Effective Time Management – Dave Asprey


Bulletproof Cookbook by Dave Asprey
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Willpower can be measured.
Decision fatigue, which is a part of willpower, can also be measured. It specifically affects humans who run businesses.
The number of decisions you make in a day is finite and it’s dependent on the amount of energy and willpower you have.
Each decision has a certain amount of risk associated with it, effective time management tips can help you minimize that.
Most of our willpower goes towards these things:
- Making sure you don’t starve.
- Making sure you don’t get eaten or killed.
- Making sure the species reproduce.
When people make too many decisions, they run out of it and so they stop making them, however effective time management skills can help them improve that.
Mitochondria are the power plants in our cells.
Every thought you have, every decision you make, and every action you take from birth until death is driven by electrons.
If you can do better at using electrons, you will be a better person
When you have more energy, you make better and more decisions before you ran out. Your decision making power is directly associated with effective time management skills.
You procrastinate because of fear, effective time management can help you get rid of it. You don’t make good decisions because you’re worried and afraid.
Bulletproof diet is about increasing your willpower which is in alignment with effective time management skills.
Bulletproof coffee doesn’t contain toxins that make you weak.
Most coffee that you can buy contains toxin from the fermenting process that lowers mitochondrial respiration that’s making you weak.
Bulletproof coffee beans are made with a different fermentation free process.
Blend in butter instead of milk because anti-oxidants stick to milk protein and you can’t use them.
The final secret ingredient is brain octane oil.
Fasting gives you a state of clarity, a similar clarity comes from effective time management.
Using brain octane in your bulletproof coffee gets you to that brain state that comes from fasting without needing to fast.
When you have two sources of energy for your brain, you can do more.
A choice is another word for decision, improving effective time management skills can help you be a good decision maker.
Knowing the right choices to make is critically important because otherwise you’ll use willpower to make choices that consume more willpower.
If you burned yourself out on decisions because of the food that you ate that caused your mitochondria to perform worse, you become neurologically weaker.
The prefrontal cortex consumes the most energy in your brain. If it doesn’t have enough electrons, your emotions will not be regulated properly.
It’s your responsibility to take care of your own biology because many people rely on you. Also improve effective time management skills so that you can get better results.
Holding people accountable for small decisions will let you save your willpower, similar can happen due to effective time management skills.


Kamala Chambers
We’re faced with countless decisions every single day and those decisions can actually drain our energy and drain our success, effective time management can help us avoid that. Today, we’re going to dive into effective time management that helps you in decision making that shapes your success in your business and your life.

Luis Congdon
To help us discuss this issue around willpower and energy and how we can really maximize our life, we’ve brought on Dave Asprey to learn more about effective time management. He’s the creator of Bulletproof Coffee. Maybe you’ve heard of it. It’s a nationwide hit. People love it and there’s a reason.
Dave has spent hundreds and thousands of dollars and hundreds and thousands of hours trying to understand what makes the body and the brain run in an optimized state so that life is simpler, we can get more out of life, we can live more in our zone of genius, and be happier and ultimately, have less stress.
One of the things we’re going to be discussing on the show is stress, how we’re constantly overwhelmed and how we can avoid it using effective time management. When we talk to Dave, we’re going to get some really incredible keys and systems so that we’re not running in such an overwhelmed state.
Dave is a top level entrepreneur, incredibly respected in the entrepreneur world in Silicon Valley but on top of that, he’s very well respected and acknowledge in the health field as well. So without further ado, let’s get started and welcome him.
All right. We are here with Dave Asprey. I’m so excited to have you on the show. Kamala, aren’t we excited to get him on the show?

Kamala Chambers
This guy has done some really incredible stuff regarding effective time management. Dave, we are so happy that you’re here to share with us what we’re up too, what you’re up too, and are you ready to launch?

