Balancing Work and Life – Tony Pennells

Your Path to Financial Freedom (Financially Fit) – Book By. Dr. Tony Pennells
How To Cure Money Stress – Book By Dr. Tony Pennells
Thriving Launch School – Create and sell your own online course
ClickFunnels (easiest way to build your entire sales funnel website – 14 days Free)

Some people think that entrepreneurs have less stress and spend less time at work than regular employees who work from 9-5. Well, that’s a myth. Entrepreneurs often overlook the need for balancing work and life, which results in more stress and longer hours.
In this interview with Dr. Tony Pennells, a financial advisor, he shares his advice on how you can free yourself from money-related stress by seeing yourself and your business as separate entities.


The key to balancing work and life is to always begin with your ultimate goal in mind.
Out of every dollar you earn, put some money aside for your future, to build your personal financial freedom, and to ensure a balance of work and life.
Don’t mix your personal money and your business money.
If you don’t have at least 3 month’s worth of expenses in reserve, maintain a job and start your business part-time.

Are you struggling with balancing work and life

Kamala Chambers
We are here with a very special guest, going to be talking about marriage and divorce of personal and business lives, how to cure your money stress, both your personal and business life while balancing work and life and how to create financial freedom.
This is a really big topic, and it’s kind of branching out for us because a lot of the times we’ve talked about very clear and specific things.
We’re having on Dr. Tony Pennells. He is a former medical doctor, currently a financial advisor, and an author. He teaches people how to be financially free while balancing work and life.
We’re so excited to have you here.
Dr. Tony Pennells, are you ready to launch?

Tony Pennells
I’m ready to launch, and thank you for having me on the show.

Luis Congdon
It’s really fantastic to have you here because one of the things that we struggle with is money. When I say we, I think it’s just a human thing regardless of where you’re at in your life financially. Money is the biggest issue in balancing work and life. Before having you come on the show, we were like, “should we have him on the relationship podcast?” However, we know that divorce rates and people’s reports around why they divorce is, they usually say it’s around money.
Money is a really big thing and it doesn’t matter if you’re poor or rich. I know that one of the topics that you’re passionate about is and you’ve titled it, “Marriage and Divorce of Personal and Business Lives to Cure Money Stress.”
Can you tell me what you mean by that? That is such a headline. It’s such a grab. It’s such a hook. Tell me what you mean by this divorce of money, business and personal life and how do you relate it to balancing work and life.

Tony Pennells
I’d be happy to.
I think the specifics here are so many entrepreneurs and business owners, they get into business because they’re passionate about a contribution and what they want to do but equally they get into business because they believe it’s going to give them to create a freedom, of time freedom, of money freedom and opportunities that they wouldn’t have if they just stayed in a regular job and obviously a gateway to balancing work and life.
However, the reality of what we see is that so many business owners out there end up working longer hours, and it can be very easy to get trapped in their business. Consequently, often they are taking irregular and poor wages and income personally from their business. So they’re working longer hours for lesser income ultimately 80% of businesses end up closing. They never end up selling for some value that allows them to build that personal financial freedom which is needed in balancing work and life.
Balancing work and life – A myth

Luis Congdon
Tony, as you talk about that, I want to dive in for a moment because I’ve recently picked up a book and I was skimming through it. I think it was called The Entrepreneur Myths and one of the facts that is stated is, most entrepreneurs work around 30-40% more than those people who are employed full-time.
Entrepreneurs experience deeper stress, and they have a really hard time having this divorce between your work life and personal life because if you’re an entrepreneur, your work life and your personal life in many ways are intertwined. If you don’t make enough sales, then you can forget about buying that things that you want and you are going to face challenges associated with balancing work and life.
Nevertheless, if you have a job, you have that steady income and you can budget and you go, “Okay! I’m going to clock out at this time.” I just want to jump in there and say, “Yeah! There’s this big thing that entrepreneurs go through,” and there’s this big myth that people have that, “If I’m an entrepreneur I’m going to make more money,” or “I’m going to have less stress,” but all contrary.
If you want to get into the business world, and run your own business without failing at balancing work and life, I just want to prepare you for some of the challenges and struggles that we’re talking about right now.

Tony Pennells
That is true but there are other key elements that new people in this space face, key mistakes that they make which acutely increase stress. It is not necessary if they just know how to set up the business correctly.

