 people that you’ll get to see their wish list. Because most people don’t know, but everybody who signs up for Amazon, their wish list is public. If the email is the same as their Amazon login, that wish list will appear.
And so, what we do is we use that for recon. We’ll go in and look at our database of people who we have on our email list. We’ll see what they’re buying and what they are saving to their wish list. That will give us a good idea of common products that our types of people are purchasing within our niche. That’s one of the best business ideas we have.

Kamala Chambers
That’s a great hack that you just gave everyone.

Luis Congdon
Yeah, that’s definitely one I’ve never heard and I like that.
One that I have heard of that I also like is you can look at things that person has reviewed, opinions about the reviews, or their opinions about the product they reviewed. Then, you kind of get an idea of what kind of products does this person like, dislike, and how they tend to review them. It just helps you get an overall sense of who this person is.
Funnels And The Best Business Ideas To Make Money

Trey Lewellen
Once you have a product, you need to be able to sell it. You need a platform to sell it on, and what we use is ClickFunnels.
ClickFunnels allows us to show the product, collect credit cards for the product, and then ship out the product. And so, I wanted to give you guys or your audience at least, the exact funnel we used to make our first million dollars. We optimized it. It’s to perfection. It’s our Wolf Oil funnel. It’s where we sold gun oil to our gun members. I can give you that link.

Kamala Chambers
Thank you so much for offering that.
Before we go, what I would love to just put out there is that there are so many different types of products you could put out to the world. You need to have the funnel in place on the back end, but what we’ve been talking about is the survey.
Maybe you don’t have specific things you ask about with a knife but if you’re creating an online course, you might want to know how someone feels about a subject, emotions around the struggle they’re having and things like that.
We can dive into that more and we talk about that on some other episodes.
Before we go, what is the last gem you would say the Thriving Launchers could go out and apply today to utilize the best business ideas to make money?
Best Business Ideas To Make Money – Start Today

Trey Lewellen
That’s one of the best business ideas to make money. You can’t get caught up in the little cracks of the world and bottlenecks that comes against you. The biggest step is to start implementing today.
It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a fan page. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have an audience. It doesn’t matter. Just start.
I started with one fan page like. I put my pants on the same way you guys put your pants on, the same way your listeners put their pants on. There’s no difference between any of us.

Kamala Chambers
Trey, it’s been fantastic being here with you talking about the best business ideas to make money.
Thriving Launchers, I encourage you all to look at what the offer is you want to put out there.
If you do want to create an offer, make sure you’re asking up front, that the market wants it, that people are hungry for it, that people are going to buy it before you create anything.
It’s been so valuable to be here with Trey. I encourage you all to go out. Start applying some of the steps we’ve learned today about the best business ideas to make money.
Keep thriving everyone.
Cool podcast was a great listen and i look forward to reading more on your site
Thank you! Keep thriving!