Dave Asprey
I’m always ready to launch.
Impact of your effective time management skills on your willpower

Dave Asprey
One of the most important things that I learned in this whole path and I’ve spent North of half a million dollars over the past 20 years hacking my system and this year I’ve really double downed on that. One of the most important things is willpower and understanding what willpower is and how you can improve ti using effective time management. Willpower is a biological resource. It comes from somewhere and it is exhaustible.
In the course of my career, I’ve had a very successful time in Silicon Valley and I had effective time management skills. I was a co-founder of a part of a company that held Google’s very first servers when Google was launched and in fact, most of the big internet companies got started in my company’s data centers. To have had this time in Silicon Valley where I would just push with everything I had using my willpower that came through my effective time management skills and then, when I would run out and just feel like I don’t have anything else to give, then I’m like, “It’s because I’m weak,” and I need to do something about that. That’s actually a recipe for a disaster.
There are many ways every single day where your willpower weakens away. Willpower is a finite resource so you only have so much of it. It’s precious and you can get a little bit more of it but most importantly, you just stop wasting it. Improve your effective time management skills that boosts your willpower.

Kamala Chambers
I’m really curious to hear more from you on what willpower is. Is it where do you get the motivation? Does effective time management need to do anything with will power?
I often ask myself why do I have this crazy drive and get things done every day and I love to hear about what shapes willpower and what you define as willpower?

Dave Asprey
Willpower is measured in psychology now. Willpower can be strengthened by effective time management skills. It’s really cool. They have hard-core quantified studies of willpower and one of the best ways of measuring willpower in animals is kind of mean.
You take a rat, you put them in water, you let them swim until they can’t swim anymore, which is really mean, and you don’t let them drown. You fish them out right when they go under but that is a very quantified measure.
They also measure something called Decision Fatigue. That’s part of willpower. This is something that really affects us as humans and specifically as humans who run businesses.
The number of decisions you make in a day is finite and it’s dependent on the amount of energy and willpower you have. Most people are unaware of the number of decisions they make every day because unfortunately, the parts of your body that get worn out from making decisions don’t really differentiate between deciding what to have for lunch and deciding whether you should buy another company. It’s just a decision. Improve your effective time management skills to improve your willpower. Each decision has a certain amount of risk associated with it however effective time management can help you minimize that.
The risk management parts of your body are mostly concerned about whether you’re going to starve to death, whether a tiger’s going to eat you, and whether you’re going to get to have sex to reproduce the species. That’s our hard-core wiring and all of those things get tide into willpower in a way that’s mostly invisible to us.
Decision making power and effective time management skills

Luis Congdon
It’s pretty wild to think about decision making being a limited conscious thing that we have. A lot of us think we just have this free willpower. We get to choose but then, we have this amount that we’re on autopilot and so then, when we’re making these new decisions, does that mean we’re exhausting the batteries so to speak even more because it takes more willpower? Effective time management leads to better decisions.

Dave Asprey
Absolutely means that. Some emerging science is really interesting here. There’s a cool study coming out of Israel. Some of my favorite ones about willpower is they look in a prison and they’re saying “Well, what happens if you go in on your parole hearing day? Are you going to get out?”
The biggest determinant of whether or not you spend another year in jail is what time you’re appointment is. If you come in at 8:30 or 9:00 in the morning, you have an 80% chance of getting out of jail. If you come in at 4:00 in the afternoon, you have an 80% chance of staying in jail. This is how timings affect your willpower and effective time management plays almost the same role.
What’s going on there is the parole board has made too many decisions. They ran out of decision so they just stopped making them.

Luis Congdon
Dave, it sounds like we’re reading the same books. We recently interviewed Jonah Berger and he sighted a lot of these same studies that you’re quoting and obviously about effective time management as well.

