Abundance Meditation – David Meltzer


David Meltzer, the CEO of Sports 1 Marketing and the author of the best-selling book, Connected to Goodness, shares how he was able to transform his life and achieve all his desires in a very simple and pragmatic way.
In this interview, he shares some incredible tools that can be used daily to manifest exactly what you want.


If we forgive ourselves, we can give forgiveness to others, which ultimately brings us peace.
The two components of empowerment are gratitude and empathy.
Say “Thank you” everyday. Be always grateful.
Be forgiving.
Don’t look at things as successes and failures within a linear time frame.
Utilize your ability to vibrate faster, manifest more, and empower others so that more people can be happy.


Kamala Chambers
Today, we’re going to talk about manifestation and abundance meditation. Not manifestation in a woo woo sense but we’re going to hear about manifestation from a true expert and someone who is a millionaire a few times over.
We’re here with David Meltzer, a national bestseller and legendary sports executive to talk about abundance meditation to help you achieve the life you want.

Luis Congdon
So David, you just wrote a new book called “Connected to Goodness“, congratulations.

David Meltzer
Thank so much. We actually hit the top 10 bestseller list.

Luis Congdon
That’s fantastic.
One of the things I recognized about the book is it’s a business book but you’re bringing in a lot of spiritual concepts and abundance meditation into business.

David Meltzer
Yeah. Looking a little bit at my background, as I had my tribal tribulations as everyone else does know, I was a multimillionaire in my 20’s. I retired in my 30’s, lost my gratitude and empathy and lost with it millions of dollars and went bankrupt.
At that point my wife had given me an awakening. It was very spiritual. I went back and codified what exactly I did to make all those millions and end up empty and unhappy.
Looking At Abundance Meditation At A Pragmatic Way

David Meltzer
As I codified that, I started looking at abundance meditation at a pragmatic way since I’ve always been non-spiritual as a young businessman. Looking at it as a pragmatic way, I created these principles and abundance meditation in order to be successful.
Through abundance meditation, I went on a transformational journey. Spiritually, I started realizing most people get turned off or create resistance for spirituality because of the way it’s presented or given to them.
If I took a more pragmatic business approach, I thought I could teach business people and everyone else how to do abundance meditation or attract what they want in life and business in a very simple, pragmatic, and clear way.
Resistance To Abundance Meditation

Luis Congdon
It’s interesting because you work in a very stereotyped industry. You work in sports marketing and recruiting. Usually, when I think of people in that arena, they’re like peeples. I tend to think of an East Coaster as tough, willing to do whatever it takes. Spirituality, on the other hand, is often sit back, go with the flow, let things come to you, meditate, sit on it and they don’t seem congruent especially in business.

David Meltzer
You’re exactly right. The interesting thing is what I teach people is exactly the conflict or contextual difference you’re talking about. My resistance to spirituality and the power of abundance meditation as a businessman and a sports agent initially was everyone I knew who was spiritual we’re these laid back. They get high on their mom’s couch and never do anything. They sit in their chair and pretend like they have a Ferrari, and expect the publisher’s clearing house to come to their door with a big fat check.
Power Of Abundance Meditation

David Meltzer
Whereas the world I lived in was this pragmatic world of strategy, discipline and understanding where I work 16 hours a day to go out and get what I wanted. What I lacked was the knowledge and power of the abundance meditation and spiritual side.
I spend about 80% of my time being more interested than interesting, thinking and doing abundance meditation. Now, I take very concise action and perform abundance meditation with inspiration exactly what I desire.

Kamala Chambers
I would love to hear more about how you do abundance meditation. You said abundance meditation is a very simple and pragmatic way of manifesting. I’m super curious and I know our audience is too.

David Meltzer
So at the very core of abundance meditation, what I believe and teach is you consciously think about what you want and we have to be very clear, balanced and focused on what we want but we consciously think about it.

Inspired To Do Abundance Meditation Through Imagination Principles

David Meltzer
With that, I take you through my different principles;
Imagination Principles
- Foundation principle – Our personal values, our experiential values, our giving values and receiving values
- Guide post principle – Understanding and knowing our guide post, which gives us the clarity, balance, and focus to have the confidence to get into the flow to manifest what we want
- Manifestation – where we gain perspective and utilize our Triple A strategy, which is alignment, action and adjustment. We get aligned with what we want completely. We take action but only while we’re preparing for adjustment knowing we’re not 100% correct in our plan. In fact I like to say “If you want to make God laugh, come up with a well-developed plan.”
After we go through those imagination principles, we get inspired.
Turning Possibility To Probability Through Abundance Meditation

