Be Unapologetically You – Davide Di Giorgio

In this episode with Davide Di Giorgio, the founder of the Unapologetic Speaker, he talks about what it means to be unapologetic and how to stay true to yourself.
Each one of us is a miracle, and no one has your unique view on the world. Don’t be afraid of being yourself because you’ll make much impact and change people’s lives.


Being unapologetic is about showing who you are, having an opinion, and changing the way people think.
When you’re unapologetic, you stand fully in your idea and power, and you can truly make an impact on the world.
When you talk about your vision and the bigger picture of your life, people move.
If each of us had our own one percent who resonates with us, we would be making much impact for the world.
No one has your unique view on the world.
When you craft the message that is specific to you, you get a wider reach and a deeper impact every single time.
Look at what you love, what people want more of, and what you want in your life.
Stay in discovery and let your message evolve as you evolve as a person.


Luis Congdon
Hey Thriving Launchers, you want to learn how to be unapologetically you, fully you, in your power in a way that resonates with your ideal audience? We’re going to talk all that on today’s episode and more.

Kamala Chambers
Today, we are here the founder of The Unapologetic Speaker membership community. He is a TEDx, speaker coach. We are here with Davide Di Giorgio.

Luis Congdon
All right, Thriving Launchers, let’s talk about how to get your voice and message heard and be unapologetically you.
Without further ado, Davide, are you ready to launch?

Davide Di Giorgio
I am ready.

Luis Congdon
David, you do this whole thing, unapologetic public speaker. You were telling us before the interview and wish would have push ‘record’ because that was amazing.
Tell me, what does to be unapologetically you mean?

Davide Di Giorgio
It’s funny because part of this came to be because I am originally Canadian. I still am Canadian, and we’re known for being very apologetic. If I bump into you, I’m going to say “I’m sorry.”
Be Unapologetically You In Everything

Davide Di Giorgio
There’s a point in my life where I just got tired of apologizing for everything, for who I am, for having an opinion that might not fit the molds, and at all of it.
And so, I started using the word unapologetic in my business, and people began to resonate, and what was interesting is there was total polarity. People either loved it or hated it. I think everyone can agree. When you get to something like that, you know you have something.
I had people tell me, “Oh no. Don’t use that word. It’s just terrible. The definition is negative.”
What It Means To Be Unapologetically You

Davide Di Giorgio
For me, unapologetic is about showing up who you are, having an opinion, shaking things up; not on purpose to shake things up, but to cut through the noise, and to have an idea that changes the way people think.
We don’t need another version of Google out there. We can get all the content we need from Google. What we need is thought leaders, and leaders who lead, and maybe they give us a reason to reject them, and maybe they give us a reason to accept them.
Be Unapologetically You To Make An Impact

Davide Di Giorgio
That’s the blueprint for my life, and that’s what I’m up to, and that’s what I am creating for my clients as well.

Kamala Chambers
For some people, that’s incredibly radical to think about putting your message out there in whatever way you want to.
For those people that it feels like a big scary ledge to jump off of, what do you say to them?
To Be Unapologetically You Means Flying From A Scary Ledge

Davide Di Giorgio
Yeah, and it is scary to be unapologetically you. Here’s the thing.
When you’re on that ledge, what if you fly? For as much as you think to yourself “What if people don’t like me?” there are many stories of successful people who had to do scary things and say things that were a little bit off-color or a little bit not quite with where everyone else was going. And they can attribute their success to that defining moment.
Go To The Ledge And Fly To Be Unapologetically You

Davide Di Giorgio
I invite on purpose entrepreneurs, experts, and people who have a message that they want to share to the world to go to the ledge, and ask themselves, “What if I fly?”

Kamala Chambers
I think some people want to get their message out there, and they aren’t afraid.
What about the people that aren’t afraid, but they just don’t know what it’s going to take to put themselves out there in the ways that you’re talking about. Do you have any tips for them?