Dave Asprey
That’s really cool.
Instead of just running out of energy to make those decisions, what if you could actually upgrade the energy so that you had more. Focus on energy that comes from effective time management.
My next book I’m working on is about mitochondria. Mitochondria are the power plants in our cells and I’ve been working on increasing my mitochondrial functions since the late 90’s when we really first started understanding mitochondria. By now I understand what happened that I’ve some mitochondrial damage. So my energy production systems are more sensitive than yours. I manage them more closely but it’s given me so much knowledge and the ability to turn them up. Again effective time management really helped me.
What happens if you are having decision fatigue or you’re running out of willpower, I can teach you how to use less willpower, which basically means like you’re getting better mileage in your car. It’s time to focus more on effective time management. You can go further because you didn’t waste gas with every mile but there’s also ways to sort of refill the tank along the way. And that is a game changer.
I used supplements, sometimes breathing exercise. Other things like that in order to increase the number of electrons that you can make in your body.
There’s a scene from The Matrix, an old movie but a very famous one. I’m guessing most of the listeners have seen it at least once. In the movie, when Neo gets in the car, one of the characters looks at him and calls him Coppertop. It’s like you’re just a battery. And in the movie, people really were batteries for these crazy computer things. But, really what you are, you really are a battery. At least inside every cell in your body, you have these power plants that act like little tiny batteries and every thought you have, every decision you make, and every action you take from birth until death is driven by electrons.
If you can do better at using electrons, you will be a better person with effective time management skills.
When you’re better at using electrons, the parts of your brain that use so many of them are in a position to regulate your emotions better and you do fewer things that you’re ashamed of later. You become a better person.

Kamala Chambers
I absolutely love what you’re talking about.

Dave Asprey
All decisions you make are going to drain the battery but what if you just made less decisions. Better decisions come from effective time management. I talked about those 3 components that your body is most interested in.
- Making sure you don’t starve.
- Making sure you don’t get eaten or killed.
- Making sure that the species reproduces.
Most of your willpower goes towards those things and that’s a sad fact.
Your business gets basically the drags that are left over after you spent most your energy every single day worrying about those things, making decisions about those things that you don’t even know you’re making. I call that The Labrador Brain in the Bulletproof Diet. The book that I wrote that hit the New York Times list. It’s a book about food but I’m introducing these concepts that are a restatement of a model called The Triune Brain Theory” that says there’s a reptilian brain, a mammalian brain, and a human brain.
The Labrador brain is this mammal brain which is associated with your effective time management skills. All it cares about is those three things. It will redirect your behaviour. If you think about every bad decision you’ve ever made, everything you’ve ever done that you regret came from one of those three things. If something’s a threat, that’s fear. You procrastinate because of fear, which can be avoid by your effective time management skills only. You don’t make good decisions because you’re worried and afraid.
Every time you put down an empty pint of Ben & Jerry’s and think “God, I’m really a bad person because I just did that,” even though you’re not but people have weird guilt around food. You told yourself you aren’t going to eat the cookie or eat all the ice cream or it wasn’t then you did it anyway or some part of you made you do it. It’s your Labrador brain.
The Bulletproof Diet and your willpower

Dave Asprey
The very simple principles behind the Bulletproof Diet are if you just assume that roughly a third of your unconscious willpower drain comes from food, one-third comes from fear of random things, and one-third comes from fear that the species won’t reproduce, therefore, you better go get some.
What if we could just turn off a third of your willpower drained coming from food? That is what the Bulletproof Diet is all about.
When you use Bulletproof Coffee, which is what I’m known for. By the way, it’s really funny that I’m better known for that. I’m also the first person to ever sell anything over the internet and my effective time management skills helped me with that. Like the first example of e-commerce was out of my dorm room before the browser was created.

Luis Congdon
All I’ve heard about you is coffee. When I think about Dave, I think of this cup of coffee with fats and on top of it.

Kamala Chambers
Well, Luis has never drink coffee so he wouldn’t know what a bulletproof is versus a regular coffee. Maybe, he needs a start now that there’s Bulletproof.

Dave Asprey
Luis, I was thinking you sounded kind of weak. Now we know why.

Luis Congdon
I’m a vegan. That’s why. No, I’m kidding.