David Meltzer
When we go from that conscious possibility to inspiration, it now goes from possibility to probability through abundance meditation. This is where most spiritual people fall down.
Once it’s a probability, people don’t know how to take the action in order to manifest it. They don’t know how to put the energy back out into the universe. They don’t know how to think about it and consciously take something from possibility to probability.
Going From Probability To Manifestation And Abundance Meditation

David Meltzer
Now, to go from probability, we use this action principle of discipline. We have to understand effective habits are a combination of skills, desire, knowledge, our performances directly related to our morale, the value of the universe and how everything is equal, understanding how that value works, looking at the reasons, impacts and capabilities.
Action Principle of Discipline
- Ben Franklin effect – Not only should we ask for help and become an investment of others but we should always offer help.
- Discipline
- Understanding knowledge, planning, emotion, which is energy
- Effective communication is the fourth key element.
Under action is understanding.
Where are we in our comfort zone, our learning zone, or our anxiety zone, how to keep pressure on the universe by putting as much clear, focus and confident energy out there, how we shift the paradigm from thinking we have to use our free will to overcome obstacles and objections, which is just creating them or manifesting those obstacles for us but instead we use our free will to connect to goodness.
We use all of our energies to stay connected to what our inspiration is and then finally how we maximize that momentum to impact others, to empower others, to carry on and to thrive.
Abundance Meditation Creates Reality

David Meltzer
So this three action principles allow us to create our perspective, which is your reality. If you take a step back as I quickly went through these principles, it’s very simple.
We simply go from taking our imaginations and consciously thinking what we want. If it’s a possibility, taking it to a probability by being inspired and utilizing the imagination principles. Then we take action in a very pragmatic and appropriate way to make it our perspective.
And as you know, your perspective is your reality. That is the mathematical equation or the pragmatic philosophies I impart on others in order to manifest exactly what you want rapidly and accurately.

Kamala Chambers
Wow! In your book, you break this down further connecting to goodness. I’m curious about abundance meditation and real connection and how you see it affecting success.

David Meltzer
Real connection is understanding what success is.
Understand What Success Is Through Abundance Meditation

David Meltzer
As I speak around the world I ask people “What do you want out of life?” And it’s amazing because only about 20% people raised their hand and have some idea and have thought about clearly what they want. This idea of success is really based in empowerment.
Two components of empowerment:
- Gratitude
In order to be successful you need to be completely gracious and understand how to be thankful and how to give what you have because we don’t even know what we have until you’ve given it away.
- Empathy
Empathy is not sympathy. I can’t feel bad enough to make you feel good. I can’t be poor enough to make you rich. I can’t be sick enough to make you well.

Forgiveness Through Abundance Meditation

David Meltzer
What I teach is how to forgive one person and that’s yourself and understanding we are all flawed human beings here trying to do our best and be our best.

David Meltzer
Others don’t deserve our forgiveness. We deserve our forgiveness to bring us peace.
So I change the way you look at things and pretty soon the things you look at changed and the ability to do abundance meditation or to get what you want out of life more rapidly and accurately start coming through.

Luis Congdon
It’s funny. When you’re talking to me about self-forgiveness, I’m thinking of someone who asked the Dalai Lama about self-hatred and self-loathing. The Dalai Lama was baffled by it. He just responded that’s something I haven’t come across. We don’t have that in Buddhism.

David Meltzer
For him, he vibrates so fast that unconditional love is all that he knows. So it’s very hard within his realm to even think of that type of negativity and it’s just an illusion.
If you can read a lot of Buddhist things, it’s hatred, negativity as an illusion created by the EO, put them to our own way to get them to our own way. This peace and harmony and unconditional love is what exist.
Connect To Goodness Through Abundance Meditation

David Meltzer
What we want to do is connect to goodness, God, Buddha, whatever you believe in through abundance meditation Pretty soon a lot of these negative illusions aren’t even within our perspective or our reality.

Luis Congdon
One of the things you talked about is taking action. One of things you do is you work with a lot of interns and I’m thinking one of the things some of them might have is “Okay, I have this idea. I want to start an online business,” or “I want to be one of the top recruiters in the industry.” Then what’s left is “How do I that?”
There’s an enthusiasm that I get started and then it’s a quick drop of “I don’t know how to take action and get there.”
That sounds so daunting.