Davide Di Giorgio
Be Unapologetically You – Tell Everyone What Your Message Is

Davide Di Giorgio
Whenever I work with speakers or entrepreneurs who want to put a message out into the world, step one is always telling everyone. By that, I mean everyone; your Uber driver, your family, the people you meet on the street, people you meet on public transportation. Lead with vision.
One of the biggest questions people always ask me is like, “Oh, I just want more speaking engagements.” I’m like, “Okay, well, that’s not your vision.”
Instead of trying to think small like “I want a speaking engagement,” talk about getting clients for example, and more people would resonate with that.”
Instead of asking for the clients, why don’t you talk about what you’re up to?
Be Unapologetically You To Move People Into Action

Davide Di Giorgio
Your way of being when you talk about your vision and the bigger picture of your life moves people into action.
When you speak vision, people move, and you start to get that idea, and you start to become known for what it is you believe, and people resonate with that.
So yeah, telling everyone is a big thing.

Luis Congdon
I love that, and I know you’re pretty good about doing that.
Hesitance To Be Unapologetically You

Luis Congdon
When I first got started in being an entrepreneur, I was hesitant to tell everyone. Public speaking, I was a little hesitant to do it as well because the idea of getting your message out there and being unapologetic also means there’s going to be some people that don’t like you.

Davide Di Giorgio
Exactly, but here’s the thing.
Let’s say you’re speaking in front of an audience of 500 and you say, “What if they don’t like me?” and I always ask this question, “What if one person in the audience, what if you saved their life or you changed the trajectory of their life? What if? Is it worth it for that one person?” Every single time, the answer is ‘Yes.’
Be Unapologetically You And Resonate With That One Percent

Davide Di Giorgio
If it’s worth it that you put your message out there, and maybe you turn off 499 people, but that one person resonates, that’s your tribe.
If each of us had our own one percent on this beautiful big planet, we would be making so much impact and so much positive change for the world.
Focus On That One Percent Of The Population

Davide Di Giorgio
Focus on that one percent of the population, and I invite to consider that it’s going to be over one per cent, but even if it was one percent, that’s pretty good numbers when you look at the whole seven billion.

Kamala Chambers
I can tend to be this person who sees a lot of different sides of things. I think I respect people’s opinions a lot. I’m not one of those people that are like, “I have this belief, and this is the way it is.” If I’m not like that, and some of our listeners aren’t like that, what do you say to them?
Because, if you’re just putting yourself out there, but you don’t have these radical opinions about things that are going just to shake things up, do you still have a powerful enough message?

Davide Di Giorgio
Be Unapologetically You As Each One Of Us Is A Miracle

Davide Di Giorgio
I always question that though because you are uniquely you. Whether we look at it from a religious or scientific standpoint, we are all miracles. If we are all miracles, then we have something to contribute to this planet. And that is unique and in itself. In it of itself is radical.
It doesn’t mean you have to be a radical or an activist or anything like that.
Your unique view of the world, no one else has it. Your unique experience of the world, no one else has that. It’s as unique as your fingerprint.
When you just speak from the heart and say, “This is what I believe about something, this is my experience,” that’s when we can create lasting transformation for the masses.
Speak Authentically And Be Unapologetically You

Davide Di Giorgio
It doesn’t have to be radical, but it has to be uniquely and authentically you. When you talk without trying to funnel people or without trying to figure out “Who am I speaking to and I want to say what they want to hear,” and you just effectively speak your truth, you’ll make an impact.
I’m just saying go and say whatever you want.

Luis Congdon
That’s inspiring, Davide. I appreciate that insight, and I love it 100%.
Be Unapologetically You – How To Know

Luis Congdon
I’m curious. How do we know if we’re living up to that? Because I know some of us are going to gauge that by the response of the audience or how people are responding on social media. We’re getting enough likes, comments. Are we getting a standing ovation? Are people patting us on the back? Are people crying?
To me, some of that seems challenging. It’s because I know that some of us have this unique perspectives or insights, and when we’re first crafting them, we might not speak it or share it in the most compelling, inviting, enrolling type of way, but it’s the blossoming of an opinion or the blossoming of a perspective.
Reasons Why You Stop To Be Unapologetically You

Luis Congdon
Then, there’s going to be some of us that even when we share what a radical thing for us is, people might not respond strongly, and then we might feel off-put. We might not feel like continuing that journey of developing and crafting that message.
How do we know we’re being on purpose and giving that energy you’re talking about?