Dave Asprey
I was a raw vegan for a while too, actually really good raw vegan chef. Unfortunately, I don’t think that’s biologically compatible with people who are over 25 very often.
But on the coffee fronts, what happens with that is it’s a special kind of coffee bean that doesn’t contain toxins that make you weak. Most coffee that you can buy especially in North America today, it contains toxin from the fermenting process and it’s not commonly talked about but most governments around the world have strict legal limits.
So coffee that’s too contaminated with this toxin to legally sell in Japan or even in China or Europe. They send it to The U.S and Canada and we drink it. And, it actually lowers what’s called mitochondrial respiration in studies. It’s not going to kill you. It’s just going to make you a little bit weaker. That’s a problem.
The bulletproof coffee beans are made with a different fermentation free process and they’re lab tested for 27 toxins that don’t have any business in your body at least not if you want to perform at your best and that’s one of the ingredients of bulletproof coffee. So you brew hot coffee with beans that don’t have things that don’t make you weak, then, you blend in grass-fed butter instead of milk.
The reason you do that is coffee is full of all kinds of beneficial compounds. In fact, it’s the number source of anti-oxidants in the American diet but if you add milk to it, the anti-oxidants stick to milk protein and then you can’t use them. So, you take anti-oxidants and you don’t get the benefit when you’re making a latte out of it. If you use butter, which is basically just milk fat, there’s very little protein in it so then, you get the benefits of all the plant compounds that are in coffee and it turns coffee into more of a super food. The final secret ingredient that’s really about willpower is an oil called Brain octane oil.
Now, brain octane comes from coconut but if you envision coconut oil like a weak beer, brain octane is vodka or Everclear. So we take about the top 5% of the oil in coconut oil and this has special biological properties. It doesn’t get stored as fat very easily in the body at all and it converts to fat burning energy called ketones very quickly. It turns out that some cells in your brain preferentially consume ketones instead of sugar or glucose of the body. A greater biological composition of your body helps you in effective time management.
So, every spiritual tradition or religious tradition that I’ve ever seen in some part of it has a fasting practice where to connect with whatever you’re trying to connect with, you fast for some set period of time. Fasting puts this fat burning molecule at higher levels in your body. Usually it takes about 3 or 4 days and suddenly you receive a state of clarity, a similar clarity comes from effective time management. It’s kind of weird though because you don’t have much sugar in your body at all. With brain octane, you get the molecules that power your brain, power your mitochondria. Those things that power your decisions, they can come from fat or they can come from sugar but when you use brain octane in your bulletproof coffee, you’re kind of cheating. You’re getting that brain state that comes from fasting but you don’t have to fast and as hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs will tell you bulletproof coffee is very popular among business owners and Silicon Valley.
When you have two sources of energy for your brain, those are fat and glucose that’s already in your body, you can do more than when you’re just running on glucose like most of us do most of the time. It’s a complete game changer.

Luis Congdon
It’s really cool talking to you because I’ve done raw vegan food. We’re actually having Dr. Gabriel Cousens who has used raw vegan food as a way to help people, basically reverse diabetes. It’s really fantastic the research he has done.
Then, I’ve also done ketogenic diet as well and I’ve done fasting. I’ve done extended periods of fasting and absolutely love the fact of each different types of diet but each time, almost every single diet that I’ve come across, there’s a point where I go, “This doesn’t seem very practical,” or “This feels incredibly challenging,” and as you spoke about coffee, it really reminded me of the story that they tell in the naturopathic medicine.
If you get into it, there’s a story that I’ve heard told amongst that group where a very famous naturopathic, he’s like nature doctor, tells his students, “I want you to go out into the world and find me something that can’t be used medicinally” and every student goes and every student eventually comes back except one. After quite a long time, way longer than the rest of students, the one student comes back empty handed and says, “I could not anything I couldn’t be use. I’ve thought about a rock or I’ve thought about this and that and everything I looked at, I saw that there was something we can do with it,” and as you talked about coffee, for me anyways it shifted it.
We’re in Medellin, Columbia and this is the one time where I’ll take a few sips of coffee because I feel like it’s a little bit more organic or less processed here but even then, I don’t drink it that much here. I do feel a little bit more of a positive effect when I drink it here and it’s really interesting to hear you talk about your line of coffee and what you’re doing with and it gives me a respect in how you’ve decided to look at food and take a look at something like coffee, which is highly commercialized. Then you’re just talking about it like in Japan and other parts of the world, they won’t accept it and they give it to people in The U.S and you’re looking at this thing and going, “But there’s so much goodness and so much benefit”.
Have you noticed that as people shift their diets and they get clear that then, they have more energy to exert to their relationship, to their business, to the things that they love because they’re not exhausting themselves as much around food? The same clarity comes from effective time management.