David Meltzer
Yeah and competitive. It’s very interesting. It’s very easy to train people to imagine what they want in an effective way. It’s easy to look at what you want and pass it to your foundation, your guide post and abundance meditation. It’s exciting!
And now we get inspired and the universe tells us, “This is a possibility.”
Change The Way You Look At Things Through Abundance Meditation

David Meltzer
Where almost everyone falls down is they look at things as successes and failures within linear time frame. And as we look things that way, it gets very daunting and difficult.
So what I try do is change the way these interns, employees, friends, associates, and life coaches, look at things.
Life is a successive event and there are no successes and failures. We need to continue on and look at things in a different sense under vibration, not necessarily in a linear sense.
In physics, if we move at the speed of light, which I used to think in the context of linear like “Wow! If I can move at the speed of light so quickly that time itself would stand still. Past, present, and future would all be at my hands and the power of the universe will be mine.” I started to understand what truly physically is meant is its vibration.
Utilize Your Free Will To Do Abundance Meditation

David Meltzer
And what I should be utilizing my free will to do is vibrate faster and faster in order to utilize time and manifest all these successive events and things that I am drawing from the field of potentiality, in the field of intention. I’m utilizing my ability to perform abundance meditation.
I know I teach this stuff but I’m also a realist and I know there’s this great contextual difference in the universe. The irony to me is if I was enlightened enough to do this 100% at a time and vibrate at the speed of light, that would be amazing but I’m not.
All I could do is thrive to vibrate faster and faster, do abundance meditation more and more daily. I can empower others so they can do the same so that more people can be happy. Pretty soon, death, destruction and disease would dissipate from the universe. More people will be happy.
But the truth is, we live on this planet and at this vibration. So all we can do is try to successively get more vibration or enlightenment while we’re on this journey here.
The irony that I love is, if it takes me a hundred years, a thousand or a million years to vibrate at the speed of light, time will matter.

Luis Congdon
At that point, I don’t know if any of it will matter.

David Meltzer
It’s hard and I can see that. I tell people “What if we feel like touchdown every play in football?” That scares us, right? Because it doesn’t seem like it’ll be fulfilling. It’s seems like it’ll be boring.

Kamala Chambers
I call this principle, Raising Your Vibration and a lot of people I know use that terminology. One way I’ve worked with raising my vibration and abundance meditation is through breath and movement. That’s one of the quickest ways I can raise my vibration up. I’m wondering, how you address what you call speeding up your vibration or abundance meditation?

David Meltzer
I’ve studied Siddha meditation, which is what the great shamans in India have utilized for years. It puzzled me, sitting up in the mountains, why they would spend a lifetime trying to meditate. What they were trying to do is they were much more enlightened than me. They were trying to spend a lifetime seeing if they could vibrate at the speed of light to capture the power of the universe, which is past, present and your future all being one.
Raising Vibration And Abundance Meditation

David Meltzer
For me, Siddha meditation is a methodology of abundance meditation specific to raising the vibration of yourself. Breathing and thinking in an appropriate manner and taking yourself out of this planet through the seven plains is what they teach. I can increase myself 10 to 50 times their rate.
We all know, physically proven, we can only be aware of which vibrates equal to or less than us. The mineral vibrates the slowest, plants the next, animals, and human after that, then you have sound, light and thought.
If I’m able to increase my vibration 10 to 50 times, I can be aware of so much more, which gives me the power of intention to do abundance meditation and manifest what I desire rapidly and accurately and give me clarity, balance, focus and confidence in everything I do.
Movement Increases Vibration And Abundance Meditation

David Meltzer
But I would love to learn Kamala, about how movement also enhances and increases your vibration and abundance meditation as well. I’d love to learn more about that.

Kamala Chambers
Yeah, it’s just one of the quickest ways to feel more vibration moving through our body. Even if you just jump up and down, you feel more energy moving through you and all that energy is vibration.
Unlocking any stuck energy in your cells by getting your breath moving through your body and getting your body moving so the energy isn’t constricted.
I would love to hear one of your main takeaways and one of your practical tools. What can our audience do right now to do abundance meditation to emulate more success like you do? I’d love to hear what is one thing you want to give away to our audience.

David Meltzer
All you need to do to change your life is say “Thank you” everyday, before you go to bed and when you wake up in the next 30 days.
Abundance Meditation Changes Your Life

David Meltzer
That would be the very first thing I would do to change my life. You need to do it all of 30 days. It needs to be a habit. It needs to go from your conscious to your subconscious so thoroughly, your vibration is gracious. You become a grateful person.
If you can say that and train yourself to say thank you, either out loud or in your head, before you go to bed and when you wake up. Your life will change for the better. I guarantee you within 30 days.
The funny thing is, I go to these rooms of a thousand people and everyone raises their hand and tells me they want to be happy. They want to be grateful but by the time night comes, over half of them forgot to do it. After 3 days, over half of those people have forgotten to do it.
Try to say thank you for 30 straight days. It’s such an easy, yet powerful, thing to train yourself to be grateful.