Luis Congdon
This is really important. Kamala and I, we run a business together, and we definitely have gone through some huge growing pains and growth points particularly due to failure in balancing work and life. We work together and live together and this week we’re going to go on a podcast called Together 24/7, which is all about working and living together. It’s funny because we work all day, and have little spats about how something should be, or will have these awesome creative surges when we’re together for like 5 hours straight creating this incredible thing, and then we’re like “Okay. Now let’s go have a date night.”

Kamala Chambers
More time together.

Tony Pennells
Totally. It is about balancing work and life both simultaneously, isn’t it?

Luis Congdon
So yeah! Go ahead Tony. It’s so fascinating what you’re talking about. I love how apropos it is.

Tony Pennells
Well, if you start with a context difference. Most business owners come in and they start looking and saying, “How do I serve my client? What do I do here? How do I propose my product? What will they afford and the like?” That’s not quite the right place to start.
If you change your context, and you look at your personal world and your personal life. Let’s say if the two of you were starting a new business, you’re sacrificing the regular income that you might get from a job, and the two of you are diving to business.
The actual starting point is to say, “Okay! There are some facts of life.” You need to keep a roof over your head, you need to keep closing your back, you need to keep food on the table, and you’ve got a certain level of life that makes life worth living. It just makes it enjoyable, makes it okay, while balancing work and life.
So what do you need? How much do you need in your personal world?
Forget about your business. Just forget about that. Divorce it away from you.
How much do you need to personally be okay and then identifying that number. And a ballpark there to start with is a good enough number and I recognize it for a lot of businesses when they get it going. It is a case of reinvesting in your business and getting it up and firing and running but you still need to wait. You still need to keep closing your back, and you are still required to keep a roof over your head.
Leave your business out. Divorce it. Then you go, “Okay! How do you make sure that you have that amount coming to you regularly?” And it needs to be regulated. You need to have the confidence of knowing that in your personal life, you have that regular income and revenue coming in.
If you get that number of how much do you personally need in place, a massive amount of your stress will go away from your personal world.
And then for a lot of business owners, they go, “Okay. You need to set that paying yourself out of your business right up front.” Set up a regular payment that comes out of your business to you personally and don’t mix your personal and business money. You keep them completely separate. Treat it like a completely separate person, a completely separate entity or business.
You need to make sure that your business isn’t you. Your business is set up separately to you. You don’t mix your personal money and your business money. You don’t take your hand into the pot of your business account and take out personal expenses open above that regular amount coming in.
The business equally needs the certainty of knowing what its expenses are and it’s treating you as an employee in that regard.
But wait, beware of one thing. Your business isn’t you. You need to separate these two entities – you and your business. You must never commit the blunder of mixing your personal money and your business money.
For the business, you are just an employee, so you do not have the luxury of dipping into the coffers of the business and pulling out money for personal expenses for balancing work and life. The enterprise needs to decipher its income and expenses for certain. Do not disturb that estimate.

Consider balancing work and life from the initial days of your new venture

Luis Congdon
Doctor Tony, I’m failing. I’m a failure. I just take all my money, and I throw it into one big thing and I say, “Let’s just save all of these in one big lump.”

Kamala Chambers
I think one thing that really happens for a lot of business owners when they start out is that they do end up just paying to have a business, and I’ve seen this happen a lot. People are not able to balance in investing, leave alone balancing work and life.
A few years ago I was approached about being able to scale my business, and merge it with another company. I had my entire personal expenses wrapped up with my business expenses and I wasn’t really in a position to value my company because of that. So my business wasn’t a scalable. The partnership wasn’t as doable. We did find a way to work it out, but that’s just one reason out of many to create a separate business from your personal business.
I’d love to hear more about how do we separate our business from us to ensure balancing work and life? What if you don’t have a lot of income coming in the very beginning of your business? And it does require more initial investment.

Tony Pennells
True. So, if you now look at the structure of your business and allow this to actually happen. If you talk about what it looks like, and then we’ll go back and look at what are your circumstances coming in.
For your business to give you that regular income, it needs a reserve. It can’t be running on empty engine. It can’t be running on petrol fumes.
You’ve got to have at least 3 months’ worth of expenses as reserve in your business to allow you to have the confidence of having that certainty of that income coming out to you.
So if you’re setting your business up for the first time, you’ve got to make sure that you actually have reserves to carry you through that initial start-up period right else you will face challenges in balancing work and life.
If you don’t, dropping all your other income strings out and say, “I’m going to dive into this business full -time.” My preference, if somebody is asking me for advice and recommendation to start a business, I’ll say to them, “Have two years’ worth of living expenses set aside so that you could be yourself breathing, reaming time to allow your business to get started, get going, and get growing because you still need to eat.”
If you don’t have that reserve, maintain a part-time or a full-time job and start your business part-time to get it through that early phase, to get the revenue coming through the door until you can see that sustainability, and that it can afford to give you the basic living requirements.
If your business isn’t sustainable, you’re going to create acute stress in your personal world and you’re going to make short-term business decisions. You’re probably going to end up being a statistic with a failing business ultimately.