Dave Asprey
That is exactly what happens.
Here’s where a huge portion of your willpower goes when you’re an entrepreneur, however you can save it using effective time management. You’re sitting in a meeting. Let’s say it’s 10:30 in the morning, you probably had a bowl of cereal or some kind of fruit smoothie for breakfast and now, your brain is starting to get a little bit worried because it knows it’s running out of fuel because sugar doesn’t stick with you very much. Carbs don’t stick in the morning. So, someone brings in the plate of cookies or this morning, some bagels, donuts, muffins, whatever. You didn’t really want to have a snack but the Labrador in your head says, “Eat the bagel,” and then you say, “No”.
Guess what that was. That was a decision. Then, about 3 seconds later, the voice in your head said, “Eat the bagel”. You say “No”.

Luis Congdon
Yeah, exactly. 400 decisions later, “All right. I’ll just eat half”.

Kamala Chambers
Or you look down and find that the bagel is gone and you said, “Where’d that bagel go?! Oh my God. Did I eat it?!”

Dave Asprey
Exactly! For a lot of people, there’s a little bit of like beating yourself up because you thought you were in charge. Well, you were in charge until you ran out of willpower. You can save your willpower using effective time management. Okay, literally that happen and then lunch time happens when you eat MSG, bad fats and other things that trigger sugar cravings.
In restaurants, when they add MSG without labelling it, it increases the average spend by 30% because it makes people crave dessert and extra drinks. So, you do that, at the end of lunch like, “Oh, I didn’t want to have dessert today because I’m trying to limit my sugar. Oh, but I guess I’ll just do it today”. You have that same conversation with the Labrador in your head. The same thing happens when you get the tool clocks lump and by that time, you’re not going to be making the decisions anymore. Effective time management is not hard but you just need to get used to it.

Kamala Chambers
It’s easier to train that dog if you practice making better choices and then, as you make better choices then, you crave better choices.
Effective time management helps you build stronger personal relationships

Dave Asprey
Well, the problem is that every time you make a choice, a choice is another word for decision, effective time management eases your decision making power. If you have to practice this, you’re using willpower on practice and on making choices and by the way, you’re right. Knowing the right choices to make is critically important because otherwise you’ll use willpower to make choices that consume more willpower. That’s what happened to me when I was on a low fat diet with exercise 6 days a week for an hour and half a day. I didn’t lose weight. I got strong and I got tired. Amazing how that worked.
But, I didn’t make choices that actually gave me more willpower or more energy and the whole bulletproof diet philosophy is around here’s one page road map. In fact, it’s downloadable without buying the book and you print that out and like here are the foods that give you more energy and more willpower. These are the ones that may or may not sap your energy and will power and these are the ones that always sap your energy. If you just kind of have that framework in your head, when you sit down at a restaurant or any other time, you can make a choice but you make choice that pays dividends in the form of more energy and more willpower and less weakness so that you have that energy. Good decision making is a skill similar to the effective time management that few of the people have.
When you get home at the end of the day, if you burned yourself out on decisions, you wasted your electrons because you ate food that actually cause your mitochondria to perform worse, you didn’t use brain octane or intermittent fasting or a ketogenic diet at least some of the time. You need to use some effective time management skills to avoid that. You’re actually neurologically weaker and you come home and then, your wife or husband or your kids come rushing to you and they want this, they want that and all that and then, you snap at them and then you think you’re a bad person.
Well, the reason you snap at them is that the prefrontal cortex, the front part of your brain that consumes the most energy in your brain, it didn’t have enough electrons to properly regulate your emotions. This stuff is all documented. This is science. So then, you go, “Man, I’m a bad person” you beat yourself up and you say “Next time I’ll try harder”. What the hell?! Trying harder isn’t what it’s about. It’s supposed to be easy. It’s not supposed to take trying and pushing. The reason that’s hard is because you didn’t have the energy to do it.
Effective time management starts with organization