Luis Congdon
I did a practice where every night I would go through and think of all the people in my life that I loved. I would say thank you to them or I would send them good wishes. I remember after a week of doing that, I got so energized. We talked a lot about abundance meditation in business and in life and it’s one of the buzz things right now.
What I found is when you have enough gratitude flowing through your body powerfully and feeling it in your body and movement is a fantastic way to be embodied. Not just so you have gratitude up in your head but down below the shoulders as well. You just feel the vibrancy.
One of the things I found is that I didn’t have to manifest anything or do abundance meditation because everything was manifesting already.

David Meltzer
I have these little mantras that I say during abundance meditation.
Clear Negative Thoughts Through Abundance Meditation

David Meltzer
If I think of something negative I say “Cancel”. If I can’t get it out of my head, I clear it and if it won’t go away, I teach people how to connect to the universe.
Moreover your statement, I pray for people’s happiness. If people have attacking thoughts or actions, or words toward me, I immediately pray for their happiness through abundance meditation.
Pray For People’s Happiness Through Abundance Meditation

David Meltzer
By doing so, I know the physics of the universe makes it impossible for those attacking thoughts, words and actions to come to me and they dissipate immediately.
I love what you said. It makes complete sense to me.

Luis Congdon
That brings me to a good point because one of the hardest things in life is to be in that state of gratitude especially when it feels like somebody’s wishing evil upon us or some sort of hatred or disdain towards us.
You talked about this in your book with a neighbor who you had some issues with. To me, it sounded like you had some financial issues with each other and you talked about how those problems correlated to your thinking.
I know as a business person “I’m going to make money and I’m going to lose money. That’s just a part of it and sometimes people are going to love me because of it. Sometimes it’s going to feel like people don’t like that too much.”
Can you tell me a little bit about your neighbor and that process?

David Meltzer
First of all, I’m completely accountable and forgiving for what had happened.
Doing Abundance Meditation Despite Difficulties Leads You To Higher Consciousness

David Meltzer
It took me 9 years to get there. I have a neighbor, doing real estate with him, trusted him. Through a series of my actions and ego and his, we ended up into spending millions of dollars on properties as well. Worst, we spent millions of dollars on illegal side of things. While all the properties I own, even outside of the ones that he had sold me, everything was going down until 2008.
I and my wife blamed him for all of our financial difficulties but the truth was my difficulties were my own and I own them and became accountable for them for losing my gratitude and empathy. I was not paying attention, not doing and surrounding myself with the right people and the right ideas.
Through that process, the worst thing of my life, his lawyer did nice little trick on the judge and they took every single thing out of my home as we’re in this lawsuit. Our home and property was exempt but they have discombobulated the legal order.
And so, when I was travelling at screen training, my wife and three daughters at that time were surrounded with sheriffs and moving trucks in Rancho Santa Fe. The pain it cost my family was tremendous. I created anger, hatred and attacking thoughts. I got everything put back in to the dismay of the sheriff that we never make mistakes.
Beyond that, it took me 9 years now to work all the way through that and feel that all of those things are the best and greatest thing happened to my life.
Without that relationship and without those incidents, I never would have moved this quickly to a higher state of thinking and a higher consciousness that I have. I’m in a higher happiness, purpose, fulfillment, and peace now because of abundance meditation.
I’m so grateful not only to him but for the whole circumstances and everyone that contributed to it.

Kamala Chambers
How did you get to that place of forgiveness?

David Meltzer
Sometimes it was forced enthusiasm. I do a training every Friday and I started saying it. That’s the first step. Even though I didn’t believe it, I would tell people “This is the best thing that ever happened to me. I’m on the journey and this is a successive event. This is going to make me so successful and so happy.” I go home and I start dreaming about kicking them in the face and all kinds of awful things.
Covering The Negativities With Light Through Abundance Meditation

David Meltzer
It takes two minutes how I eventually trained myself to have peace with anything. I think about him and I try to find one light. With my eyes closed, I cover my neighbor with all this light. The thing I hated most was him and I covered him with light through abundance meditation.
Then I took the thing I love the most, my wife and kids, my mom, my siblings, and my family. I vision them and I take the light from the guy I hated the most and I cover it with what I love the most.
I let that peace equalize to each other from what I hate the most to what I love the most and then I take a light with my eyes closed and I put it over me. So all of us were in this one big ball of light and I hold it there until I felt that peace.
The next day when I felt the same hate, I would do it again.
Cancel, Clear, Connect Trick During Abundance Meditation

David Meltzer
That is my Cancel, Clear, Connect trick during abundance meditation of how we can get over something so disruptive and transforming and don’t have the enlightenment to get over it.
We have to shift our energy besides our thought patterns. Make it a habit and put it into our conscious, subconscious and even our unconscious.