Luis Congdon
I’m going to agree with Dr. Tony. If you’re listening, I’m a 100% in agreement.
A little background story about me, a couple of years ago I was staying on my friend’s couch, and I didn’t want to go back to the 9-5 job. I had a little bit of savings, but by little bit I mean like maybe a couple of hundred dollars. I really didn’t have very much. I was trying to blog and trying to understand business. It was a really hard for me to do my business.
Now, when you’re talking, I’m thinking, “Man, that’s just so incredibly planned out. No wonder Tony is a financial advisor.” Since Kamala and I got into this together, and we just took the leap again. We had enough saving so we could live off of it, and work our tails off.
However, we weren’t so planned in balancing work and life out as Tony’s suggesting. If I was going to do it again or coach someone through it, I would not want them to experience that stress of having just a couple hundred dollars in your account and trying to make it, but probably not going to.

Tony Pennells
Let’s be honest, and tell the listeners here. And thanks for talking me up there as well.

Luis Congdon
So have you made these mistakes to Dr. Pennells?

Tony Pennells
Of course! Business world is the place where you tend to make these mistakes and you are very private about it. You learn so much from these mistakes while balancing work and life. You don’t want anybody to feel and think things are tough for you because you want to create this illusion and all that fluff of success. It can be a very lonely place because you think, “Maybe it’s just me.”
However, the reality is that there’s a vast majority of people out there making these basic mistakes while balancing work and life because they’re not getting the right coaching coming through. They’re just sitting quietly trying to figure out themselves, presuming that they should be able to know this.

Kamala Chambers
So what do you feel like is the next step for people? I mean, I know that you work a lot with people who feel like they don’t deserve money, or that they have a lot of personal hang-ups around money, or that they will never succeed in balancing work and life.
What do you think is the next step to break through some of those mindset barriers?

Tony Pennells
The key is always to begin with the ultimate end in mind.
The game of money is to break the link between your time and money to ultimately create a time freedom, to create your freedom so you can live your life on your terms without exchanging your time for money. Ultimately in all of our lives, we will reach a point where we can’t work for money anymore.
Create your freedom so that you can live your life on your terms without exchanging your time for money. Because ultimately in all of our lives, we will reach a point where we can’t work for money anymore
Something will happen physically or mentally or we would just “Hey, I’m out of here,” Call it retirement or whatever you like but we will reach a point where we no longer want to exchange our time for money.
So if you know that, why don’t you step-by-step reduce the reliance on your working income both from your business, job, or career?
The way to do that is you need to build what I call a freedom generator.

Tony Pennells
You will need to cull the money out of your business to create the desired freedom while balancing work and life. It cannot stay locked in there forever. It’s all got to come out regularly or it’s ultimately got to be an exit strategy that you’re getting enough money out of your business to build this freedom generator, which is a collection of investments and assets, that pay cash flow which allows you not to have to exchange your time for money. That’s the end context in mind.
How do you secure your personal financial world outside of the business?
When you’re starting out a business, you are going to think “That so seems fine down the track.”
You never begin any endeavor without knowing how you’re going to get out of it.
From a business owner point of view, what I’d ask your listeners if they’re starting a business for the first time is, “what type of business are you actually building?
Businesses are either created within or around you while balancing work and life and creating desired freedom

Tony Pennells
This is your expertise, your ability to exchange your time for a premium revenue out there in the market place. That type of business will ultimately never sell because your clients come for you and somebody can’t easily replicate you. but will ultimately, it won’t sell or if it does sell, will not sell for a premium price.
So, if you’re building that type of business you need to be looking right from the early days at how do you maximize your revenue, keep your expenses low, and have more chargeable hours out there in the market place.
You need to gradually take out of the business very early on enough so that it’s more than just enough for you today. It must also be enough for paying your future self-first, for not having to grope around balancing work and life. Also, for building your personal freedom generator because that business will probably never have a real cash event at the end.
A business where each step of your strategy and the entire plan is making you become an increasingly irrelevant piece of the overall business machinery.
Step-by-step, the business is going to rely on you less and less to the point where it ultimately doesn’t need you at all. And so, balancing work and life becomes comparatively easy for you.