Davide Di Giorgio
I love that question.
Be Unapologetically You By Recommitting And Reexamining

Davide Di Giorgio
If you feel you’re shying away from what you believe, then you need to recommit and reexamine.
Now, how do you know if it’s landing?
There are a couple of things you can do.
Be Unapologetically You And Try Different Wording

Davide Di Giorgio
First, I always invite people not to change your message right away because that’s what we often do. Like you try a post even on Facebook and it tanks, and then we never post about that thing again. That’s a mistake. Try again. Just be relentless about it. Try different wording, and ask people for this type of feedback.
I learned this when I was a teacher.
Be Unapologetically You And Ask People For Feedback

Davide Di Giorgio
Ask people, “What did you love and what do you want more of?? Or “What did you love about my message and what would you like to hear more of?” That way, you’re not inviting people to cut you down. You’re asking people to highlight what’s working, and that shifts people’s thinking. They start to think, “Oh yeah. Well, in this part of your idea or the message you share, I like this. And, if you could craft it a little more to this direction, yeah, I think I could get it even more.”
And then, what you do is you look at what you love, what people want more of, and what you want more of in your life. It’s an interesting phenomenon.
Be Unapologetically You By Doing More Of What You Love

Davide Di Giorgio
Abundance attracts abundance.

Davide Di Giorgio
But you have to always come back to telling everyone, building that momentum for yourself, having the vision guide you, and not letting anything get in the way of you moving towards the vision.

Kamala Chambers
Do you have a little exercise or tip you would give on how to uncover more of your message?

Davide Di Giorgio
It’s a little bit different for everyone so when I work with people, I keep them in the discovery phase for a long time, and I guess this is the exercise.
Be Unapologetically You And Stay In The Discovery Mode

Davide Di Giorgio
Especially for starting entrepreneurs, and even as you’re building and you have somewhat of a base, your speaking brand, figuring out what your idea brand is, takes some time.
The best thing you can do is to stay in discovery mode, and always just be asking for that feedback. What did you love about what I shared? What would you like to hear more of? And always checking yourself using your emotions as the compass for, “Am I in alignment with what I truly believe? Does this fill my cup and fill my life, and does it allow me to overflow into other people?”
Be Unapologetically You And Let Your Message Evolve

Davide Di Giorgio
Here’s the tip. It’s a mistake to say “This is going to be my message and I’m sticking to it no matter what.” Instead, stay in discovery. Let it evolve. As you develop as a person, so will your message. Not necessarily committing to one static idea.
It took me quite some time to get to unapologetic, to be real with you. I was using “unforgettable” for quite some time, which is cool, but it doesn’t cut through.
Difference Between Trying To Unforgettable And Be Unapologetically You

Davide Di Giorgio
“Unforgettable” is kind of like, “Okay, yeah. I want to be unforgettable.” and then I landed on unapologetic, and I saw the reactions it had with people.
But this has been like one, a lifelong process, and two, it’s been a couple of years specifically working on the branding and the idea to get to “unapologetic.” Now, I’m writing a whole book with the title Unapologetic and all these “un” words that are going to be parts of the chapters, but I gave myself two good years of figuring it out, and watching, and paying attention to myself.
Take The Time To Be Unapologetically You

Davide Di Giorgio
Take the time. Be in discovery so that you give that idea a chance to bubble up and perk away, and manifest itself in a way that is going to be impactful and lasting.

Luis Congdon
I love that.
Davide, it’s fantastic to have you here talking about how to be unapologetically you.
Allow Shifts To Happen To Be Unapologetically You

Luis Congdon
Thriving Launchers, if there’s anything I’ve gotten out of today’s conversation is that discovery phase, the importance of taking some time to discover, to question, to go inwards and explore to find out what your purpose is, and allowing that to shift and change.
I know that as I went through this interview, I started asking myself some of those questions, and felt myself changing. Now, I feel very open just to be in the space of questioning, discovery, and asking, and as Davide put it, letting that percolate, and then seeing what happens.
Thriving Launchers, I hope you got some out of this interview. Whatever it was, we’re excited and feel free to write us and let us know what you got out of today’s discussion, and keep thriving you all.