Luis Congdon
That definitely reminds me of Hale Dwoskin, one of the creators of the Sedona Method, the release technique and he talked about doing that.

David Meltzer
That’s maybe where I picked it up. With 80% of my time spent on being more interested than interesting side compared to what used to be 95% of my time spent on action side, my life is a complete transformation. I’m much more efficient and statistically successful because of it.

Luis Congdon
That’s fantastic. I love how you’re bringing in spirituality, mindfulness, and abundance meditation. It vibrates right through your voice. You do have a lot of gratitude and obviously you’re successful as well. You can hear it in the confidence when you’re speaking.
Get In The Space Of Possibility Through Abundance Meditation

Luis Congdon
As we’re finishing up because we’re just about out of time but one of the things you talked about is you have some methods that worked well just to get people to think the possibility. That’s one of the aims of the show is to get people in the space of possibility because until you’re dreaming, until you can believe it, it’s nothing.
A lot of people listening to the show have a lot of big aspirations but one of the things that come up is fear.
I would love to be making touchdowns every single play and if I can’t even believe, have that sensation of making all those touchdowns and being one of the top players or whatever it is we’re dreaming of, it’s just going to be nearly impossible to get that dream.
Maybe you could walk us through some sort of exercise that helps people listening to get through some of that internal clutch inside that happens when they start to think of an awesome dream.

David Meltzer
Our ego was meant for to be a tool on this vibration and to give us contextual understanding of the differences of conditions that exist. We protect our material bodies with the ego and so it creates all these emotional attachments like fear. The ego’s there, so if you look off the edge of a hundred story building, you don’t jump.
Understanding the ego gets into our own way. It disconnects or weakens our connection to goodness or whatever you believe in. What we need to do first is be aware that our ego is what’s causing this.
And so I created this cancel, clear and connect.
Cancel is the simplest way to get rid of that fear. We need to train our brain to only attract positive thoughts, manifestation, possibility, probability and perspective. What I do is keep training people that anytime.
A negative thought of fear and anxiety, inefficiency is projection. Any of these thoughts of the ego that come into my head, I literally sometimes say out loud “Cancelled”. I think in my head cancel and what I’m doing is I’m taking all of those negative thoughts and not letting them in so that my brain and my being will only attract positive thoughts, words, and actions.
If I can’t get it out of my head like my neighbor, my next step would be is to clear my whole mind because what’s happening is something in my subconscious is negative and it’s attracting more of the negativity. So I want to continually practice clear and breathe and I’m clearing out and physically thinking about clearing out my brain of any negativity.
And if that doesn’t work, I use the connect mechanism with the light of what I hate, what I love the most and put it over me to shift my entire energy, all my cell structure to not attract negative energy.
I don’t know if do a it 30% at the time, 80% at the time but I now do it so much more every single day, week and month and I’m getting the results I want; the happiness, fulfillment, peace and purpose that I desire in my life with all my relationships as well as my material desires that I have. I cannot ask for more to empower others with the same power.

Kamala Chambers
Wow! You’ve taught us so many incredible tools for abundance meditation to reach success. The cancel, clear, the forgiveness technique and saying thank you in the morning and at night before going to bed.
Where can our listeners find your book and find more information about these tools?

David Meltzer
The book is sold on Amazon. That’s our main source. We’re almost a number one bestseller. I also have a website, connectedtogoodness.com where we have trainings, blog and my speaking schedule.
We’re doing a lot of corporate speeches, which is great because I think it’s resonating with big fortune 500 and mini market companies. The idea that we can have a cohesive collective belief in our business and isn’t just about the mighty dollar that we can manifest more dollars for the business if everybody’s happy. It’s taking off and the leaders of our corporate world are making a transformation and a change.
When I get these CEOs, a Fortune 500 companies behind closed doors, I’m amazed how spiritual they are and how what I’ve written has resonated with them and how aligned they are to getting the message out to empower their employees to empower others to be happy.

Kamala Chambers
We’ve been here with David Meltzer, talking about abundance meditation and how to connect to goodness to get what you want in your life and business.