Dave Asprey
So you owe it to yourself and you owe it to the people around you and by the way, if you’re an entrepreneur, all of the people who work for you and all of the partners and customers you’re responsible for. That’s one of the reasons I’m absolutely religious about taking care of my biology, self-awareness is an important factor in effective time management. There are hundreds of thousands of people. Like, there’s 35 million downloads on bulletproof radio, I’ve consumed a 127 full human lifetime with content upgraded. I’m either a mass murderer or I’m not.
That level of responsibility means my biology better be working and I better have enough energy at the end of the day to be nice to my kids and nice to my wife and to be nice to the people who work for me.
I’ll tell you. You give me coffee with mold in it. You give me food additives, chemicals, gluten, and bad fats, you know what? I’m kind of a jerk like I don’t like myself that way and I do not treat people as well as I’m capable of. So I owe it to the people around me and to myself.

Dave Asprey
You’re controlling people’s lives. Like when you make a decision if you’re going to hire or fire this person. If you make that decision when you have not enough energy in your brain because you ate crappy, it would have a big impact. These people who work for you have families and all that.
You have a sacred obligation to put yourself in the driver seat for your own biology all the time because so many people rely on you to create powerful things for them.

Kamala Chambers
That’s really beautifully put and I think the point I’m really taking away from that is it’s our responsibility as thought leaders and as entrepreneurs to be the best possible version of our self because we are the one’s out there on the world making the big change. I absolutely agree with you that self-awareness is important in effective time management.
I want to bring another point home that Dave here is talking about. He’s talking about decision fatigue that happens due to the lack of effective time management and this really applies to an online business because every time I do market research, I find that every client, the first thing they say is they’re overwhelmed and there’s so much going on online. If you think about your regular website versus a sales funnel, people need to know the exact actions that you want them to take. That way you can cut down on decision fatigue for your clients as well.
Now Dave, I’d love to hear a little bit more from you about how you apply effective time management skills into your life.

Dave Asprey
I’ve fought out caught every decision possible and will put on more of my entrepreneur hat. I’ve been an adviser to lots of start-ups over the last 20 years advising particularly about effective time management. I was even on IBM adviser’s board. In fact, quite a lot about how this works.
In my own life, I have trained all of my employees to not come to me to solve problems regarding effective time management. I’m the CEO and my job is to lead and its strategy and it’s to be the voice and face of bulletproof and to create new content, to talk about things and to synthesize new knowledge.
It is incredibly easy for employees to come to the CEO, who they assume at effective time management skills, and tell me what to do. In fact, as an employee, this is the safest thing you can do because if the CEO told you to do it and you fail, it’s the CEO’s fault. It’s not your fault. However, most CEO’s I worked with, they all are just used to this. They’re like, “Okay, it’s my job to make decisions.” There’s a canned answer that anywhere in the companies ever come to me. Well here, if they say, “Dave, what should I do?” and it’s this, “What do you think? What do you recommend?” The people who work for me, I have hired them to think. So they have gone out and spent 3 months studying the problem, understanding the market, and looking at what to do.
Now, they’re invited to come and say, “Hey Dave, based on all this analysis and research, this is the conclusion. This is what I want to do. Are you cool with it? Is there something else that we should talk about? Does this jive?” That’s a very good use of an analysis but it is an abuse of my decision making capacity to come to me and ask me to solve the problem for you when I don’t have all the information that you had. You have to do your own problem solving if you work for me and you can talk through your process with me but I will not solve your problems for you because my willpower is too expensive.

Luis Congdon
That’s actually really incredible and it sounds so empowering for the people that work with you. A lot of times, when people work for someone else, they’re treated like they’re less than or that they don’t have the capacity to figure out the solution, which actually weakens everybody including their effective time management skills and weakens the whole system.