Luis Congdon
That’s the kind of business I want.

Tony Pennells
That’s the kind of business most people delude themselves that they’re actually building.
If you are building that type of business, what you’re trying to do is bring people into your team who are actually better than you. In certain skills and certain areas, you’re bringing people who can do better than you and help you out in balancing work and life.

Luis Congdon
You’re hired Dr. Tony.

Tony Pennells
And, in that business, because the likely who had there is you actually playing a longer game. So light up the gate. What type of business are you actually building? If you’re building these two types of businesses, then what you’re forgoing securing your personal financial world. You’re playing a game of Russian roulette. It’s a dangerous game.
Avoid stress by balancing work and life

Luis Congdon
It makes sense because a lot of people start a business with the idea of working themselves out of a job and balancing work and life effortless but, what they end up doing is they work themselves into deeper work.
It’s funny because I recently heard an interview with Sean Combs aka Puff Daddy. The interviewer asked him, “I heard that you don’t sleep very much and you have lots of trouble sleeping because you’re constantly worried about your business.” Sean replied, “Yeah. Honestly I can’t really get much sleep because I’m constantly having ideas or I’m worried or I want to make sure that the level of expertise in the way that I would handle things are being followed through that way. So I really can’t sleep very often.”

Tony Pennells
It’s a stressful situation. My last business was very much like that as well on the personal side. But, the reality of it is that because of those efforts which I put in balancing work and life, I had built my freedom generator. I had enough income coming in that I didn’t need any income or revenue from that business.
I was building a business, we had a hundred advisors build-up and were pretty fast-growing but, with the fast-growing, brings a lot of potential stress to it. However, ultimately I was then able to exit out of that business as well when the time became right but I’d already built my freedom generator leading to perfection in balancing work and life.

Luis Congdon
Just reflecting back on when you mentioned those two different kinds of businesses. I thought you were going to say there are two different kinds of businesses, one that makes money the other doesn’t.
Hiring an amazing team that helps in balancing work and life

Kamala Chambers
I really appreciate this business too that you’re talking about, where it’s more scalable. You can bring other people in to do the work for you, who can do things better than you can.
Do you recommend starting off small and building up to that, maybe with a virtual assistant and then building your team? How do you recommend going about doing that?

Tony Pennells
Considering whether to get a VA or build a team depends on what circumstances you have around you at the time you’re starting the business.
If you’re starting business initially without much capital, and you need to draw a wage from the business I would recommend that you would start with the business that’s built around you. You would start with yourself be your own personal assistant and do the grunt work yourself. Get things up and running in order to make balancing work and life possible in the long run and do not rely on assistants so early for the help.
I would focus on the front end of making sure you’ve got your phone ringing, and that you’ve got a steady stream of new clients coming in and you monetize the business as fast as you can. That’s where I put my image in my focus before I put the image into admin cos.
I’ll then make sure that as my time was being truly used in areas that we’re serving clients, I would then bring administrative support behind like a VA to help me get more time for dollar productive activities.
Nonetheless, before I invest administrative cost in the business, for me the ability to get your phone ringing, your lead funnel created, or flow of revenue into your business is a far higher priority in terms of getting to that space.
Get the money coming in regularly, build up a reserve in your business, and then deliberately start transitioning across to a Business Two, where you’re building a team, if that’s what you want because that’s an investment in system’s processes and people. That’s going to take time as well as money.

Kamala Chambers
Yeah. I’m a big believer in initial bootstrapping and finding ways to cut the cost looking for lower cost software and systems to use in the beginning. As you grow, in order to expand your business successfully you can even upgrade who you hire. You can also outsource work for someone for 5 bucks an hour for 1 project, who can help you balancing work and life. You can always upgrade as you go along.

Luis Congdon
The other thing too Kamala, that some business owners especially some of my friends who are running four or five companies and they’re millionaires. Definitely I want to get to a place where I have multiple businesses that are doing super high figures but one of the places that we’re in this agreement maybe I need to take something out of their book.
My sense still has been that learning the basics of my business is just like knowing a little bit about my car. Knowing a little bit about everything helps me, and then I can hire out. It doesn’t mean I try to become a jack of all trades, or a master but at least first, try to understand the basics and the fundamentals. I’ve met people who had huge start-ups, a lot of money backing them and went broke because they really didn’t understand some of the finer details of their business that might include failure in balancing work and life.

Tony Pennells
I definitely agree with you with that.
I think the mindset of knowing what you’re doing as opposed to making decisions that are unhealthy for the business is where that balance sits.
For me it’s a case of saying “Where is your most productive time?” and I do agree with you.
I think knowing the basics of how your business ticks, how the leads are being handled, how the clients are coming in, and what social media is working is actually important. It’s the balance of knowing where you’re than being inefficient in it.
One of the things that I see quite commonly is people that are getting into the online marketing space. They will get caught up in doing things like trying to build a lead magnet, a free eBook or something offering at the market place to be a value to allow somebody to opt-in on to their list for them to start a conversation with them. They will sit down and go, “Yes, but I want to be the copywriter, the editor” and all that sort of nature. And you go, hang-on. That’s horribly inefficient.
You can get one of those outsourced for $50, and yet you’re going to go and waste 2 or 3 months to do something in order to figure that path out. That’s not efficient use of your time as opposed to something that is, for knowing your expenses, the social media that are working, and the things that bring revenue to the front door. It’s not always easy because its debt by a thousand cups when you’re starting a business.

Kamala Chambers
It certainly is.
Are there any other points that you want to make sure our audience has before we close up? About curing your money stress, creating the personal financial freedom, or balancing work and life.

Tony Pennells
I’ll take the one thing that you said a little earlier Luis, is your friends who are multi-millionaires with multiple businesses, kudos to them!
There is a step beyond it, and that is not even needing your businesses at all. Having a collection of passive investments that set up the cash flow that in their own right can generate enough income without you having to look after it money trip that you are financially okay.
Also, it’s important to learn balancing work and life because even your multi-millionaire business friends, and business owners, at some point are not going to want to put any day-to-day time in their business. They’re not going to want to have a look over that and watch those businesses.
So even then, they’re in a transition. They need to make sure that they’ve secured their personal financial world, while balancing work and life at the same time. In fact, very few people in business ever actually do this. People in business quit their businesses and it’s their business net worth as their personal net worth and personal wealth, but that is not the case.
Tips for balancing work and life in the long run

Kamala Chambers
It’s really powerful to really lay the foundation so solidly on how to establish yourself in your business and set yourself up for that long term success in business as well in balancing work and life.
Do you want to give us a tip on how to do that?

Tony Pennells
I’d be happy to.
The biggest tip I’d be suggesting there is for most people on this call, you are actually building the first type of business. You’re building the business where it’s built around you and your expertise.
If you look at how much you need to make personally, you also need to be working at very quickly, how you take enough money out for your future self – the You who’s not working, that you can actually put money aside outside of your business to build your personal world.
Make sure that out of every dollar you’re taking out of your business, a percentage of that is being put aside for the future You, the You who needs to rely on a different income stream coming in.

Luis Congdon
Dr. Tony, it’s been really great to have you on the show, and I’d love to have you come back on the show, whether it’s this one or the Lasting Love Connection Podcast. We’d love to have you come back on again because I feel that money is something that we don’t talk about often enough. It’s like money, sex, and religion, or these taboo topics but they’re so important for us to talk about, particularly for balancing work and life.
Money is a really big one. Again, going back to the research on relationships, they say that over 50% of couples said that money was kind of the crux of their divorce. A lot of times it’s not. It’s essentially a symptom. It’s people’s inability to discuss it, and have an open view about it.
People in business a lot of times are afraid to look at their numbers, or to figure out what’s going on with their money. I’ve heard stories of people that are bringing 1 million dollars a year, and they’re actually really broke at balancing work and life because they haven’t had those money conversations and taking the time to really analyze what’s going on in their life and business.
I think this service that you are providing, and just this conversation is going to impact so many lives in balancing work and life. I want to thank the listeners for taking this time. It’s because of you that we’ve had Dr. Tony Pennells come on the show and talk about money.
I hope that it’s done something for you, that it changed some part of you inside where you can get a little more comfortable in balancing work and life, and you can look at your expenses going in and going out. Analyze it, and even talk to somebody if you need to.
If you guys are interested, you can checkout Dr. Tony.

Kamala Chambers
As always, it’s such a pleasure to have you here.

Tony Pennells
And thank you for having me on the call guys.

Your Path to Financial Freedom (Financially Fit) – Book By. Dr. Tony Pennells
How To Cure Money Stress – Book By Dr. Tony Pennells
Thriving Launch School – Create and sell your own online course
ClickFunnels (easiest way to build your entire sales funnel website – 14 days Free)