Dave Asprey
We have very unusual culture at Bulletproof. I actually hack everyone’s brain in the company. I provide neurofeedback. Like, we have neuroscientist who works with us. We have tens of thousands of dollars on neural feedback so my employees can learn how to get out of their own ways and it sounds kind of hard but it’s really terrifying for a lot of people.
You grow up where there’s someone in charge and they’re the one who makes the decisions and then you execute and when you turn on again, like, you make a decision and if it doesn’t work, like it didn’t worked. So, one of the things we do also is we embrace failure which may happen due to lack of effective time management skills. If you’re going to give people responsibility to push boundaries, sometimes, it’s not going to work and instead of punishing failure, we embrace failure and say, “All right. Good job. We learned something here. Let’s not do that again” and there are times when failure happened because you procrastinated or you didn’t do what you said you were going to do. That’s very different than you did what you said and it didn’t come out the way we thought.
Holding people accountable is a challenge but I would save my willpower for the most important and impactful decisions that serve the greatest good and the largest number of people. I won’t waste it by making small decisions in the company or in my life.
This is a couple of years ago. There’s an emergency room physician who now runs a fertility coaching practice based on our first book. She’s my wife, and she used to text me, “Do you want lunch at 12 or 12:15?” I’m like, “I’m in a middle of a podcast interview here. You just asked me to waste a decision didn’t you?” What she was really telling me was, “Hey Dave, I care about you and I’m taking care of you” but what I would respond to that message was I would just say “Yes” and it would drive her nuts. Now, we got it worked out and it’s on account. Any time you can avoid a thing like that, your Mark Zuckerberg has a right. He wears the same clothes every day. So does Obama. He has two colors of suits and he has someone else pick out his tie. Those are decisions, you don’t waste those.
Effect Time Management- A Powerful Skill

Luis Congdon
That’s really powerful stuff and it’s exciting for me to hear about that because I know that everyone we talked too, like Kamala talked about earlier is, everybody in the world seems to be exhausted, everybody seems to have too much on their plate and you’ve really empowered us to think about taking more stuff off their plate. If you are exhausted adopt effective time management skills to improve your willpower.
One of my friends, he’s a coach to mostly billionaires. He’s a multi-millionaire himself and one of the things he said is, “Build a team around you and try to unload as much responsibility on them but not so much that they’re responsible but that they’re responsible for their zone of genius,” so he doesn’t have to think about some of the other things and he can focus on his 2% or 3% areas of genius and everyone else is focused in their percentage of zone of genius. That’s really powerful stuff.
I want to wrap it up with this because I want to give people an opportunity that is really important to me and that’s creating community. The best thing that I’ve found and again, going back to spirituality, since you talked about it, every walk of spirituality talks about Christians gather with other Christians and yoga tradition, Sangha, that’s in Buddhism as well. Gather with people that are like minded so that we can reinforce and create a community that really supports the way that we want to live and have daily reminders, a community that shares common virtues and have effective time management skills.
Now, do you have ways that people can get into this community and live like this? What you’re talking about something is kind of strange. Dave, you’re an empowering guy but this a strange way to live. How can people be empowered to live in this way more?

Dave Asprey
I don’t want to sound like a bit of a cop out but I have half a million words of content, 300 episodes of Bulletproof Radio and I ask every guest in the show a pretty similar question.
So I would say, start with reading the Bulletproof Diet. You might consider the Bulletproof Conference every year. We have thousands of people who will show up in a community to play with the toys and to talk about biology but finding friends is the biggest thing to do.

Kamala Chambers
I absolutely love it. We’re absolutely going to connect our community to your community through Thriving Launch.
This has just been so illuminating to look at decision making as a form of currency and how much we’re spending every single day which can be improved through effective time management skills.
Thank you so much.

Bulletproof Diet by Dave Asprey
Bulletproof Cookbook by Dave Asprey
Dave Asprey – Website
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